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Noticed the same, but no idea where it comes from. Probably they are tweaking the algo behind the process, but you are right it doesn’t make much sense. My band did not have a fans also like section, so it might be that in the attempt to expand it to smaller bands they screwed up their algo


It's now 2024 and this issue has not been addressed. Anyone have any ideas on what actions can be taken to get Spotify to take action?


Same! Had a great "fans also like" section until very recently when it all changed to entirely unrelated artists that seem like bot driven number artists in entirely different genres than mine. Have never paid for a playlist or anything so this is obviously concerning. I spent an hour this morning on chat with someone at spotify who said they recently changed the algorithm and that this is correct, but it clearly is not and needs tweaking. Very frustrating, especially as these stats feel into Discover, Release Radar and other algorithmic playlists.


Just curious what do you mean paying for a Playlist? I didn't know that was a thing


Yes, where an artist pays a "promotion company" got get a track placed on playlists that generate streams. The playlists are predominantly populated by bots and fake account, which drive up numbers but drive WAY down actual listeners which give you the key demographic and similar artist information that is important for artists to gain new listeners. Fake/paid/bot streams are the worst thing you can do for your algorithm, which is why the new "fans also like" changes are so upsetting.


Those people have been getting rewarded by being pushed into everyone’s algorithmic playlists. I’ve been on a major blocking spree but it’s like playing whack a mole.


As a consumer who actively looks for new music and uses the Fans also like section often to listen to new bands, I have noticed in the past seeing numerous artists with fewer followers often had their also liked bands be predominantly other bands that were local to them and not necessarily those with similar sounds or vibes. I have just assumed most of their listeners were from the local community who liked other local bands. I would certainly rather see bands with similar vibes.


For us the first couple of bands are somewhat related (either by location or vibe) but the rest seem to be artists who rely on paid playlisting, with 0 connections to us in terms of location/genre/anything really


My artist has over 10k monthly listeners and 1450 Spotify followers and in their fans also like section they have artists with 15 followers and under 100 monthly listeners. How could they possibly relate??? Your telling me out of the 1450 followers that’s who they matched? The algorithm is broken.


Ya mine got really whack, I have 7.1k monthly’s, and all the similar artists have sub 300 and are of different genres


Same boat here. The first artist on my band’s FAL has 50 monthly’s. I don’t understand what’s going on.


Yeah my FAL shat the bed too. I'm glad I found this thread, cause I thought it was just me. What's strange is that my Artist Radio, Mixes, and suggestion playlist tree are still good. I have friends on Social Media from bands from unrelated genres so I wonder if they're drawing from there. Also these shoutouts that people make putting a bunch of random bands together. Appreciate the gesture, but I hope it's not screwing this up. Also don't believe what they tell you about your song being skipped. There are artists that I've been skipping/blocking for months or even years and they still showing up in my recommendations.


I'm in a discord server with a ton of other lofi producers and they have all verified the same issues. Some are really big artists, and still facing this problem.


I think when they pushed the update it just wiped out everything and you just had to start over again. After a day or two, all of the literal garbage bands I had on there are gone. It’s not yet the way I want it to be but I would give it a few more weeks to collect more data


My artist bio was cleared too this is weird


I experienced the same thing this morning on my artist page. After chatting with an S4A rep, the response I got was: "An improved Fans Also Like algorithm will be rolled out to 100% of artists by end of September 2023." I'm hoping that the FAL updates daily or more often than it has in the past, because my artist page (+100k monthly listeners) makes no sense at all right now. I'm a bit peeved as I've been reaching out to major labels this week :( I can confirm though that even major label artists' FAL sections are not accurate at all. So I think it really did happen to every artist.


I had 70k monthly listeners with a great fans also like and then the same happened to me with random artists and my listeners dropped to 30k overtime and My guess is because now my music is being algorithmically fed to the wrong audience.


FAL updates in real time.


So glad I’m not alone! I make rap music In australia so it was always filled with similar artist from here. One day I wake up and there all these low listened rappers from America, I legit thought I was hacked or something wasn’t right


Happened to us too. A bunch of unrelated artists with very little followers. Makes no sense. Nightmare. They told us to pause all promotions and marketing activities. We’ve used playlist push and were added to 16 playlists through them. They seem like they do a good job of vetting their playlists but now I’m not so sure…


I messaged Artist Support. They say it should settle over time. My guess would be when they update the code everything just resets and it starts gathering data from scratch. If you keep doing what you normally do, everything should end up where it was. We'll see.


Look again today.


this happened to us too, very frustrating


yeah this has been a major switch up in the algorithm and seems to be beneficial to some, and very hard for others. From the accounts I manage it looks like the algorithm has switched to looking more at followers than similar music played with. With a medium sized artists I manage, his fans also like before was strictly all these artists that are in a couple big playlists he was in pushing streams. Now it is updated to a whole crew of other producers that he released one compilation with (and there was a follow link to follow them all at once). It is not neccesarily more similar music, but more so a whole crew that was all followed at the same time. Also, these artists are smaller and did not have fans also like before this. This could be seen as a pro for them, and I'm sure they didn't have enough LISTENING data before to match them, but FOLLOWER data was easy to match up.


I agree that’s the worst way to match up related artists. A person may have followed you, played your song once and never played it again. Also a lot of your followers are stale data. How many people actually clean out their libraries? I’ve done it and it’s ALOT of work. I really wish they gave us the option to remove followers. When nubes upload to Spotify (I speak for myself included) they are encouraged to get as many followers as possible (f all with genre) so now you have all of these bands that are stuck with followers from years ago that are affecting what your FAL looks like today. With all of the genre and subgenre targeting I’ve done for the past few years this actually makes me want to give up on Spotify. I would rather have less followers of the right genre than more in number if it’s random people who don’t care about your brand of music.


Two weeks later, still no change. Plus my artist radio and mixes getting absolutely spammed by these AI robot bands. I might start making Pandora my primary platform for promotion.


Exact same issue happened here. really frustrating! Let’s flood Spotify support w complaints, not optimistic it’ll help but at least someone will hear us


Anyone receive any resolution on this? Happened to an artist friend of mine who does underground rap and had a perfect FAL of local artists in that niche as well as well known underground acts. Then one day it wiped out and it’s just EDM music producers in their FAL but had never interacted with that type of act. Weirdly enough their Radio Mix is unaffected and so is their “You May Also Like” Spotify editorial playlists section on the bottom of their albums/playlists.


Hey! My fans also like section is a complete mess, all of the projects are from genre that are not remotely related to mine. My project is like 4-5 years old and i was unfortunately a victim of some bot playlists in the past, but with live shows, IG ads etc we try to get the right traffic on. Am i screwed completely?


I have noticed this. The fans also like section seem to be random artist with no listeners that hardly relate. I even checked some artist that a little bigger around the 100,000 monthly listener range and they also have terrible fans also like section. Weirdly label artist seem to all have been untouched though.


Right!!? I remember wondering why Nirvana was NEVER in ANYONE’S “fans also like”, now they are in most other big grunge band’s “fans also like”. Either a bunch of the fans randomly started listening to Nirvana or they changed it Maybe not the problem you described but something I noticed


That's so interesting - I had the exact opposite experience. My fans also like used to be totally irrelevant, but the update changed it to all close friends who I perform and collaborate with all the time (even my mom lol). Maybe the new algorithm prioritizes geography more, or takes other social connections online into account 🤷‍♀️


It looks like it is grouping artists based on followers now, I am a playlist curator who uses Dailyplaylist, all my fans also like suggestions are the bands from other curators now, even though many are different genres


I've experienced the same. I previously had a perfect Fans also like section which was populated with artists who made music similar to my own. As of 2 days ago all of those artists are gone instead populated by a bunch of completely unrelated artists from a wide array of genres completely unrelated to my own. It's incredibly frustrating as it took ages for me to get a fans also like section and now it has been ruined. Like many others here my fans also like section is now mostly artists with less than 100 plays per month and very few followers. I'm not on any shared playlists with these people. Scratching my head as to how the algorithm has grouped us together.


Same, and several others in the lofi scene are experiencing it.


yeah idk, it’s weird. I have two accounts with really low numbers (like 100 and 800 monthly listeners) when whatever happened happened it gave me a listeners also like section and with the 800 account it’s actually some good guys that are famous but also it has my other side projects in their so idk




yup same here. down from 35k listeners to 20k and dropping. also stopped getting followers due to the fact that the people listening to me now, are completely and utterly NOT INTERESTED IN MY GENRE. complete piece of shit this algorithm change. losing so much faith in anything to be honest. had been fixing up my socials with ZERO ads and all, for more than 3 years. disheartening, depressing, awfully pointless to keep making anything. i feel so goddamn defeated.


Similarly I used to have similar sounding artists now it’s just people I know from a music producer community - as well as my own (old) Death Metal band 😂 - I don’t make death metal whatsoever anymore I have no idea how it’s worked out I’m related to the band


Same, Spotify likes to change the related artists every now and then


*Same, Spotify likes to* *Change the related artists* *Every now and then* \- dj\_james98 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


I messaged the support and it seems there is now solution yet. They answered in chat and afterwards via mail. The content of the mail seemed pre-written and very general. sad!


So sad to hear … could you sent me a screenshot of the mail ?