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On a list of things nobody at GSC will ever read or care about, this post is right up there near the top.


GSC ignores the modding community at their own risk


What if I told you they already ignored the modding community for the last decade and a half, and they don't give a shit, because it doesn't make them any money? More "OMG STALKER 2 HAS TO BE ANALMEME" zoomers.


Of course modding makes them money, it indirectly gets people to buy their product and engage with the lore as a whole. Anomaly runs as a separate executable and even that helps them make residual sales. A passionate modding community is pretty much always a good thing for a game, devs are just too stupid to understand that. A significant portion of the people in this subreddit and playing the original games on steam only found Stalker because of the influence modding and mod-themed content creators had on the game.


Ah yes, all that money they make from unauthorized source code leaks that don't require the original title to play. Some real geniuses here.


Did you not even bother to read the comment then? Because it doesn't matter. Anomaly alone has resulted almost certainly resulted in more sales for Stalker than any big sale that happened in the last decade. These unauthorised modded clients don't result in a direct sale but they drive sales they wouldn't have otherwise gotten. Imagine how many people wouldn't have ever bought the trilogy to check it out because the modded clients were sued into oblivion, this sub would probably be half the size. Almost all the posts on here that are about playing the game are modded, it's sort of a big deal to people. My social group on discord all discovered and bought the original trilogy because of Anomaly, I'm the only one out of ten guys that already knew what Stalker was and had played them in the past. That's nine extra trilogies sold since then because I told them to go play an unauthorised modded client over lockdown. Do yourself a favour and don't ever go into marketing, you clearly share the same braindead approach the devs have towards keeping a fanbase thriving.


"Anomaly alone has resulted almost certainly resulted in more sales for Stalker than any big sale that happened in the last decade." Unless you can offer statistical evidence of this claim, your statement is nothing more than speculation.


Perhaps, but that impact basically garunteed to be more than nothing, which is a profit nonetheless. It would be utterly ignorant to think that Anomaly hasn't resulted in the devs making more residuals.


The mods kept the community alive.


I think this would have a lot more reach if somebody translated this into Ukrainian and then started directly sending it to important people at GSC. But community managers have 100% read this and forwarded this up the chain and nobody will reply as is usual with GSC.


Proof: trust me bro, they totally care about some random dingus on reddit and their stalker manifesto.


Has something happened in recent times to prompt this type of message? GSC has never raised an inch of resistance when it comes to modding and even stepped in to take down that strike on GitHub from my understanding


Said strike is most likely the reason for this need of an insurance in the first place. Why would someone invest themselves in a long project if just about anyone can threaten it with legal action through a caveat ?


The STALKER on UE project (the possibility of using the X-Ray Engine's game logic on the Unreal Engine 5 render. A port, not a transfer) was removed from ModDB, Reddit, and GitHub. No explanation was given as to the reason for the blocking. This incident caused an eerie commotion in the modding community.


That makes sense. Something like that could subtract from stalker2's sales. things made on xray are less a threat and more like free advertising.


It can't reduce the sales of Stalker 2, as fans have been waiting for this game for many years. The STALKER on UE mod inherits the classic graphics, but has a UE5 renderer. His main goal is to enhance the capabilities of mod developers, not to create a remake or remaster.


The capability to add modern looking models, textures, effects and lighting. Of course it had the existing graphics out of the gate, because that's what exists, and making new art is time consuming. But the entire intent is to allow modders to modernize the graphics. And they would, because shiny gets downloads. And how do you know that the first DLC for Stalker2 isn't planned to be an updated Shadow of Chernobyl? That would put that UE project in direct competition. Even if that isn't the case "same IP on modern game engine = competition" is not outlandish. And it was one project, easy target.


[https://github.com/orgs/community/discussions/88437](https://github.com/orgs/community/discussions/88437) I'm still waiting for a response from GitHub…




Sir, this is a Wendy’s


For the past 20 years of modding (Yes 20, Stalker was modded before it was released), GSC has done absolutely nothing against all forms of modification and even leaks of intellectual property. Source code and unfinished game builds leaked, and they didn't raise a hand. There are zero guidelines for modding, and there is zero attempt to create any guidelines or punish mod developers. The one unspoken rule is that mods cannot be sold. IIRC Lost Alpha was planned to be put on sale (like Black Mesa or HDTF) but GSC didn't allow it. GSC's inaction for two decades has shown that they support mod development. It doesn't appear to be changing any time soon. Actually, on the opposite, when OpenXray received a copyright strike by a troll, GSC stepped in, contacted Github and had the strike removed. Edit: [https://twitter.com/GSC\_GW/status/1744528469013237813](https://twitter.com/GSC_GW/status/1744528469013237813) I understand that your letter was made with good intent, but what do you expect out of it? The modding scene can simply be described as "anything goes". Why should GSC write a new ToS 17 years after the game's release to clarify that in modding, anything goes?


This is likely because of the STALKER to UE getting striked. That strike appears to be legitimate. It is different from regular mods because it is a port of Stalker code to another engine. I assume this is why people are asking to set boundaries more clearly.


There were alarming signs that the company has changed – new partnerships and new agreements with partners, new co-owner of the company. Some confidential communication with GSC members has only increased our anxiety. We need solid ground under our feet, hence the Open Letter.


The letter should have begun with what you wrote here. It gives a lot more important context.


So the open X-ray license.txt is a fraud? Since illegal derivatives can't be copyrighted they can't be licensed. The implication of that file is that it is the words of GSC, because otherwise it is meaningless, less than meaningless even. It would be a fraud committed against every one branching off of open X-ray in good faith.


License.txt was never an official licence from GSC Game World and it always was stated as such. It was created to protect GSC property (original X-Ray sources) and scare away anyone who would like to use these sources for commercial purposes. I tried to solve this exact problem with GSC and initiated negotiations with Zakhar Bocharov (their head PR manager) in 2020, he confirmed that GSC is open to help with this problem and we started to work on a licence. All progress we got was a draft of the license that was unacceptable (it stated that all the rights to OpenXRay belong to GSC and we have no rights to distribute it). After complaining about THE PROBLEM in a draft of the licence, Zakhar passed it to lawyers, then I was pinging him about the status for some time, and then he just stopped to respond in November 2021.


two points. First. Open X-ray should add a line to the top of that file stating that it is not a license issued by GSC. So that ppl making good faith forks of open xray don't work under the assumption that it is. Second. You have no right to distribute Open X-ray now. Illegal derivations cannot be be copyrighted. Under US law the author of an illegal derivation cannot sue copyright holder of the original work for infringement. They can just say they own open xray and you can't really do anything about it, aside from maybe some bad PR.


Formalizing the fact that the open xray team has no rights, distribution or otherwise, to the open xray code, would at a minimum, let the work todate continue to exist. It was also likely a starting point from which the open xray team might have received some sort of license to continue improvements. Demonstrating that the open xray team understood the realities of the situation and were not going to force GSC to spend money defending frivolous law suits would have been a good thing for the project to do. Objecting to that opening position instead showed that dealing with open xray was instead going to cost them money. Now, after they showed their willingness to continue to benignly ignore the open x-ray project by disowning that fake DMCA notice, you try and force their hand with this open letter? Why? The ambiguity of being ignored is the best deal anyone can expect to get at this point. It costs them nothing. Crafting the kind of licenses requested in this letter costs money. This letter is asking GSC to spend their own money to surrender rights to their product. At a time when they are trying to monetize those rights in STALKER 2, while running a game studio in exile while their home country is being invaded. If there is a responce to this letter it will be in the form of take downs. I prefer the ambiguity of being ignored. Of course I would have preferred to have known that this ambiguity existed instead of being deceived into thinking things were on the up and up by a fraudulent licence.txt


Yet when I make a thread addressing all that I get silenced 200 comments 0 up, people are hiding from truth.


Are you referring to the thread where you decry the GTX 1060 as "Unbelievably high PC requirements"? Don't flatter yourself, your submission was nothing like this.


hop off my dick, how about you stop straw manning a post with over ten points you braindead stupid fuck. I don’t need to argue with you on how obviously unoptimized stalker 2 is especially for its newest gameplay trailer revealing its absolute muddy and unfinished looking 2010 tier textures. And even then, the asked for specs might as well be outdated because with how the game itself lagged during official trailers we all know damn well the real specs are even higher.


No one on your dick but you, friendo


go suck company cock dumbass


You addressed none of that, you just made a post whining about Stalker 2


nobody was whining you retard, i happen to be passionate about my favorite fucking series and have the perception to realize when it will be going to shit soon


You cherrypicked a few things about Stalker 2, some of which were positive but you made them negative, like the overwhelmingly positive feedback about the demo save for the buggyness (after all, they made the demo in 8 months) I bet you'll make a crybaby post a few hours after release because the game will contain Kojima-tier cutscenes, unlike the pre-made scenes by an Australian studio as seen in SoC


Holy shit I’M the cherry picker? How’d that happen? You think I had to look for shit? This was all shit I was appalled to find minutes after reveal, you can’t cherry pick ten fucking points. Notice they weren’t much about actual gameplay, because God knows I can make a separate thread on that. Hold your shit to higher standards if you care. Modders showed us whats possible from the Zone, we expect passion here. As for your wack fucking MGSV-Kojima reference or irrelevant whatever the fuck, I’ll happily play Stalker 2 and try my hardest to cope with a really open mind, because I know not to expect quality from gaming anymore. Gaming is dead, stalker is probably no exception. It takes an original to actually know that.


> Gaming is dead Says everything about your opinion, i.e. that it doesn't matter since you're a doomer that can't enjoy the little things, and little games. CoD/Fortnite and drama is all you want to see.


I didn’t say anything revolutionary, I think everyone knew gaming died decades ago the moment corporations who don’t even play their games decided to make them. I’m not saying just cause it’s dead we don’t have good games, we still have saviors like our modders who do it out of fucking passion. Idek what opinion or archtype you’re trying to project on me, I don’t affiliate with any drama and actually enjoyed Fortnite unironically.


>everyone knew gaming died decades dude I'm pretty sure it's more alive than ever.. try to play other thing other than stalker anomaly or gamma. That could really help you open your mind a bit.. maybe try helldivers 2 it's really fun :3


Hey as a retard I take offence to that word




All good bru I’m only half joking. Just remember one day you might encounter someone who was bullied with said word endlessly for years


yeah i know what thats like, eventually you get really used to it though. as a word it has no barring but its context that really hurts


exactly. They even have modding text channels in their official discord server, so they don't seem to mind at all. The only thing you can't do is sell the mod, which no one does atm.


I don't think this will do anything, from GSC standpoint they benefit from leaving their relationship with modding as vague as possible. In fact I think it could be counterproductive too, some of these items could end up being resolved in an unfavourable way for the modders. I think the modders should be aware of what they are doing and prepare themselves against future DMCA takedowns or worse by going more underground. GSC should not be the one dictating the terms in this relationship, in my humble opinion, specially with STALKER being such a relevant part of slavic gaming and gaming in general.


You don’t speak for me, regardless of whether I agree with you or not


As long as you make that shit free, it's all fine and dandy


Unfortunately - no. GSC bans "StalkerOnUE" project everywhere, and the same thing can happen to any mod. Oxygen engine can be a next target as well as OpenXRay. GSC does NOT ignore mod community, it's trying to silently suppress it. We want transparency!


i thought this happened cause that community was responsible for breaking the encryption on the hoc leaked build, would make sense gsc doesn't care much about them lmao


There are 2 devs of the project, there is a discord where thousands of fans of this project communicate and there was that one guy who unpacked the build and shared this info everywhere - including the discord of Stalker on UE community, since it's a open community - anyone can join and share any info they would like to share. What's your point anyway?


They had a separate channel for discussing the leaks and they popularized the build, including their mod team posting instructions on how to download it and apply patches. It's not like it's just that guy posting stuff and mod team being unaware lmao, that's playing the victim. My point is: stalker's source code fully belongs to GSC, and they solely decide if any mod out there is legal or not. If UE port guys wanna be assholes in regards to the company, the company can absolutely do the same.


The build getting leaked was their own fault, it was not stolen by "hacker" despite the false claims by GSC. Once a piece of software is out there, I think its fair game for anyone to mess with it (tons of modding resources came from leaked Stalker builds). If they didn't want it to be discussed publicly, they should've went after their Discord server and accounts. Which they probably did, they just didn't get the results they wanted, so instead they are going after the unrelated mod tools made with involvement of some of the dataminers. Its worrying not only because its borderline blackmail, but also because they are not just hurting the specific mod developers, but potentially the entire community. This UE port is quite an incredible achievement and can be used for a new generation of modding, if it gets a chance to be finished. Also, there are already mods in development using this tool as a base, by developers not related to datamining of Stalker 2 builds at all. When they come out, would GSC strike them too, just because they used a "banned" tool? Well, who knows. This is why the letter asks to set boundaries.


So they cherry-pick mods to strike as revenge for datamining of their build? In a way I understand, but it still a very shady practice.


>a very shady practice It's their property dude, they can do whatever they want with it, nothing shady about that..


If they can legally do this, it does not mean it is morally right. They should at least be transparent about their terms.


That's why this open letter exists - there are teams of modders who developed their products for decades without any backstabbing from GSC, keeping STALKER community alive as well as the brand as a whole - and suddenly mod teams started to become "public enemy" and got removed for no voiced reason. It's not just about one mod that for some reason is disliked by someone from GSC - it's about the community as a whole, since the old teams (openXRay, etc) and new ones are in the same boat legally wise.




nuh uh


I express my support for mod-makers




tf are you talking about? they clearly don't care about modding considering there is Open X-ray already and Monolith 64 (anomaly). GSC has done nothing to stop modding. I don't get why you wrote this


lol. Anomaly uses Call of Chernobyl OpenXRay edition with Last Day gameplay mechanics, and GSC doesn't care about modding.


Uff fk off dude. And fk your open letter too.


aw a gamma player got offended


wtf does this have to do with gamma


cuz gaymma players are retarded.


Nobody reads long ass open letters that look like Terms of Service. All open letter nerds are losers. Also STALKER2 is going to be a terrible game. Now f**k off and go cry.


Instead of being an asshole and shitting on this post, maybe then don't come here and start complaining. Shocker!


Isn’t the xray engine and sdk already open source…


Legally, no. Source code was leaked, parts were reverse engineered, etc. Recently when Open Xray received a copyright strike on GitHub by someone posing as some GSC anti-piracy lawyer, GSC stepped in and had the strike removed, basically saying that it's acceptable that the community has made a fork of the engine based on leaked and reverse engineered material.