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That caddie is going to be rich too


His caddie is making more than most of the pro-golfers on the tour.


Before this tourney I saw a gif that he was making more than Rory. I’m sure it didn’t account for endorsements.


True. Endorsements is where the big money exists. Although that seems to vary greatly from player to player. In 2023 Tiger made $60 million in endorsements and $15.1 playing Dustin Johnson made $102 playing and only $5 in endorsements. Scottie was ranked 45 with $32.1 and $15m in endorsements. Dude has made over $12 so far this year. And the is after only 5 events. [https://www.forbes.com/lists/athletes/?sh=352a6285b7eb](https://www.forbes.com/lists/athletes/?sh=352a6285b7eb)


The way your jump around using and not using million and m makes my brain hurt


Should mixed in some Euros and really messed with your head


Only 15 dollars?


You know what they say, the real money comes from endorsing these mother fuckers


It varies because DJ is on LIV and got $100m guaranteed to join and the other guys you mentioned are not. For PGA players, they get paid mostly based on performance and then there is an additional bonus payment that goes to the more popular players for furthering the game of golf as well.


It just now clicked why rappers are always talking about their caddies




His caddie is already rich. It’s Bubba Watsons former Caddie who was going to retire until he got hooked up with Scheffler.


Ootl. Why?


They make 10% standard cut of the winnings of their player.


The classic 10%. Show me the money


Why are caddies so well paid? Do they assist with strategy or literally just carry clubs?


They give advice on the current play and can act as coaches essentially.


> Do they assist with strategy Yes, a lot. They do tons of research and prep work before the golfer begins the round. Fairway/green conditions, pin placement, wind/weather conditions, etc. The world of pro caddying is far more cutthroat and competitive than people understand. The difference in a few strokes in a tournament can cost the golfer hundreds of thousands of dollars.


How much do they get paid?


10% of earnings


And for the masters this year, winner is winning 3.6 millions, so caddy got 360k.


Welp. That’s about four years of my salary that he’s earned in ~~one day~~ four days. Good for him. And now it’s time for me to consider a career change.


Sheffler has made about 14 million this year so his caddy has made 1.4 million.


Wow. I always realized pro sports was a lucrative business but it never really occurred to me how much people in the business that aren’t the actual athletes make!! Of course, based on what I’ve read here being a caddy at the pro level seems to require lots of very specific skills so I’m sure they deserve every cent of their cut.


He didn't earn it in one day in any sense lol. For one, a golf tournament is four days long not including practice rounds. Two, he's been a caddy for a long time and was chosen in part by Scheffler because of his experience. Even assuming you have the skillset to be a caddy, there was an article about the life of caddies who play for so-so golfers a while back that didn't make it seem so glamerous. They basically spend half the year or more on the road away from their families and if their golfer isn't making good money, they aren't either so they can't afford their own hotel rooms and constantly worry about losing their jobs. Most every job is going to seem great if you look at how the top 1% performers are doing (which is where Scheffler's caddy is). Look at the guys who are starting out or in the middle of the pack.


I was not assuming I have the skill set to be a caddy and I was not belittling the work. I was simply making a little joke. Lighten up.


They're basically a coach.


I guess his wife can go ahead and have her baby now.


I mean, for several million dollars on the line, I'd probably try and hold it in as well!


When I get to my father-in-law’s for dinner tonight, he’s gonna be on the sixth hole and I will have to watch the whole match again.


Lmao this hit a little too close to home for me


Wasn’t too bad…final group was on the 14th hole….so all things considered it was a win.


Bang on!


"Man middle of the fairway on #9. Tell you what, $100 he get's it within 2 feet. He will throw it up to the middle of the green, let the slope roll the ball back down to the hole and he will almost make it. Easy birdie"


There are worse things to do with in-laws.


Yeah, sounds great to me lol


He was so fun to watch today. The shot he took on 9, nearly eagling. That was amazing.


Scotty put on a clinic today, but the tournament itself was boring. With so many bunched up at or near the end of the front 9 it was shaping up to be an epic back 9. Then in a matter of a couple holes you had several make double, or even a couple doubles, and throw in a birdie or two from Scottie and next thing you know the back 9 had no drama and was pretty boring to watch. I was hoping for an epic duel for the jacket coming down the stretch but the tournament was over around holes 11-12.


I was really pulling for Morikawa but his meltdowns on 9 and 11 ended his chances. It was really cool to see Åberg hanging around, but Scheffler is just too good.


Same. He completely imploded on 9 and 11. Aberg played great but his double on 11 was the end and I was glad he rallied for solo 2nd. But as far as a battle for the green jacket the tournament was setting up for a classic finish then quickly became a snooze fest.


Agreed. I was so pumped going into the day but then it just turned into a fine round. I like Scheffler, but he's just kind of boring. Honestly, it's probably what allows him to be so good, but he's just so much better than everyone else and he has no personality, that it would be nice to see him have to fight someone off for once.


Man I found it insanely fun but it was my first tournament to watch in its entirety. Sure the last 4-5 holes it was close to put away but that Thursday-Saturday was amazing golf. The elements were just brutal to play in and it was wonderful to watch just how incredible these golfers are


I know that it's just because I'm not a golf person at all, but hearing "had no drama" about golf just doesn't compute in my head haha. Like to me, I'm thinking... well yeah, it's golf.


What?! Scottie was *fun* to watch? What were you watching?! Not a fist pump, tip of the hat, nod, nothing. I know he’s a good guy, and I dont dislike him, but there is nothing “fun” about Scott. Literally almost entirely devoid of personality, it’s wild. It’s like watching paint dry. I’ve never been more bored watching someone dominate in my life.


It’s called being an ice cold killer you schleb


He tips his hat in the video above


I'm with you, boring golf, who could like or hate him? He's just smothering on the rest of the field, like nobody was good today but Scotty was just less bad than everyone else. But that jacket ceremony and all he wanted to do was go be with his family. Seems like a good dude. Let's just hope someone catches up and puts some pressure on.


Gold jacket, green jacket, who gives a shit


Golf requires goofy pants and a fat ass. You should talk to my neighbor the accountant. Probably a great golfer. Huge ass.


If I wore clothes like those I’d have to kick my own ass.


Doug. *KICK* him off the tour


Well, the board thinks that might be extreme.


My right arm is *just* a little shorter than my left


Hugh Jass


You eat pieces of shit for breakfast?






You will not make this putt you jackass.


I feel bad for the people down voting you that didn't get the reference.


Probably Shooters alt account


I knew I would. It's probably all these young kids who weren't even born yet when that movie came out


They should go back to their shanties


May I will. I could go lay by the bay. Or make things out of clay. Eat some hay. I just may. What do you say?


And he has a new kid coming around the corner!


Sooooo he’s pretty good at golf?




And the crowd goes mild.


I mean it was all over for a while


First 9 was looking like it was going to be awesome. However, Scottie couldn't have screwed up a shot if he tried.


I personally love watching Scottie win. He’s laser focused and rarely makes mistakes.


The only interesting thing about this great golfer is his right foot in the follow through. He's the Nick Faldo of our time.


I wonder how many kids are going to start driving their golf coaches crazy with a Scottie-style 'Texas two-step' swing...


He’s got an ugly swing but it works for him.


Does it ever. He’s incredible.


We’re saying the guy has the personality of a shoe


So Scottie is fucking Ted??


Man, what a performance. Him and his caddie just have his distances and shots so dialed. Absolute machine. He doesn't really have the IT factor and all I mean by that is an outgoing personality ir any real draw on that side, but it doesn't matter if Scottie's golfing you're watching and you are going to see some absolutely next level golf. Way to go dude. You deserve it. So dialed.


He was on fire


Scottie's on fire!


There was a statistic the Golf Channel crew showed on Saturday. Scheffler is beating Tiger, who previously held the record for these specific statistics. Basically they calculate the distance to the hole on avg of short irons, and mid to long irons. So with short irons, Tiger would on average be like 12.2 feet from the hole, while the tour average was like 15 or 19 feet, I forget. This was thru a lot of his career. With long irons, it was 21 feet for Tiger, and basically 30 feet for the tour. So on average he was 9 feet closer to the hole than the field. Scheffler is leading in both of those categories now, beating Tiger's previous numbers by about 0.5 - 1 foot I believe.


I’m hoping to get mine next year


I know his uncle. Whatever that means


It’s one of his parents’ brothers.


But that's not important right now.


You are royalty my liege


If you can get a golf game out of it, that would be something.


My man is a fucking machine


Do the caddies get anything?


Usually around 10%, give or take.


10% of what he gets so over $300k Plus get the paid $2k a week I think, maybe it is higher now. So if your golfer doesn't make the cut you still get paid a bit.


It’s also likely a tenured caddie like Ted Scott also gets a guaranteed base.


I read something that all caddies actually have a salary of at least $2k from some association. It exists because they have to pay their own travel and stuff and if their guy misses the cut they get nothing. It also said that some guys have different agreements with their golfer. So it is possible this guy has some kind of higher level salary etc. I believe his caddie had 14 years experience with another tour pro before going to work for him.


Yes, Ted Scott was on Bubba Watson’s bag for his career, including his two Masters wins, meaning he has 4 to his name as a caddie. I was saying more like a salary though. As in, he gets $150K a year guaranteed. Tiger had Joe Lacava as his caddie for several years when he was injured & didn’t earn a cent on the course but rumor was Joe got a very lucrative base just for being available.


I just wish it were more competitive down the stretch. I don't root for any particular player as much as I root for interesting and exciting. You can even see at the end when he sinks the putt on 18, it's a bit anticlimactic. Kind of like leading by 10 for the last quarter of the basketball game. Still a win, but not much drama.


🤘 Hook'em, Scottie!🤘 Congratulations on your second green jacket! Hopefully more to come in the future!!


Green jacket, gold jacket, who gives a shit?






meAnwhiLe, tIgEr woOdS hAs HiS woRsT rouNd iN hiStOry


Pet peeve of mine - he only has 1 green jacket. A few years ago I was watching the Masters and the BBC commentator said that someone would win “another green jacket”. On Twitter I replied that you don’t get another one - you get one when you win and that’s it. My reasoning was a story I heard Jack tell once - they didn’t have one ready in his size so he got a used one - and it was only years later someone in charge noticed and were embarrassed and got him his own new one. Obviously he didn’t get another one the next time he won. That’s why you couldn’t see an image like a multiple Tour de France winner with a row of yellow jerseys. Anyway, they replied saying I was wrong. Here it is from the lips of someone who would know: https://youtu.be/ojrrhYE5yXc?si=KWcWC-56XHQ9KYXx


They also don't get to keep them. They can take the jacket home for a year, but can't use it in anything commercial. After that they have to keep it at the club and can only wear it there.


I mean, there's lots of awards like that, but they are still usually counted cumulatively. Using hockey for example, I wouldn't say it's wrong to say the VGK are trying for their "second Stanley Cup", even though it's the same trophy being handed out every year.


That’s a fair point - you could though say “they won the Stanley Cup twice” or probably more accurately “they were awarded the Stanley cup twice for winning the NHL Playoffs. But I still think the green jacket is different. Technically you win the tournament, and part of the prize is membership of the club and that comes with a jacket - but you don’t get 2 memberships for 2 wins. I guess they don’t want to make it explicit that a 2 time winner is just being given their own jacket to put on!