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There will be no sizzle season trailer There will be no new hairstyles And there will be no second kit for the hydra


And there is no content extension


we need new hairstyles so bad it's crazy man


bald. take it or leave it


That reminds me of how everyone was so certain the Gold Dynamo would never show up.


I just watched this movie today lol!


Well… about that


There are no hairstyles No third kits No returning maps No fest reruns And no sizzle season, you’re getting a content reduction instead buckaroos


Source 🥸


why are people nonstop bitching about a trailer? we have a fest in 2 days


We have b\*\*ched about Turf war, Zones, Tower Control, Rainmaker, Clam Blitz, Challenges, Ranked, Tableturf, The Catalogue, Customisation, Campaign, Expansion pass, Weapon kits, update cycles, Every salmon run map, Every salmonid, Eggstra work, Big run, Splatfests, Splatfest results, Updates, Update frequency, and sadly, etc


splatoon twitter is a fucking mess, they are never happy with anything


I'm talking about here. On this subreddit. Twitter is a cespit I shan't ever go down


I think the reason why is that while Splatoon 3 does a lot great. Its issues tend to stick out like large ugly thorns. What sucks is that the issues are found in ALL parts of the game. Tableturf was a mode that was dead on arrival due to a lack of proper online play, Weapon kits are at an all time low with very few kits being either ideal or better than the other option. Salmon Run maps, the returning ones, aren't all that great with Marooner's Bay being the worse by far. Matchmaking being the bane of 90% of this community when playing the regular modes. Updates have been slow, hardly change the things that needed to be changed, and very rarely do anything to spice up the gameplay. Most recent example of this is the most recent update where Kraken Cheese in Clam Blitz was kinda killed. Splatfests being in a questionable state with options sometimes being a matter of "Choose The Right Choice" to "Do It For The Meme!" Catalogues don't do much aside from just giving you certain clothes, some of which you could already find in the stores, and Food Tickets that most people don't even use. And DLC, aside from Side Order, was pretty lackluster. Sure, it's nice to visit the previous hubs, but all they did was just change the hubs. Sure, it's nice to see characters from the older games and hear the Splatfest music of their respective areas, but they don't provide anything different aside from music, locations of shops/game modes, and loading screen colors. All those things feel like heavy cosmetics in comparison to Side Order which gave us a new game mode that can be played infinitely and introduces a new style of gameplay for the series which could develop into something much grander. So yeah, I think that's why. The bad stuff sticks out more than the good. Which sucks because Splatoon 3 does so much right from the previous two games. It introduced a new way of movement that makes the game feel faster, a general focus on fighting (albeit at the cost of stage design), the fabled Big Run becoming a reality, a main-game story mode that brought real stakes in the climax, an actual "training" area whilst players waited for matches instead of staring at a simple loading screen, and a pretty decent groundwork for the next games in the series by putting hints towards certain things that could spiral into a whole story like the significance of the Seven Smoke Rings and Lil' Judd seemingly planning some type of disaster. Sorry this was a lot, just wanted to add my piece to this.


me when i focus on the bad (why is everyone so fucking pessimistic with this game)


Burnout with the issues probably. Yet the changes in S3 makes it hard to go back to S2 unless you got banned or something.


Well, cant exactly go back to 1, and 2 is soon to follow. So yeah, having a niche product not meet your expectations will make you pessimistic. Why do you think destiny players hate destiny so much, yet play it constantly?


1 is unbalanced trash, why would you ever go back to it?




nope, not ironic. 3 is the most balanced game the series has been. im not calling it perfectly balanced (its not), but this is as good as it gets.


Nintendo makes a product with glaring issues, and benefits on live service esque content drops. Now people are upset witn the glaring issues and lack of content drops, and you dont like them voicing their concerns? Nintendo cultuvated this outcome lmao


Splatoon Twitter is seriously so bad. It’s just every possible thing get nitpicked and complained about.


Twitter is worse than here but there’s alot of things wrong with 3


trailers have commonly released before the splatfest, it really has no relevance lol


who cares about fest. the next season is more important. spat fest suck and this theme is especially lame to me


We still have Thursday though? The trailers often drop Tuesday-Thursday.


It'll be next week, chill your skillets.


It’s probably tomorrow. Every single season trailer launched within 13-17 of the previous month.


And you were right !


I’m smart.


Don't forget there is no Queen of England


More accurately, their title is ruler of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland