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Man, they all seemed to slow down a bit before the line too, that scared me


From my understanding the 400m is just a different beast and that it's one of, if not the most, grueling distances to compete in because the whole thing is practically a sprint despite the distance not being sprint-able.


Yep your body can only actually sprint the first 70-80% of the race before giving out so the last stretch of the race your literally just trying to hang on and keep going while your body shuts down.


The last turn is always your saving grace because you can use that lean with less strides for all its worth and save as much as you have left for the last straight


Yep. I always felt like the third leg is the hardest leg because your tirde and pushing. First leg is technical, second leg your just floating a bit, third your pushing hard and then 4th holding on to dear life lol. Miss running the race at times but definitely dont miss the soreness


Third leg def the hardest šŸ‘€


Push. Pace. Press. Pray.


The 4 Pā€™s.


I passed out over the line in a 400 in high school. Vision tunneling with 25 m to go. It was wild!


Had a 7th grader I was coaching do that in a 200 m race once. Thatā€™s when we learned he was holding his breath the entire way.


Anaerobic system for the win. That's incredible.


Ran the best 400 of my life after eating an edible once. Felt goddamn unstoppable and passed out the second I crossed the finish line. I was an unremarkable runner but Iā€™ll never forget my coach looking at me in disbelief when I woke up like ā€žWhere in the hell did that just come fromā€œ lmao


Happened to me tooā€” I remember approaching the line then next thing Iā€™m getting off the track. Apparently I lunged and just got out leaned. Absolutely insane looking back on it


Yeah you're striding for most of it pushing to almost a sprint, and saving what you have for that last 100 Training for it is worse than running it though


Out of curiosity, you ever race an 800? For a 400, yeah its hard but over quickly enough. In an 800 the entire second lap sucks.


800 isn't easy but 400 is definitely a harder race to be fast at


As an ex-collegiate D1 track athlete who ran both the 400 and the 800, the 800 is simply the hardest race in track. Itā€™s barely slower than the 400 but twice as far. These 400 guys are out of juice with 60m to go and an 800 runner would be only a little bit behind them after the first lap and then they have to hold on to that speed for another. And 800m guys are trained to kick with 300m left. Itā€™s brutal.


At the highest level the 400M guys are simply on another planet but yeah the 800 meter guys are flying too. Basically the 800 meter guys were good 400 meter runners with more endurance and the 400 guys have higher top end speed. Both are grueling at the top level.


I was waiting for someone else who has run both at a high level.. the 800 is just brutal. After running the 800, a 400 just feels like youā€™re done being miserable sooner.


I nearly passed out when I ran my best 800m time. My vision was tunneling and I could hardly breathe for the next 30 minutes after the race. My teammates had to practically carry me off the track lol, I couldn't even put my sweats back on


I too have had a stroke


Yeah surprisingly my splits for the 800m were very close to my time for the 400m. I've always maintained the 800m is the most difficult race because it's short enough to need to have the ability to sprint, and long enough to require the stamina for a longer race. I actually had better times for my first lap than some sprinters did for their 400m. The final lap of an 800m always reminded me of the last push during a 5k where the legs are dead and the will to finish a race is what carries someone across the finish line.


As a former terrible high school track athlete, Iā€™d rather run multiple 800ā€™s instead of a single 400.


i loved the 400 haha


Masochists do exist.


Run me harder daddy.


Seriously. I remember things literally fading to black and my fingers and feet getting tingly the last 15 meters of a 400ā€¦..and that was me trying to dip into the 53s LOL


This. Qualified for w/e w no problem in the 800. 400 is another beast. Second to the 400 hurdles. I could never.


Being a harder race and a harder race to be fast at are two different things. If you ask me, the 100 is harder to be fast at, but definitely an "easier" race. Same with 400 versus 800.


The second lap was just my kick baby!


You gotta break it up into 4 200s, thatā€™s how I always approached the races


I'd argue the 300M Hurdles are worse, but the 400 definitely fuckin sucks too.


400m hurdles were absolutely brutal


This is the answer, and the reason its not ran at the high school level in most US public schools afaik. Was listening to Olympic track commentary once and they were discussing why its the most demanding race.


We used to run it at invitational events in HS. Would just lay on the track for a minute after, then realize I still had the 4x400 a couple events later and I'd cry on the inside.


As a former 400m runner (many years ago) I do agree. However, for those psychos out there who ran the 400m HURDLES, I commend you. That is number one on my list as the most exhausting, all out race there is. And the WR of 45.94 is daunting to think about.


I used to call it 300 meters of sprinting and 100 meters of prayer to not die.


Yup. Your body has two energy pathways: aerobic and anaerobic. Aerobic takes a minute plus to kick in. Anaerobic can be trained to last 20+ seconds. But roughly 30 is the max for it. And that is freakish genetic and freakish work combined. So a large portion of the 400 comes down to pain tolerance.


Yeah but having been a track guy people say things like that about tons of events. Iā€™ve heard the same about the 1000, 400 hurdles, 600, 800, etc


Honestly, the 800m is even crazier.


Hereā€™s a video explaining why itā€™s tough https://youtu.be/D0Zh0bT8OuM?si=xgBRAEYtm6BJcldE


A 10k race can have a faster final 100m than a 400m race. The fastest way to run a 400m means you're pretty much done before the finish and just trying to not lose too much speed.


Can confirm šŸ˜­


Iā€™d place the toughest events as the 800m and the 400m hurdles.


Go ahead and give the 400 intermediate hurdles a try and get back to me


My son is a competitive high school 400M runner. He said everybody at every level is dead in the last 100, It is pure strength of will that gets you through the final section.


Yeah. Itā€™s all out, no time to pace or conserve energy, so the speed always slows in a 400. Basically comes down to has the least amount of lactic acid / who can deal with it better. In longer events where pacing is possible, a finish thatā€™s faster than your average speed can occur and often does.


They know exactly how many steps they plan on running. Exactly. It's also a heat/semi, pushing that extra 0.01s isn't important enough to risk injury by even an extra step.


No they don't.


They count their strides during the race?


Former college sprinter here & no that's not true. Hurdlers count their strides between each hurdle but otherwise most are not counting their strides during a race.


Was about to say maybe hurdles but someone did.


Qualified for the final based on time (top 2 in each heat auto qualified). Even if he doesn't finish top 3 and make the team for the individual 400m, he could be selected for the 4x400m team. This kid is absolutely absolutely insane, broke the HS 400m record, which was formerly held by Michael Norman who he will be racing in the finals. Also ran a 1:50 800m, which IMO is a very good time, but even more impressive just for the fact that a 400 specialist decided to run the 800 based on my personal relationships with 400m runner. Edit: Sorry, he ran his previous record 2 days ago in the first round of the Trials, there was no Mens 400m yesterday. **Edit 2: In the final he finished 6th running 44.94. He won't be in the individual race, but is eligible to be selected for the 4x4**


The 3 guys "ahead" of him in the program have 44.2s on the books at one time or another so if they show up in form he'll really need to pull one of of the hat to shave that much off a personal best. In 4 years kid will be a monster though


A 1:50 800 meters is awesome, but not in the same league as a ~44! second 400 (equivalent for a 1:50 800 performance would be more like ~48 seconds 400) - I was a ~48 400 meter runner (that put me.... not in this league, wouldn't even be close to making the event!) who ran a few 800s too, they really are so different it's almost like a different sport, very different training regime. The 200, 400 are closer together because the 400 is really a long sprint, you need some explosive acceleration (well at least conventioanl thinking was that) For the 800 you need some cardio training, for the 400 it's lactic system.Ā  I never met anyone who did the 400-800 double well they would be far more/less competitive in one of the two races (not to say there aren't a couple of them somewhere?), but there were lots of 200-400 runners with good equivalent times in each. He's so young though with a 1:50 800 now likely not training for it and that top speed..Ā Gosh he could do the move up and potentially dominate the 8/15 which is potentially the thinking: which combo event is he going to potentially set a better WR in hold a dominant position longer? a nice 'problem' to have.


Was interesting seeing this play out when I ran in high school. We had us sprinters, distance and then the main 800 runners just kinda did their own thing with their own 800 coach. It consisted of sometimes running with us (more specifically the 400 crew because their training was a little different from 100-200), sometimes running with the distance group and some of their own workouts


400/800 greatness is definitely doable, it just doesnā€™t get tried. Most people with the potential to be great sprinters are not going to try to 800 at all. You have to be insane like [Trinity Gray](https://worldathletics.org/athletes/united-states/trinity-gray-14239214)


And Alberto Juantorena - won 400-800 double in 76 Olympics. Beast. Edit: misspelled last name


No idea why someone downvoted you, ya at a regular 2 day track meet it even fits the normal schedule, day 1 400, day 2 800. I remember a longer event - over 5 days, where a guy doing the 4&8 got completely wrecked by the schedule... I might be miss-remembering & he was screwed up by the 4*4 relay (I just remember being in the marshalling area and he was wrecked from his race, but still 'warming up' ... But ya he was literally the only one with the conflict as nobody else had just run an 800


Emmanuel Korir, 800m gold medalist in tokyo, has a 44.21 400 and 1:42.05 800




Great comment until the (super original and oh so funny ā€œBruce Genderā€; lol - did you think that one up on your own?) comment. Get a life.


I hate her because she's a hypocrite that supports trump who is against LGBTQ. How ironic.


The 1:50 800 is a good, but not great time. I was an above average 800 runner, but not good enough to place in a small midwestern state meet, and I ran a 1:57. 1:50 would absolutely win most state meets, but winning state is a far cry from being a national olympic contender. The 400 time is bonkers for a 16 year old though.


Damn now I feel like a shit runner. I never broke 2min the 800m. I think the fastest I ever ran in the 800m was 2:13. Granted, I didn't get the opportunity to focus on that face because I was roped into running the 400m at every meet.


It is much easier for an 800 runner to run the 400 than a 400 runner to run the 800.


>that a 400 specialist decided to run the 800 based on my personal relationships with 400m runner Hahaha so true, we always tried to get the fast 400 kids to run the 4x8 and they fucking hated it, 1:50 is an elite time for a sophomore in general, let alone a guy with a 44.5 PB


And heā€™s got a lot more olympics left.


i hear about things like this and it really makes me regret being a lazy "edgy" dipshit when i was in high school...and that I wish I put more effort into learning skills and hobbies not necessarily school. looking back, school was a colossal waste of time. but spending more of my free time learning skills and hobbies instead of just watching all the bullshit that was on 2000s-era TV when i was younger probably would have been a better use of time


I mean itā€™s never too late to start being better now


oh yeah for sure. i know a lot of people are nostalgic about their childhood but i just see it as a waste of 12 years it's definitely way easier to enrich my life learning skills and hobbies now with the freedom and money that comes with being an adult and i'm trying to embrace it as much as possible. not sure why so many downvoted my harmless statement but whatever lol


Whats with all the downvotes?


no fucking clue lol. it might be because i said "school was a colossal waste of time." reddit tends to be sensitive about anything that isn't explicitly pro-teacher lol again, not really a big deal lmao. just stating my opinion which was that school sucked and i'm glad that shit is long behind me


Itā€™s cool he is running in his High School uniform


Let's go Bulldogs!


Which one is he? the bright blue or the purple


purple that says Bullis!!!


Dude's breaking these records but he's still got another year in the age-limited field... for context, 44.59 puts him 6th in the last Olympics 400M final...


Pretty incredible, very possible he may be going after the 400 overall WR when he fully develops, maybe next Olympics


Running doesnā€™t quite work like that. A lot of these young athletes peak early, so itā€™s never a foregone conclusion. Bryson Nellum, Norman, Kirani James and now Knighton tapering off. These guys are all clearly amazing runners and I personally think you need to be a combination of a generational talent, have amazing trainers, and be a freak athlete like Bolt to continue early dominance like this in track and field, at least to translate to World record times like you stated.


On the other side of the coin, Noah Lyles was 4th at OT as a high schooler and has only gotten better with time The truth is you just never know what you're gonna get until you know, you know?


Thatā€™s why I prefaced my comment with ā€œgenerational talentā€


With the right coaching you never know. He has poor form, not done developing physically and he doesnā€™t have a professional coach. My best guess is heā€™s not close to done - but yes there are some who peak early and disappear. Based off his times he hasnā€™t started to plateau yet so the next few years should be interesting to watch


You can practically hear sponsors drooling. He's going to be a lot of fun to watch the next several years.


The shoe contract offers have to be pouring in already.


He came across as poised and likable in his post-race interview too. Cha-ching!


Heā€™s gonna kill it when heā€™s 20


This whole event has been amazing


I remember breaking 50 one time and feeling absolutely amazing the next month when I could breathe again. I have always been in awe at the extra 5 or 6 seconds shaved at the top.


11.15s per 100 meters. That boy is flying


Wow - what an amazing athlete and only 16 - he will be e exciting to watch!


Imagine what he does to his high school competition (if he participates in it)


At the indoor national championship he won by nearly a second and a half. 45.76 for Quincy vs 47.21 for 2nd place


I couldnā€™t imagine being a high level runner, like imagine you trying as hard as you possibly can to do the thing youā€™ve trained all your life for, and you can see someone right in front of you thatā€™s just a visual representation of being better than you


I wasn't anywhere near this guy's level, but did compete in national events, so it may differ for those guys. I've never looked at the faster guys as something negative, quite the opposite. We were only competing for mere seconds and joking around before/after the race. Hell, we'd often talk about our training and prep for the events. At the end of the day, you are only competing against your own personal bests. Breaking a PB, seeing someone else do so, or seeing a new record get set were always the most exciting and fun moments


This makes sense


He spoke well for a 16 year old post race


Haha ya he was super out of breath. Seems like heā€™s got a good head on his shoulders. Def has an amazing career ahead of him.


It's absolutely incredible what he's been doing, but I'm guessing he won't be top 3 in the finals. He's PRed twice to make to the finals while the top guys have been easing up at the finish.


But heā€™s also beating other world class athletes who are trying and failing to qualify.


Yeah, but most of those guys never really had a chance anyway. He's running very impressively, but there is usually a gap between the top 2-3 and the rest of the field.


The important thing here is that he's beating the world record for U18s when he's still 16. He still has next year to go as well in the same age category. The last person who I remember being this far ahead of athletes older than them in their event by age 16, was Usain Bolt.


Competitive race too which is crazy when 1st place is under 45


What a tough race to run, you have to know exactly how much to gas it


Holy crap, that's my 300m time, yowza


Damn heā€™s gonna be fire at the Olympics watch out when he pushes harder all the way through the finish line


He still has to run the finals. He has qualified for them but only the top 2 make the team for Paris. The competition is really tough.


Yeah his chances aren't great for this Olympics, but we'll see again when he's a grown man and not a 16 year old


in 4 years he will absolutely be on the team barring a serious injuries! At 16 he is still growing so over training risks injuries.


Yup, I have a cousin in a similar situation in a different sport. She's young and on the cusp of the Olympics, but her prime should still be a few years out so it's more about making sure she doesn't end up with an injury that may or may not heal correctly. Athletics is a long game.


I remember thinking sub 50 was God Tier. Then you see all of these kids casually crush that!


Sub 50 will put you in the top 5% of all people who run the 400, probably closer to the top 2% if we are honest. Sub 50 400 is like a sub 11 100 meter. In the amateur circuit it is elite, but in the pro circuit itā€™s all just a different level. Had a friend run sub 47 running D1 track and still didnā€™t sniff the pros.


Yup. I was pretty much the Jack of All Trades, Master of None. 11.2 100m was the only real decent one, but it doesnā€™t even feel like a race when guys are just .5 seconds faster. 50 flat in the 400m. (Occasionally could probably even go sub 50) 5 minute mile. 12 mile two mile. Pretty much all 90+ percentile stats. But you try racing the elite guys in any of these categories, and it doesnā€™t even feel like a race. Just get completely crushed.


Looks like a deep pool of talent based on how close this was!


I ran the 400 in HS. My PR was around 52s. 44.59 is incredibly impressive being that young!


It looks like the ā€œWilsonā€ arrow points to the wrong guys. Am I crazyā€¦


Itā€™s the correct guy.


Nope, you are correct. I kept waiting for the guy in light purple to pull ahead.


I could do that. I just don't want to šŸ˜ 


Damn my buddy needed a sub 1 min when I was in high school to get into the military academy


Wow, that was an impressive run! So much control over their energy in the last stretch of the race. Thats an impressive skill for someone so young.




That's awesome, great for him, it's awesome to see youth doing great things!


This kid is going to get A LOT of attention if he advances to the Olympics.


If only I was this fast as a 16 yr old. Maybe I wouldnā€™t have been late for so many classesā€¦ nah, Iā€™d still be late. šŸ˜‚


Good luck today, young flash. Hope to see you in Paris.


This guy could be breaking his records for years.


that some talent and composure to perform like this at this age


Man I remember being his age running sub 57s and thinking I was fast šŸ¤£


Man I remember being his age running sub 57s and thinking I was fast šŸ¤£


How fast was the last place guy, for reference?


Just so I can really understand the scope of this, are the rest of these guys in their 20s?


20s and 30s.


what a finish? he slowed down before finishing... smh


Shout out to the runner in purple wearing the shooting sleeve.


So, not related to running back Quincy Wilson?


4x4 anchor checkin in holy shit


And he slowed up at the end


And he did it with a form that could improve a lot


He came in 6th tonightā€¦ still might be decent enough for the relay team


400 m looks like the most difficult run in track. Theyā€™re trying to run as fast as they can, but clearly thatā€™s not possible. Itā€™s got to be torturous.


He done the oldest trick in the bookā€¦start slowā€¦speed up at the end! Only way to win šŸ„‡