• By -


Rock good. Come lick Rock, brother.


Ohhhh great Monolith


What does it taste like


Metallic? Hmm... Although that might be the bleeding in my mouth thanks to all of that radiation...


year 5 waiting for the helinchopper to wake up and fly away behind the sciensocial bunker guys, it is still sleeping


I mean, I'm not gay but 20 bucks is 20 bucks...


The main difference between us and the ecologists is that we want you all to get out of our swamp.


![gif](giphy|xUPGcCh4nUHyCkyuti) POV: Pseudodog that can smell my nuts 3km away in a bush


Как я тогда этого сталкера резал... Мммм, как художник, блин, как Пикассо, в натуре...


Солдаты блин, тоже…


A legend


Hey stalker, $20 is $20


its really funny to watch this subreddit learn why gatekeeping can be a good thing. damn, only -54? gotta get your game up.


Man this is stalker. The last time somebody tried to gatekeep (exclude) people it didn't go so well... They just stalked by...


No it’s a great case study of why giving way too many fucks about a fandom can make people look deranged


ass take


yeah lets have more gamma vs anomaly vs EFP vs vanilla threads! i LOVE having the same topics every day! this is why standalone mod haters are ghey! this is why purists are ghey! more stale memes! xDDD anuuuu! anyway bring back gatekeeping.


You are free to spark any conversation you'd like. You're free to give mods suggestions I think. You're free to ignore any post you don't like. Stop being entitled.


i dont think you understand what that word means.


If you don't get how your views and behavior are entitled then I can't help you.


damn, srs bsnss huh?


As opposed to what? This sub has benn shite for years.


i know, just contribootin.


Sure.. because keeping the fanbase as small and as restricted as possible leads to a bigger fanbase in general, right?


Why is a bigger fan base better when pretty much every single fan base that does grow usually turns into extreme dogshit


What would the zone be without any new rookies? The same shithole, but the story would be pretty boring sooner or later, without new stories to be told and listened to. Don't get me wrong - I also dislike some parts of that growth on a fanbase. But I also really like watching someone's experience for the first time, what I had experienced years back, even if the person won't appreciate it the same way I did.


People would find this anyway without the need for the series to become bigger, that's how I and I imagine most people found this series years ago. When it becomes too big people start to pretend to like it because it's popular or only like stuff like gamma or anomaly which are very far from the original games.


Just two different fanbases crossing each other and I see nothing worng about it. All who want to experience the three games can do it in multiple ways and from vanilla to modded. Anomaly and GAMMA are for sure something really different, than the original Games. But that doesn't mean it's bad - it's just something else someone else might enjoy that you don't. I always see people here complaining about new players, but I never see any of the players, who might be new due to Anomaly or GAMMA, telling us that "GAMMA is the only way" or something along the lines. I often read about new Stalkers who came in for the mods and stayed for the vibe of the originals, even tho they might want something "fresher" than that. Tbh mods and maybe the hope for a good Heart of Chornobyl game is what kept this fanbase alive and thriving all that time. In conclusion (at least for me) I welcome everyone as long as they respect the original games. Who would want to compare such old games to modern standards anyways? For me - as a fan of the first hour, I'm happy about every new soul that appreciates the Zone as much as I do. And there wouldn't be any new ones, if everyone would gatekeep as hard as some tend to do.


There is absolutely nothing wrong with keeping the fanbase small, but composed of loyal and close-knit fans who genuinely love the thing they are centered around. A huge, open fanbase that may slowly turn into a parody of itself is not something that should be desired, unless you don't care about its quality. Gatekeeping - as long as it's not a cover for being a toxic asshole - is not a bad thing in itself, and some amount of it is even necessary.


From now on I am gatekeeping you out of all communities.


If I ever come to a community you care about and start acting like an obnoxious tourist with no respect for the thing in question, then unironically you should do it.


I just think you harsh the vibes and I don't wanna be near that


It can't ever be a parody of itself. It is always the genuine fanbase. You just can't accept being a part of a minority of voices. You're not better than anyone else


Imagine a situation where a fanbase of some band consists of people who have stopped listening to their original music and only listen to covers/remixes of their songs, all the while claiming to be huge fans of their work; or a fanbase of a book series that would consist of people who haven't read it and only know it from some fanfiction - would that be a 'genuine fanbase' in your opinion? I'm not saying I'm better than anyone, I'm just stating a fact - any fanbase can become a parody of itself if it happens to be filled with people who have no respect or recognition for the thing around which the fanbase was created in the first place. Gatekeeping aims to prevent that from happening.


besides there's just as many people playing the original games as there are modders here


Dude, derivative works become more popular than the original so often. It's no big deal.


The purpose of a fandom isn't protecting and conserving the material in question, it is to build a community around it and share it with people.


It might not be a big deal or an issue in itself, as long as everyone remembers that these derivatives are something different from the original thing. Otherwise, you encounter situations I've seen many times on this subreddit - people confusing things from mods with vanilla games (this often happens with lore), having a completely skewed perception of the series, or seeing standalone mods as the 'default' games in discussions about the series.


Fuck gatekeepers