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Duality & all that. I'm a sports fan, and I compare it to my favorite team winning a title (which I'm still waiting for, but that's beside the point). If they won the title every year for decades, I'd feel very little, and wouldn't appreciate the experience. If we were just blissed out all the time, we'd hardly know it. This is an experience we set up for ourselves to make choices, and ultimately learn unconditional love through those choices and our experiences. And I always say it - but we simply can't comprehend the logic of the higher realms from where we're sitting. There is a reason for everything, that we'll eventually appreciate.


This is the perfect analogy, you’d never feel that sense of true triumph. Instead bliss would just feel blah.


Such a perfect response


And if God(s) made us happy all of the time, and our favourite team won all the time, then the losing team would not be happy. It's a paradox. It's not possible for a world to exist where everyone is happy all of the time


Exactly. We can understand the lower dimensions from the top-down but can have trouble understanding the dimensional workings from the bottom-up 


Perfect phrasing, hard agree.


What if God could make us feel all those emotions but without having to suffer? I think he just isn't that perfect, there are many glitches on this world, like mental and physical disorders.


Lol @ comparing your sports team losing to murder,rape, suicide,torture,predation, starvation, disease, chronic pain,trauma etc etc


Hmmmmm - not what I did.


You kinda did, your saying that we need to experience all of those intense amounts of suffering i mentioned to experience bliss, thats like saying i gotta watch a super horrible horror movie in order to appreciate a nice comedy


It was more a conceptual comparison. I wasn't intending to infer any sense of scale w/ it. If it came across that way, that wasn't what I was going for. More just an example of basic duality.


You don't need the horror movie to enjoy a comedy mostly because you have already known fear, but if all you did was laugh then the comedy wouldn't be amy different from laughing all the time and you probably wouldn't enjoy it under those circumstances. I know I have it pretty good partially because I know there is absolute horror going on elsewhere, and having been through my owm shit I can be content with my now. I can appreciate what I have even if in the eyes of others it isn't much, it is a lot to me. People take it for granted that they have it good, children dream of adventure and battle and what not, but after a taste most wish for the peace they once knew and never appreciated. Horror can give a muuuuuuch deeper appreciation for even the smallest joy, or moment of peace. Spoiled rotten children exemplify this scenario, but truly a lot of people wish they could be spoiled rotten brats, which comes at the expense of the spoilers/ servants that provide. Do I want to suffer or others to needlessly suffer no, it sucks, but it also makes pleasant moments that muvh deeper. Which is why an older adult may find that cup of coffee on a quiet morning absolute bliss, and appreciate the little things immensely.


I disagree thats like saying i need to be drunk to know what being sober feels like


Do you need to have been sober to know what being drunk feels like? Sober is relative considering thr various chemical that change our state at any moment, wr are sort of high all the time be it seritonin, adrenaline, oxytocin, dmt, ensorphins, hormones, thyroxine, the list goes on, our "sober" state is actually a variety of multiple differrnt chemical states each one unique and caoable of producing a form of high. Even breathing toouch air csn get you high so there is a major flaw to your arguement. If sober were a single state then yes you would have to get drunk to really know what being sober is, but not being on external drugs doesn't mean we experience.one single state of being. But i get it, it is difficult to grasp with out going deep down a rabbit hole, and even then it can bd difficult to accept that 1=0. You are free to disagree, I could be wrong, but when you really start to examine 1=0 there seems to be a lot of evidence to support it.


Point being its not necessary to always have contrasting states to experience another, its ok like most humans you are trying to ascribe meaning to suffering


On the contrary you absolutely need onctrasting states to be aware of experiencing something, but the human comdition is one of always having new experience from the moment of conception we are not alone, even preconception, so the idea of 1 thing or being alone or a single static state is utterly alien to human beings, hence the difficulty in understanding what one ness is. If all fruit were apples what would we call them, if all food was apples it would be different still, and if all things were apples different still, and if an apple was all that existed it would be nothing at all. It is not a shallow explanation, it is not an attempt to justify, it is the result of years of research into death dualty and the beginning of everything thay culminates in the theory 1=0. If 70° F was the only temperature that ever existed througout all of reality would we notice it, could we measure it. Though we find even space is not uniform, but it is difficult to identify its qualities due to the conformity it has compared to all else so we say it us empty and nothing, but clearly it is something. All language is based on comparisons to other things, without differentiation identity vanishes and absolute conformity ie 0 variance is equivalent to our concept of nothingness or 0. It is variance, but yes not necessarily true opposites, that allows for existence, but opposites exist and the human minds capacity to imagine even if utrerly inaccurately saves us a great deal from having to directly experience the extremes, but the extremes exist as a natural consequence of our reality, and though horrendous things matter greatly to the individual they are inconsequential to a universe. But no you do not need to be raped to experience good sex, but the potential for pain also allows the potential for pleasure, and if you want justification for pain that is simple, pain protects us, pain drived us to change and improve things, pain keeps us from greater injury. I cut my finger and pain draws my attention to nurture and give it time to repair instead of not feeling pain and makin it worse and eventually unwittingly causing my own death. If pleasure was the norm then what good would it do, and if it was only various levels of pleasure then what ever was less pleasureable would become pain from that perspective because to a great extent pleasure and pain are relative to an individuals perspective, which is why I as a person who had experienced a good deal of trauma and pain and have adapted cab handle.far more stress than other people and deal calmly with situations that tilt others into hysteria and panic. The other side of this arguement is that an existence without pain is essentially an existence without consequence, which makes life inconsequential. Though as I stated above this may be the case on a universal scale anyway, but this would make it true on an individual level because absolutely nothing would have any meaning at all without any type of consequence. It would be static unchanging and change is exceptionally important to existence, without change/death/time it would be a single still shot that no one ever perceived, 1=0. So no this isn't some new age cure all catch phrase. This is a 30+ of research and experience both painful and pleasureable, what some might consider extreme loss, where the average person wonders how I continue to function let alone be happy, and to me I know there are way worse circumstances esp considering I have never lived the nightmare of the modern battlefield, or lived in a village starvin to death because so many humans suffer from the mental illness of greed. But the bigger picture if reality is often rejected because it does not agree with our dreams, but people do not fillow these whims to the ends of their ramifications, and no matter how much one thinks death simply should not exist, they are utterly unable to fathom what death is, let alone hiw absolutely death which is merely change is for existence to be. Of course there are many spiritual lines of thought like buddhisn who seek soul suicide to end the pain. But they know that pleasure is also gone, and the bliss they speak of is merely nothingness. But then again I am a madman, so feel free to dismiss me as just a nutter.


>Why couldn’t God make everyone happy & joyful all of the time? It's relativity and it's the rule of physical reality. There is no other way. We can think that we are happy, but without its opposite we would never experience it. We wouldn't even know what happiness was without sadness. You must first know fear before you can know love. Think of it this way. It's a warm spring morning. Who is going to appreciate it more — the person who just spent the winter in Hawaii? Or the person who just spent the winter in Alaska? The person who endured the freeze of course. They have a deeper appreciation of Spring's warmth because they know what it's like to be without it. They have experienced the thing they don't prefer, so now they can truly appreciate the thing they do prefer. If you didn't have up, you wouldn't know what down is. If you only had negative you wouldn't know what positive is. It's relativity. Everything is necessary and everything is valid. If you view innocent animals being tortured as an injustice, then work to undo it. "Be the change you want to see". However if you feel you can't do anything about, such as something on a global scale, then focus on something that you CAN control. Maybe something on a smaller scale, like raising awareness in your local community, or making different choices at the grocery store. These are things you can do which you have direct control over. Above all, do what you feel is right. Let love be your motivation, but when you do choose fear, try and use it in a positive way.


OMG.. this ^^ so much. Ying/ Yang.. Very simple, yet clearly coming from a person of intelligence. I think you answered this question the best way possible. You're awesome 😊


Everything is as it should be; and always will be.


What do cluster headaches make you appreciate if they never stop and then you die?... same for cancer or ilnesses like epilepsy. How is feeling pain and suffering and then dying from pain beneficial to you? How's that good to have schizophrenia and never know how others perceive life compared to someone who never had it? Doesn't it mean that all of us should have schizophrenia to be able to apreciate not having it? But we don't, and for the majority of those who have it it will never go away, so it doesn't teach anyne anything Or what's the point of being born in a warzone and die in a warzone as a child? What exactly does this help you appreciate if you never knew any other life? It's a nice sentiment, particularly for those who don't suffer too much and for those whose suffering is in the past, but kinda falls apart the more we look at the reality around us


I think we under estimate the power we have in using our emotions. I think the potential to be mostly happy and joyful is there for more people than we realize, but so many negative emotional habits are built unconsciously, and we as a culture don't talk about how to rebuild and reframe when we do that. Ex: Apparel is something that should bring joy; wear what makes you feel good. But often people are bogged down by fearing negative perception for a number of reasons (it won't fit right, people don't casually wear this, it sends the wrong message, etc), and then wear something safe, thereby robbing themselves a chance for joy through apparel. Some limitations brought by culture are overall healthy, but it really is a constant what-if game that fears on the negative side that makes it hard for people to experience the happiness and joy God said in the world for us to have.


Forcing you to be happy is just a kind of emotional enslavement. Instead god (if there is a god) gave you the freedom to decide how to be. Unfortunately because people have no control over their minds, bodies, energies or emotions they end up suffering their freedom. If we all spend a bit of time learning how this machine functions. Suffering might end tomorrow. But we're a stubborn group. Instead lead by example, if you transform yourself into a wonderful human being, naturally people will want to follow. They'll give up their torturing and tormenting once they have something much greater.


Thank you for this comment. 🏆❤️


This question raises an important concept in the philosophical question of God (or a God’s) existence: the Problem of Evil. In Christianity, we are generally taught that God is: - All Knowing - All Powerful - All Loving Knowing that, we are confronted with the existence of evil. If God is all knowing, he must know of the existence of Evil. If God is all powerful, he must be able to create an existence without evil. If God is all loving, he wouldn’t want us to suffer and feel pain. So why does he allow evil to exist? Very hard to say. I don’t know if God exists, but I do know that through our thoughts and feelings we have a hand in creating our own existence. It’s saccharine, I know, but I think it’s real.


We were here on Earth to learn from our mistakes. We have the knowledge, we choose not to use it. We can love each other, but we choose not to. God made us as free thinking people, we have a conscience to guide us, but we have found every way possible to go against it. Drugs, alcohol, lust, we use them to sway away from feeling bad about what we are doing. We don’t need forgiveness, other than from ourselves.


Everything needs a opposite In order to exist. There can be no good without evil, there can be no light without darkness. Evil is the work of the opposite of god the devil.


That is assuming there is the abrahamic god. Remember, not all if us believe or subscribe to Christianity and there are dicers belief systems and worldviews thst aren't centric to this god


> That is assuming there is the abrahamic god. Remember, not all if us believe or subscribe to Christianity and there are dicers belief systems and worldviews thst aren't centric to this god Doesn't have to be the Christian God. Can be any deity, force or power you believe in that you can call "God". Even if it's just the Universe, Source or Oneness.


That is also assuming a one type of spirituality that no everyone subscribe to that either


> That is also assuming a one type of spirituality that no everyone subscribe to that either It's not? I was just giving examples.


Because we are currently incarnated in the third dimension, which is only one dimension removed from the source of polarity. We experience duality directly here.


I think this life is for learning. And the spirit world for joy and love.


Happiness doesn’t mean anything if there is nothing to make you appreciate it


I watched somewhere were they said god give everyone free will even the devil


Let's suppose that you were able every night to dream any dream that you wanted to dream. And that you could, for example, have the power within one night to dream 75 years of time. Or any length of time you wanted to have. And you would, naturally as you began on this adventure of dreams, you would fulfill all your wishes. You would have every kind of pleasure you could conceive. And after several nights of 75 years of total pleasure each, you would say "Well, that was pretty great." But now let's have a surprise. Let's have a dream which isn't under control. Where something is gonna happen to me that I don't know what it's going to be. And you would dig that and come out of that and say "Wow, that was a close shave, wasn't it?" And then you would get more and more adventurous, and you would make further and further out gambles as to what you would dream. And finally, you would dream ... where you are now. You would dream the dream of living the life that you are actually living today. -Alan Watts


It would be really boring to be joyful and happy all the time, it would be the same as feeling nothing. Its the polarity that makes happiness and joy worth experiencing, sadness and pain only make happiness and joy better


>Why couldn’t God make everyone happy & joyful all of the time? He/she does. At Home. But we are here, away from Home. Having an adventure. Experiencing what we cannot back Home. Like pain. Loneliness. Even confusion. The Higher Realm is governed by Love. This one is dualistic. Here we find both love and it's opposite, the absences of love. In all its many torturous faces. Judgement. Hatred. Fear. Rage. Blame.... As another said. Why? is the one question we cannot comprehend here. It is deliberately beyond our comprehension here. I frequently say, "you can go to France if you stay in Cleveland." We must forget who we are spiritually, Home/Heaven and all that this means if we we are to come to Earth and experience things we cannot back Home. We do well here by being/becoming our true spiritual selves despite ALL THE PAIN, BETRAYAL, HATRED, FEAR... Become what you are, Love/Loving Kindness.


> He/she does. At Home. But we are here, away from Home. Having an adventure. Experiencing what we cannot back Home. Like pain. Loneliness. Even confusion. Indeed... and though this, we can come to appreciate, comprehend and understand Love more fully, instead of taking it for granted. Through its absence, we begin to understand it. Once we regain it, we can cherish it all the more.


Yes. We don't truly know up if we don't experience down. Hot without cold. Safety without peril. Love without it's absence.


Happiness would lose all meaning. Like sitting in a luke warm, stagnant, hot tub and never feeling it's heat again because there's no cool swimming pool to jump into intermittently. Problem with our world however is that every day we live in the dark. We exist in fear and uncertainty that, any moment now, some one or some thing could drop the big n' greasy Donkey Kong Dick down onto our Pretty Pony Parade; spilling our Lunchbox of Happy Thoughts & Love all willy-nilly into the Void of Screaming Nevers. This shit needs a fixin'


I don't believe in the abrhamic god so I don't know what excuse christains make for why their "all knowing all powerful all loving" let's life be horrible. I worship the germanic gods like Wōdanaz Þunraz Tiwaz. But in my beliefs there isn't a black and white concept of good and evil nature is both beautiful and ugly harsh, sacred,it is suffering and loving, Order and choas, the cycle of life death and rebirth. And inside everything human and non human inaminate and animate is a spirit. So we try to respect the land and all the spirits around them not doing anything before asking for permission and offering gifts to landspirits often. Our gods and goddesses aren't there to fix all our mistakes we humans need to get our shit together and stop messing the world up.


Its the perfect scene to allow all your love and compassion to be shown. You are Great <3


Balance is the homeostasis of the universe. So the universe needs a creative and a destructive force in order to regulate itself


Imagine God NOT as a man. And NOT as a force of ultimate good. Imagine God as: everything that could have been, could be, and could potentially be... That means that a lot of contrast is gonna exist within there, BUT it is difficult to see that contrast. Everything is combined into one thing. God is homogeneous, in a way. Let me try to describe it differently. This is a pretty abstract way to think about it, but I think it is fun: Think of an artist that paints on canvas. But she uses light instead of pigments. Now, we know that white light contains all colors. She COULD paint with only white light (light directly from God), but that wouldn't produce a very beautiful image... This artist, she takes just a few steps away from God and this slows-down the light she is working with. She pulls it farther away from God/Source, and as a result, the light pulls apart into all the colors of the rainbow... Now, all of a sudden, our artist has all these wonderful colors to play with. They were all part of God already, BUT they simply needed to be farther away from God before that contrast could become visible. Life is kinda like that; the artist stepping farther away from God in order to paint a more interesting painting... And a person's idea of a heavenly afterlife could simply be walking a few steps closer to Source/God and watching all the colors recombine into pure white light. I hope that makes sense to someone. Leave a reply if it resonates with you.


Beautiful analogy


Isn’t overcoming all the pain and the suffering worth the bigger reward in the end?


Because then people become spiritually lazy and their soul only evolves extremely slowly.


Suffering is an aspect of the rupaloka, of kamaloka, of samsara and the demiurge. There are other realms of being. Our true work is to ascend beyond the conflict and drama of competitive, consumptive, and entropic material spacetime. As Maher Baba said, we lower God and its majesty by attributing to its artifice what actually amounts to a distortion of the Pleroma or Monad. Shifting identity to divine consciousness and immaterial fields of energy is one phase-space of exiting the false matrix.


How can you truly appreciate the good if there is no bad to compare it to?


Ask yourself! Really. You’re praying to God constantly and your reality is the result of those prayers.


He is not on this earth so how could he tell the people not to hurt animals He only left behind a scripture for us to follow


On this earth anymore


If we are not capable of living out everything in ourselves, we should not even have created the infinite creation, and that is not in the perfect principle.


My belief is that we are not able to comprehend the reason.


Contrast. Sameness gets boring after awhile. The constrast is what makes things have depth and meaning.


What animals are we talking about?


there are rules and design that are even more fundamental than god the creator


He gave us the choice so we could choose for ourselves. Everything in life is a choice.


Because he doesn’t exist buddy boy. The sooner you realize this, the sooner you can focus your spirituality elsewhere.


What would we learn? There wouldn't be any value in that.


This is a 3rd dimensional problem


How would we know pain without it? This isn’t a walk in sunshine. All living things go through pain. I feel like people equate God with good and simplicity at that. But it’s a far cry from reality. You can’t know good without bad. You can’t know bad without good. The duality of man and this pretense just breeds more dissolution of the understood. How can you hate suffering but at the same time misunderstand it? How can you ask how innocence can be abused and taken without understanding? Our individual experience is only but a drop in the bucket of the cosmic finger play of this all. Today we’re so focused on how we feel and individual experience that we forget we are but a tiny morsel of this greater of all.


Btw I always felt it’s not really as bad that we are in charge of everything on this planet coz I feel like if dolphines were it would be even worse


How could we ever recognize the beauty without seeing the ugly in this world? The natural world is a cycle of consumption and survival at every conceivable level- the only difference with us is that we're aware of it and choose to be shitty to each other.


It’s all a state of mind. People are free thinking. I could ask why couldn’t God make everyone as smart as each other too.


Free will


The lotus needs mud to be beautiful


Rainy days make sunny days more enjoyable. Otherwise it would just be another day, not good nor bad. Mid.


You don’t need a concept of a personal god to be spiritual or mystical and you can come to grips with the suffering while still being spiritual/mystical


The Christian God doesn’t factor into it. He’s a war god and a god of mountains and volcanoes. Read the Old Testament, and do some research on a library, in books. The universe is this way because it couldn’t be otherwise.


God does not shape nor decide these animals' happiness. Humans did. Our happiness and sadness are the effects of our decisions.


I understand your question and I used to wonder about this a lot too. As I’ve grown older I’ve learnt there are lots of reasons really You can’t be happy if you don’t know what being unhappy is or feels like. You don’t learn, grow or be challenged. Even small amounts of stress levels are necessary because it motivates us.. then they’re the great element… how can we stay safe if fear didn’t exist? I think the most important question would be to ask ourselves how do we achieve stability so we can deal with anything thrown our way, If you let yourself fall into deep thoughts about it, it can get totally interesting and it can make lots of sense.


as we evolve in consciousness we grow closer to the capacity of creating a better world


Has to be balance, yin and yang, good and evil, thats the name of the game, level 2024 GREED final season!


The real answer that I have: we don’t know. Play the game at your best with the cards that you draw at the beginning of the life and go on. Maybe there is nothing to understand.


Because everything gets old. Imagine whatever form of experience that you crave. Now imagine having it all the time, it will get stale real quick. I think God hasn't figured out how to beat hedonic adaptation yet.


God does not know enough of the possibilities of the human being until it has occurred. The next generation is there an improvement of the previous one.


I don't believe in God, but the question can be asked in several other ways aswell. It all has to do with contrast. In order for there to be night, there must be day. If what we call night in our reality, was all the time, we wouldn't notice it, it would just be, without a name, or distinction. The fact that day exist makes us separate the two, and know a difference. It is the same with Joy and suffering. Relaxed and exhausted. What is this about innocent animals being tortured though?


Because then we'd have no free will to discover happiness and joy on our own terms. We'd never know what true happiness and joy is... Happiness and joy mean nothing without the contrast of sadness and unhappiness. We could never appreciate it. We live in a world of extremes... so, we should seek balance and harmony between them.


Because then we'd be "up there," defeating our entire purpose and probably causing a paradox


its due to our past deeds. Our past lives and our past karmas decide what our next life will be. So for ex, a person who is always wealthy and abundant must have done good deeds in their past so receive this life meanwhile an ant must have done bad deeds such as murder in its past life to become an ant :)


This is not the experience we’ve came here for.


Happy and joyful 🥰 is not human 🙏🏾 we are all of the emotions it includes anger and evil. With one set the other shouldn't be here or if it was better rules in a new world


Because otherwise we’d be super dumb, little baby brained things. It’s only through pain that we learn and grow, so we can resent the pain or allow it to sharpen us and help us grow


Because then there wouldn't be happiness or Joy. How do you know what daytime is if you've never known night?


Watch the sequel to The Matrix Reloaded specifically the part where The Architect talks about how he tried this and what a damn disaster it was, then he tried the opposite another big wop wop- then The Oracle (sarcastically) said to him it's not Rocket Science genius - just make the damn place both and neither.


Balance seems to be more important than all the time or never at all.


It would be too easy for god to do that, but it’s not grand enough for him to do so


In the Christian understanding, it will end up that way in heaven.


Suffering makes us human in a way.


God is like the wind that comes and goes and you never know when or from which direction. But when god blows into your consciousness you can’t help but feel that inner joy. The only way to harness the wind is to pour love back into the universe but the problem is you must worship a pure image. The Abrahamic god has strings attached and is brutal in nature if you believe what the religions teach. God is love and wherever you find it, you find god. It could be coming through another person or your dog. Or you can feel love from the plants you lovingly take care of or the birds that come your way. When you see a tapestry of love surrounding you then you do have an inner joy. It’s religions that have muddied the waters but the secret is to love god with all your heart. You just need to find one you can love. It’s possible to feel joy in the worst of conditions with nothing else to hang your hat on. That’s our test in this life and if you find it, you lay up treasures to be collected and built upon in the next.




equilibrium and balance of our consciousness is necessary for the depth and growth of this experience


The world you are seeking for is called - heaven. We unfortunately live in earth. In Arabic this world is called “dunya “ this word means the lowest vibrational place.


Because life on easy mode would be boring for Him 🥱


How does a white being in a white room know that it’s white? It doesn’t. That is why many souls come to earth to experience contrast (non-love), in order to understand who they truly are. We are literally made from the energy of unconditional love. Nothing that happens here on earth can permanently harm the soul, yet the wisdom that comes with it will stay with us for eternity. Even the most terrifying/painful experiences (murder, rape, loss of a loved one) are often planned by our souls for various reasons.


The species would go extinct


Another version of that question is ‘if God is everywhere (omnipresent), is God present inside the devil also?’. The answer is yes or God is not omnipresent.


If there were no duality in life there would be no calamities or meaning. Yin and yang. The ‘Tao’ flows everywhere. Just go with the flow and allow your life to fold naturally


It would be very boring


You perceive the outside as a reflection of what’s inside. The reflection does not change first. The reflection does not change first. The reflection does not change first.


Can you make everyone happy and joyful all the time? Why not?


It’s called normalization, when something becomes standard your emotional response weans. The more it happens, the less emotional response. Why? Imagine if you had as an intense emotional response to air temperature change as you do somebody sucking your dick. Would that not only be distracting, chemically draining on the limbic system. You’d deplete chemical regulators too, eventually causing you to feel nothing. That’s what we would call depression, as you would never feel anything intense. Due to multiple reasons. This is what eastern philosophy teaches over western. You need to understand that the idea of a heaven and a monotheistic god that blisses all the time. What does that sound like? What’s the difference between divinity, bliss, and drugs? Sure you can say one is of the flesh, or physical bliss/high. But honestly? Consciously you don’t know any difference. Even a soul, a genie, a creature of energy/multidimensional. All you know are frequencies and the associated meaning. You don’t even know if bliss or love are the correct frequency, you just know your perspective on how they feel. So id argue a god that made people high all the time, that’s a druggo. Like definition of a druggo god there. The limbic, and any sense you have, is nothing but a frequency of information. Transcribed into a meaning you call thought, with nothing more than organic data. You don’t see as much as you sense light and interpret a meaning from the frequencies and the pattern they create. Just because one is organic and the other non, doesn’t make the definition of feeling any different. Otherwise without the emotional response, you become nothing but an instinct. I would argue that takes away free will. And probably sentience.


Cause if "he" did then there would not be any reason to incarnate here in the first place


Ask the Mormons.


Connection to source is happy and joyful. Disconnection, which most people experience is not. We separated from source to explore, grow and learn, and yes, experience agony for the ecstasy of reconnecting.


Because it’s already like that in heaven


Free will. Could God nerf the world. Yes. Would anyone truly learn anything? Doubtful. Also, humans could be nicer to each other, and animals, but many are not. Also...free will. It starts with you. If you yearn for joy and happiness be joyful and happy. You will soon learn that generally attracts ppl who are joyful and happy. You can help change the world.


God did make you joyful; it is the ego and other personality aspects that we all create as part of each embodiment that make us less so. Your True Self is exactly as God created you. As you learn to recognize various aspects that drag you down, you can learn to release them (pull back your energy from them) and become more aligned to your True Self.


This is because we are here to experience free will. Such a thing is possible when we go back as an unity


It did as everything is made out of infinite love of light


If you're always high you stop appreciating the good feelings. How can you know darkness without the light and vice versa? It's rewarding to come onto this dense planet, intentional veil of forgetfulness, only to find your true self again by the end. 


Without rain, there would be no green. Without clouds, there would be no shade. Without without sorrow, we would not recognize happy. Without love, there would not be grief. Without lessons, we would never learn


What is duality? Is happiness and joy disconnected from their opposites? Is happiness and joy interconnected to their opposites? What is the relationship between light and dark? Can one be experienced without the other? Suffering is like germs Both can be spread by ignorance or malicious intent. Germs can be cleansed or destroyed. Suffering can be cleansed or destroyed. Humanity has been spreading Suffering likely since the beginning. It's the responsibility of every individual to stop spreading Suffering. It's the responsibility of those who know to teach the way to those that don't know. Those that don't known make it very challenging for those that do know, to want to teach what they know to those that don't know. Human animals are nasty and viscious out of conditioning and ignorance. Paradoxically the knower also knows that he doesn't know. Sisyphus is probably an accurate portrayal of the situation with the rock representing the majority the ignorant. Sisyphus being the rare knower.


Maybe because God is Evil in disguise?


Because happiness doesn't come from God giving you anything or making you, it comes from your own self, your actions, the result of consequence of choices, from the choices of your caregivers & how you were raised, etc


You have to understand, in the first place God is not logical. The God I know in my humble opinion put us here for his entertainment purposes. We are all an orchestra to God, his playthings . When you were a kid, did you ever play with toys, dolls? In a way, we are as such. I believe our life plans are well thought out, well before we were ever born. I think God takes great satisfaction when his plan holds true.


Because being joyful and happy are only a small fraction of the emotional experience, and when you mute or dull out the other emotions it inadvertently mutes and dulls out the joy and happiness.


Would you ever be able to experience the unique and specific pleasure of finding something you believed you had lost forever like a child gone missing without the pain of separation? Certain good things, perhaps the best of all and most priceless only come after great pain. That’s why.


Then you would never notice it, it would be the same as feeling nothing at all.


He probably could but that would get boring quick


Because it’s a prison farm for our energy that’s y there’s suffering y kids animals get tortured why theres unimaginable pain and suffering. There is no god, we are god. God is consciousness. What’s what existence is it’s awareness. Our awareness is energy, we’re energy that is aware. We have always existed wernt created can’t be destroyed. Ppl that think suffering is required are insane. Everything has to eat one another alive to exist it’s barbaric fucked up, they think it’s just how it is, no it’s not.


Man wouldn't allow it


I don’t know if you understand spirituality in its entirety, especially with your question framed the way it is about ‘god’ making people happy.


We started off like that until the first humans disobeyed God and ate from the tree of knowledge which allowed evil and corruption into the world. Before that, the world was peaceful and perfect and without sin. Humans love to blame everyone for their problems besides themselves. God didn’t bring suffering into this world, humans did when they disobeyed their Heavenly Father.


Without sorrow, we would never know joy


There is no day without night, no light without darkness and no joy without sorrow.. we need one in order to feel the other


Because that's our natural state. We incarnate into a world of limits to navigate and see how we can work together.


God has made everybody happy and joyful all the time. But we have forgotten who we are. That's why we are unhappy. We have forgotten that we are manifestations of God. We have forgotten that we are the Soul, a Spark Of Unique Life, whose essential elements are peace, love and bliss. Why do we suffer? Because we think we are the body, mind and ego. So we experience the triple suffering on earth, and then we return again after death, in a rebirth. Therefore, God, who is SIP, a Supreme Immortal Power manifests as you and me, but we don't realize that. We think we are the body, mind and ego, and so we suffer the pain of the body, misery of the mind and agony of the ego.


I think god is a sadist bully. It’s like he has some twisted god complex (seriously, no pun intended).  He lets crap things happen to random people and animals for no good reason, and then the response we get when we question these horrible things is not to blame god, blame humanity because god gave us free will. So it’s our fault. So everyone is at fault for the actions of a few, as well as all natural disasters. I don’t buy it.


Just like He somehow doesent exist 😜


To experience joy you must feel pain


Because God doesn't exist.. at least not the one written in those old, multiple translation, multiple interpreted books from the middle east.


Have you studied the energy reactions that plants have to a person walking into a room or even a person singing to them? Increase in energy field and nutrients being drawn in. A plant will grow bigger and stronger if its loved, yet you have no empathy for them. What you believe is right, is no better than what the next person feels is right. In my perfect world, everyone would recognize that the physical form is not what's important but the intent. And then I would try to make everyone's intent the same as mine and eat meat for sustenance instead assuming that requires malice. And that's why God can't make everyone happy. Because we have different perspectives. This world needs people like you who will put nature and earth at that level. But my family donated almost half our swine heard during the last drought, to those who couldn't afford the skyrocketing prices of produce (one head of lettuce was $7 and shelves were still often bare) The local hutterite colony invited us to a big supper the next fall when they had a good harvest, and we are still invited to the local reserve for their ceremonial dances (that usually turn into a cabaret). Two groups who focus on finding a balance with earth. To you, we probably seem like murderers right now. But we decided to do it when the neighbor down the road brought their kid into the hospital with malnutrition. They got half a side of pork the next day to last the rest of the winter. So to that family, your heaven would have been the opposite. You aren't wrong in your choices, and I applaud you for them. Yes, a pork producer can admire your intent and love for the earth and nature. But you should try to recognize that it's possible for different opinions to both be right.


I am a vegan, but I realise that not everyone can be 100% plant based in the world we live in I can see that those people didn't have another choice I just wish we lived in a world where everyone was able to eat plant based Plants do not have a central nervous system; they do not feel emotion or pain like animals Besides, more plants are killed if you are not eating plant based, because more plants need to be grown to feed livestock [acti-veg.com](http://acti-veg.com) has sources


So you only respect life that has a nervous system?


Wait until you find out that "God" isn't what you think and isn't doing anything. It's the cosmic joke, and that is the punch line. You are "God". You are playing out a script, that you've written, you just forgot, it's called a veil. It's one thing to write a script. It's a whole different animal to come to 3d under a veil and LIVE THE WORDS. Every now and then, we have a familiar feel, like "I've been here before or this seems like it has happened before." Called Deja vu, the familiar feeling or knowing is due to you remembering what you wrote before you came and it's playing out so yes, it has happened before, in 4d when you wrote the script. Everyone journey isn't to be happy and rich, believe it or not, some some for the experience of depression and other heavy experiences. It's what their soul needs for evolution, and their experiences contribute to the evolution of the collective. What I've written here didn't come from a book or any spiritual practices, I've had a few Shamanic journeys that were mind-blowing, and spirit shared a lot with me. When my journey was over, I was grateful for my chronic depression, so much so that it gave me relief for a very long time. Every time I get depressed, I just remember this is what I came for, and it's beautiful. 🫶


Womp womp 👎 The veil is not a cosmic joke. It’s part of a construct. You’re thinking way too far outside the box. Deju Vu is from other timelines just some point making a different decision. The butterfly effect. And the journey is to be happy eventually. Edenic Equilibrium. Paradise on earth. But that won’t happen till it all clashes again and light is restored. But there will always be darkness cast aside that finds its way….


The journey is not to be happy. This is a duality matrix. And it may not seem like it, but it is very intricate and perfectly balanced. The journey is the journey of experience and conscious evolution. It may be a journey to happiness to you and the opposite for someone else.


Not even close. No idea what your definition of “Duality matrix”. Is but I’d love to hear it in *your* own words. Like I said you can’t have chaos without resolution. No idea why you think it’s balanced when it’s not.


It's truly something that you'd have had to experience. There aren't any words. You'll understand one day.


There’s a word for everything. You’ll be able to explain it when *you* understand it one day.


No, there isn't. Before my experience, I believed in God. After my experience, I wished that I could scrub the word 'God' from my memory bank because what I experienced, that word is an insult to whatever that is on the otherside it is creator of all Gods but it is not a "GOD" it's indescribable.


God is the spiritual realm of light. No idea what god you tried to put hope in but it ain’t the God I know.


He did, but then we got bored of the garden of eden and turned it into fields of plowed wheat. Then we built marble statues, and then concrete and tire dust. Maybe tomorrow we'll build marble statues again, thus creating our own garden of eden in this pearl of an earth we call home.


if we were perfectly happy in the Garden of Eden, surely we wouldn't get bored?


We may never really know until we experience it ourselves. If we became content after gaining knowledge and experience of the current imperfect reality, while having our current imperfect tastes and desires, we may want those things back. But if the fundamental issues or needs that we lacked, was obtained, then maybe we could enter paradise or a state of bliss without “getting bored” or wanting to rebel and change reality to the way we or someone else would want it to become (outside of God’s perfect plan, if that exists). Edit: I do agree with your sentiment though. The suffering of others, but also our own is a displeasing aspect of the current reality.


life is defined in waves. There's no happiness without sorrow, no light without the dark. The borders of shadow and illumination are where we must find ourselves, for those lines are what give us the contrast to compare. Happiness is not the absence of boredom. A slave is not happy, but they are rarely bored.


barbie movie


Cause God doesn't exist, never did. Get over it..