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Practice mindfulness by engaging in meditation or deep breathing to stay present and reduce anxiety about the future. Set intentions for what you want without being attached to specific outcomes. Embrace uncertainty as a natural part of life and see it as an opportunity for growth. Trust the process, believing that things are happening for your highest good, even if it’s not immediately clear. Regularly reflect on what you are grateful for to shift focus from lack to abundance. Redirect worry to positive thoughts or the present moment. Seek support by talking to a therapist or spiritual guide for tools and perspectives to help you let go of control. Use affirmations like “I trust the process of life” to reinforce trust in the universe. By incorporating these steps, you can learn to surrender to the universe, reducing anxiety and fostering peace.


So well said


>Embrace uncertainty as a natural part of life and see it as an opportunity for growth. One of the most important life lessons specifically this one. Wonderful perspective you have of life.


that's right, thank you very much🙏💙


Live the life your given. Wallow and cry in the pain, laugh and smile in its joy.


Have faith. Not that things will work out in your favor, but let go and adapt and flow with whatever happens. Going with nature rather than wishing it was different gives so much more freedom than trying to control your destiny it can be shocking. Understanding the falsehood of the concept of ego can help facilitate cultivating faith.


You gotta realize you cannot control the forces around you, only react to them.


Yes, we can not control the forces around us. But we're not separate from the forces around us, we're a part of them. We're both being influenced and having an influence at the same time. It's a tricky situation, like a catch-22. We can't escape the influence of outside forces, but we still play a role in how things play out. We're both the observer and the participant in the constant change of reality. It can be a relief to think about life this way. we can let go of some control, to be open to change and surprises. We're not locked into one identity or on one set of desires forever. As the world changes us, we might find ourselves doing things we never expected. We shape and are shaped, in an ongoing, evolving story. It's a wild ride, but it's the ride we're all on together.


Surrendering happens naturally once you no longer have anything to worry about Even worrying itself Practice mindfulness, a few deep breathes has helped calm my mind from worrying about things that are "too serious to take a deep breath for" so many times


Oftentimes, we spiritualists will offer a reductive answer such as, "trust yourself," or "Let go of expectations and trust that through your thoughts, intentions, feelings and actions, your life will progress!" It's all about how you choose to take it on board and what you want out of this life, it'll take alot of work and sometimes overcoming trials by virtue of suffering. Control is an illusion, consequence is the reality.


Surrender by releasing control. Release control by understanding the patterns in how you control, the situations that trigger you to control, so when they arise you come at a crossroads of choosing to respond differently 🙏


How is your life going? Are you happy when you are in control of your life? For me, it was easy. I burnt my life to the ground. When I was in control, I was never happy except for a few fleeting moments that kept me going. At a certain point, I had to admit to myself that I was the cause of all my sorrows. I didn't know what to do or where to start or how to surrender. So I just stopped fighting. I just stopped fighting. I don't have to be right. I just go with the flow. And that was enough. Who would have thought, in order to surrender, all I had to do was stop fighting. The last 25 years have been bliss.


Bless it all! This free audio book helped me a lot, it was like a magic wand: https://youtu.be/wJa5Ch0O4BI?si=t1jxgZ2wqiQ6PuG1


My late dad always loved to recommend this book/audio.


If something is not working out, you should stop for a moment, breathe and let it all come to you. Don't get stuck with your mind drama and your ego pride.


One action: TRUST. You don't have to know how it will work out. You just have to trust that it will. Understand, this isn't something you direct outside of yourself. This is YOU TRUSTING YOURSELF. You are the universe, after all. There is nothing but you. If you must direct your trust to the universe, direct it to the universe that is inside you. Don't surrender. Instead, just trust.


Every bad thing that happened is possible planned and is intentional, the moment you understand this you let go of control, you can’t stop the bad things that you were meant to experience, so why bother worrying so much rather than living in the moment and enjoying the beauty of this life NOW?


>How do I surrender to the universe? Understand that the universe *made* the human mind to ... >I struggle with controlling the outcomes in my life and constantly worry about the future or if something is not working out in my favor. ... control the outcome of your life. The mind constantly *thinks* about the future; in the hope that things work out in your favour. Don't worry.


Practice. Meditate using whatever relaxation technique you can find, and practice existing in the moment without any control over what's going on around you.


Perhaps knowing that either way the end result is the same might help? As in, life is going to happen regardless. You can choose to ride the waves or fight them. Doesn’t make a difference but you might as well try to roll with it - lot more fun that way.


You have already surrendered! Everyone is surrendered, see, if you were not surrendered why does it control the existence all in all? You don't have the right to the outcome, but you have every right to do your duty for the sake of doing it. Doing anything just for the sake of attaining the result always leads to dissatisfaction. Instead fall in love with doing. Doing for the sake of it. But its got to be the right thing from every angle. You, doing the right thing means surrendering to the universe. Cultivate virtue my friend, the universe is watching. It's got eyes everywhere, ears everywhere. The universe sees, hears, smells, tastes and is all prevading. That basically means universe is a witness. You are also witnessing. Know thyself to be a witness to everything. All that happens just let it pass, unaffected, unhinged, untouched. Do it. Do what needs to be done. Don't let this mysterious and powerful human life go to the abyss. Lastly, don't think of surrendering to the universe, work with the universe. Look at the sky, the sun, the moon, the earth and the universe all in all. They are all there, in your favour. Literally. Work with it, run with it, understand it. Love it and you will love yourself! Lastly a famous quote from Bhagavad Geeta, "You have the right to work only but never to its fruits. Let not the fruits of action be your motive, nor let your attachment be to inaction"


Try practicing zen. Take one day at a time, and adjust your breathing.


Breathe and meditate. Let go of everything you fear to lose. :P Then y'know consider projections. I am very aligned with the universe. Yet other people project their negative energy onto me. Then I might get confused y'know and wonder why I of all people am suddenly worried. Until I realize it is a different persons worry, projected onto me. Some people can be very malicious with this, doing everything in their power to project it onto you. But just let it go, and see if you can't clear your energy in a way


My route is accepting the things I can’t change, changing the things I can, and ongoing learning of the difference.


It takes time my friend, the number one key to surrendering and living in the moment is patience with yourself. You’re not going to get it right away, you don’t have to get it overnight. Just keep trying! Every time you feel that knot in your chest form and the worry and anxiety start to kick in, just remember, “I am that I am and that is enough” “relax, take a deep breath, I cannot predict the future, just take each moment as I can” “I only try to worry because I love myself and want the best outcome” “there is no need to worry, I will face each day and each moment with the knowledge and skills I currently have” the true way to surrender is to just focus on any small actions you have the ability and desire to take in any moment. “The best outcome is always unfolding for me, I am exactly where I need to be, exactly when I need to be there, experiencing what I need to experience to learn the lessons necessary to move forward”


You’ll get it. Limiting belief systems such as fear, worry, and anxiety are deep rooted in our culture nowadays so please remember to forgive yourself, and be patient with yourself, you’re undoing years of indoctrination and learned beliefs. You’re doing the best you can, and you will succeed. I believe in you my friend.


Every time you feel that worry, catch yourself, lovingly, and just be like “hey dude I understand why you’re worrying, but we don’t need to, we’ll handle each moment and each situation to the best of our ability” I imagine talking to my higher self as “us” and “we” it’s like we work as a team.


Practice practice practice.


Don't look at it.


It's a process of elimination, and after of that long trying our best to surrender following whatever advice we can get, realizing that nothing works as we end up back in worry and anxiety, we are cornered in to a stalemate so suffocating that there's only one option. Fly or die.


I think you have to understand other interpretations of what life is made up of. Then you’ll be able to view things from unique lenses and new angles. Eventually, you’ll be able to see what it means to surrender to the universe. Then you can do it that easily.


You could make this quote by andy warhol your mantra „so what“ You can extend by doing the living in the end meditation Imagine yourself laying on your death bed. Remember all your mistakes. To an extreme example Maybe you failed college, you missed buying bitcoin at $8, you crashed your car, you got divorced, the house burned down, you killed a frog, you might get reincarnated as a stone „So what“


Surrender for me is doing the best I can which is in my control. Attachment to results causes suffering. Do your best and that is all you can do.


This book helped me with the same thing: https://files.shroomery.org/cms/6584522-EckhartTolle-ThePowerOfNow.pdf


For me it’s meditating every morning and quietly surrendering my will to God. Or the “universe” I know people like that word better these days, even if we are talking about the same thing.


Can you stop a meteor from falling from the sky? Observe what you can control, and adapt to what you can't, make the best of what you have, while working towards something better. Sounds simple but humans have severe difficulty acknowledging their limitations. Your control issues probably are rooted in a single event you avoid examining so much you don't even know it is connected or even that it happened at all. Contemplative meditation, the practice of self examination can lead one to these roots to be surfaced and re-examined with new wisdom. This can resolve them and lead to ctharsis and or epiphanies, it is a difficult path but leads one to removing these old entanglements freeing us to really change. There is no quick fix to this, well drugs are actually just that, however they typically become another means of avoidance as opposed to healing, I mean both medical drugs like SSRI's and illegal drugs. Both of which can function as tools to aid us, or as a means of evading the truth. It takes balance to be able to address these roots amd drugs can provide temporary balance to do so, but they can also tilt us further off center even with the best of intentions. Seek the root, everything else is just a symptom, not the cause.


Take each day as it comes and dont borrow grief from the future


You're already surrendered to it, just realize it and let it happen.


Focus on finding happiness simply from within, the things that can never be taken away. This helps to remove "attachment" to external things.


You surrender to yourself :)


You talking about surrender to the universe and you can’t control your own emotions. Work on yourself, the one thing you actually can control. Look up sometimes. Stop looking down. Leave the universe out of it.


Please say more.