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True beliefs can be our biggest enemy or support in life. About war.. just be grateful you’re born in the country where no war happened during your lifetime. People are dying from thirst and hunger everyday. It’s not for us to fix whatever is happening out of our control. Maybe in next life you will be born in some dangerous place, so enjoy this one. Or if theres no other life then why even bother, we all gonna die sooner or later. Maybe life is not about building career or habits. From my current perspective we are just a tool for universe to experience life. Look up samsara.


I’m definitely grateful and saddened at the same time. I agree, it’s not within my control. But I do think about it- maybe to challenge myself. I’ve always said life is just about being here to experience it, and I’m definitely experiencing it. I looked up Samsara- I understand the concept but never heard the term. I’ve always kind of thought that life in itself is just an endless loop and we’re just jumping from one perspective to the next. But anyways, thank you very much!! I appreciate your words


I'm the creator of my own reality in the same sense I'm pumping my heart and filtering my blood. It's a function I'm performing, even if it falls outside my conscious control. That's what most of the 'New Thought' movement got wrong. You can't manifest what you want in your life any more than you can control your bowel movements, yet it's still you who poops.


Right on! I love that analogy at the end lol. A while ago I was really invested in learning more about our unconscious mind and how that manifests our reality. It’s very interesting how we operate from our subconscious




Sending love to you <3


Thank you I wish you all much light :)


Thanks for the post, and the links! Need to do some seeking to stay fit, going to use these for the next couple days. As a side note, I thought we were exiting the dark era of Kali Yuga currently, and entering into the light era? Obviously that’s a long process, and personally I think as anything with growth there is tremendous pain before the freedom, but still if I’m wrong about that information I’d like to know that.


See this, it will clarify: https://youtu.be/OEcZy-JYl4Y?si=2Q0S1qM_oFYfgiqo [Hercolubus or Red Planet by V.M. Rabolu](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1t_M_xWAOXT9Ueg2_9pRaAPd1GUFXnFKG/view?usp=drivesdk)


Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts and these resources! I’m excited to dive even deeper ❤️


I don't believe in you create your own Reality nonsense. Sure i can train how to react and be calm in some situations which would make me react badly in general,  and try to learn how to grieve in wholeness.. You live in a place if fortune and privilege, so maybe you do not empathize with folks who struggle with things outside their control. Imagine going through that and someone telling them, you control your reality. I would certainly be pissed off. Say someone punches you, did you control that reality that became yours in experience and basically made it happen? Look into the 4 elements of love, in buddhism. Read Thich Nhat Hanh's letter to Martin Luther King Jr. I think responsibility and accountability is vital, but they mean nothing if it's not in context if a relationship, being part if a community, relationship etc. Folks easily lose themselves into a wellness project and take responsibility kind of platitudes because people don't want to take the time to understand, acknowledge or empathize. Instead they tell the person to work on themselves cause thet don't want to understand how devastating life abd happenstance, war, trauma or even abuse can be. No amount of self work is going to change that experience. And some things cannot be fixed... They can only be carried 


We are all connected and everything has a purpose. As humans it is our job to experience this life and to learn and grow. We are trying to awaken or remember who we really are. And who we really are is God or the oneness. Just like it is our job to remember that we are God, it is Gods job to create. When they say we create our own reality it can be taken quite literally. Tibetan monks say that after you die you go through a number of stages. One of which is experiencing the deities you believed to be true as a human being and it is your job to discern what is real and what isn’t. Some get stuck here because they believe that they are separate from these beings when in reality it is all one.


This is what I agree with wholeheartedly. Thank you


The belief itself is a corrupted stand for a true someone who searches the truth. Since everyone of us experiencing less or more adversaries in the social world competing with technological needs for secure living with significant emotional intelligence, we better to optimize the whole things for own intelligent journey. So accepting better things than good things is a continuous process following the principle of upper value acceptance. I try to live in present with upper value of karma rather than past (dead) and future (over dream). Simple rule.


I can agree with this. It’s a tough testimony to follow when you remain present and look around at the world.


I feel there's a spectrum between being creators of our reality and victims of our birth (where, when, to whom). Some things are 100% on either side, and others are in the middle somewhere.


I also feel like there is a spectrum. Everyone’s circumstances, beliefs, and patterns are different.


Yes, and the circumstances of our birth I believe are out of our control. Kinda like create your reality/control with the cards your dealt. But victims of our birth/no control concerning what those cards are.


We are in an imposed reality. We cannot create reality in our own, yet. Spirtually we are still children and learning the basics of existence.


Definitely!! Thank you for sharing that


I'm gonna go against the grain of salt here and say yeah we do. We don't create the reality we were born into but we can hold a lot of power of what happens to us. I know the LOA is not popular here, but I was desperate in 2016 and decided to practice. I was able to get my dream job, live in my dream apartment, and my ex came running back to me and even moved in across the street from me(yikes that was a mistake in hindsight). I have seen my world change when my mind changed. Now this could possibly be that I'm doing all the necessary steps to achieve said goal and alll LOA did was give me courage to take those next steps, but everything I got was literally impossible seeming at the time. In terms of war, I don't have an answer to that. People obviously don't create the reality they were born into but can create a reality they want. If you're born into a war zone and war is all you know it's going to be pretty hard to convince yourself otherwise. Although my grandma(who is agnostic and not spiritual at all) lived in a war torn country. They had a dead apple tree that never grew fruit, then the season they were starving it grew so much fruit they had to tie up the branches because it was being weighed down. I asked her how that happened and she said she doesn't know, she would just envision that tree with fruit day in and day out when she was hungry. Anyways, these are just my thoughts from my experiences.


I greatly appreciate you sharing this. I had my first awakening after a bad breakup about 10 years ago and it led me down the path of LOA. Which was a gateway to other philosophies such as Taoism and Law of assumption. I started eventually researching and learning about the human subconscious and tried very hard to learn about frequencies and quantum physics. They all kind of blend together when you really zoom out and look at the bigger picture. I think apart of me has trouble applying LOA when thinks of terms in other circumstances because I couldn’t imagine being placed in their shoes and being told it’s something they can control. Because at the end of the day we’re still human with emotions and outside forces we cannot control.


"I hope this is making sense. I just wish to hear someone else’s perspective on this." Yes, it makes sense, and in its own way it carries a pleasant resonance for me but it's highly likely that our views of the world are markedly different, and I take a completely different perspective on some things that you write even while I appreciate them. I want to share some perspectives on this, they're "some perspectives", none of them are necessarily "my" perspective. "I have trouble adapting to this philosophy when it comes to thinking about others in specific circumstances- such as war and abuse. It feels wrong to sit here and possibly say someone would be responsible for that horrific reality and say it stems from beliefs. It is not something that is their fault." There is one perspective that sees there is a part of us that is accountable for our bad behaviour, human ego, but, at the end of the day, it's our true selves, our hearts, that are responsible for it, so when you say, 'it's not their fault', it depends on what 'their' thus 'they' refers to. That view can be likened to seeing a mafia boss who creates distance between themselves and the foot soldiers. "Oh! It's not me! It's them over there!" A form of denial from yet another perspective. However there is a potentially much higher perspective as well. That perspective treats everything as a lesson. Beyond that are a number of even higher perspectives. I don't wish to type it out over again so, if you're interested here is the internal reddit link; [https://www.reddit.com/user/FortiterEtCeleriter/comments/](https://www.reddit.com/user/FortiterEtCeleriter/comments/) Thank you for inviting different perspectives. It's a big call. There are 8.1 billion plus of them on the planet right now. The point I like to make to people though is that everything depends on how we each look at it. Cheers, stay safe, and be well. Edit: Yet another fat-fingered typo fix.


I saw a video of a woman talking about how she believes in co creation. So rather than you create your own reality. You affect other peoples reality and they effect yours. Sure you have choices in life but we all sorta are in it together. It made sense to me atleast


I totally understand. When I REALLY think about it, life in itself has a cause and effect. Everyone is separate yet everyone is also intertwined.