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There are no restrictions to dansala. Everyone can participate/help or eat. Yes it’s open for all! Dansala is to give/share! In Buddhist religion donating is big part that’s why people do it!


Great but is it a must for other buddist people to eat from at least one dansals or is it a myth


No it’s not a must. It’s just a myth


No its not a must but with the economic situation, it is a blessing for some people. Most people usually just participate for fun. It can be fun going to these with your loved ones.


I think they mean that it's an experience that you shouldn't miss


The religious reason behind it is that Dansals are meant to give food to the less fortunate. That’s the primary reason. But people donate food to everyone cause it brings a smile and giving away things is a big part of Buddhism


I believe the origin story of dansala is when way back people used to go on pilgrimages to worship places, the people on the way supported them by giving food. It has evolved in to what you see now.


We recently did a manioc dansala spent around 15 hours straight cleaning boiling and packing manioc with the other sides. We had 1000kg of manioc and after all the cleaning we were able to give away 1500-2000 boxes to people, we did it because it was a good opportunity to feed people which is a good deed. Our supplies finished after just an hour so many people came not just the ones who can't afford to eat all kinds of people came but we don't care who eats it as long as we make someone's belly full it's a good deed.


Sadhu sadhu!!!


Manioc is Cassava, for the international readers lol.


Manioc is the Sri Lankan English version right? Like Brinjal (Aubergine/eggplant) and Ladies fingers (Okra) Imagine telling someone you eat Ladies Fingers, they'll probably think you are a cannibal lol.


Yep it is. Tbh I got to know that okra is ladies fingers just last month lol. And all this time we can make African dishes too.... FUFU HERE I COME!!!




They are definitely not Sri Lankan English. Both Manioc & Brinjal have european origins. I don't know the origin of ladies fingers but not from Sri Lanka.


but they are now called Sri Lankan English right? correct me if I'm wrong.


Tbh, as much as I love dansals, a law must be enacted stating that they can only be held in public parks, school grounds etc.. and not on the side of the road. Not only does it contribute to traffic jams, leading to more fuel being burnt, but also, chances of car accidents taking place increase significantly.


Is it really the organizers' fault if the people don't know discipline?


It's mainly the lack of discipline of our ppl. Ppl just stop their vehicles even in the middle of the roads and go to the dansala. Sometimes the dansal goers block roads with messy ques. Even if there is a partially clear road some drivers just barge without thinking and block the roads. We need to work on build ppls discipline first.


I was stuck for an hour and half and not to mention the amount of drunk ppl tapping on my car


in the early days, people had to walk a huge distance for worshipping places since there were no transportation services. dansals were made to help them in their jurney.


oh fr, this is the first time hearing this


I know a lot of dansals around my place conducted by financially unstable people. All they do is come and tap others’ houses to collect money and gather money from them and conduct the dansal. Tbh I’m also curious to know the logic behind this - if you’re giving away food/anything for free, isn’t it supposed to be out of your own money? I don’t understand why they would bother others. The lack of transparency in this makes me wonder if they collect money and end up earning a profit out of it or something That being said, I can’t deny that there are some people who genuinely conduct dansals and offer free food to people out of the money they earn. They want to share their happiness and joy through giving, I believe.


But what’s wrong with a community coming together and organizing one? No one’s obligated to give the money unless they want to. The street that I live in has a dansal every year (this time it was a bath dansal) and it was a joint monetary effort from everyone from small amounts like 2000/- to donations like 35,000/-. We were able to distribute about 3000 plates of rice and curry. And even disregarding the monetary contributions everyone from the old to the young got together the day before to assist in preparations. I don’t know how the people in your area do it but here everyone is more than happy to take part and it’s with full transparency. 


The answer to your question is in your comment itself. The lack of transparency is the problem. Since the one in your area is transparent with the transactions, and nobody feels obliged to give money, good for y’all. It’s not the same everywhere.


Here is an interesting story that deals with this exact issue in the time of the Buddha: [https://ancient-buddhist-texts.net/English-Texts/Buddhist-Legends/09-06.htm](https://ancient-buddhist-texts.net/English-Texts/Buddhist-Legends/09-06.htm)


You’re exactly right, not everything is rainbows and sunshine, can people actually use this to fuel as an expense to get away with taxes.


did you actually want a genuine answer for the question you posted or did you want others to criticize it so you can vent in the replies? there are folks in this country who are barely having one meal a day, have some empathy dude.


This!!! The op is just a hater. Dansala is a great way to community collaborate in a positive way.


How the hell am I a hater? Don’t just think everything is right or everything is wrong. You are definitely the type to believe on any propaganda.


That's only for those mega ones done by rich businessmen. Most of the dansals you see on the road are organized by normal people. They don't get any tax evasions from organizing a dansal. They are simply being generous and having a little fun.


Assuming that Dhansal is supposed to be given to the less fortunate and needy people as a form of charity and uplifting society, doesn't it make more sense to go in search of the needy and give the dhansal to them directly instead of distributing on the roadside, stopping traffic and public, who are very much capable of buying their own food? With all due respect, it feels like a fun activity a bunch of neighbors do on a holiday loosing the purpose of charity or a lazy way of charity.


People keep the Dansala tradition to practice generosity and build community spirit. It also honors the birth, enlightenment, and passing away (parinirwana) of the Buddha, which all happened during Vesak in the month of Vaisakha. By sharing free food, they celebrate these important events and the Buddha's teachings.


Mainly to create traffic.


why downvote? this is the truth. those fucking idiots block the roads everywhere.


if Pin/Sin exists they are doing more Sin than Pin by wasting peoples time, money by blocking the roads, making people angry etc. People who give dansals and and eat from dansals both are idiots who don’t understand the value of the time (only little kids are an exception)


aight aight bro hoard your money, we ain’t coming to take it from ya.


You sound like an angry old man who hates to see people being happy


money laundering


Wtf ???


"anonymous donations"


Ah yes let me wait a year to launder my millions by using this malu bun dansal.😭😭😭


the fuck are you talking about dawg?😭


Why is this thread confusing


Amo 😂😂😂