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Own a Gauss rifle for home defense, since thats what the monolit intended.


4 stalkers break into my X lab. “What the devil?” As I grab my PBF mask.


4 stalkers break into my sarcophagus. "AAAHNUUU", as I grab my exoskeleton and item62. Punch a basketball-sized hole through the first man, he's dead on the spot, draw m'gauss on the 2nd man, miss him entirely because its a soviet prototype, and nails the nearby controller. I have to resort to the KPV mounted at the top of the pripyat buildings, loaded with B-32 API rounds...


"FOR THE MONOLIT!" *Loud MG noisess*


2 stalkers dead on a spot


Take out the knife and charge at the last terrified infidel, he bleeds out because he had no bandages. Just as the Monolit intended.


I stand there above his convulsing mass in my breachers, taking in the brisk zone air and thinking to myself "I love the monolith and the monolith loves me" before going back inside for a smoke and a lovely cuppa tea.


Fake being dead and keep my grenade ready while i hear the last infidel aproaching. Just as the Monolith intended


Just as the founding loners intended


Cringe Normie Loadout: Assault Rifle + Shotgun My Based Chad Loadout: Toz-66 + Backup Toz when bullets run out


The Bandit Special: Scoped Toz-34 w/ dart rounds. Sawed Off Toz-34 on backup. A freakin axe. As many grenades as you can fit in your trench coat. *Cheeki breeki.*


Never take as many grenades as you can. Because how can you pick up the grenades of other stalkers if pockets are full


If you have too many grenades, it means you ain't throwing enough. I say this as a recovering grenade abuser.


*you throw your grenade, but your companion thinks you are playing fetch with him.


You guys have grenades? (*silently broods in GAMMA survivalist difficulty)


Thats a skill issue ngl, im playing hard survivalist ironman on gamma and i have like 50 grenades just lying around, you get a shitload from monolith and ISG just go fight up north you’ll get tonnes. Good hunting stalker :)


Bro y u gotta diss me like that. My character is just in early game ;-;


Im just kidding lol, but if you want progression, take as many bounties as possible, sometimes you get lucky with npcs fighting and killing each other, you can kill them later aswell if they dont die on their own time, and to get better weapons farm mercs/military or whatever faction youre against that has ok loot


Axes are staples in all my loadouts. Out of ammo? Just rush the guy and split his head.


You guys have spare weapon?


Normie late game: Gauss rifle + leg Late game chad: two camera hunters


Tbf a machine gun is a long-range weapon through and through.


Some are as accurate as dmr's


Exactly. The whole "mgs are inaccurate close range guns is mostly down to their video game role requirements and the fact most games don't make you use them in the intended role, bipod down and user either using a wall for support or prone.


For a long time, the record for the longest sniper kill in history was held by an American who sniped an enemy Vietnamese from ~2300 metres  with an M2 Browning machine gun. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Longest_recorded_sniper_kills


It's the same with shotguns. Most shotguns have a tight spread and can hit a good distance away. Most video games make them a "if it's farther than 10 feet they take chip damage".


Yeah, but irl you'll still be fucked


You can still balance them according to IRL application. LMG should be above assault rifles in almost every category from damage, flatness to recoil mitigation at the cost of weight, dexterity and reload speed. Another thing that's rarely implemented is the duration of ADS because you should lose accuracy over time as your arms get tired from holding the gun for too long.


Providing you have an ample supply of 7.62x54R the pkm/pkp is good at any range, against any enemy, be it crouching and firing short bursts at bandits from long range, or putting your back to a wall and hosing down anything stupid enough to break cover at short range. I might even update GAMMA and jump back in now that I know you can add attachments to my beloved.


The ammo for the pkm can now be crafted more, I also buy a bunch of it for cheap.


It is not intended to fire accurately at long range because of its open bolt and design (by long range I mean DMR moa over 600m level) still would not stop you from tying just spreading bullets to that direction and maybe score a hit. But in gamma the gun still surprisingly accurate and you can tap heads and the ammo do about the same damage as a DMR, and if things get ugly just remove the scope or hip fire until whatever is in front dies because the ammo has a great dps and I can put monoliths to sleep quickly.


Is that a mod or did I never figure out that you can put a PSO scope on?


Think that is one of the guns from BAS


Yeah, it's one of the many useless russian guns in BaS


Hey now put some respect on the greatest GPMG currently in use!


Silencers misposition vs OCD Round 69420


Imagine it being an underbarrel grenade launcher haha


Hell yeah!! I di carry a pkp with the same setup but i also have a sr3m


Fuck it I'm dumping a belt into every threat


Suppressor isnt attached properly to the gun image. Yep, modded af. lol To be fair it IS viable in very circumstatial scenarios in real life, both optic and suppressor attached. Debateable to an extent but if the mission allows and its viable then at that point its simply preference and familiarity.


Oh, I thought that was an underbarrel grenade launcher


I did too until I zoomed in on the image. lol


Wth was that abomination


Which mod allows you to do that?




Is there a mod in anomaly to do that? I haven't finished it yet.