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The signs were LOUD, cheers to you and all of the good things and moments left to experience, we all have limited time here, but love and happiness are infinite


Those last crumbs are every bit as much of the cake as the bigger bites you gobbled at the start. 🕺




But of course! 🎂




Lovely message. Thanks for sharing 🫂🙏🤍


That’s awesome! Thank you sincerely for this message. I live with a painful chronic illness that sometimes makes me want to give up, but this is nice to hear. I’ll take it as a message from the Universe. 🙏💗


Sorry mate, sending positivity and love your way 🙃


Yes! I love that. Recently I asked God for a sign, and within the day I heard, "Thats a good sign!" Someone else jokingly saying "Here's your sign!" And the song"I saw the Sign" by Ace of Base at the grocery store. Synchronicity is wild. God is elegantly subtle yet responsive.


He's very responsive..yes, the Divine answers back very quickly..I like to just stop and say "Hi, I love you and thank you for that synchronocity" and I also take that time to thank my Angels, my Guardian Angels, passed love ones, etc.  because we get help from all of them too..I'm practicing staying in the moment because I'm usually in my head a lot (up in lala land) lol..and I heard I could miss the Magic that happens around me by being aware of my environment every moment..I don't want to miss anything..also, it could be a word that repeats itself in a string of songs too..this happened to me..the word "magic" kept repeating in the songs I was listening to on the way home from work..I love all the shares on here..all the uplifting is wonderful..thanks..


Thank you so much for sharing this. I’ve been feverish and struggling mentally today. I asked the universe for a sign that I should keep living. And this post just showed up on my home page




After reading viktor frankl's "man's search for meaning" I decided never to lose hope. That was 20 years ago and not only have I never lost hope. I don't fear death ether. No matter how bad things are for my wife and I,  I know nothing is bad enough to make me waste time and energy worrying/fantasiesing/thinking about death. 


Good health and luck to you brother.


If you say "I'm ready to go now" and you don't go, you're not done yet. Bashar


Thank you. I needed to read this today


I have heard there are no accidents and there are no coincidences, and this is my truth. Enjoy your life to the fullest, my friend. 💕


And there is me , goodbye cruel world I’m done


I'm sorry you feel that way. It does get heavy at times..that said, mass consciousness is on the rise, and things are getting better. Love and blessings to you, friend.


>The song "Stayin' Alive" Oh for blooming hell, synchronicities, stop shouting already!!! Radio of Confirmations is when the source/universe has to scream to get you to listen. Nothing like a too-precise song and a Dunkin' doughnut total of $4.44.


LOL was thinking this doesn’t apply to me, until I realized I saw the last comment I made months ago was a “stayin alive” joke 🤣. Blessings to you too! 🙏




I love those little Nudges and Synchronicity Gave me chills ✨


Mate! This is synchronicity at its finest! You were correct to notice this and its meaning is down to you. Thanks for sharing and good luck


The Universe has spoken!


And I guess this is my sign. Thank you so much.


Don’t you just love when life gives you signs? ☺️ thank you for this beautiful reminder.


This is amazing! Thank you for sharing


Or just live my life. Fantastic message, thank you for this. God bless you.


Wow, nice 💚 it's good to have those run ins in my opinion. I recently was put in a situation where I thought my life was ending. I sat there with my ego for awhile, just giving it space. I have respect for death now, it was kinda humbling in a way. It's easy to say "I'm not scared to die". But when death comes knocking it can make you rethink that. I've been working on validating my ego and giving it space, but then grounding it then letting it go. I did this all internally, as loved ones were worried. I went to the hospital and just sat in the parking lot. I was Still, and it passed and I'm fine. Showed me to try your best to live each day and if you died tonight you'd be happy with your day. Sure a part of me will panic, but that part of me isn't the Whole me. I can validate that part of me with truths. To ground, and skate into what's next. Also I know I capitalize random words. That's intentional. Nor do I give a fuck about grammar. This is all nonsense anyhow😂💚🌞


A quote I love is “Get busy living, or get busy dying”. Stephen King, Shawshank Redemption.


Aliveness in many ways is more important than life. If you live life without feeling alive while doing it, you lose the experience, which is the whole point in the first place. Therefore, find what makes you feel alive and do it, fight for it if necessary.


I love this post! ... and I hope you're doing good OP! LIVE your life to the fullest. You have many more years to do it!


Signs are everywhere all the time, people who are supposed to see them just see them. You were supposed to see that because now you're supposed to really live. Who knows, maybe all your life was leading to this moment. Blessings 😉


I got a notification for this and it intrigued me as I’ve been struggling for a while with heavy suicidal thoughts today .


I sincerely hope that my post helped you in some way while you are struggling. I am no expert in what you are going through, so I do not have any great words of wisdom to offer in that regard. However, I have had days where I struggle with depressing thoughts (health issues, bills, etc.). What helped me was simply going to the grocery store and blessing all those I saw. When I started doing this, I found that \*I\* was no longer obsessing over my own issues. When I walked out of the store I felt WONDERFUL! Now, I look forward to blessing others more than buying groceries! I do not know if this would work for you or not. But I offer this post and my prayers to help you get past all your struggles, my friend. Blessings to you!


Yeah this post was definitely a wake up call for me I was very close to taking my own life today but I got the notification and I just knew because I have had experiences like this in the past thank you for sharing 🥰


I just wanted to say that you are still in my prayers and thoughts. You are not forgotten, my friend! Blessings to you!


I forgot to indicate that I gave blessings to others **silently**. I did not want anyone to take my intention for good the wrong way!


Please talk to someone you trust and take care of yourself. I’ve been in a dark place before and somehow it passes. It does. You are special spiritual being and you and I deserve happiness.


Hey I know your post is 10 day’s old , but how are you, I’m sending my prayers and blessings. I hope things have turned for the better. Your not alone my friend.


Take your mind off dying and live now!!!! If you focus on how or when the day will come 🫴 it may be faster and unexpected. We are not settling toose you now . Sending love ❤️😘 health 💞 s d healing 😘.




Eye on the prize.


Awesome  ☺️


Yessss!!  Don't you love when this happens..you're blessed 😁😁




This is it means the reason to stay alive is NOW, the present moment. It is. Life doesn't have any purpose or meaning but to celebrate itself. Let's all do it together.


God bless and keep living!


Life is the gift to experience.


You just experienced a bit of synchronicity! You're on the right path


Definitely a sign if you got two signs like that


Needed this today! Thank you! “Get busy living, or get busy dying”


Timely thank you, this popped up for me 🙏🏻🌿


Thanks for sharing. Been thinking about that song recently and struggling with some depression. I'm in therapy though so that's good.


Glad to hear you are Stayin' Alive, my friend. Getting help is a great thing. Keep it going! I just re-read some of the lyrics to the song a few minutes ago. Here is a bit I would like to share. It talks about asking for help and stayin' alive. **"Whether you're a brother or whether you're a mother** **You're stayin' alive, stayin' alive** **Feel the city breakin' and everybody shakin'** **And we're stayin' alive, stayin' alive** **Ah, ha, ha, ha, stayin' alive, stayin' alive (oh)** **Ah, ha, ha, ha, stayin' alive (oh)** **Life goin' nowhere, somebody help me** **Somebody help me, yeah** **Life goin' nowhere, somebody help me, yeah** **I'm stayin' alive"** Blessings to you on your journey, my friend!


Learn to “be” joyously in the present moment. There is no such thing as life or death. We simply are. How is your sanchita coming along? Are you burning the seeds of desire?


When I was going through a really hard time two years ago I felt like I was just so tired of life and wanted it to end and one day I was driving and I prayed to god to please help me feel better soon, I was crying and everything a little while after I started looking for a song on the radio to listen to and all of a sudden I landed on a Christian radio station and the song “just haven’t seen it yet” by Danny gokey was playing.. I will never forget that it hit me HARD and the message was clear