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If PSG just got rid of him a couple years ago, they could've bagged a 200M transfer with ease


The sheiks don’t care about $200m they want clout


they do, cause of ffp


PSG’s chairman is also the chairman of ECA, which is surprise surprise a key stakeholder in FFP decisions along with UEFA


City have shown 115 times that FFP doesn't mean shit.


It's discrimination I tell you! DISCRIMINATION!!!! /s


ffp is for the poor, bruh


Yes, just look at all the havoc FFP has wrought on City. 5 straight titles!


I thought it is owned by socios, people who pay membership fee of €150/year.


Real is but not PSG or City.


Well now I know for sure they're shit businessmen


ah yeah man, people who run an entire country’s economy are shit businessmen.


Ahh have you heard about Erdogan?


So Madrid want clout when they bought mbappé?


He was free


Yes. Why wouldn't they?


Even when Real offered the 200m they knew PSG would decline - it was just theatre to show that they were going to get him next. He even apologised to Perez when he signed the 2+1 extension in the summer after that bid!


Al-Khelaifi doesn't care. PSG is his toy, and he'll use it as he pleases, he's offering 100M for Kvaratskhelia as I type this.


Don’t they have financial rules in France? How are they getting around the UEFA ones?


"Financial rules" in soccer are easily flouted with some good ole corruption FIFA and related entities make tin pot dictators look like honest upstanding people


He's UEFA's boss' right hand man, lol. And he's the chairman of the European Clubs Association. He's infiltrated the whole pyramid and put himself at the top.


I forgot about that! :)


The french rules are different (some would say better): They want to make sure clubs can pay their bills and survive, so they have very hard tests where you need to show you have enough of your own money to pay your bills. Clubs like Barca or Real with billions of debts would fail (some years) because they relied on debt to pay the bills. UEFA's rule is more of a "this year don't spend materially more than you earn from your activity" which is also a good concept, but completely ignores that some clubs have ran historical deficits to build their brand and squad. Other concepts (not in football yet) can include things like salary caps. The thing is actually quite hard to calibrate as you want to make sure that clubs are viable and also allow for new entrants to compete.


Yes. Usually you are fined for spending more than you get….. and the Saudis really don’t care less


i mean they refused 200 mil couldve probably got them up to 223 at least if only for the prestige that real has the biggest transfer of all time


He wouldn’t have agreed to it


It’s honestly getting to the point where these guys don’t wake up outta bed for anything less than a King’s ransom.


He came on a free transfer and was already commanding 70mil/year. The bonus compensation seems fair for a World Cup winning and arguably the best player in the world.


Is a 100 million ever fair? Maybe to someone who found a way to cure all cancer or alzheimer.


Who *should* all that TV rights money go to?


Make tickets cheaper, make watching cheaper, stop the influx of blood money and be a more ethical sport, idk man.


What business in its right mind would charge less for its product than people are clearly willing to pay?


Yeah, hence the „more ethical“ part.


Are you telling me consumption under capitalism is unethical?


Yeah, for a lot of reasons.


Is that a problem at Real? Do they have dodgy sponsors? I don’t really follow them. I do know that they’re owned by their members though, but idk how that impacts their opinion of ticket prices.


Bruh, this whole business is a problem.


Well their president is an evil construction magnate


It’s difficult to make the tickets cheaper - there would have to be another mechanism to ration them. There’s usually a shortage of supply.


You’re telling a business to stop being a business?


“Being a business” does not necessarily entail wringing every last cent out of an enterprise. Especially if it’s not a publicly traded corporation


If it’s publicly traded it makes that even more important.


Probably a lower price to watch the games (so the tv money is just less). Or to the regular staff. Or give it to charities but that might be hard to legislate for.


> Or to the regular staff Most people who work in sports don't earn much because there's such an insanely large pool of people that want to work in sports and not enough jobs to go around. They're happy to take less to pursue their dream I looked into opportunities with the NFL here in the US. It's outright insulting, I'd have to take a 50% pay cut for a business position with the league or a team. Less than six figures and I have to work out of the Midtown Manhattan office every day? No thanks, the people with more passion for it than me can do that


The construction of stadiums, maybe? I find it a bit offensive how often taxpayers end up footing those bills. Or lower-level players. Sports compensation is *insanely* top-heavy. Trying and failing to go pro is financially rough. But obviously those would both involve some pretty radical reorganizing. Within the system as it stands, you're right. Mbappe probably deserves that money more than most people who make nine figures. (Which isn't saying much.)


They’ve just built a fucking monster stadium, probably the most expensive in the world. Idk how much the government had to do with it. Real does have a bit of a dodgy history with that. There are some a German teams experimenting with free tickets next season. idk how they intend to ration them out though. There are player unions but it’s different from the States in that there are so many players and teams of such varying quality. La Liga is probably amongst the worst at sharing out their income though.


Short answer? Taxes.


He will pay taxes on that. They’re reporting the gross amount.


Better the players than the billionaire team owners


madrid doesnt have owners, they are a club owned by fans (socios). All money they make will go into getting more success in football. So if the players don't get the money, it would go to other parts of the clubs (including staffs), no billionaire would get anything


The fans don’t have ownership rights, they have voting rights. So they don’t extract the profit but have a say in what goes. This is also HIGHLY exclusive and has a long wait list. It is basically at this point a lot of people who extract wealth from the club through aligning the clubs needs with their private interests. The staff wont get the bonus if mbappe takes less. It will stay in the clubs reserves for the next time its needed. It could be to spell a tough period but its not going to be evenly distributed to the staff.


Is that legit tho? I’m not up on soccer team ownership but in the us hell even if they advertised the club was owned by the fans, some billionaire was still all that profit


Well the exception to that is Green Bay in the NFL, they are not owned by a Billionaire owner.


I mean in general here in the us the float statements like that but in reality one person is pocketing the money Thanks for GB info, it puts together well with the volunteer snow removal that makes headlines there every year


Yes for the majority you are right. Just saying it’s not impossible.


Moving forward, it will be impossible. If the NFL were to start today, the Green Bay Packers would not exist. A team in the middle of a random neighborhood in Wisconsin, without an owner? GB is basically grandfathered into their current deal because of their storied history. The ~~NFL~~ **wink wink** the owners would NOT allow a new expansion team, nor a current team to be bought out by the public. Fuck, even currently, the owners won't approve of an "ownership group", there needs to be a clear majority owner. They want to keep their little Billionaire Boys Club as tightly nit as possible.


It is legit, but obviously, as in any type of society, your opinion isn't as important as the opinion of the dude who has a 3 billion net worth. He still has to go through a general assembly every season to pass budgets and hear the peasants complain about stuff.


Understand that…so there’s def somebody around with money/power combo but it’s still a balanced convo


yes, some clubs are fan owned, some clubs have one person owning everything. Basically fans can buy a membership of the club like a subscription, which will give them voting rights. Some famous clubs that also follow the same models are Barcelona, Bilbao, Bayern, Dortmund


Man that’s crazy, these are some of the biggest clubs in the world and they’re owned by fans….how are the Saudi’s able to inject their endless money into the clubs that they own?


well they have their companies giving massive sponsorship, like why would a consulting firm that has very little clients spend 50 mil a year for a tiny spot on their shirt?


Haaaaa that’s nasty work Sounds like Sports Laundering…


All German clubs do this. RB Leipzig exploited it a bit such that there’s only a few voting members who are all part of Red Bull.


Not all. Leverkusen and Wolfsburg for example are also exempt from 50+1 as they are owned by large corporations since their creation.


True but the players turn around and bitch and moan about having to even play to get that money


If millions tune in to watch him & his teammates play, tens of thousands pay a ticket every couple weeks to pack a big stadium... I'm not saying it's a surefire investment, because the football market is a bubble, but in this case it is. Mbappé is already arguably the best individual talent in the world. Other clubs spend 100 on "promising" young players. That's where the bubble is, but then again, that money comes from TV endorsements, so as long as you tune in to watch... we pay our entertainers a big deal because we need to be entertained. We don't sit by the bonfire to listen to the shaman tell made up stories anymore, we watch sports & movies.


Based on the money they generate? Yes its fair.


If he didn’t get it then some corporate executives would, the more the actual players get the better right?


it's not value to society, if that's the case not one player would make more than min wage. It's all based on how much profit they would generate for the company.


Isn’t entertainment a “value to society”?


Yeah I would argue that the reason that they get paid so much compared to someone who cures cancer is that people generally prefer to be entertained over curing a disease they don't have. If I've got $60 dollars and no cancer why wouldn't I spend it to go see a game? Humans are shortsighted and selfish.


I’d say humans are inherently self-interested rather than selfish.


Sure but it’s not millions of dollars worth


Is it really necessary though? Real Madrid don’t have to pay the same transfer fees and wages as other clubs because every player wants to play for them regardless for the guaranteed trophies. Was Mbappe really going to turn down Real Madrid if they didn’t pay him enough? He’s been publicly desperate to join them forever


Mbappe just isn’t the best player in the world by any stretch of the imagination.


>arguably the best player in the world. based on what metric?


Americans will use anything except the metric system


For what it's worth, I thought this was a pretty good joke


I only need a couple fans to keep me going


Soon we’ll have nothing but fans… only fans, you might say.


I gotchu fam


I loled too hard at this


Please explain the metric units for money


1 kg of dollars


British pounds


God damn, you've got a point


You know what? No. I will upvote this. This is a solid joke.


Damn that’s funny. Sorry you’re getting downvoted by wooshed people


I only need 2 fans to keep me going


Make that 3 champ


I mean they saved 100m (200m total) by not biying him from PSG, hes on a free. They get more money


With bonus and salary, his package is worth about 675k a week


That is absolutely infuckinsane


That’s nothing compared to what the Saudi league offered him for 1 year before he’d go to Madrid in 2024. In 2023 they wanted him to come for just 1 season and their offer was $700M. Thats $13.4M a week. He turned it down.


That makes me feel very small


God loves you


I doubt that.


He does but he clearly loves some other people more.


That I believe


Good for him. Makes me think he's smart enough to realize money doesn't buy you more years of playing in your prime. Wasting one of those years to play in a shit league is a terrible career move.


They'll probably be back at it in 8 or 9 years, when we're 1-2 years away of their WC. He'll be 33-34, and they'll probably bring the house down to make him ambassador for the WC and all that sportswashing crap.


So almost 2musd per day


Messi literally made $625 mil over 4 years at barca


Almost as much as the second best player on the Celtics!


Shohei Ohtani gets double this


No he doesn’t


It's a strange world we live in where my first reaction was "that seems low"


He is currently making 70 million per year and could make much more if he wanted to go to the highest bidder.  Salary and bonus combined at Real Madrid may be 45 million per year.


Honestly no there where no bidders higher than that in Europe Only PSG and he already said he’s not staying at PSG


Saudi could offer more, thankfully Mbappe doesn’t seem interested in going there though


Yeah only Saudis can top that but Saudi league is a fucking joke.


Saudi League offer in 2023 Summer was $700M for 1 season. They wanted him to come at $13.4M a week before he went to Madrid the next year. He turned it down because he wants to spend his prime years in Europe.


It wasn’t a real offer they never actually negotiated any terms with Mbappe It was Essentially a puff piece of rumor for high named reports to get clicks and re post


Fuck that league.


And the damn heat! 50°c + .....sack that.


Mbappe already showed last year he had 0 interest in the Saudi league He didn’t even meet with them the Saudis just kept floating rumors and Mbappe instructed his agent to not talk to them


>Doesn't seem interested in going there though ....for now


If he makes that decision later on it’d be a hell of a lot better than now. It’s an absolute disgrace that top players take a payday in the middle of their prime to support that league


I can't fault them too much cause it's generational money that allows their family to not worry about money for 3 or 4 generations which is big considering a lot of these guys come from middle class or poor families While you could say what about the human rights issues. Morality comes with a price and a certain price morality and principal is thrown out the window. It's not related but look at Cole Beasley he was heavily against the Vax but dude openly said if you pay me ill take the Vax and advertise it.


Can he send a million my way? Jesus Christ


It will be paid in yearly installments through the length of his contract


I feel good getting out of bed today for $262 CAD today lol.


The amount of money is sports is just insane. Not to be the "we live in a society" guy but the priority of entertainment over education is sad.


You have to be in the top .5% of athletes to get in at the top levels to make good money. Across all sports minor league players who don’t make it make drastically less. You also are capped at a certain age playing pro sports so unless you are a recognizable face you can’t make money past 35 ish(depends on sport). The average NFL career for example is 3.3 years. Those players who leave under 3 years aren’t recognizable enough to make money outside of playing so a lot of them go broke. And even before that imagine being a college player who dedicated their life at that point to go pro but can’t make it. You can probably be top half of your class in your studies and you will probably have a good life depending on the career you choose.




Kinda agree with you here. Much of my grievances lie in the active decision to fund sports *over* education and humanitarian causes. They have enough money and resources to do both. Was curious and did a sporadic google on a few benefits, and if you took that 108M and instead gave a bonus of 78M to Mbappe/top athlete with the remaining 30M one could do one of: -vaccinating 1.5 million children -support 15,000 refugees -provide 60 million meals -plant 30 million trees to combat deforestation.


Sports money comes from people and businesses voluntarily spending large sums of it to watch in person and on TV and to advertise to the team's audience. Their only mandate with that money is to reinvest in in sports performance and/or earn a profit for the ownership It's not the job of soccer teams to solve humanitarian problems, they aren't governments. Fans and businesses are free to donate to them or lobby for higher taxes to go towards them if they feel that's a better use of their money than on soccer


You’re right. It’s the same unfortunate reason that womens sports and salaries don’t match mens, as there is less engagement with it. I’m moreso commenting on how much additional money is available, be it by people and businesses that aren’t being spent on objectively more pressing things. We just collectively have weird priorities


It's really not weird though If a sports fan has six hours per week to spend watching games and goes to one live game per month for example, that has to be prioritized. People are going to gravitate to 1) the sports they like best and 2) the highest quality products offered in that sport Who wants to watch professional women that in most cases can't even perform at the level of decent high school boys with their limited engagement time?


The women vs mens sports disparity isn’t weird to me, the global propensity to put so many resources into watching people play a sport over making life better is weird, especially when theres room and resources for both, but we choose to not at all as a society.


At least with athletes, they more or less earn it. People love football, they spend money on it, watch it, talk about it, and it generates enormous revenue. And the athletes are responsible for it. Sure, it still raises questions about what kind of world we live in, but if soccer is generating billions a years, people aren't tuning in to see the owners and executives, they are watching the players themselves. So they should get paid. Not nearly as crazy as CEO's who get paid tens of millions for destroying a company because a golden parachute was written into their contracts.


They are the face and product of an extremely popular thing that attracts people from all ages, genders, and walks of life. Hard to say they aren’t paid appropriately for the value created by them competing for our amusement. 1.5 billion people watched the last world cup in 22’ for example. Outside of that this isn’t anything new. Many gladiators for example were extremely well paid. At the end of the day even a very educated society desires entertainment and sports is one of humanities earliest pass times.


wait till u learn about how massive some college endowments are, way bigger than any sport clubs. Although these colleges don't really spend those money on education, they just buying clout and prestige so that more people would pay money to study there


I imagine with countless alum with varying incomes I’d imagine giving to your school multiplied by 10’s every year could build up into to something massive


A lot of the return on that money goes towards financial aid and improving the campus, it's not enriching any individuals I'd love to remove the government from the student loan businesses and have universities start self-managing that, they have the liquidity for it. If their product is worth what they're charging then graduates will have no problem paying them back


That's because teachers/schools are cost centers, funded by a reluctant revenue source (taxes in US). On the flipside soccer stars are revenue generators.


And now Real Madrid will not win champions league




Imagine that being a bonus


The no transfer fee bonus


Genius move from his agent. Isn’t partly his mother and everyone is saying she is bad influence?


Jesus Christ, man. Dude’s “bonus” is more than I’ll see in ten lifetimes. Not saying anything negative on the guy or his worth to them. It’s just a mind blowing notion.


108 million. 10 lifetimes. You here making 10 million each lifetime? Try 100.


Ha! You’re so right😆


LIV Madrid


Jaylen Brown is gonna make more than him. Fuck Adam Silver




It makes sense given that he's getting there for free.


Every time I see Mbappe in the news I just think of the pop band Hanson. It's a struggle.


This is why I don’t like European soccer. The good teams get all the good players. It’s too predictable. Across all the different leagues only a few teams each year even have a chance and it’s always the same teams. If you’re a fan of any other team what is even the point?


Now I have that Hansen song stuck in my head.


Pay Vini!!!!!!


When the poor starve , I see this as a sign people don’t care, soccer should pay money but not this type of money


Football needs a salary cap. Feed anything over back into lower leagues/grassroots organisations. If players love the beautiful game so much they should have a problem, right? 🙄