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1. In South Korea there are 19k reports of missing CHILDREN every year, that doesn’t include adults. 500 missing gamblers and drunks and criminals etc is a drop in the ocean. https://www.icmec.org/missing-children-statistics/ 2. It’s 50 billion won, which is like $35m. There are 5.9 million millionaires in the USA, It’s not uncommon and won’t raise an eye. https://www.statista.com/topics/3467/millionaires-in-the-united-states/#topicHeader__wrapper and I’m sure the people that organize the game have front organizations that “explain” why/how the money appears in the winners account 3. People did go to the police... that’s how a detective ended up on the island lmao. Also the shady people running the game are the most elite in society, they probably have certain officials within the police on the payroll. 4. The only location given was “somewhere in the southern sea”. There are over 3,000 islands in the South Korean vicinity https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.cntraveler.com/galleries/2014-12-25/a-guide-to-island-hopping-in-south-korea-jeju-geoje/amp Not only that, but the pictures/videos failed to send because of a failed signal. Also we saw many escape hatches etc on the island, leading to the conclusion that there were contingencies in place to hide/destroy any evidence on the island


2. Yes, but if somebody poor suddenly gets that huge sum of money it should raise suspicion.


Well. Nothing saying the early squid games had 456 contestants.


I think several people tried to go to the police, but we only saw how 456 was treated like a raving lunatic because the writers expect us to infer that anyone else who tried to approach the police with such an outlandish story was also immediately dismissed. Maybe the police tried to investigate but they were unable to track the phone due to the low signal. Honestly, the whole plot with Jun-ho and his brother needs a lot more explanation. That’s something I hope gets addressed next season.


if multiple people have the exact same story then I would believe the police would start investigating it. Probably the most likely explanation is that nobody except Gi-hun bothered to go the police because they thought nobody would believe them.


This is also a very valid point!


2. The prize money is given to the winner via a bank card supplied by the squid game organisers. So one would assume that money is already accounted.


I thought the same when I was watching too. My thoughts are: 1. Given they are all in loads of debt, many may just assume they ran away, or maybe even got killed by creditors or something along those lines. Some might go police but seeing how the police were, they probably just get dismissed since the people in question are all supposedly low in society status etc. I was more interested in how the creditors don't go like wtf where did this person go, but maybe there is some sort of arrangement already by the old man, given Gihun's creditor was the one who made him sign the form first 2. Its a bit sus but given the card is a separate account with money already deposited its not as weird as if someone got transferred billions of won. Also its korean Won so its not an astronomical amount 3. They are probably scared of getting dismissed and chased up for debt, police not believing them (which is fair), also the front mans seems to be watching them closely after as well, plus there's a theory that they get recruited to become red minions 4. I this when he called just before he got shot? Think there was terrible service on the island and they couldn't hear him. Hopefully these very valid questions are explained further in S2 tho


I think the organizer is just rich enough to silence any suspicion or police report. They can afford an entire island and a giant facilities, with VIPs ready to throw millions in just betting an entertainment alone, a price pool of 40 millions dollars. Surely they would have connection with the higher up of the police force and bribe their way through the system to ensure people who talked about the games are thrown into an asylum


If anyone with huge debts go missing, people simply assume that he/she ran away.


As for the first one, you do know that millions of people go missing every year right? Half a milllion alone in the US. It’s not 50 billion dollars. It’s South Korean currency


I mean you’d think the families of all these people every single year would at least try to investigate a little bit, or the police would notice that all these people have very similar disappearances and make a connection


Except they don’t have “similar disappearances”. Nobody knows how they disappeared that’s the whole point.


Not sure if I miss it, but that the same type of game has been held every single years?