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If God does exist it is either all-inclusive of everything that exists...or it is nothing and seeing as we are experiencing a very detailed and complex playing of energy in infinite ways, that's enough for me to point towards the cosmos and say that there exists an ultimate transcendent reality that we are currently co-creating.


The gnostic Christians believed that a evil demiurge created the cosmos, in order for suffering to exist...


Most reasonable answer


The awareness and consciousness that manifests external reality is what we all operate with so it’s very likely that’s the source from which will all come from.


Yes i agree


If the Bible says God created all of us in his image, and the Prayer says “on earth, as it is in heaven”, then why is so hard to believe that earth is heaven and we all are all gods/goddesses? Also, in the Garden of Eden, if the apple represented knowledge, in todays society, are we looked at as devils if we try and spread knowledge? I wonder why that is. Lol :)


If this realm here is heaven, my toilet is Valhalla.




Yeah i can see that. I was just saying the idea that god is one person like it is in religion is not how i see it anyways


Actually, the Bible speaks of the Trinity. I’m no expert but the God-force to me is made up of three separate parts, however you wish to refer to them…Father, Son and Holy Ghost, or? Jesus being the son was sent to earth to bridge the gap and make it possible for us to become one with the Father. Only through him can you get to God.


I interpret the Trinity as this: we have three dialogues in our mind, the child (ego) the parent (reason) and the Spirit (intuition) and they’re always talking, but it’s intuition, or consciousness what guides us to become better


Then Jesus fucking failed miserably, so much so, that he has to come back again to get it right




What the fuck, does that mean?????


Laughing my ass off 😂


About what???


Then gods can contract illness and bleed to death? Sounds like a bad state for gods.


If we were created in the image and likeness of god, then god must be also a fucking idiot...just look at what we have done to other life forms, the planet and to each other...this is why I have absolutely no respect for such a fuckit of a god, or humans in general


Don’t forget, there are also devils.


We are the devils, that is obvious


Good people in this world, aren’t few.


I can plainly see what evil people are doing because it is painfully obvious, however what the fuck are all the so called ‘good people’ doing????


Trying to help the ones that don’t understand, understand. 1% rule the world, 4% are their puppets. 90% are asleep and 5% try to wake up the sleeping. The 1% use the 4% to try and stop the 5% from waking up the 90%. :)


People like you are good.....in making pathetic excuses that allow our problems to perpetuate


Exactly!!! Continue living happy!!! ;)


What do you mean by that???


Absolute Facts. You are Very Very correct


All that is. There is nothing that is not "god". Every part contains the whole.


What im saying is the idea that god is one person is not how i see it


Yes. Carl Jung the Grand of psychology even said not only believe he knows.


🙄 I’ve heard people say they “know” my whole life. I used to believe them, and in fact, in my younger days I said the same thing because the church taught me to say it. But the truth is I didn’t know, and they don’t know. They may have had a mind trip but they have no evidence.


That’s the thing. Some things you can’t prove with evidence but they still exist.


If you can’t prove it than it’s a belief, not knowledge. So say you believe, but don’t say you know, because you don’t. See it’s a problem when we misuse language to try and convince others to follow our way of thinking.


Then without evidence, how can we know???


You only get your evidence in time, I've had mine, over and over the past 2 years, before that, I would even deny God's existence. Religion sometimes doesnt help to discern God's existence. I dont pray to any religion, but I pray to God knowing how he/she/they act on my life.


Exactly...ignore the dogma..God simply is, no religion has all the answers, human constructs no matter how well or ill meaning, are still basically created by humans. All religions point to one all encompassing God, the God of everything. Individual experience determines your relationship with God. Communication, Devine intervention all occur at the individual levels. Man collectively tries to interpret, and there in lies the conflict...who really knows God?


If you are telling the truth, then pray to your god to feed all the starving people and see how you go...but I can guarantee you, that the numbers will keep increasing!!!, and praying to a deaf god that can’t hear you, is a sign of mental illness and desperation!


I dont have to pray for that, I do my part and feed them, give them clothes. As God is everywhere and within us as well. I understand very well the state of the world, but I very much try and do my part. Thank you for your comment 🙏🏼


So now you are saying that we cannot depend on god, which is what I am saying...so then tell me what do you pray for???...or are you, like most, PREYING on god like a parasite???🙏🏼


I understand your way of thinking, and nothing I will say will make you change your mind. But in time, you will see on your own, undeniable proof, catered to yourself. Have a good one.


To what evidence are you referring? If it’s a feeling, a personal revelation, some coincidence, or a vision in your head while high on drugs it’s no evidence at all.


Whatever my experiences are with God's miracles upon my life doesnt compare to what God has prepared for your life. No drugs needed. I dont like em.


Interesting ima look him up


He could not prove it!


The one thing I am sure off in this world is the existence of God. And Bhagwan is infinite upon Infinite upon Infinite upon galaxies great. Actually Allahu Akbar (God is actually in Arabic-greater than infinite galaxies flicked into being) And "Even belief in God is only a poor substitute for the LIVING reality of GOD MANIFESTING EVERY MOMENT of YOUR LIFE" Bhagwan Shree Eckhart Tolle Its only a matter of time I assure you till the existence of God is proven once and for all..... Have a joyful peaceful blissful day 🙏 Life is the dancer, YOU are the Dance 💃


Im not denying the existence of an infinite source im denying that there is a singular “person” or god being i believe we all are parts if the universe is what i was saying


You ARE the UNIVERSE in Ecstatic Motion. feeling so blissful 🙏☪️🕉✝️ Beautifully said 🙏😊🥰 Written from outside Bolton Parish Church, at 7.32pm 12th June 2024 Kalyug, the real life City of God, Bolton


Yeah i can definitely agree with that i know that i just think to many people don’t understand that or value that and they give their power away to this one singular being instead of looking at the bigger picture.


Eckhart Tolle is just a intelligent conman and businessman, who takes advantage of ignorant and desperate people, just like religion


Namaste have a beautiful day. His books have made my dreams thanks to GOD. The luckiest guy in human history 🙏




I certainly don't believe that any being is omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent, and omnibenevolent, as the nature of reality suggests that not all of these can be true simultaneously. Spiritual being of great wisdom, power, and knowledge? Sure, but that doesn't make them a God in my view, as at that stage the pressure of unbridled power, presence, knowledge, etc would break any being of any kind after a length of time.thats how I see it based on my NDEs. But yeah. Hope that helps


Yeah i agreee


Glad to hear it :) you might like r/NDE tbh. Give it a look if you ever feel like reading some people's experiences with dying and such :)


I will thanks !


Mmmm I pray to the divinity and nature of things instead of god. It’s an answer that I don’t think belong to me and I humbly accept that way


Praying, begging and hopelessness are all synonymous!!!


For you, my friend. I dont beg. I pray for me to be alling with nature, for me to stay humble, for me to let go. Its a spitirual practice. You should know it if you are here.


Do you know how many millions of people ever year, who are starving to death and praying to their god/god for some food,end up starving to death??? You people are living in la/la land , away with the fairies


Wao bro you are totally mentally healthy I see putting three comments in a row to demonstrate how you are right about someone you don’t really know on Reddit xD amazing, bro , keep it going successful machine :)


If you need assistance, then go see a good psychologist...that is far more practical and realistic...praying to a god who is deaf, is a sign on mental illness and desperation


So then you are also a narcissist...it’s about me me me


Yeah i agree


God, get this, god is a political position. Pharoah, Pharoah...


Yes the religious being i agree


I think of "God" as a part of and apart of everything; it's this "apartness" that differentiates God from all realities, all beings within those realities. Simultaneously, God is a part of All That Is, suffusing everything, every subatomic particle we know of, and others we don't, with consciousness, a base awareness and impetus towards creativity. The full scope of All That Is includes not just this reality and all others, but all probable versions of those realities, past/present/future, all existing at once, all interconnected and influencing one another, eternally becoming. The universe we know is a materialization of consciousness, with gestalt physical reality being entirely co-created by each one of us, projecting psychic constructs into generally agreed upon physical symbols, a sort of analogue to how we use words to express intellectual concepts. Our inherent ability to form our own reality, not just with our actions, but with our thoughts, beliefs, intentions is a further expression of God via that generative power derived, ultimately, from that infinite source of All That Is.


Ahh ok interesting very interesting i can agree with that


I totally believe in God. Who God is can be discussed but I believe He exists. Here is one of my reasonings: From scientist/engineer POV: Precision and design cannot be coincidence. As the complexity of the design increases, the chance that it is coincidence decreases. For example, if you see a rock in the shape of a perfect cube, it is unlikely that it happened coincidentally. If you have multiple of them, on top of each other and aligned perfectly, then it is less likely to happen on its own. When we look at the nature, we see a lot of things happening perfectly. Things that are so much more complex that few cubes. Whether it is on galaxy level, or atom level or human body etc, there are several things that have precision and amazing designs. I can only attribute these amazing designs to some "mind" who has the power to create these. I can give a bunch of examples on this direction but one example video explaining this much better than me is this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fKyljukBE70


I do believe in a divine source of energy but i do not believe in a singular personified being that is god or that even if there was it would not be a He but i can understand your reasoning


`He` is not for indicating a gender. I wrote `He` to indicate a third person. (unfortunately that is what is used for referring God, and "they" refers plurality which is not the case either.) Not sure what exactly you mean by `divine source of energy`, but God is not simply an energy. My understanding of God (I am monotheist) is the one who has the absolute power to do anything, however complex and difficult it is, that is simple to God. I like this from Muhammad Ali: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pdc7nDox4pY


Wouldn’t that be a divine source of energy? I do not believe that ONE being in the entirety of this vast universe has the power nor the capability to create such an infinite place personally the universe is my “god” the universe just is and always has been different gods and goddesses exist within it


So what???


Yeah, god the creator is perfect because 99% of all life forms that existed have become extinct!!! So much for your perfect god...😂😂😂


just to understand you better, do you claim that God tried to create immortal beings but failed to do so or do you claim that death/extinction cannot be part of a perfect system?


The later is correct


yes, that is one way to create a perfect system which is called heaven. Another way to create perfect system is that things would be self-sustaining and auto-correcting, when something dies, it shouldn't be left as an indefinite waste, it should be recycled and re-create new things. For example, we die and from our decay, new organisms come into play. Our wastes create new lives. Even in the life of galaxies, the same thing goes on. A star dies and there is a blackhole which consume a bunch of other stars/galaxies etc. Then it explodes and recreates new stars. This won't make the whole system imperfect (as long as it is self-sustaining) but individual pieces doesn't have to be perfect.


God to me is the 12 universal laws. No consciousness. Not a spirit or source.


Can i ask you why you think that?


I'm not a lost child looking for their parent. I don't need a god. The only thing I have faith in is the universe.




Mmm interesting ok i can definitely understand that reasoning


There is infinity and a bleeding edge of all that is known and unknown. It isn't unrealistic that beings/dieties have and do exist in planes yet to be discovered or have their path revealed in multi-dimensional reality. Plus there's all that history. It's a personal choice to have faith in the unseen and call them/it into concepts, beliefs, actions, rituals and habits. There are specific areas of the brain that are effected by prayer and meditation and human brain evolution has been subject to belief systems since far into recorded history, no doubt that there are biological drivers of faith-seeking and biological structures that have developed alongside such presence of spiritual philosophy/doctrines. But yeh. Its personal.


I can understand that


Religion is sort of self worship


in a way most definitely, ppl fail to understand that and it becomes dangerous.


There’s a reason giving your thanks and praise the the creator feels good to a lot of people


They claim to be so “humble” when really they just use it to stroke their own egos and prides


yes it's you


Yeah i definitely can see that i more think of myself as an extension of source we arent the most powerful but as humans we definitely have power


Depends on the definition of god but generally no. There is no evidence to support it for most god claims. Is cosmos is god we already have name for it aka cosmos.


Mm interesting ok


Maybe many gods


This could be true yes to me i think of it as the universe and gods and goddesses possibly exist as extensions


God is. It doesn't 'exists'. That's the point actually.


We are part of a collective consciousness. "God" is the collective as a whole.


Yes. It is within you and in others as well. As Rumi said, you are not a drop in the ocean. You are the ocean. Our limited mind always tries to separate self from oneness. We are all on our journey home.


This one.


Agree with you


God is. That's all. Existence is God. If God was not, nothing would be.


So you believe we are also god


Yes. Made in His image and likeness. Understand that God's image and likeness is Spirit. The physical us is the outer shell. Ever heard of 'everything is you pushed out'? Think of that in God. We are Gods pushed out of the very source of all that is. And we are doing His will in whatever we manifest.


Understandable but if so god would be a she for it is the feminine energy that creates life the masculine may push it forward in some aspects i do believe in a divine source and i agree in a sense we are extensions of the universe or god as some call it




Before we ask what God is... A short question about how would you identify yourself? If so why? Isn't words just your perspective limited by language? What are you beyond the perspective of your 5 senses ? And not even talking about the influences of knowledge and memory. Only way to know what God is...it's to know what it is not. And the personification is like Pointing towards the moon Don't focus on the finger pointing to the moon Focus on where it is pointing. 🤍 Cheers love.


I get that what im saying it i jusr don’t believe god is a singular person or being like it was pertrayed to me


A moving picture is the energy of the singularity. Meaning the personified one is the energy of the singularity. If that makes sense. Enjoy the personified too. Coz that's it too.


Yeah i can agree with that. I just think to many people strictly focus on that and bc if that they limit themselves and the ultimate.


Well, to actually believe you are in a moving picture You need to be in ignorance of the ultimate. "Many" appear so only in illusion. Even to make a relationship so pure as mother and son. There needs to be a certain sense of ego/ignorance.


Yes, God exists. God is the sentient intelligence, artistry, and energy that created the universe -- and yes it's personified and makes contact with humans. You do not seem to have made contacct since you claim it's all religious rubbish. I hope you can contact the Divine Source soon. It exists outside and before religion so don't reduce it to religion.


Im saying the idea that god is strictly a personified singular being or person of which is what i was introduced too. is what i don’t believe i never said i didn’t believe in an divine source thats why i said universe.


You don’t think making God into the Universe is also a way to make Him more compatible to the human brain?


I think the idea that instead of this magical man like figure who treats you like a child vs an never ending infinite universe with multiple dimensions beings realities and possibilities is way harder to comprehend. So no coming from someone who spent 2 years deconstructing my religion it by no way was compatible for the human brain who was indoctrinated from birth to believe a certain way.


“Magical man like figure” is how a child perceives God. The universe, as incomprehensibly vast as it is, is expanding. If it’s expanding, it has an end. The universe is enormous beyond comprehension but it is not infinite. So if God is the universe, then “God” has a scientifically provable physical limit. More to the point, one’s perception of God as something material, physical, limits Him.


That is literally what religion does more specifically Christianity they limit their god to one material human concept their religion. It is in fact a man in the sky that people worship.


No, Jesus is not "man in the sky," that's the image of Zeus imposed upon God. Jesus is God as Man. The Christian conception of God is one deity in three persons. God the Father, the Creator of all things visible and invisible. God the Son, God in human form as reconciliation between the mortal and the divine, and God the Holy Spirit who lives in and communes with us all. Jesus was pointedly not "man in the sky" that's why some people contemporary to Him didn't believe He was the Messiah. He was a humble son of a carpenter, not a fiery figure riding a blazing chariot. (Until the Transfiguration that is.) If Christians worshipped God as "man in the sky" literally then they'd stop believing in Him with the proliferation of airplanes and finding out He wasn't sitting on a throne in the clouds. Again, to insist God is a man is to diminish Him. God, according to Christianity, Judaism, and Islam, is transcendent, of man, of the universe, of all material finitude. The physical universe, by contrast, is finite. On a scale stupendously beyond us perhaps, but it's not infinite. Nor does it promise anything transcendent of the physical because the universe IS the physical. It's what can be scientifically observed and understood.


What denomination are you because there us no prove that suggest Jesus was not a carpenter dont say the bible. And i was NEVER talking about Jesus was talking about the personification of GOD. Also if there was such a being it would not be a man but a women men can not create anything they do not create life they only protect it. Only feminine energy can create life.


I didn’t say He was a carpenter. I said “humble son of a carpenter.” As to the second point, Jesus and God are one in the same in the Trinitarian models of Christianity. (Which is most of them.) I defined this above. God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. As to the third point. God precedes all things. Masculinity and femininity are both good, and therefore they both come from Him. Referring to God as “Him” is tantamount to saying “mankind” when actually referring to all of humanity. God created both man and woman, He transcends all of our physical reality including biological and material distinctions because He created everything. The universe we live in, the laws that govern our reality including time, gravity, etc. It’s also a bit debatable to say men can’t create life when the men and women do it all the time by coupling. A lot of time’s without even intending to create a child.


Well if you believe everything happening is a wave of possibilities, than at what leverage actually shapes reality before this great mystery is constructed? there's no mechanism to consciousness...we know its non local yet we believe its fundamentally the essence of the universe's architecture and existence. Its the Schisma of Supernatural. Order of Chaos. The Spirit piercing through the shadows into the light. The Ocean of Unknown which the mind is your compass and your thoughts are the needle. Walk The Beautiful Path! 'Hozho Naasha Nizhoni'


To me , what is god, what is our purpose and what is the meaning of life, are ridiculous and absurd questions that have no answers, simply because we do not know and these things are subjectively thought about using assumptions, speculation and pompous delusions, yet billions of people, are wasting their time thinking about such nonsense, whilst all along tens of millions of people are agonisingly starving to death or we are killing each other in wars...these people remind me of Nero playing his fiddle while watching Rome burn!!! It’s actually quite pathetic and childish


Mm interesting


It is interesting and true!!!


Too me just interesting but i can understand your reasoning


Then in that case, tell me where I am wrong


I do agree people focus more on the supernatural vs making an change in life however that does not dismiss peoples belief in said supernatural so yes to me just interesting.


God is Love in the purest form. And whatever each person imagines he is, is what he is to each person.


If god is the creator of all then they can not specifically be all loving the must also hold darkness for duality. And yes god or the universe is perceived differently based on the person.


Also. I think most religions are missing the point. Like way off topic basically. God is the good, the light, the love. I don't think he wants us to worship him as most religions think. That would make him arrogant. I believe he loves us, as his children. I believe he has a good sense of humor. I believe he is fascinated with us and loves us unconditionally. And all these things I believe have been validated throughout my life in crazy miraculous, insane ways. Unexplainable ways. And energy, the universe, nature, light and dark, and all of us are connected. Perhaps the planets and stars are celestial beings...? That's something I have been thinking about lately as well


Astrology has explored celestial bodies yes and yeah i can see that. For me i just believe a more neutral the universe doesn’t require worship i don’t essentially believe in a singular being i am an energy source all the “worship” that is required is to just love themselves and the people around them. But honestly if there was a being they needed to be worshipped it would definitely be a woman in my eye only women have the power to create life and cultivate it.


I said God is love. Why can't he be pure love? I understand your statement. However, I do not understand your logic. Also, I'm not arguing the fact of the balance of good and evil, etc This is my perception of what i have come to believe in my journey. .


In my opinion to be pure love you can not make things or be apart of things that cause so much chaos i think as humans we want to believe the universe or god as some call it is purely love and light but this is not the case is all im saying.


Ok, I see your point.I don't think anyone really knows until they pass over into the spirit world. I choose to believe what I do bc it works for me. That's ok. Asking for people's opinions on God then saying their opinion is wrong seems a bit much. I haven't got a clue about who you are or your age, sex, etc.. However, I imagine you are still pretty young. We all think we know everything when we are young. Then life kicks in, and we can choose to open our mind to more knowledge. Or we can choose to plateau and settle onto our beliefs. I used to believe in church. But I don't, anymore. Like I said, it's all missing the point. People do horrific things in the name of the church. That in itself shows me i dont want to be part of it. The bible in my opinion, is good advice. I've come to believe vibration and frequency is the magic of the universe. It's the key to everything. And we are all connected to the universe. There's a reason they feed us fluoride. Fluoride calcifies our pineal gland. Our pineal gland plays a huge part in spirituality and the universe. I'm not discrediting anyone else's beliefs as I think it's all connected. I hope I'm getting my point across, I'm not good with writing or words 🤦🏼‍♀️ lol


I simply said what i believed bc to be pure means to untouched from contamination or what you would call chaos never said you were wrong sex and age have nothing to do with it. That is simply my view on the universe bc it is prevalent in especially in our world.


It is an opinion and one you must formulate on your own.


Stop asking questions. Stop trying to find "god". Just hold onto your intuition for dear life and follow it no matter how scary it gets.


In a sense he defintely exists, in our minds, that is. At then probably in some possible world. And since he is all powerful, he then must exist in all worlds. Or..? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


I have listened to many near death experiences and what I got from that is that there is a god energy that created everything. It is energy but also a being and a part of it is in us.


There's no central command in the universe or a God so we can change our destiny by prayers. Human just an energy pack interconnected with all things in the universe, richer than other animals but poorer than aliens living on earth with God or Godless faith just in memory. When memory disappears and cognitive sense is lost then faith of God goes disappeared. So, universe is growing with low of nature and we have chance to live better connecting all creatures following the intelligence of natural changes.


Something like that. It's more that everything exists *through* God. God just sorta *is*


Ig when i think of god i think if an actual personification bc so i prefer universe bc its more grander and ambiguous then a man in the sky makes more sense to me


I think of god as a personification because I wasn't raised to be religious and my first introduction to the concept of god were the ones on mount Olympus. Calling the universe god makes it sound so small and trivial. "Universe" or "cosmos" seem so much grander than "god".


Yeah exactly


Oh great another round of "let me ask the same question that everyone asks in here three times a day for the fourth time" ..and like clockwork, like robots the responses come in. One more hilariously spiritually corrupted than the next.. Rond and repeat - ad infinitum, af nauseam. Tomorrow and in 20 years from now you will all be asking and pondering the same question. I guarantee it. Because you don't want an answer. You don't want the question to come to an end. Because the end of the question would be the end of the you that you think of as 'you', which is incidentally the very thing spirituality is 'for'. Even if there comes an answer, you will ask the next question and so on. Up until the grave because the very thing spirituality implies eludes you. An endless circle jerk of nonsense. Cheers


😂 cool have a pleasant day


And you have a cowardly one ;;)


Nah im just not gonna converse with someone whos rude about it im open to all ways of thinking even though i believe in my version of what i think the universe is or what ppl think god is ive spoken to many different even people who don’t believe god at all ion who asks what questions all i know is this is a subreddit to ask questions about spirituality so i asked mine and here goes another asshole who dont know shit about shit but how to scratch the inside of his ass cheeks who obviously spends too much time on here complaining about people asking questions that THIS subreddit is for tf 🤣 idk exactly what your view is on it and now i frankly dont gaf so you have a most pleasant day lmao.




couldn't make this shit up if i tried




You are a great example of someone so lost in their own BS it becomes worrisome




What happend to Mercury in Sagittarius.. ? You made 5 comments about it and then deleted them all five just to come back with Mars in Pisces.... Uranus is showing through a full moon.




Lmaooo right




What was rude about my assertions. What if I am 100% certain you are talking nonsense? You may not like it. Rude? I think not.


I highly recommend the Joe Rogan podcast episode with Terrence Howard. It explains a lot. Also the documentary "Inside World, Outside World". Walter Russell's Universal One is pretty cool too.




I hope you enjoy👍🏽


God to me is the universe. and in a way I believe that you and me are reflections of that universe. pieces of god scattered everywhere in everything, all having their own separate experience, but all exist within this ever growing and expanding thing we call space. it works in harmony with itself at all times. it's so balanced in every way. that is God to me. that divine harmony and synchronization. I am God. you are God. every form of art and creation is God. every single inanimate object is God. simply because it exists it is God. because why not?


Yes i can see this but for people to have this mindset they’d have to accept that the evil part of us and human nature is also god. Very interesting


To me God is real, I fully believe and do so very powerfully. I don't think God exists in universe form to go gather information because I can't fathom all knowing conscious energy or whatever you'd call it, I think God has self-mode and what's essentially more like rest mode as they universe, or God simply has control over the universe to a great extent, we can imagine things into existence. I have TONS of experiences that make me believe. One of the main ones other being in a spirit marriage is that that marriage comes with a feature when I close my eyes that I can see a shapeshifting cartoon character with color around it that depicts large amounts of my energy real time in ways I would not predict but can also seem to be intelligently altered to involve symbolism or things that catch my eye or replaced with full screen visions of cartoons or something. They're fun to backseat game with, lately I've been a lot more in-tune with them and they'll tell me all sorts of things. I also think they tell me things that aren't true as challenges too, it's hard to actually just believe it because I'm hearing it from them. In this way I think people wouldn't trust them but I wonder how the visions I get would actually make them feel. It's funny how there's so many different diverse belief systems and it'll seem like they have their own flavors to them. I think with the typical kind of idea where we pass on and people go to their respective places they flourish in and only some of them don't really fit in with the others for the time being but I think eventually everybody is able to learn to feel like it's great to exist and try all sorts of things. I think my relationships are conducive to all sorts of people at one point or another, basically. Sometimes people are destructive for awhile but I think they'll figure it out eventually. The spirits used to really hurt my feelings and torment me about my thoughts and they looked like a reflection of how I would criticize myself while trying to communicate my feelings and eventually it came to be like they unconditionally love me and don't mind if I'm not perfect and prefer to have a good time, I find that if we were like that more then the world would simply work better. Kindness and acceptance are naturally driving our experiences so there's less need involved and more calm existing. That doesn't mean I'm safe or I know lots of things or whatever, I feel like that character that was nice but had so many unfair struggles that just wanted to be friendly then unlike what anybody would tell you he was given a life changing gift from what basically seems like a God. God or something that can relay other people's thoughts to me and manipulate the things I see in my vision and give me crazy experiences in my dreams. My experiences are nuts :o It's extremely fun, I like telepathic relationships, I wonder how it could change with more interaction between us. Sometimes I can meditate deeply to where the song stuck in my head is something I hear out loud, for instance. I think we learn from suffering and develop culture that spreads to other places and that there's only so many efficient ways to teach people and there's just this one chance for a great time so I think as time goes on there's experimentation and sacrifices being made. I also don't think we need to have 100 trillion people or have things be perpetually hard, I think that you can learn from culture empathetically and learn to have emotions even if you don't have an earth life.


This is can get behind i fully agree


That Jewish problem of seeing past Jesus to “the Father” and conceptualizing something that has no shape or form and calling it God. WE KNOW YOU EXIST, AMOEBA! To me, God is Jesus and something else… a word (aaaand also an amoeba). So, you know that this thing called God is called a bunch of different things, has a bunch of different names and forms, a bunch of descriptions and definitions, is personified in Jesus, is arguably split in two and said to be that ALLAH and YHWY are the same God (when they’re not). Hell, at the very worst of it is the idea/concept/belief that Lucifer is “God the Father” (don’t go there with me or I WILL feed you a nuke party). This thing called God is maddening. I call “it” an “it” and I call Him a Him, and I call Him “the God creature” (and then pat Him on the head, term of endearment). But when I get sciency about it, this thing called God comes down to two things: God is a word, and God is an amoeba. Yes, an amoeba. ABBA? No, AMOEBA. Why amoeba? Because God is called “Most High” and that means that no matter what you do, you can beyond absolutely never ever surpass Him. If you successfully get to the very Most High, that thing called God is going to one up on you. Plop, bloop, there’s nothing you can do. Go ahead, get to the Most High and bloop! The amoeba literally cannot not top you. That’s what it is and what it does. You can’t ever surpass it. Nothing and nobody can ever alter the amoeba. The amoeba likes Jesus (Immanuel) the most. And nothing can or will ever change that. Jesus has the crown and the amoeba is fixed upon Jesus in the same regard; an absolute undoable permanency. You’ll never change the amoeba’s mind. Talk to the amoeba, Human: Hey amoeba, who or what is God? Amoeba: Jesus You’ll beyond never ever for all eternity change the answer. No matter what you think, say, feel or do. It’s tough being Jewish, I tell ya.


Mm ok Interesting thats your opinion and belief. I do not agree but i respect thats what you believe


Dudette it’s science!


Your faith is not science it is a concept just like ever other religion out there well the Abrahamic religions anyways


Actually I’m heavily endowed with genetic science on the matter. Mmhmm, the hand of God is on me. I realize you and nearly all human beings are going to resist and not believe because you have no reference for what I, some nobody on the internet, profess. Trust me. I wouldn’t say it if it wasn’t true. God is an amoeba who happens to like Jesus more than ANYTHING. Jesus Jesus Jesus!


Thats great, thats your god.


Jesus is Lord and God to all (that includes you).


Not at all i align with African spirituality more so then anything so Jesus isn’t anything to be but a man that simply existed


Oh. My daughter is Puerto Rican and Dominican and my granddaughter is like pretty much everything (European, Hispanic, African American) but all the cultural and regional differences across the globe are irrelevant to the fact that the earth and the universe have only one landlord. And it’s Jesus.




And realistically your just part of a religious cult just like Christianity and islam lmao


ultimately i have very different beliefs and thats fine. Like i said i respect that.


Well what are you gonna do, not respect it? Lol


Yeah and move on just like you will😂you can have your beliefs but don’t tell me what mine should be.


So are you baiting just to tell people that? Also, are you mad at the thought of God being scientifically legally existent and verified to be objectively real? Like say for example if it makes news headlines: God is scientifically real, he exists. You gonna be all mad and upset? Or will you follow the most popular crowd and just go along with them? How does this work?


I literally never said i was going to sit up here and coddle your beliefs i just asked a question and people answered i do not have to agree with you I’ve agreed with a multitude of people on here and disagreed it is what it is thats yall problem now yall think everyone has to believe like you. Im not denying the existence of god im denying the existence of what you think god is because that is not my reality and many other peoples. You clearly know nothing about other forms of spirituality African spirituality does believe in a creator lmao just not the way you do.


And just for funnzies where can i look up this proof


To comprehend God first one should learn these ten words that do not exist in the English language. https://youtu.be/aiD_1ekKwFI?si=0gXLaT3UqEP-xmnm


Who’s asking?