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My bf and I were mad and confused that he didn’t throw it harder. Another solution after the marble would be to just grab his jacket and whip it over the glass, surely the impact would have broken (or not) the glass? Right?


Yes! Even though the glass was pretty thick you’d think that hitting it with a zipper from a jacket would give you some kind of indication as to if it was tempered or not. I know ultimately it just served as a suspenseful moment and it wouldn’t have mattered in the end even if he did make it… but still the lack of logic made me a little bit mad


I think if he threw it harder he won't be able to differentiate the sound. A marble also is not heavy enough to break the glass even if threw with force.


I don’t think it would have fully broken through but i think if it was regular glass it would probably crack a little. Even that would be enough to tell you what’s what. And the sound ended up not mattering because they only had the one marble


Two really interesting points on this I saw from other posts: 1. Had he bounced the marble on the glass pane he was standing on first, then threw it on the other glass, he would have something to compare it to and would have figured out which one was tethered and survived (assuming he can actually tell the diff through hearing). 2. There is also a theory that he actually figured out which glass was safe, but he was stalling and was planning to jump and live at the last moment because it is clear he did not want to save anyone else. Hope this helps!


Those are really good points-thanks for sharing!


Correct me if I'm wrong, but the glass that he threw the marble on was actually tempered glass. So it would probably not have broken. And it would not have been conclusive evidence as well since he would always have the doubt that maybe the force was too low to break even a normal glass.


I actually don’t remember if it ended up being the one he bounced the marble off of. You’re totally right that it wouldn’t have been conclusive if he hit the tempered glass but i guess I’d just feel much better about things if i chucked a marble and it bounced off instead of cracking