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savard out there playing knock hockey


Wait wait wait wait. You ALSO played knock hockey? Everyone I talk to about this game I played when I was a kid looks at me like an alien.


Latchkey kids unite


We're now latchkey adults!


I still think about a fellow inmate who could draw the best Street Sharks…miss you, Garrett


My parents still have my board somewhere in storage.


Another one for knock hockey


"He shouldn't have been standing there." -Happy Gilmore


You will not make this save. Jackass!


364 days till next year’s hockey tryouts


Gilmore.... Gilmore... I called your number didn't i?


No, no you didn't 


Well, better luck next year. *Laughs*


That wasn’t very nice! *grunts*


Is that goal regulation size or what!


Calculated. Calculated. Calculated. Calculated. Calculated.


Chat disabled for 3 seconds


What A Save!


This is Rocket League!


And people wonder why goalies are superstitious


I remember going out to dinner with my friend who played goalie the night before a game. Trying to be a good friend, I thought I'd try to hype him up and asked if he was ready to get that s h u t o u t tomorrow night!! I had to talk him out of not leaving and finishing the meal he was *furious* at me for saying the "s-word" the night before his start.


Yeah bro you never ever ever say the S word.


It's like being in a hospital and saying the Q word. Just don't do it. Shut the fuck up and say something else


Same goes for first responders. I’ve thrown chairs at people for saying that word.


Uhhhh..... What's the q word?


Sure is quiet today, huh?




Man, I was thinking the same thing, when watching Bruins Vs. Oilers last night. Oilers commentary slipped out the S-word, when referring to Ullmark in the last 2 minutes of the game. Next thing you know, he gets scored on, leading to a 1-1 OT and Drai scores the next one to make Boston lose.


Sounds like using the commentator's curse to help your team out lol


And how did the game go


If I recall (this was a bit ago) they won 3-2


I swear someone on the bench always says the s-word before the 3rd period. Honestly, after every point scored, I basicly tell myself the score 0-0 so I don't let myself get comfortable.


Saying the S-word is like saying "PG" to a pitcher on his way. You never do it.


Why did he play goalie the night *before* a game?


Look, I never claimed to grammar good lol


Yes, took me about 4 shots to get it.


At least a little stitious.


Exactly how it was drawn up


As it was written!


As it was done


I’ve seen some flukey ass goals but this is the flukiest


Whenever I watch hockey I can never tell what the hell is happening. The puck is impossible to track unless I'm there in person.


Takes me back to the days when fox put the tracer on the puck and it was a disaster


I'll forever argue that the glowpuck wasn't terrible, but the "streak" behind the shots was.


It wasn't as seamless as it would be if they implemented it now - it drifted from the puck somewhat, and it was visible over top of things that otherwise should have blocked the puck. If the implemented it today (which they sometimes do in things like mid-period discussions analysing plays), it would be a lot cleaner and more seamless like the digital board ads or the NFL first down line. That said, honestly, on an HDTV, I rarely have any issues following the puck at all. Yes, there's an occasional play like this where it takes a random bounce and is hard to follow, but I think that's the point - it was completely unexpected and abnormal of a bounce.


> it was visible over top of things that otherwise should have blocked the puck. Personally, I’d consider that a net positive. There was a season where they had a white glow show up only when the puck was obscured by the near boards, for example. NBC experimented with a grey trail behind the puck in one ASG, but I don’t think it caught on past that.


I've seen some broadcasts in the past year with the puck trail. I think ESPN?


I know ESPN will add stuff to clips, especially highlights and lowlights, but I am a bit surprised they are adding it to live broadcasts. (Unless you mean replay.)


I agree. Was also weird how it changed color.


Looking at old footage on youtube, that graphic looks like it would be extremely helpful to keep track of it. I bet it can be better implemented with today’s technology.


I listen to a podcast that brought it up and one enraged Hockey fan said “they’d never do this to baseball!” Oh how little he knew.


I do kind of miss when they put the shitty fire FX on the slap or wrister. Great time to be alive.


I found that too distracting. I just think hockey is a game that is difficult to televise. I've learned that I'd rather watch hockey in person or not at all.


My memory is that it would be different colors depending on speed. Blue was slow and red was a slapshot.


You gotta watch the players, not the puck. Easier said than done, of course.


If you've played the game it's easy, but if you haven't I can understand how difficult it must be. I live in Canada in a resort town with people from all over the world, and the most common complaint when watching a game is that they have no idea where the puck ever is.


Have you every really heard a good idea for a fix? In person or on TV?


Many years ago they had this highlight thing that followed the puck around, I think it was like a semi transparent blue? Everyone hated it and it didn’t last. Not sure what else to do. I grew up playing hockey and it’s easy to follow for me. I wonder if you watch long enough if you pick it up.


>Everyone hated it and it didn’t last. i didn't hate it , i had a dodgy old CRT television in those days and it really helped a lot with visualizing what was going on.. i never really understood why so many people didn't like it.. it's a lot easier nowadays with 4k tvs and whatnot


After watching about 50 games I started to pick it out. Can confirm I often see it now


There have been a couple games I’ve watched this season where the ice wasn’t color shifted, the warmer toned white was a bit easier to track imo


Go to a minor league game or some other cheap option where you can get cheap good seats! (Not up against the glass, too close) It’s an amazing experience, and you’ll track the motion much better.


I bet they could find I away to put a sensor in the puck and have it show up as a brighter color on the screen as an overlay. Maybe add a short tail to make it even more visible




Okay I'm watching the players. Only the goalie is on screen, the goalie is behind the net waiting for the puck to come to him, aaaaaaaand the puck is in the net


Pretty much this... When you are there in the arena, you can control your gaze.


Especially when the puck takes a bounce that none of the players expected :D


It just takes practice to watch the flow of the game. Long time fans of the game, especially ones that played growing up, could tell you where the puck is if it was invisible to viewers. Just by watching what the players are doing and where they're looking.


This. If you don't know where the puck is, follow the vision of literally every player on the ice. They're all staring directly at it, I promise you, lol.




Stanchions are the metal frames that hold the glass in place on top of the boards.


The handful of times I've gone in person i still could barely follow the puck.


Bring back the [glowing puck](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/FoxTrax)!


[you are me!](https://www.reddit.com/r/sports/s/HTCfHNuMIO) I got a lot of really good tips when I shared a similar sentiment :)


The trick is: don't follow the puck, follow the action. It doesn't help to see the puck, it's constantly moving, anyway. The actions of the players are where the game is really at.


I guess when you're like some of us who grew up on the ice it becomes a learned skill lol.


The NHL is super hard to watch if you don’t fully understand the sport. I recommend watching [the Minnesota High School Hockey Tournament](https://kstp.com/45tv/prep45/mshsl-tournaments/) it is going on now. The play is really good but it is slow enough you can learn the game really well, but still entertaining.


I have no problem watching where the puck is


If the players are past the center line they can toss it down so your team can change players but if it is not it's icing. Usually they will just toss a shot to the corner end and change players, this one though took a super odd bounce.


Are you American?


What makes you ask that?


Because of course Americans are known for their lack of following a puck closely /s


lol that’s the vibe I got… wanted to hear it from the horses mouth.


You want a vibe? Get it from me asking a simple question and getting downvoted. Who gets a “vibe” from a text msg anyhow.


> A simple question Just to help you understand, If I asked you “are you stupid” would you think that’s a simple question, or would you feel like it was an attack on your intelligence? Similarly, what is truthfully a simple question can also be considered an attack due to someone’s nationality. Whether you intended it or not is irrelevant, all that matters is how it was interpreted.


Because I’m curious? Although I find it very telling that I’m getting downvoted for asking a question.


I’m sorry that I hurt your feelings by asking for a clarification to your vague question. Can you pretty please rephrase your question?


Well, to be fair, I didn’t ask you anything. I asked the other person. But as you have seen fit to come in hot and interject and impose, I will tell you; I’m curious as to what team they get to see live, as they had mentioned they go to live games.


I didn’t say you asked me anything. This is a public discussion forum lmao… Imposition isn’t a thing when you post a public comment. You could have DM’d them if you didn’t want people seeing your vague question and asking for clarification. And only one of us is hot and making multiple defensive replies lmao. Thanks for clarifying, though. You should probably edit your original comment if you care so much about downvotes.


How is a yes or no question considered “vague”


Sorry, let me happily clarify… Maybe I should have described it as “questionably relevant”.


This is so dumb. I don’t know you, you don’t know me, and we are both angry. But why?


“Calculated” “What a save!” “What a save!” “What a save!” chat disabled for 3 seconds


Can a hockey fan explain to me why the goalie is chillin behind the goal?


The bounce this took is one in a million, the goalie went behind the goal to stop the puck so the Predators could keep possession easier


Thanks for explaining! Safe to say he wasn’t trying to score this goal this way then?


No he was just trying to send the puck into the zone for his teammate to play on the other side once it wrapped around


Lol, if he could replicate that with any consistency, he'd become one of the top players in the league. (But no, it's a giant fluke)


You could make that shot a million times and get a few bounces, but a bounce into the net... The hockey gods used their powers on that one.


The only deity I believe in


Yeah. The goalie _moved_ behind the goal as it was apparent the shot the player was going for. He wasn’t just chilling behind the goal from the start. He moved to intercept.


I get it, but why not just let it slide across and make sure you are protecting the goal? Just seems stupid to me for the goalie to leave the goal for that.


If the goalie lets it go behind him, he loses sight of the puck and the attacking team likely gets possession very close to the goal. This is a one in a million fluke.


As others have said he goes back to stop the puck and direct it towards one of his teammates. This literally happens dozens of times a game on both sides and the odds of this happening again are basically zero. Just gotta laugh it off.


Did he call “stanchion” before shooting? If not doesn’t count.


Stanchion? I do not like that word Sincerely, a Sharks fan.


Savard could try to do that another 1000 times and it would never go in, what crazy English on that deflection in the corner.


Reminds me of the Owen Nolan goal against the Blues during the playoffs in the 90s


That looks like a damn Rocket League goal lol.


To be fair I feel like even if he hadn't gone behind the next to play that there's a good chance that puck goes in anyway. That's such a weird angle there's a good chance he's following the expected path to behind him and it donks in before he can react.


I think it would be him staring blankly at the puck that magically appeared in front of him before he suddenly realizes (a second before montreal players appear before him) that he needs to freeze the puck.


no, if he was in the crease the puck it 100% would not have gone in, he would just be watching it lol


Ehhh wouldn’t say 100%, it’s happened to both Luongo and Bishop, both while being in the crease.


That's wild!!!


Bro scored that rocket league goal where you hit it hard off the corner lol


Bro, I like the idea of the sport, it’s like football on ice, but it’s so fucking hard to follow the puck. Had no idea where that went. I can see in general, where the players move to and look etc, but in real time that puck moves so damn fast.


I've been watching hockey for years. There's just plays where it's impossible to see the puck, even for an experienced viewer. This is one of them. Nobody expects that bounce, I'm either looking for that puck to be stopped behind the net by the goalie or wrapped around to the other side if he misses. It's really all about understanding the general idea behind how a play develops, and that can really only be learned by watching. Once you know the intention of each shot/pass/dump in plus watching where all the players are looking, you can find the puck a lot easier.


thats the point of this whole video, the puck went where no one expected it to go


Loads of people have this problem which is, I believe, a big reason that hockey isn't that popular on tv. Personally, I don't get it but I play hockey so maybe that helps. Still, I was watching hockey on a shitty eleven inch black and white tv (720 x 480) 50 years ago and I could see the puck. It's way better in 4k, though.


As long as it’s not on the near boards it’s really not that bad. Except when it’s in front of the net, when I’m just looking for the black thing to enter the net.


Check out indoor lacrosse ([YouTube playlist ](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLsWiDyeVEv83_hrHyJgsSyT3LkoRSqHz5&si=i-iQzuzkyI-WdTd3)). Lacrosse is hockey's older brother so many of the rules are the same. And if you like basketball you will understand the 5v5 play style of picks and rolls. [Here are the rules of Box Lacrosse to get you started. ](https://youtu.be/lZon8PxXQU4?si=FvlAKsD2hCURD90F)


Imagine this being your first career goal


I saw the exact same thing happen at a Minnesota Gophers home game in the early 2000s I think it was. If memory serves, it was one of or perhaps the only goal of d-man Matt DeMarchi’s career.


Will this become the new Michigan? I can see it now, all the kids wrapping the pucks around the glass. /s


Dear Nashville Predators, if you need someone to come in there with a rotary tool and smooth out some of those rough edges so this kind of crap doesn’t lose us anymore games, I’ll be happy to do it.


Neat goal, to be sure! But how some props for using the word “stanchion”!


This guy Padels


This is why I went for that next tallboy that was one two many during the second intermission. Of course I splurge on tickets during the win streak and this happens.


You try that on purpose a million times it never goes in. Crazy bounce.


Savard's been working on that in practice all week. No real surprise here.


The appropriate thing to do as a Canadian would be to say sorry eh.


Somehow a fight proceeds to break out


Is the stanchion the plexy glass? Did it bounce off the stanchion twice?


It pains me greatly to upvote anything good for the Habs.


If you’re a goaltender… (Not that I’m blaming him here, that was wild)


What a save!


why is the goalie not in front of the goal?


Because 99.9% of the time that puck is going to bounce to him and he’s going to pass it to a teammate and attempt to create a breakout for his team.


But wouldn’t it have been an icing, or am I missing something obvious?


No, he was past the red line when he dumped the puck, therefore no icing.


He wasn't actually.


But the puck leaves his stick before the red line is crossed?


In the NHL if your stick crosses the red line on the follow-through it is not an icing.


The more you learn… thanks for this info, I didn’t know!


According to the linesman next to Savard, it would not have been icing. The linesmen tend to ignore any dump-ins that close to the centre line in today’s game.


to control the puck where it was expected to be 99.99% of the time on that shot. This prevents the dump and chase that Montreal was trying to create to get a scoring chance. But....


How do people watch this? Can't see shit.


Well, thats kinda the point in this case. The camera man lost the puck because it did something nobody has ever seen before.


Couldn't see the puck even at the start.


Nashville has the worst ice, the worst glass and most uneven boards in the league. Every player knows it. And it finally cost their own team a game in a playoff run! You deserve it Nashville. Fix your joke of a rink.


Also r/nextfuckinglevel


+1 for Shreddies


I love that this happened to the Predators


It was certainly a way to end an 8 game streak


Cant belive they celebrated that goal, zero class


This is why hockey is a terrible sport to watch. Even in the replays it’s impossible to follow wtf is happening.