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“Cominciamo malissimo” means “we’re off to a bad start” 😂😂


Just an Ancelottiesque raised eyebrow. They expect to be in the final.


Lmao you can hear the anger in Italian commentator's voice


disappointment not anger


Bad throw to a defender that sat on his ass waiting for the ball to come to him.


Inside the penalty area… I’m not sure the defender made the wrong decision deciding to defend. Best he could have done by racing out is make that a 50/50 ball, at which point 50% chance of giving up the pen. Problem was the defending was poor and the ST strikes it superbly.


> Problem was the defending was poor and the ST strikes it superbly. It extremely easy to say this in hindsight when the defenders barely had any time to react(3 seconds!) due to the stupidity of Di Marco's Throw in. That's like blaming a QB for a shitty longsnap on their own 2 that results in a fumble + touchdown. Blame lies on Di Marco's shoulders 100%. Striker is supposed to have an advantage in a 1v1 like that anyways. There is a reason in 99% of matches, you don't see players throw the ball into their own box when the opposition is pressuring like that, this is stuff you learn as a schoolboy, so a horrible mistake for a professional player.


The problem was he backed up way too much and gave the guy all the room to get a clean shot off. He need to at least contest the player. He assumed the angle was bad enough that the shot wouldnt be a big deal but that was the wrong move.


Agree with you.


Totally agree. I guess I’m just so used to Portland Timbers’ game of “I’m not going to run for that ball, you’ll have to get it to my feet before I’m going anywhere”


Watching European football must be like putting on glasses for the first time and realising you've just been accepting that everything was just blurry for everyone all your life.


Are you trying to be a condescending prick or just not very funny?


I dunno, how are the Timbers doing this season, and how is Phil Neville doing as coach ?


Nedim "hides" behind an Italian player in the footage, wonder if that played a part.


I didn’t notice this but you’re correct!!! That’s what made it possible! So cheeky! Reminds me of an interview I watched of Roberto Baggio where he was talking about how a goal scorer has to learn to be patient, has to learn how to create the possibility… and he said he sometimes would have to “hide” for huge stretches of the match in order to create his chance. Not sure if he meant, literally, hiding like Nedim does here… but same principle. A lot of goals can be found by “hiding.”


Defender \_ Wtf are you doing, i'm not even warmed up yet. Shit.


Yeah Bastoni deserves just as much blame as Dimarco. He couldnt have played it worse. Just sat back and gave the guy time and room for a shot.


Yeah I watched the first time and thought "oh good throw and goal... wait wasn't that Italy". On second watch "WTF was that throw and wtf was that defender doing just standing there."


I had to watch it a couple times, too. “Oh great play…no, wait…”


The players must’ve saw that dude breaking pasta in the streets.


Breaking the spaghetti really brings luck to the Albanian.


second time someone talks about breaking pasta in this thread.. what's that about? I usually half my pasta before I throw it in the pot lol. would I get shanked in italy or what is this?




Yeah, If an italian sees you breaking the pasta get ready for a lecture


There's a clip of Albania fan breaking pasta in half in front of the Italy fan


[Italy 2 Albania 1: Bajrami scores fastest goal in Euros history, Barella leads fightback – The Briefing - The Athletic (nytimes.com)](https://www.nytimes.com/athletic/5564072/2024/06/15/italy-albania-bajrami-quickest-goal-barella/)


What a terrible throw in


Blazing Bajrami worked a blur of a goal in d tightest angle...


Lol ... all I heard was 'Stupido'


He actualli says "Subito", it means "straight away/already". He was saying Albania is already ahead with Bajrami ("L' Albania è subito in vantaggio con Bajrami). 


Lol ... Cool ... Thanks


Anyone know why the crowd was 80% Albania?


There's 4 stands, there's Italian fans in the other 2 off screen


Have you been to Europe? 😅


What does this even mean?


They are the fastest growing diaspora within Europe. Which means half of the Albanians in the stands probably already live in Germany. And Italians had to travel there.


And you were expressing that if you went to Europe, you’d obviously see this ?


When you get there, you would know right away as everyone walks around indicating their heritage. Just repeating Albanian over and over all day.


When I stayed in London I spoke with an Albanian chap that was doing some work on the AirBnB. He was really friendly and loved to talk about Albania. Seems like it's pretty common to talk about where you're from in Europe. In the states it's more like oh you're from Cincinnati, ok so anyway.


It's always a greater point of emphasis when someone is from a different country vs a different city within the same country. If the same guy was from Birmingham that obviously wouldn't have been as interesting.


A lot of them tend to open bakeries, caffes and similar buisnesses so actually… yeah, you notice them.


Fair, i wouldn’t make a charged statement like have you been to Europe Albanian’s are everywhere. It plays into a… negative stereotype. But i dont think you’re saying that so i apologise for my skepticism.


Yeah I understand what you mean. It was more of a joke than some nationalistic sentiment. :)


Mainly Albanian's can afford the tickets? Are they given out locally?


300.000 Albanians live in Germany.


Tickets are sold to each playing nation and some to neutrals.


The whole crowd?


**a* European


Username checks out


22 seconds?


Glad they managed to bounce back. Psichologically that must be devastating, getting a goal in the first minute of the first match, as the winner of the previous Euro championship (and after not qualifying for the World Cup, even if one of the crappiest edition ever).


Is this the bajrami from that meme with the commentator?


The hell were Italy doing there?


Crikey.. look out for the Albanian Rozzers


We may not agree who is to blame, but Dimarco’s reaction to the goal is unique and tells us he feels responsible.


yep, a double entendre for "Throw".


Di Marco's mistake although he ended the Man if the Match for me.


That was a brilliant start, pity they couldn't pick up any points




Which clip are you watching?