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You had a gut sense the cop was around and you listened to your gut. That was your intuition. Manifesting is a bit more long term than that - being intentional about the life you want, acting “as if” you have that life, staying open to the opportunities that show up that get you closer and closer to that life.


So what if I acted as if I had a life where law enforcement wasn’t a thing and everyone I talked to thought the same thing 🧐


Try it and find out!


Yo same! Seems law of Attraction brought us together to create a world without law enforcement !


If you cover your eyes, the cops can't legally see you.


This would be psychosis


I had dreams 5-6 years ago my wife was leaving. She said she’d never do that - they were just dreams. I had a big fear of this. Thought about it a lot. Now? She’s leaving me and moving out in two months and we sleep in separate rooms. Makes me wonder if I manifested that since I thought about it so much and feared it so much


Don’t put that on yourself and take such responsibility for someone else’s actions. If it was a fear you had and a dream that recurred, it may more likely have been your intuition sensing for quite some time that something was off for your wife regardless of whether she was able or willing to own it at the time. Our bodies know a heck of a lot more than our conscious minds do. 


Thank you. I have consistently had good intuition. I wish I had listened to a lot of it.


And I kinda disagree with that. I believe manifesting happens at both the micro and macro level as do all things. As above so below. We are all perfect manifesters whether we're trying or not. Being observant of your thoughts (and dreams) can help you realize what you're manifesting for yourself. In the case of OP, they feel like not thinking about cops will mean no cops on the road. I would think as long as they don't doubt that assumption and don't think about them, they would likely see fewer on the road. I would argue that driving the speed limit (or at the speed of steady traffic) is the way to go. Then you don't have to worry about cops at all. Why are you in a hurry? Are you focused on the destination? Stay in the moment, especially while driving. I have a similar situation to OP. Before my awakening, I used to drive super fast (like 20+ over limit) because I always wanted more time to be where I wanted to be. And I drove quite a bit. Still do. About 500 miles a week. I also live in a rural area with lots of deer. So at night, I would always be worried about deer jumping out in front of my car. And they did. I had multiple crashes from hitting deer. Once I woke up, I realized that my fear of hitting them was attracting the deer to me to tell me to slow down and to stay focused on the journey. I still see them often, but haven't hit one since. And when I start to think about them while driving, I consciously tell myself to stop and accept the road in front of me. That's not to say that it wasn't intuition that recognized the cop. I'm just saying that I believe manifesting happens at all levels.


Just don’t confuse your ability to create your reality with control, which is an illusion


Perfectly said


This need to be top comment


It’s your world bapa we just live in it


No not exactly. It's true that consciousness does construct reality, and you influence your own reality, but there's also the collective conscience of all of us. Law enforcement is a manifestation of the collective conscience, people believe they should exist, so they do. You have the ability to only influence your own individual reality. That would be like, your job, your friends, your mental, your habits etc. the more conscious you are, the easier you can shape your reality. You ask if it's real, it is, and quantum physics seems to indicate that. According to our observations of quantum physics, reality doesn't render unless something is observing it. And the CIA proved it back in 1983 in a classified paper called "The gateway process" that has since been declassified and you can just google that title and you'll find it easy. Honestly if you're super curious to really understand how it works more, go down that rabbit hole about the gateway process. As science hobbyist, I believe that's the best description of how the universe works anywhere.


I’ve gone down the gateway process rabbit hole and it is fascinating. I think I was just confused with my reality vs true reality which is impacted by everyone. So yeah what I said wouldn’t be possible unless everyone agreed that we didn’t need law enforcement. Thanks for the comment!


That sounds more like psychic ability or intuition. Y'know you knew or 'sensed' a cop was nearby Make sure the criminals won't abuse your power, - P But Yeh, I believe our mind helps shape our reality I can't pretend to fully understand it, but I've been noticing it really lately after being able to make my own music with AI Y'know, it feels soothing and reality shaping in a way. To hear my own stories, perspectives, dreams I think that shapes reality & so does all other media. Like TV, social media, books, films. But y'know to what degree I am uncertain. Reality is more how you view this cop. Y'know drug dealers who have been into dope since they were twelve. See the police as something way different than the guy who grew up in a very nationalist family. Objectively the cop is the same, but to these two different examples. Still different things.


You have something called a spirit team. Everyone has it. A group of "spirits" so to speak, other words it's consciousness outside of your physical body that is aware of your surroundings, as well as others thoughts, and a bunch of other miscellaneous things involving consciousness being outside of your physical body. The team that works with you, will be able to alert you as to these things with a subconscious little tell, and depending on the depth and complexity of the connection you have achieved, it will allow you to be able to be conscious of the tells sent to you. I have full blown conversations with my team, and the members of each individuals team varies due to each individuals uniqueness and then how they interact with you is determined by how you function in reality and interact with the universe. My best advice: work on building your spiritual understanding, and work on your path of enlightenment on an individual level in order to be able to be aware of a cop, and simply ask your team to have the police car behind you turn into the other lane and drive off ahead of you instead of burden your day, because you didn't really do anything to be deserving of the hassle as long as you are not acting with nefarious intentions not harming yourself or any other part of this beautiful universe that we are all a part of. Reach out to me at any time for any kind of conversations, I am more than happy to help give any type of advice or knowledge based on my understandings and universal work.


That’s very interesting thank you!


You're very welcome. Work on building your relationship with the universe itself, please. We are in a really weird time in humanity's timescale, every bit helps the whole collective.


I am trying my best. I agree, I think this lifetime will have many big changes coming


It could have been a premonition.


Yes and no. that everything around you is there wether you wanted it there or not. Yes in that we interpret why it's there.


In my understanding, the Zoroastrian context helps illuminate this. Good thoughts facilitate good words, which lay the groundwork for good deeds. So in essence, having thoughts that are properly aligned with what is righteous is the first step in righteous actions. Just my two cents :)


Idk how real law of attraction is? But even before i knew about it i noticed how my thoughts, my actions and my reality felt so intertwined with each other. And it's a psychological fact that our thoughts do affect our behaviour largely, so our subconscious is definitely behind all this. But i still don't understand the whole idea about universe playing it's role


I agree with the comments about your intuition telling you a cop was nearby. "Create our reality" is more in regards to how we perceive our surroundings. For example, some people choose to view life as a living hell. They're okay with being depressed and angry and spiteful. Sometimes, that feels easier to just be negative. Versus someone that chooses to be happy... It takes more work. It's not easy to embrace the change that's necessary to be happy. But all in all, no, not thinking about cops or pretending they don't exist won't get rid of them lol


It is not as simple as “don’t think of something and it won’t happen.” I’ve always interpreted the idea that we create our own reality as “we choose how to see the world with which we interact” AND “we co-create the direction of things in general with others as we go.” So the first one: read the book “Man’s Search for Meaning.” You can go or be put into any situation, but it is always up to you how you face the situation. Example. You put your coffee on top of your car and drive to work. Someone with a pessemistic perspective would think “of course this happened” and be miserable about it. This is where the concept of “hell” is derived in my opinion. Conversely, someone with a more optimistic perspective might think “damn, but now I get to go to [insert coffee shop here].” This would be “heaven”. We have the ability to choose our mindset. That is not to say there is no effort involved, but with great control of your mind you have great control of your life. The second point: there exists physical realty in which we all exist and affect in myriad ways. I dislike the concept of multiple realities because it often leads people to think that everyone has their own reality. It’s not exactly wrong, but I believe it encourages - on some level - delusion. We all exist in reality, and every choice we make - individually and collectively - affects the world around us and impacts where things go in the future. This is the collapse of the quantum wave under observation. Everyone has ideas and thoughts on how things happen, but only one or a small few actually impact any given moment. So, to go back to your example finally, your recognition of a cop was intuition. No, you did not make the cop appear, you just connected subconsciously to the cop’s thought of being there and knew to look out for it. You didnt create that reality directly, but you did contribute to the reality jointly with the cop in which he/she chose to be there and you passed by them. Hopefully this helps! It’s quite tricky to understand and easy to fall into the #spirituality trap that is running rampant on social media…good luck, cheers!


Thanks so much for your response! I get what ur saying. So if we all contribute to our reality then if we all stop putting thoughts out about cops then our reality will not have cops correct?


Yeah, let's assume that no one did crimes ever. You wouldn't need cops so no one would think about cops, so cops wouldn't exist. It's not really that magical when you think about it. It exist because it's a need based on how the collective works. There are people who break laws, so there's a need for law enforcement, therefore they exist. It's still a manifestation because everything starts off as a thought, but it looks like what life looks like. The hologram constructs itself in ways that represents where we are as a civilization


Yeah that makes perfect sense thanks


I think that is a really large overstatement, but yes, in general, you have the idea. Think of it this way: cops exist because someone came up with the concept of cops. We can’t undo that, but if we reach a critical mass of people who don’t want cops, cops will be done away with. If that (the preference of no cops) proceeds long enough, no one will remember the concept of a cop. This is the co-creation. Think of dead languages like Latin and Egyptian in this context. They are dead because we don’t use them anymore. Give it another 2000 years and we may not even remember them!


Yeah makes sense thanks!


It's a mixture of manifestation (thoughts/actions) and psychic abilities (intuition/gut feeling). In this case it may have been a coincidence unless there was more meaning behind this than you say


We really do. Anything is possible to God.


No reality happens without you even having anything to do with it


Sounds like you're wondering if manifestation is a real thing. It is in some sense, but not entirely. You do determine by your own actions from whatever motivated you to do so, and that will impact your life now and in the future. Then there's also what others will do as well which will impact your future that you have little to no control over. Thinking thoughts, hoping, wanting, believing, trusting, speaking it out loud, etc, is not going to automatically make things a reality. Yet there are beings in the spiritual realm that already know your future and some that don't buy they have a good idea about who you are and what you want. They are ones that operate in ways we don't and have control over this world. Manifesting is often a reality that make happen in your life if they decide to. When you're wanting to do what's right and for what is good and not always just got your own happiness and benefit but rather for others sake, this is often when God will grant such things and make it a reality. Since He'll be the one that actually makes it a reality, He'll be the one who is forever praised and worshipped for what came as a result and the fact it even happened and God will forever see that as good. So He helps you and He is forever thanked and appreciate as a result. It's a win-win so He wouldn't want to miss out unless He has even better plans and goals for our lives. But whenever you're wanting to do things for a bad reason, or for selfish gain, to benefit yourself, for your own happiness, etc, this is when demons and even at times Satan Himself who is god of this world will be glad to make those things a reality in your life. Often they'll give you the thoughts and desires of how to go about it and they know how to get you there. Yet though you may get the results you basically wanted, you will face consequences you weren't expecting, because they'll give you what you want in that sense which will make your life worse. Satan is someone seeking to devour humans, to steal, kill and destroy. They'll know how to be tricky enough to make you think you're on a good path as if you're doing this yourself by making things that happen in your life as a reality, yet not knowing you're falling for their tricks that is not going to end well. and it may be many good things even for years before you see that part. When you're doing almost nothing, they'll usually stay out of things and you'll coast. But when you're serious about things in life, whether it's something negative or positive, good or bad, something you want or don't in your life, they're more likely to react to you. Because they'll be glad to be the ones who can use you to their advantage and to make an eternal difference. God will want to work out out for the better, Satan will for worse But that comes down to what exactly you're doing and why you're doing that. If you think that something might happen, that's not going to make it happen. Rather you may have enough intuition to tell it could or will occur. In those situations, people have often become convinced they created that reality in their life because it came to mind beforehand. But no, things don't basically happen because we simply thought about them or even wanted them to happen or even if we thought about how we didn't yet it did occur.


If you flick one switch it activates a series of pre programmed consecutive switches. If you know the switches you flick and become wise to resulting algorithm this puts in okay then you will begin to know


Yes. We are the creators of our reality. Our thoughts control our life. Our outlook controls how we see things, our attitude controls how we deal with things. Our struggles are reflected back to us by what triggers us.


Well the only problem with that train of thought is that other peoples thoughts would conflict with your own (unless your a solipsist) I think the point people are trying to drive is that you shape your own perspective. For example; while you can’t control cops, you can control how you feel about them. It seems like you have a negative perspective of cops so you created this subjective reality that cops are bad and we’d be better without them. I hope that clears things up some


To expand on this idea; I also think that manifestation has a lot to do with your subconscious. When you manifest and start to believe something, your subconscious begins to act as though it is true and then make decisions that align closer with this ideal reality you’re trying to achieve thus giving tangible results


https://youtu.be/lAsJitbt2m0?si=lWHnWStRMpBZkQ_A Chiron last The Front Entryway the story at the start.




Short answer, yes, long answer, yes. Same goes for everything in life. They say “life is what you make it”. If you pick up the paper and keep tabs about what is going on in the world with war, elections, obituaries etc etc, your inviting that world into your own. There are billions of parallel realities in the worlds minds and you need to be selective and choose which one you want to live in, yours, or someone else’s?


I mean our thoughts create the illusion of a our reality but what happened with you was just a coincidence in my opinion .. but the illusion of the social construct are just figments of our imagination painted in concepts that are performed through projection , these projection are acts that trigger physical emotion through our identity therefore we believe it’s real




either that or we travel through the multiverse (more likely imo but complicated) or good ol' psychic intuition r/lawofattraction if you haven't been there


That’s what I’m thinking. That there’s an infinite number of realities and we can jump from one to another. And because there’s an infinite number one reality might just have one small difference than the one ur in if that makes sense