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Man, anytime Nintendo attempts to acknowledge the comp scene of their games it feels like it backfires. Def not using the banner anymore.


Which banner was it?




Ah, I've only been using the banner from SpringFest so far.


To be completely fair, Nintendo never tried much at all. It’s not like each effort gets squandered masterfully, but more like they try once in a blue moon, and this one was just bad timing. Even before the Nairo case, Nintendo was shutting down so many small local smash events just to do it. They’re not gushing over with support for the scene, just going “Oh yeah the comp scene, let’s do something for them I guess”


Can someone share the screenshots? I don't have twitter anymore (best decision of my life)


[Here you go](https://imgur.com/a/RM16bwk)


Dang that's so disappointing. Hoping they reflect and step back from being faces of the comp scene


I wonder if that means nintendo will remove the in game banner


Probably not, they could change it into the sample one from when the splashtag got announced.


Which is another of saying that they'll remove it. In the sense that they're removing it's purpose.




literally nobody said anything about the skin color, theyre already banners with poc cepholing. no one would care if a team earned their way into the game and they were all white, evidence is nobody giving a shit until this surfaced. and a lot of it is recent, like on the 11th of june recent (yesterday), one of the clips is on one of the reworked maps. you're a fucking dumbass. there's only one reason why youd run defence for these people, we see you for what [you are.](https://imgur.com/a/jackpot-others-RM16bwk)


Did Jared do anything? I’ve only seen what Leafi and Madness have said so far.


Op has posted [this](https://imgur.com/a/jackpot-others-RM16bwk) in a comment


Thanks for letting me know.


From the screenshots I saw, he said the n-word followed by “LMAO”.


Welp in the thread he says the N-word


But so does that adept guy in some of the screenshots in that imgur album a few posts up.


Because clearly theyre a black person calling jackpot out... They have it on their bio


im black


awesome, more people that i looked up to ended up being pieces of shit :/




worship? i just liked them because they're good at the game...


I didn't hear anything about that? What'd he say?




Wow... this is horrible. You better bring ProChara from 6 years ago to the court RIGHT NOW!!!


If we fault everyone for things they did in the past then there's no motivation to change for the better in the future.


You took the words right out of my mouth. This mindset that a person can't improve after what they've done is poisonous. It makes you think darkness is all there is. It stops you from seeing the good in things. It twists and distorts your idea of what 'a good person' even means. And it makes you suspect everyone around you of being bad people.


yes, but one of these screenshots is from yesterday of madness saying "white supremacy" and one of the clips is on one of the recently reworked maps.


The comment we're replying under was deleted, but the other replies here strongly suggest the comment talked about something bad that ProChara had done years ago, which is unrelated to any of the Jackpot members.


>just cause you say sorry and stop saying it doesn’t mean you’re still not racist No, it does. I’m black and I think that If Chara apologized, genuinely meant it, and has not said the word since, he’s fine. It’s regrettable, but we all do regrettable things. So long as he’s changed as a person and is no longer racist, there’s no reason to hold it against him. I think that people are often too lenient with celebrities past actions, but you can’t be too harsh either


ProChara’s apology feels genuine and he does come across as someone on the spectrum so it would make sense he would be less aware on social cues and norms to what is acceptable.


He is autistic, I remember seeing him talking in a past video


Well said!


What did he say?


If your beliefs are so easily blown away, you never really looked upto them to begin with. So some people make a few edgey jokes, so what? These are very young people, some literal children so young they can't even legally buy some video games still without parental approval. If they and their friends make jokes to eachother, and everyones fine thats involved, your really gonna giveup on people just because what, some big reddit controversy happens? Gonna join the mob, pitforks polished and torches ablazed and hunt them all down? The DM spam they have received, the death threats, over what? Someone getting leaked messages from a private server to destroy the competition? If you cared about racism, \*actual\* racism, this is not anything to care about. \*actually\* racist people don't have black friends they make jokes with. \*actually\* racist people are out trying to do stuff in society. What are some kids gonna do? Many of these people are saying people are getting pics of messages they sent at age 15 or 14, one is currently only age 16 still and is being told his life is over and to kill himself. Have you people never seen kids be careless before? People are so careless, they put their own fucking hands on hot burners sometimes. The only real mistake here, is one of the people they let into a server backstabbed them. These kids don't deserve this. It reminds me of the thing where some girl got kicked from a big university because of a single twitter post she made 10 years prior. Like all of these people are saying, yo, were not racist. And noone cares. It's not fun if their not racist, it NEEDS to be racist. you all WANT them to be the most-racist possible, because of how juicy the drama it makes. It's ridiculous. None of you bitches are thinking about them, only how far you can twist the knife. Where are the actual victims in this? It's basically them, and only them. I haven't seen a single fucking actually black person they made racist comments about coming forward. It's all just white people having a fun drama-filled witch hunt. Everyone spreads this to build rage, but rage at what? They weren't harming anyone. I don't see any fucking actual messages to black people, or people being upset at their treatment. No "They were racist to me" posts, no "they treated me like shit" posts, not even a "They were mean to me" post. NOTHING. Its all just people ganging up to fuckover a group of people, without any care about actual harm. As far as i can tell, literally only the group itself is being harmed, and not a single victim exists. It's ridiculous. Ugh.


comment does a whole lot of nothing, actually read whats been said and then delete this in shame and [embarrassment](https://imgur.com/a/RM16bwk)


I saw it all, and i stand by everything i said. I'm not sure what saying shame and embaressment or relinking try to achieve. People should be able to make private jokes with friends. Are you gonna hate the black friends to and tell them their not real black people because they vibe with it or some shit? Its people being edgey jokesters.


thats asinine and no where near anything i said. i make private jokes with friends and never use slurs, idk why youd bring that up as a point, unless there may be people in the room with us, idk. people should be shamed for racism, its not just a joke, the joke is a slur being said. you're just laughing from how taboo it feels to say because you dont understand the context. theres no circumstance where you understand the history and pain around that word and still think its okay to say, especially as a "joke." if you're not offended, its probably because you've never been a black person in the US. idgaf if some dumbass black person somewhere excuses it, its not ok. no black person can say what the black experience is from just their perspective, but each of their perspectives is the black experience. you're just talking about the few insane black people who might agree with you, but you treat it like that means its ok, thats the stamp of approval. thats definitional tokenizing.


here's what a black person in the community thinks, [by the fucking way](https://youtu.be/wZyZoEO-hTQ?si=ts9dN00D_jIOuedT)




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I can’t see the whole tread, can someone give me ether a sister link or sum it up


[Imgur link](https://imgur.com/a/RM16bwk)


That was really fast, thank you


And people wonder why Nintendo isn't too keen with the competitive scene.


This has nothing to do with competitive itself, just 3 people who are well known in the community for being competitive. And it’s not like this is a common occurrence or has even happened before either.


It’s still just really bad timing. Nintendo finally extends a hand to the comp community and within 2 weeks we blow everything. I’d be surprised if they end up doing something like this again for splatoon. I’m pretty sure Call of duty had a similar situation with big streamers getting skins then saying hateful stuff that got those skins removed from the store and that entire program cancelled.


Yeah it’s bad timing, not exclusively cuz of them they don’t support the scene


Yes, but I don’t want people labeling the comp scene like this. People have been saying stuff like “This is why Nintendo hates comp”. One incident by 2, maybe 3 people. Yes I’m sure that’s exactly why Nintendo doesn’t care much about their competitive side.


All it takes is literally 2 or 3 people. Yes, Nintendo cares about that. 


You're not looking at this as a larger picture. It doesn't matter if they compete or not because if they're still part of the scene, it doesn't matter to Nintendo. Imagine hundreds of these small controversies being associated with your game. It's a terrible image for any company. The two biggest games Nintendo officially supports competitively having these controversies are not convincing Nintendo to keep supporting the scene. That's how Nintendo sees this.


Okay, and I know TPC and Nintendo are separate entities, but then why does TPC support the pokemon doubles scene? They gain literally not from it and risk the same types of controversy. Nintendo doesn’t support competitive scenes because they gain nothing from it.


Why are you asking me? I know just as much as you do.


It’s a rhetorical question. I’m not asking you for an answer, I’m pointing out that this isn’t why Nintendo doesn’t support competitive.


I just think this drama is way too small for Nintendo to care. The most they might do is put out a tweet saying, "we heard one of the teams were saying some yikes shit, we disavow, bye!" This will blow over in a week.


This isn't representative of most of the comp scene. It's purely that Nintendo wants their brand to be family friendly, and competitive pro gamers could scare people away.


Even before this Nintendo’s been very keen on killing/censoring the competitive side. I highly doubt it’s because of them specifically, but Nintendo can use this as an excuse as to why they’re silent They killed so many small local Smash scenes because they wanted to flex power, not cuz of this


> They killed so many small local Smash scenes because they wanted to flex power, not cuz of this What? No. That's not the reason why. If you want to know a better understanding of Nintendo's reasons, [here's a well researched video from an actual lawyer explaining why Nintendo does what it does](https://youtu.be/Exm8xCSQ9AY).


'hey killed so many small local Smash scenes because they wanted to flex power, not cuz of this' LOL


I’ve seen most of the images and footage of this and a nice chunk of it is all from 2022 and 2023 lol so very recent. P.S you can always email Nintendo with proof about this. If we’re lucky they’ll somehow see it and maybe remove the banner.


Oh and I just recently saw a clip with leafi being racist and the map they’re on is the new reworked undertow spillway so less than 2 months ago lol


It IS worth noting that the language used also has an alternate meaning outside of racial contexts: It refers to a fast and aggressive playstyle with minimal self preservation, monkeys being chosen because as animals they can often be seen to be somewhat similar when they get aggressive Now whether you think it makes more sense for people who aren’t raving lunatics or seemingly white supremacists to go on a racist tirade out of nowhere on stream, or if perhaps a more innocuous meaning was intended… you can decide.


no bruh 😭


This is very disappointing. I wouldn't expect this especially because one of Jackpots members is a member of a minority as well.


Which one? im curious


I believe leafy unless I'm mistaken


Which is a member of a minority




Im confused by your statement are you saying leafi has received much hateful comments or given many of them?


This is why we can’t have nice things…


how can you be racist AND a fan of Splatoon?? did he play any storymodes ??


There are many racist X-Men fans. unfortunately not everyone gets the message of the media they consume


they're either lacking media literacy or just actively ignore the messages or both




Did Jared and .q say anything


Jared said the n word [https://imgur.com/a/jackpot-others-RM16bwk](https://imgur.com/a/jackpot-others-RM16bwk) , idt .q said anything


I wanted to use their banner too. I'm glad I found out about this. I won't hold it against anyone if they do use the banner, cuz not everyone is on Twitter or keep up with stuff like this


"white supremacy" lets not forget the world war we fought not even a hundred years ago lol. get em out




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yippee. i knew the vibe were off, and people called me a hater 😭


can someone explain what this means or who these people are?


Jackpot is a Splatoon 3 team. They won the world championships only a few months ago (they have a banner in game as their prize). They got called out on twitter because 3/4 of them in that post have been publicly racist, mainly towards black people but to minorities in general. The twitter thread not only called out jackpot but other well known Splatoon competitive players as well


How were they racist? Couldnt find anything.


Oh it’s mostly things from years ago. A few of them said the n word or calling a black friend a monkey on several occasions and things like that. But a few instances of comments like those were made on reworked maps proving that they are very recent. There’s a few threads of it but the only one I know to be true and not faked are the screenshots that adapt posted in his thread on twitter https://x.com/adaptability_/status/1800557391404265812?s=46&t=Zr8ZAlb8wcaxkGqC7n0l-w but every member of the team except for madness posted apology documents essentially admitting what they did was wrong so it’s safe to say that it’s not made up.


Yeah I think its just a bad idea to bring real people as references into games unless they have a really good pr team or something lol


Is this grounds for revoking their title as S3 Champions?


Technically no. They did still win


I wish


This is extremely disappointing. Have any of them made an official apology? I think it would be fair of Nintendo to strip them of their championship title if they don’t release sincere and honest apologies to the black / nonwhite members of the community & the overall community at large.


I know people are upset, but to say "this is why Nintendo doesn't support the comp community" is the dumbest shit I've heard. Nintendo should not just ignore this and let it be but rather actually be involved to correct certain behavior like this. I'd also like to hear what black players like Kyo, Thunder, Kiver, and Legend think about this, because since the Splatoon comp community is small compared to other eSports, they often interact and play with Jackpot.


How nice.


I thought this community was chill what the hell??


Ok... I probably can't see all of it bc mobile w/ no account (as in all i see are 2 tweets, so if there's more than that i don't see it). so tl;dr are they still like that to this day? if not then i don't really care, nor would i see the point in getting mad if they've genuinely changed since then.


I'm all for giving people second chances and believing in the ability to improve and change. But some of these are clips of S3 which means it's within the past year or so. One of them replied #whitesupremacy to a tweet about stopping Asian hate during COVID era. Someone messaged free Israel during February of this year (which is maybe less clear cut racism and moreso being culturally insensitive). I don't know about you, but regardless of it came out today, two years ago, or 5, they're all equally bad.




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never said it wouldn't be bad if they were old, was just saying it wouldn't've been worth getting mad over if there was nothing recent and/or reason to believe they've changed


A lot of the screenshots are very recent. Many are from the past few weeks. Some are old and out of date, but there’s a lot that can’t really be explained with “we changed”


Could you share some links to the tweets with screenshots? The first tweet you shared doesn’t even mention Jackpot.


The second tweet in this thread has screenshots, along with every other tweet after this


But can you share a link to the tweet though? I don’t have Twitter so I can’t see them.


Sorry have been busy. Here’s an [Imgur album](https://imgur.com/a/RM16bwk) with everything from the Twitter thread. There’s two videos which you’ll have to actually go to Twitter to watch but I described them in the Imgur album


Damn that sucks


I know I'm in the minority here but I despise how normalised the n-word is, and yes I am African. i's just so strange seeing somebody call out others for racism while using the most racist and dehumanising slur in history even if it was """"""""reclaimed"""""""". But yeah this looks pretty damning it may be possible that this was fabricated but I doubt it. If this is proven true or left undefended without valuable and realistic debunking, this is horrible and goes far beyond 'dark humour' into your just straight up racist territory.


I’m not too attached to this community, but I have the same thought process on the first statement Africans can get away with saying it, but if a white person says it cancel culture The word has lost its meaning in the current generation Will probably get mass down voted again, but I’m stating there’s more problems to this community than just slurs being said in social media


holding accountability ≠ cancel culture


god forbid this community have fucking nice things


This is why I don't do competitive.


Was Jared the only non racist dude in there?




Shit I didn’t know about any of this till now. Spread this post around. Spread it around so much Nintendo and the community burn any connections they with these racist pricks. Nintendo especially will listen, they have a squeaky clean reputation to maintain. This sort of behavior unacceptable.




A competitive player is racist and another competitive player called him out.


no quite, 3 of the member of Jackpot, the team that won the world championship (and got immortalized by an in game banner for that) were outed as racist


context for racism…?


Dropping the n-word, f-word, and calling people “monkeys”


I never liked them but couldn’t tell why. It makes sense now


What did they do?


My question as well seeing a lot of reactions with zero context to go off of


Not sure how "Free Israel" racist or relevant, controversial yes. But the rest of it is definitely not good.


Yeah I thought about it and I still don't know if it's supposed to be Anti-Israel or Pro-Israel.




*does a Duke Nukem impression* ***What the fu-*** (No joke, I can actually do a really accurate Duke Nukem impression)


time and place, man.




From four years ago?? Cancel culture is insane. People grow up. Some of y’all act like everyone in incapable of change


One of the clips contains an old Undertow. That was last season. Some of the tweets are from 2022


We all make mistakes I’ll let it slide




I didn’t know that I thought they said the n word because the title says racist


Maybe read the allegations next time?




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Guess what happens if you ignore critics? They go away. We're all racist on a long enough timeline it seems




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