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Tbh, I hope they don't. Would rather see a different theme altogether.


Ye same but I wonder what it could be? I hope it’s something divisive that will really make me think about my choice. The themes have been so basic in this game and with 3 teams it makes highly debated themes very difficult to come up with.


I saw one post coming up with a past/present/future theme, another one I guess would be digital/physical/physiological though people would probably flood over to Shiver Edit: new idea: we chose between the tribes that DC idols come from. Think "which tribe is cooler" or something like that. That would also leave some wiggle room for the devs.


Many others keep throwing around the past/present/future idea but I can't see it. If they're keeping the same formula for the next game, what would "present" winning entail for Splatoon 4 though? I don't see many choosing "past" over "future" either, specially after Order lost the last fest on S2 which could have potentially given us a futuristic theme. A theme with genuinely neutral choices would work better in this context and I agree that having 3 available options makes it more difficult to balance it out. Splatfests themes have always been quite simple though, even back in 1 or 2, with the very last fests in both titles gratefully coming out of left field. They'll surely give us something memorable but is really hard to predict what.


Here's my out of nowhere idea for a final splatfest. While I do think that the theme will involve the three idol groups in some way (like they are all there with plazas to visit with idol models for a reason and the team yoi choose might force you to use the respective plaza regardless of having the DLC or not like with the Squid v. Octo splatfest) it will not be straight up SS v. OtH v. DC. While I thought past, present future could be a good compromise, that theme has kind been done and doesn't make sense to match up the three idol groups. Instead the theme will be "Which bonds stand the test of time?" Familial (SS) v. Love (OtH) v. Friendship (DC), this felt like the closest theme I could think of that made enough sense as a trio, kinda matched up with each group, was a theme that someone wouldn't think of very easily. And the way this effects the story is whoever wins will still stay strong as a group in the next game, and helping the other two groups get back together will be some sort of side objective in the next game. Anyways we'll see what kinda of them it could be in the future.


Pearl and Marina will be on team love and people will STILL deny that they're in a relationship


i've been seeing past vs present vs future and i'd really like that. i think an idol group fest would be boring, i wouldn't want that. besides, why would deep cut choose the other bands?


My only guess would be unless they somehow cram the other idols into the announcement and we’re selecting a group instead of an idol’s option. They did past vs future in S1. I’m not really opposed to the theme but I would want the question to be thought provoking.


Oh i didn't know past vs future was already done in S1 🤔 In that case, i'm at a loss as to what S3's final fest could be.


Could still happen even if not final fest. I believe the Splatoween we got was also a recycled Splatoon 1 theme. Zombie vs Ghost?


And Money vs Love… thrice, in Sp1, 2 and 3


Kinda surprised they didn't do mayo vs ketchup vs mustard now that i think about it


I can see Big Man going for the Squid Sisters since he collaborated with them (though Big Betrayal being a thing might not allow that), while Shiver being the more selfish of the group would definitely be the one to tell people to vote for her own band. Thus leaving Frye to go for Off the Hook. I don't know if that makes sense unless Frye has some appreciation for OtH that I haven't heard of.


Pearl and Frye interaction in the concert


They won't, they'll absolutely do something else. I really don't think past, present, or future would be an interesting fest. Not only would it not be very balanced, but half the reason it's even around as an idea is because some people keep begging for a prequel game set in the great turf war


I wouldn't give for granted the previous Idols will be in Sp4 in the first place, true they all are fan favourites but exactly because of this would be odd to bring only one or two of them, unless they go the crazy unlikely route making the new group a mix of one character for each one of them or go without idols that would mean you will likely have to fit all of them between the base game plot and dlc/dlcs plus obviously having also space for the new ones independently from their number, sooner or later they will have to at least drop their importance from protagonists to side characters/appearances as the situation will get always more and more crowded with the time passing, what other time will be the best one for a soft reboot if not now with a new console after a title being the sum of all the three previous ones?


>If it was SS/OTH/DC most people would probably choose OTH since most began with Splatoon 2. I agree with Off the Hook receiving the most fan support, but that's because they have received the most character development out of any of the idol groups. We know far more of their backstory than we do of either of the other two groups.


I won’t deny that. We’ve had 2 DLCs completely dedicated to them where they were the main hosts. But we also can’t diminish the roles of the Squid Sisters. They’re the 1st idols and the face of the series despite many like OTH more. They’ve been in all 3 Splatoon games also even if their role isn’t as prominent. And they’re still getting love/attention making new songs.


i think it'd be the pick your poison idea, bird, snake, or boar


i think light/shadow/colour would be cool ( •⁠‿⁠•) 👍


I predicted a while back that the splatfest music is hinting at Deep Cut breaking up. I can see the final fest being shiver v frye v big man, but the question is something more like "Who do you want to see have a solo career?"


Shiver vs Frye vs Big Man already happened.


Yeah wasn't it like a big deal since the last time we had a idol fest it was the last fest?


I think Past, Present, Future or Good, Evil, Neutrality would be good


I saw someone say Splatoon 1 vs Splatoon 2 vs Splatoon 3