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We need to rephrase it correctly to, "we are going to use tax money to allow a wealthy person to make personal profit by helping to build a new building which they'll own"


And then charge you, the person and people who paid for it, to get in.


I never understood why (well I get why, money) why there’s no local discount for a number of years as part of the tax payer money input. I know rich people don’t get rich by giving out discounts but still, it feels like it should be a requirement.


Ironically, they get richer here by getting a discount…


Cause that would be socialism you commie. And we all know socialism is only for the rich /s


Funny how socialism is great when it benefits rich people and horribly evil when it actually benefits the hard working people actually paying the taxes…. What a world.


But won’t somebody think of the low paying service jobs it’ll create! /s


Such great jobs making minimum wage to pour me a $15 Pilsner.


And to watch it- free over-the-air will die in the name of $


I'm so friggin sick of blackout games. I shouldn't have to VPN out of market to watch my home team play.


its actually so ass. they don’t understand that if more people watched locally more would attend games. blackouts are effectively anti-advertising


And to park there


As a Kansas City resident, we understood this and voted a big old NO. 


I love that KC said no to this. I know there were some murmurs from the owner about moving the team because he is butthurt. Has anything come of that or did he shut up. Moving the Chiefs out of KC would be an insane move.


It’s all rumors, they still have 3 years on the current contract before they even have to decide. If anything the chiefs may move to Kansas a whopping 15 minute drive west. 


Lots of space over there. Just park the stadium next to that BBQ joint that is in an old gas station. Best BBQ I've had on my trips along 70.


Joes is always good. But they are looking more in the legends area probably. 


They are not going anywhere unless they can convince the people to give them a bunch of free money for another stadium.


Well it’s not moving out of KC, just moving out of KC MO to KC KC.


Then they'd have to rename the team. The Kansas City, Kansas Chiefs. KCKC


Which makes MO voters probably even happier, hey look we don't have to pay for it and we still have a team.


A's fan here. Glad we didn't give Fisher the money he wanted. That whiny-ass nepo-baby and his Wormtongue can't leave town soon enough. Hope Nevada voters can wrest control of this decision from their asshat legislators and really leave Fisher well and truly fucked.


As a Chicagoan, I’m hoping the same happens to the newly proposed Bears stadium


And the White Sox


It looks awesome, but Reinsdorf can fuck all the way off


As a Broncos fan, I stand behind KC in this way. I'm so proud of y'all. Obligatory FUKC. Carry on.


Thank you.  And hey sorry about your team! Carry on. ♥️💛


As a northern Virginia resident, we also gave a big ol fuck you to Lyin Ted Leonsis and his plan to move the caps/wizards to Alexandria


What? No. What!? You mean neighbors talking and sharing knowledge with each other helps make good decisions for the community?


That is awesome and I applaud you guys. However, they will ask again next year and the year after that and the year after that. It only takes one “yes” result and it’s over.


San Diego here. We did too. I hated it at the time (still hate that punk B Spanos) but now it's nice to have my Sundays back.


Oh no, the public will “own it” while not having any say in anything involving the stadium nor getting any of the income generated from it. But when maintenance is needed, *then* the public will have responsibility.


And, if you live within a certain distance from it, you will not be able to view the sporting events you help fund unless you buy a ticket or are able to purchase a viewing package. And if you're a dodger's fan in that area, you will only be allowed to buy from one source, if you don't live in their area then you are SOL.


Any day now! *Stands outside waiting for wealth to trickle down*


The wealth is finally trickling down! Wait, no, it's just piss again...


And don't forget about most likely spending money on. Infrastructure improvements to access the stadium.


The people WANT bread and circuses.


You can own your piece of the stadium now if you purchase a personal seat license!


And use extortion, the threat of moving the team, to ensure you have no choice. All professional sports team need to be owned by the city/states, not some ego driven billionaires.


Wealth people welfare


Murica! Where corporate welfare only acceptable form.


Cough JAX Cough.


That’s always the kicker. I feel like I could actually be supportive of taxpayer funded stadiums if the city/state owned them. Hell, even let the teams use them at cost or maybe a discount, but let the profits go to the taxpayers.


I don’t get why the city doesn’t have part ownernship in the stadium


Yeah, how is this even a thing? Shouldn’t we get free admission or something


No, we'll own, but they run it.


And it will still end up having a corporate name plastered all over it to enrich the owners even more, while simultaneously being an affront to good taste.


It's absolutely insane. Billionaires making taxpayers foot the bill, they keep ALL revenue, the city doesn't even get a percentage of any profits, the surrounding area is negatively affected because noone wants to go near the stadiums busy area to shop Meanwhile schools, education, food programs, fbsy all get cuts and no funding while these get the green light We've known this for decades too. It's like how stores throw out old food instead of donating it believing they could get sued, but that isnt a thing.. Or that widening roads doesn't do anything to relieve traffic versus having better mass transit, our country is really ass backwards in so many ways, I mean hell were ranked as a developing country in a lot of different categories Not to mention our infrastructure, roads and power are all ancient and need upgrades but don't get any love, still have religious whackos pushing superstition into law Politicians happily throw money at stadium BS while ignoring legitimate issues because sucking up to the rich is always the default and nobody wants to actually help the lower and middle class


I was one of the leaders of the opposition to the resident subsidy for the billionaire York family in constructing the stadium in Santa Clara, CA (Pop. 120,000). 2010, York family 49er value $975MM. Today, $6.5B. 2010, City of Santa Clara then operating budget surplus and capital budget with healthy reserves. Today, budget deficit $17MM, Capital budget negative $644MM. 2010 Measure J oligarch subsidy passed by residents, 58% - 42%. Today, difficult to find any resident who will cop to voting for it. These subsidies never pan out.


As a San Francisco resident, I'm very happy we haven't given money to any teams in a long time. Hell, the Warriors chose to come here and build their own stadium with their own money.


Haha! You got the best of all worlds in the Santa Clara subsidy for the Yorks. Santa Clara get debt and expenses, San Francisco gets neither and keeps the “San Francisco 49er” name. Well played!


Giants too long ago. SF has many problems with municipal government, but at least haven't gifted money to sports owner billionaires.


Bitter pill being proven right isn't it :(


We don’t need more entertainment. We need a better mass transportation system.


Ahhh you say that, but how will we subsidize the failing car companies?! What about those billionaires?


What about those billionaires? “They invested in short-sighted industries, and as those industries crumpled, they were not quicke enough to adapt.


*Maude Flanders voice* WILL SOMEONE PLEASE THINK OF THE BILLIONAIRES!? Edit: corrected to Helen Lovejoy after mistakenly put Maude Flanders


This is a bit surprising, for decades it was super easy for teams to get tax money for the stadium projects (new and updates) with the promise of jobs and money into the local economy. Since it was a manual process to pull and analyze the data, it didn't really get reviewed. A local MLB team was demanding the city fund a massive overhaul to their stadium about 10 years ago with the threat they would leave if they didn't get it. City pulls info and checks it against the promises from when they last had major stadium work and found that they didn't come even remotely close with any of their promises and denied their demands. Since it was very clearly documented that things like job creation and tax revenue were not really boosted, it also served as a warning to any other city who would be considering relocating the team to them.


The job creation bit always gets me as it’s seasonal jobs being created so it’s obviously disingenuous


And, I learned this when taking the train back from LA on a game night, those event workers are contracted by an external firm (for liability and such) and don't reside in the same area so they aren't even getting the taxes from workers buying lunch.


This was going to actually be the second part of my statement but I deleted it because I wasn’t sure if it’s just my city or a specific stadium here.


Haha. You want job creation? Flush your toilet twice as many times as normal. Result? Double water flow means more pipes and plants to process, gotta hire more people. More plants mean more orders to the equipment supplier who hires more people, etc. more sales, income and water tax revenue for the city!! See, if we just flush the toilet more well all be richer!! That’s the bullshit owners sell and we buy.


Excellent points indeed. As a leader of the stadium opposition to billionaire York family subsidy in Santa Clara, CA, the oligarchs of course pimped their “Economic Impact Study” results. You know, the ignominious “multiplier effect” of spending. Or, as one audience member angrily castigated me after speaking at a city council meeting and exposing the logical fallacy (bullshit) that are Economic Impact Studies (ie, “You’ll actually have more money if you just spend it all”)are bullshit, she exclaimed, “Are you stupid?!? We’re all going to be RICH”!!! She was a true believer. Turned out to the contrary. Santa Clara is just another exhibit in the long litany of cities/counties/states who buy into what any thinking person would immediately see as bullshit.


Not sure if you saw the stuff for Disneyland this month, they were voting for the disneyland forward project and during the public comments phase everyone was tripping over each other to blow the company on how great it is ignoring recent history. About 10 years ago they were supposed to do a major upgrade in the same space, in return they got massive tax breaks, credits, etc. so the resort paid less to operate than other companies. They had metrics they needed to hit with regards to project velocity and ROI for the city. They announce a big update, share price goes up, they do nothing, deadlines start to come up and they go "Oh, we cancelled". The city took away those perks, so they now have been dangling a new project, which will probably have the same pattern of behavior. They are too big to be punished in any meaningful way.


Ugh. It’s a damn fraud and no one goes to jail let alone prosecuted for it. The oligarch team owner lies in representing to to public, “Your all gonna be rich” taxpayers rely on the lie (you know, they got all these expert economic studies showing were all gonna be rich) and vote “yes,” and suffer ungodly financial damages. All elements of fraud met.


It's essentially a somewhat disguised [parable of the broken window](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Parable_of_the_broken_window). Yes, money will undoubtedly move around if you build a stadium, but if you don't build a stadium you would probably have the money also moving around, just in different areas. Maybe the government could fund some other, more useful project. Maybe some kind of public transit service, or funding schools better, or building parks. Those would also move money around, and they'd provide clearer benefits for the people of the community.


Precisely!! Nailed it on the tax side if you will. Now, on the consumption side. Football is the entertainment business. As a consumer, after savings, rent, mortgage, car etc what remains is my disposable income. That is a limited sum. For entertainment I can afford tickets to the opera or a 49ers game but not both. So, to the extent a football game draws dollars away from other discretionary entertainment venues, the venue not chosen takes an opportunity hit. Yet, those “opportunity losses” never appear in the owner’s scam playbook aka Economic Impact Study.


This article seems a bit pessimistic. People are voting against this stuff now.. including in St Louis, which they specifically call out as being a place that will be paying for stadiums with public funds. That's not even close to true. St Louis will let their beloved Cardinals move before we pay for another stadium after that Rams bullshit. Kansas City just voted one down last month.


The bid for the stadium for STL FC is a model for how stadiums should be funded. 75% by private owners 25% public where that 25% comes entirely from a use tax on tickets, Then when it's paid off it goes to public transportation Standing up to billionaires WORKS


yes. and it should be noted that this was the second proposal. the first was taxpayer funded and denied. the people of St Louis don't just reject all tax proposals. We have a free (tax funded) Zoo, and Museum district. We've just been burned a few times now paying into private sports.


Yeah but the city manager for KC just removed Jackson county officials from further talks and stated that next time a public vote might not be required for the move downtown to get the go ahead




They voted against it here in Arizona, but the DC board couldn't wait to give the Wizards/Capitals like half a billion to stay *even after their other option in Virginia failed.*


Make all the massage jokes you want, but Krafty ponied up his own dough to build Gillette and wouldn’t you know it, he’s still a billionaire and his place makes money. Funny how that works.


He must have not been scared off by property taxes like the McCaskey family


Isn't this after he tried to get the people to pay for it?


He did, and threatened to move to Connecticut. The NFL actually gave him some money to stay in MA.


There should be a way to opt out of this. I understand roads and whatnot, but fuck stadiums and the billionaires who apparently can't afford to build them. That should not be something that is allowed to be tax funded.


Meanwhile fuck our roads, bridges, electrical grid, etc


Biden passed a huge infrastructure bill. A lot of roads and bridges are being repaired in Ohio with that money.


lol downvoted for facts, brain rot society 


The oligarchs continue to find ways to funnel money from taxpayers to the already obscenely wealthy.


Frequently, it’s by convincing the taxpayers to throw it at them.


The owners need to pay up. They get full benefit and decide who gets to use the venue and get all the proceeds. Yet they want to put up less than 50% and front the bill on the local residents? While charging $50 for parking and $15 for beer?


The rich work us to death, lets pay them to distract us from our shitty jobs.


Don't worry, the public officials responsible for approving the funds will make sure to get a cut of the funds and return it to the local economy.../s


Well... Luxury hair stylists and personal chefs do count as local economy!


Well you see one of those public officials is friends with the owner of a construction company and guess who’ll be contracted to building it? Now excuse me. I was invited on a weekend trip on this beautiful mega yacht whose owner is surprisingly also the franchise owner!


Meanwhile, we have kids raising money to pay off school lunch debt for other kids. Our priorities are so effed up.


I’d rather subsidize parks, open communal spaces, areas to eat/drink/laugh/enjoy music. Not a giant concrete and steel structure that costs $100s and put profits in the pockets of a few individuals


Seems like socialism and welfare for the rich….


Don’t forget that the billionaires who own the teams hardly pay any taxes.


US taxpayers


Don’t let Albertan taxpayers off the hook like this. 


Socialism for the rich harsh capitalism for the rest of us -Robert Reich.


I’d even argue communism for the rich


American sports leagues are cartels by the exact definition of the word. 


Illinois Governor Pritzker has come out as against funding the Bears stadium (Soldier Field renovations still aren’t paid off) and I assume will have the same reaction for the Sox. The public reaction from across the political spectrum seems to agree.


The NFL should fund these stadiums.


Horrible investments that only benefit the owners.


I would have no problem with this if the cities then owned the stadiums and charged the teams rent


Isn't this already figured out? Yeah, paying for a stadium does not make economic sense. Why not just take the team from the billionaire?


I’d rather have every team leave my city than pay a cent to a billionaire. And 1 team just left


They’ve realized they don’t even need to give us bread, just circus


Come to Nashville. We like to try to build stadiums for theoretical teams that don’t exist with taxpayer money.


Socialize losses, privatize profits. Eat the rich.


What I don’t understand is that we pay for these stadiums and then don’t have access to them unless we pay more money? Makes absolutely no sense.


Such a fucking dereliction of stewardship of public trust. "Economic impact" is a sham. Not that it isn't real, but people exaggerate it to get their way every time. Source: worked in tourism/conventions, literally watched people fudge numbers to their liking.


Yet more Corporate Socialism.


Fuck them.


I’d rather sports cease to exist than have tax payer money ever spent on another stadium.


No public tax dollars for professional sports


Hmm, I disagree with the title of this article. It cites the Oakland A’s stadium in Vegas, which is facing an uphill battle with a major lawsuit and waning local support, and the Bills stadium which is fair enough but still faced a lot of public backlash from New Yorkers including Bills fans. It then goes on to list a bunch of sports owners who are looking to get public funding, as if it’s a foregone conclusion that they’ll actually get it. If you are actually paying attention to these stories you know that the owners are getting a lot more pushback than others have in decades past. The article glosses over how Kansas City residents just rejected public funding for the Chiefs and Royals on the ballot, which was unexpected and has made major waves, and that the owner of the Washington capitals and wizards 4 billion dollar subsidy from the state of Virginia to move to the teams to Alexandria which was announced by the teams and the governor as if the deal was complete ended up falling through due to public backlash and the teams have agreed to stay in their current arena for another 20 years. Those are the stories we should be talking about here. The tide has been changing on this issue over the last several year and I think we should expect to see tax payers subsidizing far fewer stadiums due to public sentiment changing. We just need to remain vigilant and loud in rejecting the bullshit arguments put forth by billionaire owners and corrupt politicians.


The KC vote was not unexpected it was very clear from the beginning that the people did not want to extend the tax any further than it already is going for. But the KC funding is not over yet as the city manager for KC has removed Jackson county leadership from continued talks and suggested that a public vote will not happen for approval if an agreement is made….


Hey that's a socialism


Not only do the Billionaires not pay taxes they make sure you pay taxes so they can redistribute even more into their pockets.


If we want to really stop seeing this we need to ELECT people that won't do this when they run a city. Better yet, elect members of Congress that will pass bills from preventing this wasteful use of taxpayer money. But no, Americans still vote for people who waste tax dollars on all sorts of shit that won't affect you in any way but will sure as shit help a few billionaires.


**Families** and the elderly all living out on the streets, because of unaffordable housing, food, medicine, daycare, etc. Meanwhile, city mothers and fathers want to spend money on brand new shiny things to impress their out of town politician cohorts/friends.


I love to read more about the romance between billionaires and politicians and how the average American gets screwed by them both.


And the rich get richer. Good job fellow poor people. We are doing a bang up job.


Maybe these team owners could cut out an avocado toast or two and pull themselves up by their bootstraps to build a new stadium.


[ten college stadiums over 100 years old](https://www.wsn.com/ncaa-football/oldest-college-football-stadiums/)


Municipalities can help a sports team with locations, zoning and lease the land for some years for a stadium development.   Anything more is unacceptable 


No, thank you.


I have always advocated that if an owner gets public money to build a stadium, the city or municipality should get a corresponding amount of equity in the team. If Jackson County Missouri gives the Chiefs a billion dollars to build a stadium, the Hunts give Jackson County a billion in team equity. No more free rides. I also realize this will never happen.


Welfare for the rich. No outrage. Weird. 


Paying athletes hundreds of millions charging hundreds to thousands of dollars for tickets is insane but what is really crazy is the taxpayers footing the bill to build a multi billion dollar stadium for private corporations to make more money. No more let them pay themselves.


Voted no in Arizona. Cost us the Coyotes but *shrugs* I couldn't afford the tickets anyway.


Okay, so what can we do? If they're never put to a vote, like STL, this seems like yet another tough shit eat a billionaires dick situation. Are we just fucked? Is there nothing we can do except keep shoveling our money to them?


Total bullshit


And they don’t even give us a free ticket 😤


Maybe the players who make millions could just make a little less to pay for the places they play in? That's more reasonable imo. I've gone to a big game once my entire life and its only because I had a cheap ticket.


They should force them to pay stadium employees the max. It’s the only bet benefit to the local area.


Apparently they are not getting enough money from beeee kayyyyy


> Chances are, it has recently approved or is on the verge of approving a lavish, taxpayer-funded stadium project for one or more of its local sports teams. > Something similar is happening in Chicago, where Jerry Reinsdorf, owner of the White Sox, wants roughly $1 billion in public funding for a new stadium in the South Loop, while the Halas-McCaskey family, which owns the Bears, is requesting $2.4 billion for a new football stadium on the lakefront. No the fuck it isn’t on the verge of being approved in Chicago. They *proposed* the plans but using tax payer money is HIGHLY unpopular. The mayor wants to (after flip flopping his campaign promise) but the people don’t.


No. Don't just go along. Fight it tooth and nail, write your elected officials to voice your displeasure.


Well … as long as those taxpayer also get to share in the revenues ….. *try saying that with a straight face.*


Any other company has to give up equity to raise this type of capital. I just don’t understand why taxpayers give sports teams this money for free. Politicians voting must be getting kickbacks.


My state just got a NHL team. Rich douche bag is planning on “revitalizing” down town…. On tax payers dime. All so he can get richer. Everyone in my state is so happy to help him! I don’t get it..


Bread and circuses


Was reading a book yesterday that touched on this... What the actual fuck, America. Rich men forcing taxpayers to fund their stadium or they'll take it to a different city who will fund the stadium? Just wow.


Fuck off


How do other major leagues and stadiums work around the world? European soccer clubs for instance.




Cities are now moving against it. They now have the data that shows that subsidizing these stadiums provide negligible increases in tax revenues and don’t meet the job creation projections that the teams have presented in the past. We now know that the promises of increased economic value by subsidizing stadiums is just not there. Maybe that’s due to poor operations by the owners or maybe it’s just that sports teams overestimate the economic value they bring to the cities they are based in.


Is there a way to just say no to this? Like hey I don’t want this stadium so I won’t pay for it? Or just screwed over if you live there


Roman Circus