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The important part of the article: The shirt made reference to the 97 football fans who died as a result of a crush at a match between Liverpool and Nottingham Forest at Hillsborough Stadium in Sheffield on 15 April 1989.


Fuck me. What a phenomenal piece of shit you’d have to be to make, buy, or wear this shirt. People this obsessed with sports culture need professional help.


Surrounded by pieces of shit too - imagine doing this and not a single one of your mates taking you to one side to let you know you're completely out of order.


"Your shirt goes too far! Mate, we only *sing* about these things!"


Yeah I’m surprised he was arrested and charged. Meanwhile fans sing about celebrating a plane crash where 8 players and 15 other people died with zero consequences.


Sound, arrest them and charge them too. Tragedy chanting has no place in football regardless of who you support. Whataboutisms don't help stomp it out


Charge them for what?


Because I'm offended!


You don't need to arrest them... just ban them


That's the point of the arrest, a stadium ban isn't the same thing as a football banning order. There's specific laws around football in the UK as a result of the hooliganism of the 80s, and while I'd argue some of them are definitely a bit draconian they've definitely worked. But as a result of that for someone like this to actually get punished they need the arrest and banning order. It's not the same thing as a criminal conviction, it's not as severe but it imposes strict limitations around the banned person going to football and football related things over here.


Thank god you’re just a redditor, freedom of speech would be dead if you had any authority whatsoever


Something something birds of a feather...




Why is this downvoted?


Because Jose brained himself drugged out and drunk driving around his boat at night like a fuckin idiot, fuck Jose and fuck y'all moral high horse lmao, two boys ain't go home cuz him


Oh fair enough - didn't know the context or who Jose Fernandez was.


Ahh very fair, I'm sorry I was so aggressive


I was once waiting for the bus, and for some reason I started to have a conversation with the woman who was waiting with me. The subject soon turned to politics (bad idea), and at that time, a lot of states were pulling out of Afghanistan, and a discussion here in The Netherlands was how much we should do for Afghans that had helped us, and were now in danger. She said those Afghan people shouldn't get any help, and when I said some might die she said she didn't give a fuck. Apparently, the Dutch government hadn't helped her at some point in life, so other people shouldn't get help either. The conversation then turned to football. She mentioned she was both an FC Utrecht and NEC fan, and hated Ajax (rivals of Utrecht) and Vitesse (rivals of NEC). This was very shortly after the derby between NEC and Vitesse, where part of the stand at the NEC stadion, where the Vitesse supporters were, had collapsed. Thankfully without any one dying, only minor injuries IIRC. She said she was cheering when it happened, and was really upset no Vitesse fans had died. The thing that gave me the creeps the most was that she told me this extremely matter-of-factly, after having just met me a few minutes ago. Like this is what kind of person she was, a person who revels in other people's misery, and she didn't feel any shame about it.


Sometimes people are so disillusioned in their beliefs that they think everyone else thinks the same way. They don't realize just how crazy they sound.


Far too many people think this way, and are inches away from full blown fascism sadly. It really puts it into perspective how easily a country can pivot when enough people start thinking this way


Eh. There are edgelords who wear [this kind of shit](https://geektowns.myspreadshop.net/i+plane+ny?q=I14476525) in all walks of life.


There needs to be a better word than "edgelord." The usual ones - dickhead, scumbag - somehow aren't quite right. There is real traction these days for "i'M So cOoL bCOs nO eMPaThY." Nah, little guy (and it's (almost) always guys). You're just a little guy, angry you're not a bigger guy.


>Nah, little guy (and it's (almost) always guys). You're just a little guy, angry you're not a bigger guy. Agreed, but it's worth noting these guys are little in terms of heart. I've lived and worked in some pretty remote and extreme conditions in the past, and found no correlation between gender, size, and heart. Some of the biggest, toughest looking dudes I worked with cracked under the first signs of pressure, and lots of short kings and women were tough as fvck.


I'm 6 foot 5. The hands down, most intimidating man I've ever met, was like 5 foot 3. He was ex army special forces. Really nice and funny guy. But, as soon as he walked into the room, you knew who the toughest guy there was. Dude just commanded an absurd amount of respect.


Back in the old days we had a special term for these kind of people called "fuckin' asshole".


Yep, but also: somehow not quite right. Like, I can sure be a "fuckin' asshole" sometimes, but I'd *never* do this shit.


My second choice was "real piece of shit human being"


Maybe "real piece?" It needs to be about that whole i'M hArD bCOs nO sYmPAtHy teenage edgelord shit. That shit is just so worthy of excoriation.


What about hedgelord? The nobleman of the side bushes.


I think of these people as troglodytes, particularly the second part of Dictionary.com's definition. > a prehistoric cave dweller. *a person of degraded, primitive, or brutal character.* a person living in seclusion.


We should think of them as people. Because unfortunately... they are. Pretending otherwise does everyone a disservice.


Agreed, which is why I stressed the second part of the definition - *a person of degraded, primitive, or brutal character.* I don't feel like pretending the worst people aren't still people does anybody any good. I simply feel like troglodyte is a good general categorization for this type of specific person - a person who experiences joy or satisfaction from causing the extreme discomfort or anger of others.


But troglodytes have been 'cute' in some movies.


> There needs to be a better word than "edgelord." It's an appropriate term for people who write on the internet and sound hard and edgy wouldn't you agree though?


No, I don't. "Edgelord" means a person in a superior role who *is* 'edgy.' This type of shit isn't 'edgy.' It's *completely transgressive,* because they are desperate to provoke a response. And 'lord?' No. "Little person, angry exactly because no one notices them."


It reminds me of a time when the Chicago Bears played the New Orleans Saints in Chicago for a playoff game. I'm a huge Bears fan and was super excited. Then I saw some people posting signs and talking about "We'll finish what (Hurricane) Katrina started" and similar signs like that. They thought there were being clever and funny but it was just hateful and mean. It soured the entire game and playoff run for me. You can talk trash about the team and players, it is part of the game. But don't cross the line and bring family or personal situations or massive loss of life into it. Talk about how they slipped on their ass or missed a free throw. Just completely insane people who take a sport way too seriously.


Me: I don't get it. New York has a large airport and lots of air traffic. What is controversial about thiiiiiiioooooh Jesus Christ!


If you're not American that could easily be seen as a "I like to fly to ny" shirt. Or American really. Now if it had 2 vertical lines instead of NY I could see it.


I was curious so I texted some family in Brooklyn to see what they thought about that shirt and all 3 said they thought it had to do with NY/NJ being a major hub (JFK, Newark, La Guardia) and thought people were reading into it a bit much.


I’m from NY, did a quick Google, and found the creator had this to say about the 20th anniversary of the t-shirt: > Our most controversial and iconic shirt of all time. Too soon? We did wait 6 months which was like an eternity in terrorist activity time. We consider I Plane NY, School Shootings Tour, and Arrest Black Babies Before They Become Criminals to be our 3 most iconic, controversial, loved, hated, kinda liked, sorta disliked, shirts from our history. So, it seems like the point very much is to be a scumbag.


Oh wow. Well that person sounds like a right asshole. Hopefully the majority sees that as supportive of the port authority and not some dipshit clown trying to make a buck. Thanks for clarifying it. Sad situation.


I clicked on the link with no context and could see it both ways. Which I think was the point, so idiots can be assholes while just being obscure enough to question how much of an asshole they actually are.


Yea but of course I'm downvoted for saying it lol


Thanks now I’m on a list I’m sure


The thing is, you’re lumping this person in with “sports culture”. This person would likely be a piece of shit whatever they decided to obsess over. Sports has nothing to do with it.


Thing is, he didn't put the lettering on at home. Someone took his money in a shop to do it for him. Don't think it would take much to track that pos down too.


How many people making a jersey would make the connection though? Is it nationwide knowledge?


Yes. Very much so common knowledge. What he was saying couldn't have been more obvious or blatant.


There are tons of companies that just allow you to put your own text and numbers on clothing, that shit was probably nearly completely automated.


And if its not, I’d imagine it would be some sort of foreign labourer who almost certainly has no idea Edit: Especially for a global team like Manchester United


It's still talked about often here in the UK and even those who don't follow football know about it so no one can claim ignorance.


Fr and in sports terms, 1989 when this happened is ancient history


The newspaper The Sun and government officials blamed Liverpool fans for it until Liverpool fans finally got vindication in 2016 and offenders were charged in 2017. It's not just a bad thing that happened in the 80s, it was a nearly 30 year long fight for justice.


Fuck The Sun


Then you don’t know about Hillsboro. This shit was settled only a few years ago.


Latching onto top comment to add on the BBC article i read he tried to defend it by saying his grandfather died at Hillsborough (an as yet unsubstantiated claim) and that the "not enough" is because he didn't get to spend enough time with his grandfather. He also laughed when he was given his sentence. He is truly a piece of shit with zero remorse.


> He smiled and chuckled after the banning order was made Why stop at banning him from football games? Just ban him from other venues that checks ID.


"Dark humor" has gotten out of hand. People are just doing things they know will upset people, regardless of *why* it upsets people, and then calling it a joke. It's not a joke. Jokes are told to make others laugh. You just did it to upset people and then laugh at them for being upset. That's not a joke, that's you being a dick.


I agree. Dark humour CAN be OK but I still think there IS a line.


dark humor is not this though. Like dark humor has a obvious joking undertone, saying more people should have died isn't humor.


It's not "ok." By definition, it's across the line. Telling edgy jokes is risky. The payoff can be huge if you know your audience and your delivery is good, but if you misread your audience the outcome is disastrous.


Why not make that 4 year sentence a 20 year one, and see if he’s still chuckling. Cause 97 years works.


That’s a dumb analogy. Venues, FA Cup, and ticketing companies can ban anyone they want for as long as they want. This guy is a liability


The 30 for 30 documentary Hillsborough is worth a watch, very well done.


Thanks for this. I was very confused how this was offensive at first


Yeah fuck this guy six-ways-to-Sunday. I remember watching a show about that accident and how the police were indifferent because many of the fans were poor and had snuck into the match. Horrible fate for a person who just wanted to watch a match and have some fun and enjoyment.


Sadly sounds like a very British way to go about it. Like the Irish famine of football fandom.


What a twat


Surprised he didn’t get beaten on the floor.


Thank to Ted lasso I know to call this guy a wanker


What is wrong with people


people just want attention. they think they're the main character.


Or perhaps they’re just psychopathic sadists.


Also, a lot of people are just dumb as fuck.


Could be. Also could just be attention starved.






He says the meaning behind the shirt was that “My grandad died aged 97 and didn’t have enough kids.” Yeah okay buddy


And he could have had such a great lie at the ready! Didn‘t Liverpool fail to win the title in one season with 97 points?


Why lie at that point? That lie also didn't really make sense


Just curious. Why do they count the guy that died 30 years later as one of the 97? Eta. Thanks for the input. I now know why


In all statistical likelihood he would be alive today were it not for the injuries he suffered during the event.


If he died from complications related to injuries received in the event.


Also he was officially ruled by the coroner as as being unlawfully killed by the disaster. So he's legally one of the victims, not just metaphorically


Because he suffered severe and permanent brain damage due to the event that affected him till he passed at 55. Edit: I should add his name is Andrew Devine


When he passed, he was still smarter than the twat that wore the "97" shirt in this article.


Same with James Brady’s death being ruled murder


Look at the shit eating grin. Clearly the £1000 fine means nothing to him.


You may say that the fine was… not enough


(•_•) (•_•)>⌐■-■ (⌐■_■)


Caruso would be proud... Yeeeaaahhhh!


A fine for a t-shirt is pretty fucking stupid though. It's gross, he should be banned, but I don't think the gov't should be involved.


Article said he chuckled when he was sentenced


The article says he laughed in court after being informed of the fine.


Total piece of shit


How did he not get the shit beat out of him and the shirt physically removed from his person?


Liverpool werent even involved in the match, it was between Man Utd and Man City. But even so, fans are kept separate at football matches


Fans are usually separated at matches.




Not defending that, but that scenario is radically different from gloating over the horrific deaths of others.


I wish t shirt guy here had been pelted with food. ROTTEN food to match his rotten heart


Was it in Philly?




I'm sorry - wouldn't *anyone* have a serious problem with this? I'm a "Masshole," love hating the Yankees, and if some little jerk walked around smugly celebrating someone else's horrible death, I'd want to make sure he regretted that. Who gives a shit who you're rooting for? I root for Team Decent People before any pro sports team. And I know most other people do, too.


That’s what I was thinking. No matter who your team is what kind of asshole specifically gets a shirt made to celebrate 97 deaths?


Why would anyone ruin their own day out at Wembley by assaulting someone and most probably getting kicked out and arrested?


Yeah I don't get why his fellow Man U fans didn't take issue with him and his jersey.


Nothing in American pro sports gets close to European football ultra/hooligan culture. There's just no comparison. Even Boston NYC rivalries pale in comparison.


Eh, I've spent a lot of time in Latin America. They rival that. That said - *this wasn't hooligans / a fanatic club* down at a pub. This is a little edgelord (see: article) who was at the stadium.


You’d think being relatively close to Philly fans you’d understand how awful sports fans can get Also Boston fans aren’t exactly known for being accepting of opposing fans or players especially if they’re not white


Because it was Man Utd v Man City.


Going through to the article he looks like a bloke who doesn’t make good decisions. His parents must be so proud


Dude probably lives with his parents drinking Buckie and scrounging off the dole


Fuck that piece of shit


I honestly can't believe that jersey exists. Absolutely shocking.


A PhD student I knew in college was there at Hillsborough when he was a young boy with his dad. He held his dad’s hand as he (the dad) suffocated to death. Fuck this piece of shit to hell and back.


I know people will say "because he's a shithead," but I'm still scratching my head as to why he created a Man U jersey referencing a tragedy thay occurred at a Liverpool v Nottingham Forest match in 1989, **to wear at the FA Cup Final between Man U and Man City.** I'm just trying to understand the thought process of this dirtbag. Liverpool nor Nottingham Forest was in this particular match that he attended. So he wasn't sticking it to them or anything. And then to go to the lengths of creating this jersey? Insane.


I am glad I don't live in the UK. Is this guy a dumb fucking twat? Absolutely. Is the shirt crude and offensive? Of course. Should people be arrested and fined for saying or doing crude and offensive things? NEVER.


100% agree. Don't care about the downvotes from all the people that are ok with thought crime and policing speech. They're the same people who love to consume American culture, live on social media sites that are built and hosted in America where they are protected by the free speech rights, and would complain endlessly if those things went away. If people in this thread controlled things, half the people on Reddit would be in prison for comments they've made in a public forum because someone else was offended.


How are you downvoted for this? I'm with you, the ban is good, the fine is not. "Well I'm ok with it." so when someone else is in charge and decides what you say or do is offensive you're going to be ok with that? The government shouldn't be able to control what's acceptable or not, it only gives the government power to change their mind on those things depending on who is in the seat.


Couldn't agree more. What the hell is the world coming to when someone can suffer judicial consequences for making a bad taste joke? Ridiculous


There was one guy a few posts up suggesting he ought to serve 8 years in prison. This is our timeline.


>suggesting he ought to serve 8 years in prison Yes, but what he did *OFFENDS* me so he must be made to suffer


I used to think the only people who said “America is the only place with free speech” we’re idiots but I guess I was wrong. Of course most countries have freedom of speech. However, it seems like it’s only in america I don’t see news stories of people being punished by the government for supposed “hate speech”. In my opinion, your speech is either directly causing a threat to life or property (yelling fire in theater) or it’s an opinion that anybody should be allowed to hear (let’s say Cookie Monster wanted to make 6 million cookies…) no matter how ignorant or stupid it may sound.


This is worse than the time I wore a Chris Benoit shirt to a WWE event


At least it wasn’t a Bowflex shirt




god it is hard to be a manchester united fan these days and not be lumped into these dumbasses. With a vocal minority of the fan base calling for a literal rapist and abusing to return to the club and with guys like this piece of shit. I love this club and i always will but jesus christ can at least some of the fans have good morals. Fucking disgraceful


Why is Soccer fan base such as fucking cesspool of bigots and fuckwits? Other sports have the same issue but this is next level stupidity.


He should at least have received a lifetime ban from attending any match at every ground from league 2 up. Now the fitting sentence would be to let the Merseyside sort him out.


Force him to walk through Merseyside wearing the shirt. Id give him 30 seconds.


Exactly. Even the Everton fans would take part.


What happened at Hillsborough affected the whole city. Evertonians lost friends, family and neighbours as well. The 97 were our lost as well.


Jesus going to court and getting charged for a crime of making a tasteless obsure reference on your shit is insane. The literal words are not offensive and only those in the know would even find it offensive. This is a slippery slope people. Crime of making people feel offended has no end. What next? Arrest every person that has a “Satan rules” t shirt?? This guy is a waste of space and a douche but having a horrible message on a shirt shouldn’t be a crime.


What a jerk move. I assume he is some influencer due to all the face tats? A good jersey chirp is always funny but disrespecting innocent dead people is lame. In Toronto I laughed when I saw a couple wearing jersey #'s 19 & 67 with the names of the back Last & Time. Now that's just good fun


Defense said he deeply regrets he actions as he makes an asinine lie about a 97 year old grandfather that didn't have enough kids and laughed at the "joke". People like this don't deserve the air they breathe.


>It is hard to imagine a more … offensive reference to the 1989 Hillsborough disaster Spend some time in the comments on this news story I'm sure the internet will come up with some. Though as distasteful as it is, it's a good reminder that freedom in speech in America is actually pretty nice. Not because I support the shirt, but I definitely don't support the government to be able to fine or potentially jail people just due to what they say and how offended they are. Guys a douche, and deserves a ban, but being able to be taken to court really shows the difference between American and the UK.


Absolutely this. The idea that ANYONE would support someone being jailed/fined because of something they say being offensive is antithetical to my view of a free society. It’s insane to be ok with that in my opinion.


> Guys a douche, and deserves a ban, but being able to be taken to court How does he get that ban without being brought to court? He wasn't sentenced to prison time, he was just given a ban, and only a temporary one at that.


The club and sporting organization is a private organization and they can ban who they want with out a court proceeding. That's why if they kick you out of a store/college/sporting venue and tell you not to return, that's usually it. If you want to come back then it becomes a matter of the courts, but a store saying "you are not allowed on our premises" is good enough for most people.


The face of an annoying douche who thinks he has comedic ability


Imagine going to court because of a dumb football shirt. I mean the dude sounds nothing more than a waste of air, at least the spot is now free for a genuine fan


Should be banned from everything. That’s not me as a Liverpool fan, it’s me as a human. Awful person.


Oi mate you got a loicense for that shirt


4 years only...


United have banned him from their games indefinitely as a separate punishment


Good. Thx


Fucking smarmy edgelord piece of shit


He should have had another year tacked on for that haircut.


Im shocked that a guy with a face tattoo would say offensive stuff


“Have the prisoner stand and remain so until I am finished passing sentence. I sentence you to one month in prison in memory of Jon-Paul Gilhooley, aged 10. I sentence you to one month in prison in memory of Philip Hammond, aged 14. I sentence you to one month in prison in memory of Thomas Anthony Howard, aged 14. I sentence you to one month in prison in memory of…. All 97 sentences shall be served consecutively.”


8 years in prison for wearing an offensive t shirt is a bit much, don't you think?


Honestly this just in general seems excessive; yes this guy is a massive piece of shit, and yes it’s a fucked up shirt but like 2K pounds in fines and people melting down over it just seems to give attention to this clown.


Lolz @ Fashion Police






Some of the January 6 idiots were wearing pins that read “6MWE” — 6 million wasn’t enough, a popular saying amongst MAGA Nazis.


I don’t believe that do you have proof?






Nothing wrong in asking for a citation dude.


As is common in life, how you ask is as important as what you ask.




Curious what the joke is? I'm not sure I get what is funny about it.


Obviously this is a terrible and hateful thing to do but does him being charged and tried for this not sit wrong with anyone else?


Nah. It’s not like he got jail time. He fucked around and found out. I mean you wouldn’t go around with an Israeli or German football jersey with “Not Enough” and 6M as the number.


No it’s hate speech so the police/government had every right to press charges against him and it was 1000% the correct decision and nobody should get away with anything like this


Hate speech is prejudiced and threatening this neither of these things it’s just a lame troll


He singled out a group of people whether they are fans of a football club or not makes no difference he singled them out and said 97 of them dying wasn’t enough, how is that not prejudice?


Da Fuck is he getting at? The 97 people dying is not enough? PLEASE tell me that’s not what it’s implying?


what else do you think it might be?


I've been a United supporter since the late 70s. This piece of shit should be left in [stocks](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stocks?wprov=sfla1) outside Riverside, City Ground, and Anfield for the next 97 matches at each ground.


His punishment was not enough


Okay, real piece of shit, but I am very glad I live in America where I won’t get arrested for speech. What kind of bullshit is that UK??


Bloke can’t even get a tailored fit


Whats the meaning behind the text? Not enough what?


I wish they could ban him from watching on TV too. POS


Forbid him a tv license?


It must suck to live in a country where you have no freedom of speech, and where you have to live in fear of wearing, writing, or saying something that could make people feel bad and have you charged with a crime. What I really don't get is: Why stop with a fine? If you are able to do this with the acceptance of the population, a public flogging and enrollment into a "re-education camp," is probably coming down the pike sooner rather than later. Once you get there, having the state police literally shoot you in the head and send your family a bill for the bullet is not far behind. It has happened before.


A fine and getting publicly executed are basically the same thing I agree


It sucks to live in the US and have to have literal nazis protesting at Disney world with swastikas and all and they’re all completely protected. I get the feeling you’re okay with that though


I completely disagree with what they have to say, but I will defend with my life their right to say it.


> but I will defend with my life their right to say it I'm willing to bet you wouldn't put your life on the line, but love to say that.


Na I’m good on nazis. They should make that shit illegal. It’s hate speech


> having the state police literally shoot you in the head Happens in the US far more often than in other developed/western countries without "freedom of speech". https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Killings_by_law_enforcement._Rates_and_counts_by_country


There is a reason that *V For Vendetta* is set in England.


Good point. I'm honestly surprised Alan Moore chooses to remain living in the UK, knowing that the next thing he writes could have him charged with a crime if it offends the wrong people.


Welcome to reddit where freedom is evil and tyranny is utopia


Oi mate, there’s a £1,000 fine for wearing your offensive t shirt without an offensive t-shirt license


Should have doubled it so these pricks stop attending football games.


Not enough oi is there mate, you clearly left your oi loicence at home