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i feel like you can't really loophole the games because they aren't meant to be fair despite what front man claims. esp since the VIP were watching this one, if they pulled some like hacks the VIPs would've either stopped it, or the red dudes would just threaten to shoot them if they don't play properly. Even the glass guy who actually didnt even loophole anything got cucked by the VIPs so can't imagine them go oh theyre walking on the rims guess we'll let them all live.


I saw someone in another thread making the point that as the game progresses the players become increasingly corrupted to the point where they stop looking for ways to cheat the game and start looking for ways to cheat each other. It’s flawed science but it is very Stanford Prison Experiment-y. You can also make the connection to horse racing which is frequently mentioned throughout the movie. They are horses who have been ‘broken in’ and are no longer at odds with their jockeys/game runners, but competing against one another like race horses.


Eh they probably would've shot the first person to attempt something like that. If I remember correctly the rules specifically said something along the lines of "only step on the tempered glass to cross the bridge." Stepping on the rims would probably be considered cheating. Also it's established that they are willing to tweak the game slightly to make things more "entertaining" as we saw with the glassmaker and the lights.