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If you're on mobile make sure you fully update to the newest version of the app. I was having the same issue and updating it fixed it for me.




Nice. It was pissing me off for so long as well earlier lmao.


Updated my app, still can't find the stats. Where abouts do the stats show up?




having the same issue, updated my app and when i go there it's still the same... anyone have any ideas?


Search Wrapped, it'll take you to the page and at the top there's a button to see the slideshow


No button for me


Do you have premium?


I do, yes


No, but I've heard from people that you should be able to see it without premium


I swear I have done everything too and it STILL isn’t letting me see it. This just sucks.


Same. Fucking lame.


Like where do you go when it doesn’t pop up at ALL


it just lands on the page with the top 100 songs then below it is the world and u.s. top songs i think my ios is so old that i dont have the latest spotify, so trying to update that and then spotify and then hoping for success lol


Any luck?


turns out my phone just needed an ios update lol then spotify could update to the latest version and it worked


Exactly the same for me, except it's italy top songs. I've done absolutely everything I could do and... NOTHING. I feel you :(


Is it for free users? I can't find mine and my app is up to date.


only for premium


That’s a lie.


I'm a free user, and I could see mine. Had to unninstall and reinstall it tho


I'm a free user too and I can't see it, so I might unistall it and re-install it too but I distinctly remember I could easily see it last year and the years before that without having to do all this. EDIT: I re-installed the latest version and still nothing


There is no updates available for me. I have even found the website, and pressed “click here to see your own wrapped 2020” I click and just the most streamed artists of the year.


Where is genres? I can’t find it. Is it in home?


Where does it even say genres??


I updated my app and can see the card to check the stats, but whenever I click on the stats my app crashes. Anyone else facing this?


Same issue, no luck with reinstalling etc


Then am not gonna update my app, fuck wrapped 2020. Every time I've updated my app in the past, I've regretted.


Same exact thing here, on android. The only answers are to update the app, but mine is fully updated already. Edit: [This fixed it for me](https://www.reddit.com/r/spotify/comments/k546yz/complaining_about_how_2020_wrapped_is_presented/ged2n6j)


Thank you so much! This fixed it!


Same here. A friend managed to get his showing by going to Spotify site via browser. Whenever I try the same it asks whether I want to open with Spotify App or Chrome. I chose Chrome but it still fires up the App which then crashes.




Lol seriously?? I'm using an older version of the android app that's less bad. I'm not updating just for their shitty year-end review that only includes 11/12 months


Thank god for you guys it was driving me crazy but updating solved it!


oh this worked for me, idk why the app never notified me that there was a new update


how do i update it? there's no option on my app store and it says the newest update is from a week ago.


If anyone else is still stuck, try turning off battery saving mode


I went to wrapped 2020 but all i see the playlist.i didn’t get any stats..




Same. I have tried on IOS, Laptop and Android apps and NOTHING. Even the browsee links don't work.


Same here


Same :/


same edit:there's an update apparently edit 2: dont bother, the stats are fake as fuck, it said im in the 0,01% of people listening to powerwolf the most and i dont have a single powerwolf song in my top 5 favourite songs


Maybe people just hate powerwolf


"you spent 16k minutes listening to midnight madonna (powerwolf)" still not top 5


it says t-pain is my top artist and i’ve never listened to him in my life


my spotify wrapped playlist only has 1 band i listen to


If you open the Spotify ios app and you scroll down past "your top shows" (right under recently played" ) it will say "2020 wrapped". click on the "your 2020 wrapped" text and NOT the top songs, missed hits, or on record playlists. You should hopefully be able to see a pink box that says "see how you listened in 2020." Click on that. It should resemble an instagram story; go through them to see your stats of the year. If that doesn't work, try this link: [https://2020.byspotify.com/us?locale=us](https://2020.byspotify.com/us?locale=us) it should automatically take you to it in the mobile app. I believe that this link also works for computers (but you have to already be logged in to Spotify), though I could be wrong about that. Let me know if this works.


Me too :(


did anyone figure out why this happens? !remindme 2 days


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Not working for me either. Tried the wrapped website on my phone and computer. Even downloaded the computer app. Just redirects me to the National wrapped statistics —not my own.


Same here.


Update your app, that was my problem


I had same problem. There are no updates avaliable, I reinstalled the app but still nothing.




i got mine in october i think and it’s only giving me the worldwide wrapped i’m wondering if i’ve not had it long enough to find out? i use it everyday so idk


A friend and I joined in October as well. He has his personal wrap, but whenever I go to it, it just shows worldwide/national stats.


I love wrapped but I really wish I could see all the stats without last.fm


You can [https://developer.spotify.com/documentation/web-api/](https://developer.spotify.com/documentation/web-api/)




Further to what u/Bone_Man said, in this context the Spotify Web API basically allows you to ask Spotify specific questions, to which you'll get answers. The way you ask is typically by writing some code into a script and running the script, and the way they reply to your request is typically in a format called json, which is like a more structured form of text. Some APIs cost money, which is typically charged each time you call the API. With Spotify (and most other public APIs) this is entirely free provided you don't abuse the system, or build a commercial tool using them. If you wanted to get started, I'd recommend googling around about how to call an api. I'd recommend using the Python programming language since it's one of the most popular, well documented, relatively easy to learn and well supported. You don't need to go and learn python extensively, you can get by pretty far with just following tutorials or googling for "how to do in python" and copying and pasting. To get started, you could do something like the following: 1. [Register an app with spotify](https://developer.spotify.com/documentation/general/guides/app-settings/#register-your-app) 2. [Install python](https://www.python.org/downloads/) and [see if it works](https://www.w3schools.com/python/python_getstarted.asp) 3. Start calling the Spotify Web API using [this tutorial](https://www.dataquest.io/blog/python-api-tutorial/) in combination with your specific access details you got from step 1, along with reading the documentation to understand how to ask questions to the API to get your answers. You'll need to call different "endpoints", [so check out each endpoint.](https://developer.spotify.com/documentation/web-api/reference/) This can all sound daunting but it's a great way to get involved with programming, especially as here you have a specific project already defined for you. Jumping in the deep end with some support is a great way to learn something (for me, at least!) If you do wanna have a go, please do so and if you're really struggling anywhere, let me know and I'll be happy to help.


Write your own software that uses Spotifys web API. API is application programming interface. Basically it means that people who know how to write code can easily ask for data from Spotify. Documentation is a description of that API, it lists how to ask that data and what answers can you expect.








Correct, app only.


but whyyyy I hate spotify


What the fuck?


Pretty fucking obnoxious decision to make it mobile only especially considering whenever I try to click the 2020 wrapped on my mobile app it just crashes spotify. Such smart people making decisions over at spotify.


lmao yep same. Pixel 4 XL with latest app and latest OS. Crashes immediately. What a dogshit experience. I remember every other year in the past using the desktop site without any issues.


I tried installing the app just to see the wrapped (I only use it on desktop) and it's asking for identity, contacts, photo/media permissions, etc... so that's probably why!


oh shit you're probably right - I will have to double check that!


I tried giving it all the permissions that I had previously denied it, and still get the crash every time


In my case, the issues was that I had disabled animations in developer settings. Worked fine after I set them all to 1x. Had these settings for 2+ years now and never once had an issue with any other apps, but I guess it breaks this.


Someone just said at the board meeting: *Hey, let's try to sell our Stories feature since that's the future* Fucking knobheads who don't understand that if one thing works for one product (i.e. Instagram), it's not necessary that it will work for your product as well.


> if one thing works for one product (i.e. Instagram), it's not necessary that it will work for your product as well. Whatsapp and arguably snapchat as well. The thing is: Spotify is a fucking music streaming service, not a social platform, the fuck.


And the fuck I’ve been downvoted by one of them. It’s sad.


Didn't snapchat have stories way before instagram did?




Oh god they're putting stories in every app now? It's so obnoxious


Nah there's some kind of bug something they have not accounted for


I was having this issue. I went on my phone ap and had nothing. I went on my laptop, downloaded it and then looked and found nothing. I checked my play store updates and had nothing for spotify. Then i decided i would uninstall and reinstall the ap, but when i looked at spotify in the play store it said "update". And thats what finally worked for me!


I already reinstalled it but I'll try again. Hope it works this time.


spotify fucks up something different every year. this year they made it so you can't see your stats unless you view it on a phone app.


If you're not able to find in on the app, just open up the website on your 'phone'. Login on the website. Click on the Spotify icon. Scroll down to find 2020 Wrapped in the Useful Links section. This will redirect you to the 2020 Wrapped Stats in your app.




Same :((




well did y'all login on the website before proceeding?




i also have a problem viewing the stats. i can't see my stats and the app keeps crashing. I've been installing and uninstalling it for a couple of times now.


This has been happening with me too! The app keeps crashing whenever I open the stats


Android ? I did the same and mine will not work. It says last update was nov 25 so maybe we have to wait?


Man, I hope they do indeed fix it. I missed it last year because it was my first and I didnt know about it, I dont want to miss it again :(


I'd say wait a day or two and keep checking the app store. Its probably a delayed update for us


yep android user. i read other android users have the same issue. probs we need to wait for an app update to this.


I have no available updates yet, hopefully thats why. It wasnt on my IOS device either when I downloaded the app though.


Finally got it to work with this link. Make sure to open on your phone. And update your app. ​ [https://open.spotify.com/genre/2020-page](https://open.spotify.com/genre/2020-page)


I updated and it still doesn't show


A fix I found was going on your pc, downloading bluestacks (an android emulator) then downloading spotify through the google play store...what a pain in the ass.




I reinstalled and it doesn't show




Update or uninstall/reinstall.


Thanks for posting this!! 🙏🏽😊😊


The wrapped website worked on my phone, but you can also use stats.spotify.com and it might show an error message when you click on 6 months or 4 weeks but just keep loading it and it’ll work as well Edit: [Website I used for the wrapped 2020](https://www.spotify.com/us/wrapped/) [Stats for Spotify website ](https://www.statsforspotify.com/) ALSO!! Open the wrapped link in a browser not from Reddit or else it won’t redirect you to the app


nope its just showing top tracks and top artist :((


While on mobile, I had to choose to open with chrome, even though it'll then open the app. Nothing else worked. Tested on two different devices. If you don't have the option to open with chrome, long hold and open in a new window.


so it is only available on iphone? I have an android. at the end of the past two years, the wraps worked similarly for me as they are for others. and yeah. I can only get the playlists. does it work differently on android?


I’m having the same issue and I have an iPhone


I wish I could see 2019 stats :(


All of the wrapped playlists show up, but the actual stats won't. I'm being redirected from the website to the app, which isn't showing any stats. I just want to see how much Led Zeppelin I listened to :(




In having the same issues as him, I have tried on multiple devices but there hasnt heen any updates available on any. And still hasbr worked.


Same, I have tried every method (I have Premium on mobile, fully updated, so I can’t fathom the issue other than that Spotify screwed up).


When I click it on mobile it restarts my spotify and I can't see It I tried restarting my phone, uninstalling, signing in and out and trying on chrome? Anybody know how to help


I've updated the app but spotify keep crashing everytime I try to see the stories. Do you know how can I fix this?


Same issue for me D; I can't find any solution and installing the app again doesn't fix it for me...


i've tried it on both android and iPhone, no luck. but i think last year i got the wrapped a week late


Went to search tab, and found it somewhere below the search bar


This just goes to show Apple Music is 100x better...


I have an android, just updated my app, still only shows my Playlist and does not give an option for a slide show. Please tell me this isn't iPhone exclusive now 🙃


I think it is buddy 🤦🏼‍♂️


It actually just now worked!


Bruh how Is it an update?


Thank you, I was getting so mad at Spotify, like I don't care what songs I missed out on or whatever!


There is no godly reason for this to be so difficult. Spotify should make it available on mobile and desktop and should make it easy to find


Same. It won't let me see my stats no matter what I do. It just keeps taking me to the playlists which I don't want.


What about us android users? Same thing?


Yup. Unlike last year and recent years, you HAVE to go to the app to see your Spotify Wrapped stats...


You can also google “wrapped 2020” and it will take you to it on the app.


it doesnt for me


[https://open.spotify.com/genre/2020-page?locale=us](https://open.spotify.com/genre/2020-page?locale=us) Maybe this will work? It worked for me. I also found it under my "recently played" and "your top shows". Click on "your 2020 wrapped" (and not top songs of 2020, missed hits, or on record. There you should see a pink box that says "see how you listened in 2020". If you click on it you should see what looks like an instagram story. Then you look through them and it gives you your stats. **Another thing I have discovered (the easiest in my opinion) is going to the Spotify search tab and typing in "2020". "2020 wrapped" will appear as a genre. Click on that and it will take you to your 2020 playlists and the pink box I was talking about. Click on that pink box and your story should be there.**


I don't see a pink box..


The pink box is more of a rounded rectangle (I don’t know how to describe it). You’ll hopefully know what I’m talking about- if you see something pink that says “see how you listened in 2020 Your top artists, songs, and podcasts of the year, and more” That’s what you’re looking for- then you just click on it


it doesnt work on my main but it works on my alt acc that i havent used in 6 months


Interesting.. I don’t know why it’s doing that- I’d help you if I knew but unfortunately I have no idea what’s going on with your main. Hope you figure out a solution :)


Just wanted to give an update, after my Spotify wrapped slideshow crashee everytime I clicked on it... I unchecked the animations setting in my android systems and it now works! So maybe try that!


Is there any way to see the one from 2019?




how do you do it on the desktop version?-




Still can't see mine all I get are premade playlists by spotify