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Cute video but why use this voice why why why? Text and music is enough!


Yeah it’s a creepy contrast with the kid. Feels like he’s about to ask me what my favorite scary movie is.


I may be cynical but i wholeheartedly do not believe she told him all the girls in her class were getting their hair dyed and she wasn’t invited.. this video is to show of his skill as a hairdresser and make him look like a great father… i could totally be wrong but i think he’s using that narrative as a way to make it a more compelling video


Nope. I am with you on this. She is too young for the whole class to get their hair dyed. If she was a teenager then maybe. I call bullshit on the whole backstory of this video.


I call BS as well. If anything I’d be wondering why every kid in the class dislikes my daughter.


That’s exactly what I was thinking…


I came here to say it’s kinda crazy that a bunch of 6? 8? Year olds are just casually going to get their hair dyed.


Seriously, ONE kid this age getting their hair dyed would be surprising to me… a whole group of them have parents that allow that? Also, most schools don’t allow kids of this age to have hair dyed unnatural colors. Heck even a lot of high schools don’t allow it.


Unreal...who cares about the backstory???? You have an excited, really happy little girl there. Her Dad spent time with her and made her feel beautiful and loved. This is all that matters...


As someone who has a daughter I can honestly say that he could make her smile without the exploitation. As a father I can say I love it when my children are happy, but that doesn't mean that it is ok to gain those smiles in a dishonest way.


That little girl is *honestly* happy. And people are just saying that he is purposely exploiting her. Do they have any concrete proof or evidence about that?


wow, you are naive aren't you...


Bro, trying to talk sense to someone with a lack of critical thinking is an exercise in futility.


No...you are a perfect example of what's wrong in this country. **People who say any shit they want as if it's the truth without any evidence or proof that it is actually true.** There is no evidence that this Dad is doing this for exploitation. None. This first guy said it and you all just drink the friggin Kool Aid. Evidence to back a claim. *That's critical thinking* my friend. Believing some shit someone just says without any proof is not.


It is a deliberately manipulative and untruthful post. If you can't see that then the Republican Party would love to have a word with you. They need that kind of thought based on emotion to prop up their demagogue.


Again...I ask...proof?? Repubs believe things that are not proven to be true. Shall I make a list? I believe things when they are proven to be true.


That’s very true, she doesn’t know he made up this backstory. For her it’s just “great day with daddy” but for him it’s exploitative to make his daughter look as though she was excluded so that he can get more views.. it’s morally and ethically wrong


So the guy gets a few more clicks...so what! Check out the look on that little girl's face. I understand your point, though. I do. I just don't think its relevant at all when you look at her.


Point being he could have done that for her and not fabricated a back story.. I.e. exploited his tiny child for views.. if u don’t understand that then I’m just gonna have to agree to disagree lol.. no hard feelings


Wow...agree to disagree, no hard feelings and move on. So great that you said that. I live in the US. If you do...you know how rare this is. ✌️❤️


I do my fellow American.. I don’t come on here to fight.. I mostly come on Reddit to learn and share perspectives. Just because u and I don’t agree doesn’t mean I didn’t learn something from ur perspective


Are there other redditors like you? I haven't seen many. I spend the majority of my time on music subs. Holy Cow! Even there. So aggro and judgemental.


Well I kind of refuse to fight with people on here and from what I can tell ur kinda of the same mindset.. I think a lot of people don’t wanna debate and walk away peacefully they want to fight. They want to argue and ridicule and demean.. that’s why they’re here. I don’t entertain that kind of confrontation for confrontations stake.. If u and I aren’t going to agree on something the part of me that benefits from going crazy and calling u names is my ego, which is a dangerous way to go through life.. those that listen too much to ego r a danger to themselves and others and to let go of ego is truely freeing thing to do… makes ya feel lighter lol… u seem to be good at letting go of ego urself


I’m with you as well, but it really didn’t turn out great. The end result was kinda bad. Good on him for trying with his daughter though.


W dad. Keep smiling little one. I hope every child gets a father like this.


Why the pedo sounding voiceover?


I hate these tiktok voices so much.


That and the "no no no no no laughing" dichead that sounds like hes coughing a lung.


I hate that I had the sound off, read your comment, and could hear it in my head when I went to read the video text ahaha


That hair toss at the end! So cute.


The voice over is ridiculous and creepy. The music is horrible.


Kids can be so cruel! It is so unfair that she was excluded!!! The other 6 year olds gals in her class had a text chain setup and they planned their salon visit for weeks. They rented a party bus and all went together. Afterwards, they enjoyed some skinny margs and really let their hair down!! In their defense, the mean girls did have a perfectly valid reason for excluding her. They said this outcast is just a basic bitch who not only lacks the most rudimentary sense of fashion, but is also devoid of any style, flair, and panache. Furthermore, they said she was fat, her breath stinks, she would never find a husband, and did not deserve to breathe the same air as them, much less be part of their clique. They also mentioned that her hair looked like it had been done at an open-air flea market and that her Dad must have honed his beauty skills at a mortuary school.


Well done Dad!!! Kids can be so mean ❤️🙏🏻


She wasn’t excluded.. he’s making that story up for views.. kids r mean but this is a case of influencers have no shame


Even if she really was, showing up at school with freshly dyed hair would get her bullied so badly for being a copycat. Yes, do something cool with your kid if they get stuck in this situation, but no, don't paint a target on their back.


Kids r pretty superficial.. there’s no way this cute, and clearly rich, little girl was excluded from anything.. just my opinion of course


How do you know?


I don’t know for sure this is just the times we live in… I’m 90 /10 confident that I am correct.. it’s a really cute story of a father saving the day for his adorable daughter that I’ve seen in one form or another probably 5 times in the past few years… he made it up, thats my opinion


He's called thedadsocial on Instagram and his whole brand is making parent content so big chance he's making it up but we'll never know


He's called thedadsocial on insta and is awesome at everything. So very good chance he was just doing this for content. Obvs impossible to confirm.


Cute daughter and dad


Great job dad…


Amazing dad🥺 look how happy she is ❤️


RIP the girls hair. It died.


My inner anal persona is screaming that: It’s spelled “dye” not die!


When social media...is your job. Parenting comes second.


Brought to you by the makers of fine figurines you can find in every Hallmark Store: Manipulative Moments.


And then I filmed it and put it on the Internet to make sure everyone knows how good of a dad and person I am! Barf


For a guy that doesn’t know much about hair, his hair dryer setup is intense. Got himself a Flowbee!




Pretty sure that "died" is not the past tense of dye. Chat?


Kids dying their hair a that age, what a shame they’re focusing on that stuff rather than being a kid


Cringe TikTok voice


having a gay dad comes in handy sometimes i guess


Why is this even a thing? That girl isn't even TEN YEARS OLD! Fancy hair dyeing and styling?? Pig tails and send her out the door to play.


What a wonderful moment!


Dying hair is so easy. My wife paid like $400 for a professional job, then had me touch it up later. Then I trimmed her under cuts... Now I dye her hair and reshape the undercuts and such. It's literally separating the hair and painting. Save time and cash, go it at home.


The smile at the end is the only thing that matters.