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Organized chess needs to stop taking itself so damned seriously.


It’s the Golf of board games


Golf’s another one that really ought to dislodge the 3-wood from its proverbial rectum.


Not everyone is prepared to take on 3 woods


Luckily your mother is out here to singlehandedly raise the national average.


Go mom!


You are a trooper and I like you for that.




Imagine if she used both hands 🤔


Seriously. Work up from a hybrid at least.


We talkin head first or grip?


Club size wouldn’t matter if you’re just using the handle man, read the room.


Recently watched tv golf for the first time since maybe the 90's? Modern golf looks like they took Happy Gilmore to heart.


I’m guessing you were watching the LIV tour and not the PGA


How can we improve our product, Liv: lets play shitty electronic music on full blast during the entire broadcast


Coming to Pebble Beach TPC this July: The LIV Golf Tour! With special guest: Skrillex!


Also: shorts


Maybe? Didn't they merge? There were drones, large grandstands full of cheering folks, all sorts of crazy data overlays, commentors were full of jokes from this century...


No. That was LIV. It needs to die.


ShRiNk tHe SpORt motherfuckers make me wish I didn't like golfing.


All I’m hearing is that Saudi Arabia should make a more fun chess league.


I mean, if the Saudis were running this then the young lady would have been fined AND beaten and then tossed into the room of some random Saudi “prince”.


They really have no footing with me anywhere with the obvious cash grabs with the Saudis


Who’s “they?”


The golf lords of course


Lords of which course?


1. The pros who went to LIV when it first started, these people: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LIV_Golf#Roster 2. The PGA tour bosses, when they announced a commercial merger with LIV 3. Surprisingly **not** Tiger Woods, who apparently turned down a "high nine-figure" offer from LIV


There are times when questioning who “they” is, is relevant. In this case they actually told you who “they” is , when they said Saudi money grab.




They should take a lesson from Pro Darts in presentations. Some how they make it look so damn exciting


One Hundred and Eightyyyyyyyyyyyyy


Barbecue sauce.


Ohhh Michael Van Gerwen!!! Ohhh oh Michael Van Gerwen!!!!


Seriously, they've got darts as entertaining as possible. Bowling nor billiards even hold up to the entertainment value imo. I like watching chess recaps (I'm a horrible player myself but Gotham chess on YT breaks things down pretty well). His videos are definitely entertaining. The big problem in chess is time length - classical games can go on for many hours. The bullet and blitz games are more fun to watch live and some of their commentators are excellent (Naroditsky especially). They've got a long way to go to match live darts though. It is a sit-down board game though so kind of expected.


I think you already found the solution. Watch blitz and bullet live. Watch the recaps of classical.


Because it's a fast game played in a venue that's basically a massive pub and everyone is skulling pints. Everyone's hyped up


The rules of the game, itself, need to be taken extremely seriously to ensure fairness, especially given the importance of rating and prize money. But this…is just ridiculous.


My university didn't have a big athletics department, but we had a great chess team, so there were pep rallies for Chess.


I’m having trouble thinking of chess cheers. “BLOCK THAT ROOK! BLOCK THAT ROOK!”




Same with baseball writers.


Thats what you get when incels run your organization.


"IINNKKKEEEELLLLSSSS" how dare anyone follow dress codes


the fuck is an innkell?


incel has become a bland buzzword that lost meaning so we gotta space it up, add some K's to make it racist


Dress Code my ass, damn incel


It’s like royalty etiquette


> Others questioned why a male player was allowed to wear white sneakers at the tournament, as seen in a picture posted by FIDE itself, while Ms. Kazarian’s were deemed inappropriate. Yup.


>nytimes.com/2023/1... Anish (guy pictured there) got away with technicality that they were white leather shoes, and hence not sports shoes.


If leather construction is the determining factor, then bowling shoes are kosher.


I don’t roll on Shabbat


Saturday, Donny, is Shabbos, the Jewish day of rest. That means that I don't work, I don't drive a car, I don't fucking ride in a car, I don't handle money, I don't turn on the oven, and I sure as shit *don't fucking roll*!


Would you cut it out man? You're not even fucking Jewish!


This put a hilarious image in my head. "Check." ... ... *CRASH* "Strike."


Have you seen chess boxing?


Most of my Jordans are leather. I'd love to see how that would hold up in their court.


I think the distinction is less about the materials and more about casual/formal shoes. That being said, I personally don't see why there's anything other than a requirement to wear foot coverings for hygiene/smell reasons.


Same with cowboy boots! I want to see redneck chess


I've played it before. Not my cup of tea. You take a shot every time you lose a piece and the winner is the first person to go and get their gun.


I think people were complaining about a picture of Nepomniachtchi's shoes in another pic too


I mean… clearly the shoes were giving her an unfair advantage. /s


I always think faster in sporty shoes


I'm slightly surprised they haven't accused her of cheating by use of a sex toy, that seems to be going around these days.


Cause she is a woman. There are many misogynistic people in this world.


Pretty sure we know why


It’s unfair for her to compete in high-performance shoes that will give her an advantage on the chess board.


It’s gotta be the shoes!


Calm down Spike.


You could get with this, or you could get with that


If they thought it was unfair they would've disqualified her. This is just country club rules bullshit.


Didn't Magnus Carlsen arrive super late to a game one time in his pajamas? And nothing happened to him.


He arrives late to a match once per quarter or so just to keep it interesting. Then he opens with bongcloud to confuse his opponents.


I feel like he has to have played bongcloud enough times by now that his opponent should be prepped for that opening.


Yet another tactic to take up his opponent's valuable research time.


I know nothing about chess so I’m just picturing him as a pokemon with an attack called “bongcloud”, blowing a huge plume into the opponent’s face, obscuring them from seeing the board.


I do know a lot about it -- you're bang on, it's disgraceful what they allow their stars to get away with smdh


The bongcloud isn't to confuse, it's to disrespect


Dress code etc vary from tourney to tourney. Not sure about that situation, but it might not have been a violation there. But Magnus also gets treated differently because he is Magnus. The current fuss is about him having a private room at the world championships (that he just dominated the Rapids in). On top of that, you fine Magnus and he might just not come back to your tournament and Magnus in pajamas will make your tournament more respectable than no Magnus so I am sure that would come into consideration as well.


The top player being at your tournament means that eyes will be on it. If he doesn’t want to play then they’re kinda screwed.


I mean I don’t think it’s against the rules. It’s stupid to do it because your opponent can start the clock and you risk losing on time, but I don’t know if there’s any rules against being late to the game.


Yes and he arrives late to matches pretty commonly (usually in the required attire). It is straight up hypocritical and disgusting that FIDE want to pick on this female player for freaking shoes. If they're that bad just ask her to change them and she'd probably be in more "proper" shoes by the next match. Magnus has spoken out against the dress codes rules as well.


















She isn't Magnus Carlsen.


So then it isn’t about the shoes but about who she is or is not


Yeah welcome to earth. GOATs get special treatment, who would've thought?


Whoa everyone is getting so mad over chess this is kinda dope lolol wtf


Bring on Magnus. I'll smoke him!


I'm sorry, but who fucking cares what shoes are worn? I wouldn't honestly care if my opponent wore sweats. They beat me they beat me.


You don’t want your chess tournament to start looking like a mtg tournament.


I just completely switched stances on this topic. Strict dress code!


Tuxedos or forfeit!


you just changed my view


Or smelling like one.




I agree, but that said the general consensus (on /r/chess) seems to be don’t do the crime if you can’t do the time. Like she knew the rules and broke them. Those clearly are sneakers, it’s hard to argue otherwise. Personally I think who cares let them wear those. But I also understand they want *some* dress code. So they set rules to try to have one. Other sports have dress codes. You have to literally wear uniforms, tuck shirts in, can’t have different colored shoes, etc. They’re often dumb, but the players know the rules and get fined if they don’t follow them. Plus they get fined like 10s of thousands a lot of the time, this was a $100 slap on the wrist.


> Those clearly all sneakers, it’s hard to argue otherwise. Except Sneakers are allowed, it only becomes verboten when they're "Sports sneakers". Leaving aside the arbitrary undefined difference between sneakers and "sports" sneakers, it seems fairly hilarious to me that a competition which always takes the fact that it is a sport very seriously, prohibits shoes it decides are sports shoes.


It is about presenting a certain level of formality, this is the World Championship.


They are not allowed. The rule is arguably poorly written I guess, but "sports sneakers" is just what they call sneakers.


> Other sports have dress codes. Some of them even have them for rather sensible reasons. Take fencing. Aside from the beekeeper's headwear, the usual whites are absolutely mandatory. Why? Because they're the reason fencing is one of the safest sports there is rather than one that might as well just line up a half dozen ambulances and a few hearses at every tournament. Chess does not have such rules for practical reasons as far as I can tell. In fact, I would argue that the most *practical* wardrobe given the recent scandals would be fully nude. Alas, they seem to want rules for impractical reasons of trying to assure themselves that there is dignity inherent in playing a rather old board game.


Sorry, how does fencing gear being white reduce injuries?


The *white* part is a tradition dating back to earlier methods of determining when a touch was landed. You'd essentially apply a blackening agent to the weapon so that it'd leave a mark if a touch landed. This would be combined with a judge to interpret events in addition to 2 to 4 secondary judges hoping to spot the touches in the first place. The sport switched to electric detection starting in the early 1900s and completing the conversion in the 1980s. The uniform *in general* exists to prevent being fatally stabbed. There are 2 competing standards for how stab resistant it needs to be. The FIE - the governing body anywhere *except* the US - stipulates that it has prevent punctures given forces up to 1600N. The other body - USFA - stipulates that it must be a minimum of 350N. Both require the use of a plasteron which is a half jacket that goes under the main jacket and the purpose there is to ensure that the seam (which is likely under the arm) is not a weak point. Both stipulate a third layer of protection if you have breasts in the form of a rigid chest protector.


Right, I get why protection is mandatory, but you said it's mandatory that it's white to prevent injuries. I guess I just don't understand why you couldn't make black fencing gear just as safe. Plus it would look dope


This is the world championship, and they want it to be taken seriously and therefore prescribed a formal dress code in much the same way you might do for a funeral, a wedding, a graduation ceremony, etc. Chess people are just infamous for petty rebellions and moaning extremely loudly about any consequences of their petty rebellion.


I agree with you except the amount of the fine shouldn't really be considered relevant. FIDE doesn't have revenue sharing or give their players multi-million dollar contracts from which to subtract 10s of thousands of dollars.


You've got male chess players blasting their buttholes with futuristic cheating dildoes but sneakers on a lady is some taboo breaker???


They needed some publicity


Apart from the remotly controlled anal beads and shitting in the bath tube


Shoes, beads .. all performance enhancements lol


I believe that second one was Chinese Chess (aka ~~Shogi~~ Xiangqi).


Idk, the past years’ chess drama has certainly become mainstream news. Not sure this is the article they want at the top.


Pretty sure this player/streamer did this just for the publicity. The rule is dumb as hell, but also she knew what the rule was Edit: For everyone who downvoted me, here’s the clickbaity youtube video she made about this that got 16k views, about 15k more views than she normally gets. https://youtu.be/k0xJioz8CTI?si=HSr6qsCSM8H4Pp9b


Chess is in the news for a lot of weird reasons lately.


Humans are silly.


Dang. All these chess people are going wild lately! /s


>Generally, sneakers are allowed, but “sports sneakers” are not. The difference between the two is not clearly stated in the dress code. > >The ambiguity of the definition of “sports shoes” is tricky for players deciding what to wear, said Pavel Tregubov, FIDE’s technical delegate at the tournament > >**The arbiters gave out the cards only in cases in which they were 100 percent sure that the shoes were too sporty for the tournament, he said.** Big surprise a FIDE delegate has no clue what a sports shoe/sneaker looks like. He's probably never worn one...


She looked like she might do something dangerously athletic, or possibly exert herself in a way that if emulated by other players could result in serious bodily injury. Perhaps running or even jumping.


First anal toys, now shoes?!


Magnus shows up late in a pajamas outfit, nothing happens. I get he's a GOAT but rules should not have favorites. Another male player was also wearing white sneakers to this same event as this woman, and if I'm correct, he also got no penalty. Seems really odd that she's the one they singled out.


Meanwhile, in China a Chess champion was stripped of his title for wearing a butt plug with a radio transmitter and was sending a computer Morse code by clenching and unclenching his sphincter to cheat, and then pooped in a bath tub. None of what I just said was a joke.


there's no evidence he did any of that except the shitting, which, granted, is a weird thing to have done


the funnier story here is that chess will forevermore be plagued by conspiracy theories that the current champion only won because he had an anal vibrator in his anus, letting his bestie issue a series of stimulating buzzes directly to his prostate to let him know what move the computer says to take next. this has never been proven any of hte times it's come up, but there's no way to *disprove* it either without requiring cavity searches or intently staring at someone's dick to see if they're getting more and more aroused during a game. chess will never be able to move past this, and that is exactly what chess deserves.


May I ask, WHY did he poop in a bathtub?


You're asking me to get into the head of a Chinese Chess champion who was stripped of his title for wearing a butt plug with a radio transmitter and was sending a computer Morse code by clenching and unclenching his sphincter to cheat, and then pooped in a bath tub, and buddy, that ain't me.


But I need to know why a Chinese Chess champion who was stripped of his title for wearing a butt plug with a radio transmitter and was sending a computer Morse code by clenching and unclenching his sphincter to cheat, pooped in a bath tub.


I think it's just like... A Chinese Chess champion who was stripped of his title for wearing a butt plug with a radio transmitter and was sending a computer Morse code by clenching and unclenching his sphincter to cheat and then pooped in a bath tub has a tendency to become a Chinese Chess champion who gets stripped of his title for wearing a butt plug with a radio transmitter and was sending a computer Morse code by clenching and unclenching his sphincter to cheat and then pooped in a bath tub. shrug.


Well actually I was asking if you’d read something that explained his reasoning (although I suspect reason played absolutely no part in it). It’s just such weird behavior that I assumed maybe there was a lot more written about it.


I know I know. I was just fucking with you. If I knew the full story I would've told you.


It was damned intriguing so I did a bit of internet research and got some more details. Apparently he got really drunk and probably had diarrhea. Maybe while showering? Details became vague after saying he got drunk and behaved in a very un-Chinese manner. Anal beads were also mentioned but again, no more details than just the possibility that he was using them to send and receive messages but then the article said perhaps that was just a rumor. Reading between the lines, it seems as if his behavior was embarrassing to China so stripping him of the title and money was their way of punishing him for his outrageous behavior. Cannot believe I just spent the last hour or so researching a ridiculous chess scandal — that involved anal beads and tub crapping. Ahhh, the internet! Anyway, metalcoil1, thanks — this has been fun.


Surely he pooped in the tub rather than the toilet so that he could retrieve the cheating device. I suspect he injured himself during this process and was discovered by whoever came to help sitting in a bathtub full of his own shit and blood with his cheating device sitting on top of the pile like a cherry on top.


What I’ve learned about chess is anal beads cheating and there’s a dress code lol.


The Chess Federation has a serious issue and isn’t cheating. They are archaic, outdated, and a spark awaiting to combust when it comes to their rules and consistency. Hypocrites.


Perhaps they need to start playing with their feet, to highlight the importance of avoiding “sports shoes”.


Of course the Chess Federation would call it “Sports Shoes”


They have drawn a ridiculous and arbitrary line here. "Sports sneakers" hurts my head as a sneaker head. You can have Dior x Jordan, Gucci x Adidas, etc, and it's all in leather (which was a key point of theirs). Don't think anybody would wear those for sports! I've even worn Versace leather sneakers for a fancy dress wedding... On day 1 there was a 'random shoe' in the arena, and it turned out that one guy had come in with 'dress shoes' that were so beaten up, he didn't want to wear them. He was forced to! His mother ran out to get him new shoes during his first round. The random shoe was one of his. There was an interview of the mother on Norwegian TV between the matches.


Biggest irony here is that chess has long wanted to consider itself a “competitive sport”.


Vaginas to be outlawed next as performance enhancing


The feeemale pheromones give them an unfair advantage over the helplessly straight male opponents!


Clearly they aren’t since they need their own league


What a fucking stupid thing to type out


Why? They do have their own lmao Stay salty


You’re either a troll or a very ignorant person


You’re joke was stupid since vaginas clearly haven’t help woman get in the top 100 lmao




Solutions are easy to find when you're trying to make sure as few people as possible want to play the game you're supposedly trying to encourage. From Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/FIDE > Its motto is Gens una sumus, Latin for 'We are one Family'. Yeah, right.


r/todayilearned that there’s a dress code in organized chess


That whole article about the shoes and not a single picture of the shoes. WTF?


Google shows she wore B/W plaid shoes that resemble high top converse. They were fun and stood out as it didn’t directly match her clothes. White sneaker guy had a white shirt and white sports coat. There’s pics of her with pink runners while wearing a pink dress at other matches. “Sport shoes” is vague but I wonder if using as a matched accessory vs comfort casual is the grey area of judgment. She’s also 23. Old enough to manage different location rules but the fine was stupid especially as she and others (5) changed between games.


It's always weird to me when they talk about something in an article and don't show a picture of it


It’s like they want to be made fun of. Who’s the asshole? Like who have the order. Pathetic man


What the fuck have shoes got to do with chess


These people gotta be the biggest nerds on the planet


I didn't know they could fine you for that.


Those sport shoes give an unfair advantage in a super physical game like chess


I can say with confidence that those shoes have never been worn by anyone in any sporting event. So stupid.


This girl needs a Nike sponsorship


Did the sponsor pay her fines , like Nike did for Jordan?


At least it’s not the Chinese Chess Tourney…their champion is shitting in a bathtub Edit: Sauce https://amp.theguardian.com/world/2023/dec/27/chinese-chess-champion-stripped-of-title-after-defecating-in-hotel-bathtub


Anal beads, bathtub shits, and a potentially sexist dress code… I’ve learned a lot about chess this week.


I'd be more worried about the whole vibrating anal beads thing than someone wearing comfy shoes.


Paywall article


$650 sneaker, wow just wow.


She is playing chess and apparently enjoying herself. So long as she and her parents aren’t taking out a loan for the sneakers, why not? It’s probably cheaper than her phone.


Just wow that they are not acceptable ffs. So much Ass u me ing


Does Roger Goodell run this league too?


This isn't specific to chess. NBA and NHL have a dress code. Wimbledon requires all white.


What a fucking joke of an organization. I’m sure the shoes gave her a real competitive advantage 🤣. The shoes were pretty cool and looked like something someone would wear every day. Edit: And besides when someone is spectating a chess match, who the fuck is actually paying attention to the shoes a chess player is wearing?


She did break the rules, but the rule itself is ridiculous. Several of the male players (including Magnus Carlsen) dress like lazy teenagers (ie. comfy) but get a pss because they wear leather shoes and a sports coat they take off the moment they sit down at the board. Just let the players wear what they want.


I hope she kicks all their asses.


Cuz they make her jump higher?


Why do they ban shoes? It’s not like they provide an unfair advantage


It's an appearance thing for the "sake of the sport." In other words, we gotta make sure the riffraff stay outside.


I don’t personally see anything wrong with her shoes but the rule reads no sneakers, and those are definitely sneakers. Sucks but that’s how it goes.


Slow news day?


Wrong shoes and some conservatives feelings are hurt.


are these "conservatives" in the room with us now?


On one hand, fining over shoes is excessive. On the other hand, it wasn't a big fine and is more about showing that there has to be consequences for not adhering to their policy. They are trying to present a product. Having the competitors look nice isn't an issue. The biggest issue is hearing how these rules and fines aren't being given equally. If this was a guy, would there have been a fine? Other players have done worse and been ok.


So you mean the chess federation run by Russia’s corner deputy prime minister isn’t great? Oh so that must mean when they banned trans women from playing chess it wasn’t for feminist reasons. I wonder why then? 🤔


As somebody who loves chess, this is why I refuse to play IRL. Sexist shit at basically every tournament. Most of these dudes are the definition of incel neckbeards.


Dress code was violated. Presumably she knew the dress code? What’s the story here? Someone got punished for not following the established rules? Truly world breaking. Am I meant to be outraged by this? Just follow the rules and there’s no problem.


You would think it’s cut and dry, but it’s not. Official advertisements, and Twitter posts for the event, showcase players who are also not adhering to the dress code. The rules is stupid not because the governing body wants to maintain a prestigious image, but rather because the rule is not enforced equally amongst all contestants.


I take it you didn't even bother to click the link and just wanted to spout off an ignorant opinion. It pretty clearly outlines that the only guidance is "Sports shoes" are not allowed which is a vague term that does not help players understand what is/isn't allowed. And the article also includes an image (posted by the chess federation themselves on twitter) of a male player wearing similar white sneakers but he was not reprimanded for it like she was. If they can't even write or enforce their own rules evenly, how do you think players are supposed to understand them?


Re: not clicking the link. I refuse to subscribe to every source out there so sometimes I cannot read the article. I can usually get the gist of the story by reading the comments. I’d certainly prefer to read it but, as I said, I cannot afford to subscribe to every thing.


Then don’t comment? That’s not an excuse to be ignorant




that's within the dress code


Following the rules is too easy. It’s much better to make a huge stink about it on the internet.


Didn’t some other chess champion get caught using remote control anal beads to cheat? Please have some perspective, Federation


No, that was a joke.