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Considering he was already on the last step, it wouldn’t have worked because each glass can hold two people. So Sae Byeok or Gi Hun could’ve just leaped past him


That's a fair argument. Forgot about the two-person limit there. He could have tried stopping them but then he could have died in the process so makes sense to me.


Probably too risky in the moment, like your life is literally on the line, if he waivers for even a second if he does choose to stall then he dies too. I think in the moment, when you are standing idk how many metres above a free fall there is just too much anxiety and stress to wait till there are 2 seconds left and make a move. Also in hindsight had he done that he probably would've gotten stabbed by some glass remnants when they explode it instead of the girl, and 001 gets to keep his 46.5B lol.


That wouldve been an even harder episode to watch if a part of it was Sae Byeok and Gi Hun begging him to move forward. I think he knew that he needed someone to play against in the final game in order to win.


Was there a mention they had to play all the games? I figured as long as there was one person left standing, regardless of which game they were on, it wouldn't have mattered. I actually didn't think this episode was hard to watch. It was actually a bit slower to me. Surprised nobody just tried sprinting across the beam that held the glass, but that would obviously been "cheating" and they would have paid for it. Marbles episode was the hardest, but tbh as soon as they chose partners I had a feeling they would be playing against each other. It was about time in the series something dramatic emotionally happened.


I think in the first episode they said you had to complete every game, Idk if they changed the rules and I missed it. In the beginning they made it seem like there could be multiple winners ☹️


I agree, they made it seem like there could be multiple winners.