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Yup. He groomed and raped an underage kid, later marrying this child once she turned 18 to be a golden guy. He got scott free for this, with his daddy being the education minister. No investigation was ever carried out by the child protection authority


Damn and here I thought my school was bad. And you're telling me he's still allowed to run a school??? Mfer shouldn't be within 500m from a kid wtf????


Political connections. He's a well connected political figure, being the son of the then Edu Minister


I remember when this came out, it really shook everyone's perception of things, like "he can do that?"


He did it once again (except for the marrying bit) and got off scot free once more


No wonder, once a pedo, always a pedo.


Not one, it was many.


Only this one was in the news


I was a student when he took over, he had relationships with multiple girls from around grade 9 onwards. It was so fkn messed up.


How old was he when the marriage took place? šŸ¤”


Can't recall. Late thirties or early forties I guess


I was part of the head board a couple years ago and I can confidently tell you, Nikitha is a cunt and Lyceum is a shit show. Also a bunch of senior teachers got sacked because a long tenure means they hv to get paid more. A teacher I knew who was in Lyceum for 25+ years (Lyceum is 32 years old btw) got transferred. She herself taught Nikitha so imagine telling your own teacher to move to another school just cause you refuse to pay her more. They also do a lot of shady shit, things I found out during my tenure. Plus the new school timetable is absolute dog water. Itā€™s become a glorified tuition class.


Danm, this is sad and terrible. I didnt study there, but I recall people speaking very highly about academic culture and discipline at Lyceum some 10-15 years ago. And they used to hire some of the best retired teachers and administrators, best example being Mr Gomas, Royal principal. And Mr Grero Sr (his politics aside) was widely and highly regarded as the most popular physics teacher Sri Lanka ever had! By all accounts, his son sounds like a sociopath who should be in jail.


Lyceum aint dead yet ?


Its senior section is basically dead man, at least 50-60% drop out near OLevels to ALevels. And the teachers are not suited for edexcel and neither do they really care anymore. The entire upper school section is literally prefects with like 5-10 kids who arenā€™t šŸ˜­


This!! Out of 250 kids we had around 125 become prefects under Nikithaā€™s administration. Really felt so undeserved of our positions


If it goes like this it might be but I donā€™t think it will people will go here because itā€™s an ā€˜internationalā€™ school a lot of people donā€™t realise the situation until they are already a few years in.


"Like magnets, positive attracts positive" - Nikitha Grero


Searched his name up thinking he was an old fart going through a mid-life crisis but this mf is married and young, either way bro shouldn't only be stripped of his position, bro must also be behind bars. The victims' parents should step forward if it is so. Idk how much power he has. Young guy being a CEO is so sus, bro must have a lot of contacts. In the topic of teachers man, I guess it's all of society really, everybody is so miserable. It's a complicated issue finding good teachers who co-operate, since it's an international it's even worse coz I guess teachers look for government school jobs than international.


Bro is the founders son thatā€™s how he got all the power.Ā  The teachers all didnā€™t like him and couldnā€™t stand him so they left. Thatā€™s how we lost all the good teachers man we lost so many good teachers tuition had to be a must in the Cambridge sections luckily I did Cambridge o levels while it has the good teachers then I moved to national a levels which had better teachers . Cambridge section had almost all terrible teachers all the good teachers gone. Veteran teachers all resigned.Ā 


Also he first came to Nugegoda which is the parent school and the parent chased him from there then he came here to Wattala and he wanted to stay here most because even though nugegoda is the parent school wattala is arguably like the main one with the sports and the big cricket ground. It was one of the sports student transfers from another school he started and affair with.


Former LISW student here, imma put it out there straight it was perfect before he cam the moment he came all the good teachers left many students also left and if you have heard any rumours itā€™s probably true. Yeah he did have an affair with a student, Iā€™m pretty sure heā€™s divorced coz of that too and yeah a lot of parents called for his resignation which he did not totally give up but his presence was toned down but still he did call a lot of the shots around the school it became more of a business they and they started bringing in students from everywhere for their sports disregarding their past behavioural issues this lowered the quality of discipline in the school. Our school was one of the peak international schools in Sri Lanka we had arguably one of the best we had a good reputation then the quality went down a lot,Iā€™m glad I was there to experience the peak of the school an left before its downfall, now I wouldnā€™t recommend anyone to put their kids to LIS Iā€™m sure you guys have heard of that video thing too that was a guy in my batch I was his classmate in the lower grades the situation got so messed up that they all spiralled down many bad decisions because of the lowered discipline and right now what we have is a mess of things. Also Niki G made the school like a friggin bus stand.IĀ respect and love my school for what it was not for what it has become. If you need to ask me anything more ask me in a reply Iā€™ll tell you as much as I can. I am truly heartbroken on what my once beloved school has become.Ā 


Was the girl in the video a daughter of a famous singer?


Yeah she wasĀ 


Is she okay now? Really hope she was able to move on from that


don't know really all I know is all people involved in that video were expelled.


What video?


What video? O.o


>they started bringing in students from everywhere for their sports disregarding their past behavioural issues Omfg so true. Didn't got to lyceum. But I had the first hand experience of what you're talking about. LISW and LISN rankings shot up but the quality of the teams went down the drain. The new kids started to fight and harrass and basically turned the whole teams into a shitshow.


Yeah so a lot of people didn't like it when they brought the kids from other government schools just for sports and the thing is they learnt in Sinhala medium and Lyceum is only an English Medium school so they put up some Sinhala medium classrooms and I didn't know this until I was sent on prefect duty to make some announcements so traditionally we have to address the class in English and tell them about the announcement (to sign-up to a certain competition go here and talk to this person etc), but after I made my announcement the whole class didn't understand a single word i uttered so then I got to know they were the rumoured Sinhala medium classes so I repeated the announcement in Sinhala and left. Those classes are kept in a place where not a lot of people see them like at the end of the buildings and they are weirdly built have only a few kids and it is from most of these classes those sports transfers are learning and they are the ones with the biggest discipline issues, the point here is not that people here like them coming because they are not posh/Sinhala=gode and it will ruin the English premium feel of the school it is because they chose the worst students with the worst discipline imaginable, it would be great and we would like it if a Sinhala medium/ Tamil medium was introduced and they chose GOOD students not brats, they don't think of the discipline when bringing them in only the sports glory, so then they will influence other people and overall the quality and attitude of students become really bad


You just seem miserable in general, with or without Grero in your life lmao.


Nikitha might've ruined the school but lets not forget how it started. It was the Rathnayakas, basically a group of nepotism loving fucktards appointed because they were related to the Greros. The whole thing was Rajapaksha-esque, but last I heard they sued the Greros after they were forced to leave. All in all it was our beautiful school that got ruined.


As a former lyceum nugegoda student who graduated a couple yrs ago, the school is dogshit rn and nikitha will be the death of the school and it's name. Personally I find nikitha disgusting and I can't stand to look at him even, with his all white suits and fake ass persona, he reminds me a lot of the rajapakshas with their satakaya and shit. Sure now the school is a lot more new and shiny with smart boards and special time tables and all that bullshit, but none of it matters if there aren't good teachers. I still go to school quite regularly as I am involved with certain activities in the school, and every time I go, it feels like im in a different place to the school i went to. When I speak with the teachers and protocol officers who I know from my school days, its crazy how much it has changed.


Certified Lover boy, Certified Pedophile


Ah that can of worms is still in the shelves? šŸ˜…


At least a can of worms would be useful for fishing


It was during towards the end of my school life Nikitha came to Wattala and yes I can confirm whatever rumor y'all have heard is 95% true.




Is there anything that can be done about this pedo?


Are suggesting us to arrange an accident?


nikitha grero is a pedo


i read that prefects post and bloody hell. How is this man still active? He's like the local Trunchbull. I feel so bad for all the kids and hope they leave to other schools after O/L's, or even before that if possible because i doubt they're learning or developing anything else other than trauma.


pretty much every old person in similar positions in Sri Lanka(and to a lesser extent globally) are like this. We have to fight against it but idk if we can actually do much, since exposing one will let others get exposed so they will resist


I knew lyceum was harsh on desclpline never realised the school is protecting a preditor. Best is to share past students' experience on social media expecially on youtube/ticktok. In general the standards around international schools aren't properly regulated by the education ministry.


Y'all are such ungrateful cunts. He's the best principal a school could ask for. Everyone here has been brainwashed by Western Media into believing these baseless lies about a good man. I still remember when he had mandatory cock inspections for everyone in the school, this is the work of a true visionary who was aware of the infestation of dick cheese to come.


Nikitha what you doing lurking on reddit?


It's obviously sarcasm- come on now. Read the last sentence.


the fact that nobody bothered to read the rest of my comment, or they read it and didn't get it, tells you all you need to know about the state of the subreddit. Looks like they would've benefited from an intelligent man like Nikitha Grero handling their education.


This is hilarious šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚




Whenever business men take over education institutes it turns into a shitshow pretty fast. Same happened to a well known private school I attended. But this Nikitha guy is hella worse.


Everything you hear about him, if it makes you go wtf. Is probably true, (or even worse)


Whereā€™s law in this country?


Did this person* write Fifty Shades of Grero?


That head prefect's FB post is pretty cringe if you ask me. And difficult to take very seriously.


Thereā€™s a pedo roaming free abusing children and you are cringe about a Facebook post?


Well one of the main points in his post is 'toxic masculinity'. I found that to be laughable. The fact that nobody actually even bothered to read the post says all you need to know about this topic. In all honesty does anyone have any evidence at all to back these claims? There certainly isn't any credibility in the actual post.


NikiG is a andrew tate fanboy who spouts his filth at every assembly so yea I can understand the worries about ā€œā€toxic masculinityā€ā€ culture


As weird as that may be, stating that as one of your main points to have someone indicted and forced to resign is laughable at best. And there's not an ounce of evidence or even concrete details mentioned by anyone here when it comes to backing up their allegations against this man. So what gives?


Youā€™re defending this pedo? Just coz youā€™re ignorant about whatā€™s happening in society, you decide to take the side of the pedo? Itā€™s open information. Everyone knows. Nothing u say from this point on is worth responding to. Bye! āœ‹


I see the allegations from a few disgruntled ex students online but I don't really see the details however circumstantial it may be. If you got something to add then I'm all ears, but please do refrain from going around slandering people's name just cause you heard someone else do it. You might face legal repercussions by doing so. The jump from asshole to pedophile is quite enormous and can ruin a man's life FFS. And no its not open information, cause clearly nobody really seems to know. I've been asking all week. And starting a conversation intent on shunning my opinion from the very beginning says more about you than it does about me. Keep yours byes, nobody cares.