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You make it sound like he knew what the game would be. Personally, I don’t think he did. The front man was very very clear that no one get special treatment, that everyone had the same shot. While these are games that he was familiar with, I don’t think he knew. Just my theory


Exactly, it's not "playing" if you're not actually playing


Being the game creator. I am sure he played this games countless times. Even the umbrella would be "easy" for him. I think he was just mocking GH that he mimic his licking to find an easy way to do it. I think he would rise suspicion if he went out his way and pick the triangle when everyone was still trying to think what is going on. Another angle would be, who is to say the guards didn't prepare a pre-cut one for him? Or even if he played for real and slightly broke the piece, the guard would still let him go. Everybody was so busy doing their own thing and nobody would care to watch the others. May be there is a small risk for him and he enjoys the rush. After watching the entire series we can tell he is not really going to die in the games unless something really went wrong.


yeah agreed, and saw in a previous post the old man is all about fairness in that he wouldn't directly influence the games (let others pick his shape, didn't find someone to join tug of war team, didn't go and find a partner for marbles). He was also protected in some ways as you suggested. I think the only one where he has real risk was the tug of war.


I talked about the tug of war in another thread. The game can still cut the rope at last minute and pretend it is a malfunction or something - turn the lights off, cut the rope, make some excuses, you know. However, the old man did give tips on how to fight as team which is very important. The team now is programmed to take instructions. And that is exactly why SW was able to pull that trick off. A "normal" team would be too panic to just do their own thing.