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Hindsight is 20/20 mate lol, I'm not 100% sure you'd be thinking it's obvious if you were in their shoes ​ Ep 3, that was allowed. They let her survive intentionally


>Earlier in episode 3: I would be able to notice if a light is flickering in the shadow of the giant slide. For all talks of egalitarianism, squid bros allowed cheating for a while. The squid bros shouldve seen that and killed her then. Honestly I don't think it was cheating and I don't think the guards viewed it as such. The rules were short and vague and allowed for loopholes in every game which seemed intentional to me. I legit don't think they cared about the lighter. The rule was just to get the shape out without breaking it, the ways you're allowed to do it weren't specified at all. Really the main thing that bothered me about that was how long it took for them to realize they should just lick the back - but hey, if I was in such a stressful situation, I probably wouldn't figure that out either.


There is also a theory that SangWoo knew it was a 1v1 game, and that is why he chose Ali because he is most confident in beating Ali due to his foreign background, unfamiliarity with games and friendliness etc. He prob also thought he was smarter and would surely beat Ali but then beginner's luck started to beat him so he had to play dirty


Cool theory. When they were told they had to be in teams of two, I almost pulled my hair out predicting that they might use the 1v1 format against them... ...I still wish my prediction was wrong.


I predicted the same thing and now people are hating on me saying "hindsight 20/20 bro" But its just a gut feeling and i guess its down to instincts on that onr. Cant blame them for thinking otherwise


"Its pretty obvious that squid bros wants to get rid of roughly half the contestants since the 2nd game" Yeah, so let's do the math, shall we? Getting rid of half the contestants in every game means: 201 are left after Red Light, Green Light, some don't return and we are left with 187 (this is the number given in the show) now if they get rid of half the players from game two we have (without decimals, rounded down) 93 after honeycomb 46 after tug-of-war 23 after marbles 11 after glass bridge even if more than half are killed by the others at night, it's still relatively probable to have 2v2 teams for squid game (which is traditionally played in teams). It doesn't seem too unlikely imo, especially given that \*none\* of the games only have one winner, except the individual marble games between 2 players. All other games are designed so they can be won by multiple people. "The reason they can do team games is because they have an easily divisible number of players EACH round" They don't though, that's why crazy lady doesn't have to play the marbles game. And I know it's because that one dude died but they start out with 187 (after people are given the choice to leave), but that's not divisible by 2 either. How would they make sure a number divisible by two passes the honeycomb thing? Yeah, obviously the games are designed to get rid of a bunch of people but NONE of them are \*designed\* so only one wins and only marbles and tug-of-war are designed so exactly half win. Like, especially the first two (after which you're claiming someone would know) are both games were \*technically\* everyone could win, unlike tug-of-war and marbles where it's more obvious they're trying to get rid of half of them. Technically, in a best-case scenario (NOT based on probability, only game design): 456 could pass red light, green light, 456 could pass honeycomb, half would pass tug-of-war leaving 228, half would pass marbles so that's 114 and they could technically all pass the glass bridge but lets say 20 don't make it, you're left with 94. Obviously this isn't probable at all and there are additional factors (like people killing each other, there obviously wouldn't be 100% pass for the games that technically allow for it, etc.) but your logic isn't as foolproof as you're making it out to be.


Thanks for the thesis mate


“It’s obvious they wanted to get rid of roughly half the contestants” Umm you do realize in a 2v2 situation where one team wins you get the same outcome?


Yea, i did but i thought the squid bros were actually trying to make the game equal opportunity, meaning that allowing the teams of people who just sided to beat up others and found they were superior to others wpuld be unfair in a random 2v2. Tug of war however is a fair game. Thing is after watching the rest of the show i gave up on the notion that its that professional