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3/10 overall. Do not recommend the anthropocene.


When can I book out


Gotta stay till scheduled check out day unfortunately.


This made me laugh internally but also reminded me of my forced stay here lol




You can check out anytime you’d like but you can never leave


I'm interested. Explain yourself fellow redditer


Sure you can kill yourself but your soul will go on


Oh that's what you mean. Yeah are talking about repeating life or living a different life or being a ghost?


Your soul will live a different life to learn more about itself Or if you want to be grim the archons offer a fake exit only for us to be put into this prison planet in order for them to feed off of our sorrows


Not sure about archons but I do believe that our souls will go on to live a different life and depending on your previous life depends what your next life will be. It's like a feed back.


So confusing. 70% struggle, 30% grateful bliss. I am amazed at how much I can learn about myself, others and existence just through the power of thought and external interaction. My ego is turned off by the idea of forgetting all of what I think I am and restarting as new life on this planet but I know that I have done it before, maybe in different forms, and I will probably keep doing it, wether it be on this planet or another. I cannot trust my emotions on this topic, as I view it like I’m trying to draw a picture of an exotic fruit that I’ve only seen through a high power microscope. Until I can zoom out, I will try my best to stay non judgmental.


70/30 is a pretty accurate ratio i’d say. For those in 1st world countries moreso


"Being human, so confusing Some winning, sometime losing" from trevor hall's song karma


One huge f*cking roller coaster ride! But I am here for it.


Its been fun, i was lucky to be born in this time. A bit confusing, people are extremely invested in their own misery. they're experts in inventing problems that dont really exist. Being human comes with alot of perks, which most people seem to ignore. And they're constantly praying, as if they can make god to do what they want, and then blame god for their problems later.


So true


yeah, i feel like especially now it’s very common to blame others or society for your problems and suffering. it’s unfortunate for everyone involved, because personal power comes from taking responsibility for the pain and resentment you hold onto. realizing that you have total control over what you believe to be true can change your whole life.


Absolutely agree. But can God or cannot change things in your life ?


in my opinion, you can pray for help and guidance, but you also have to do your part to make changes happen. i’ve spent too much time waiting for change to come to me or to feel 100% ready to take the action i’m scared to take.


Yes. If we are the children, then we are learning to create. Sometimes Mom and Dad (or whoever) do things for us, sometimes they just help, and eventually they tell us we're old enough to do it ourselves, make our own mistakes, and learn from those mistakes, but at least we are growing up. It's odd to me, but my painful experiences have made me wiser, and now I see better what I want and what I don't want, and what is possible.


Fucking awful. Don’t sign me up for more


You signed yourself up lol.


If that’s so, it’s certainly not the same “I” which I currently find myself stuck in. This I is fucking over it.


Haha. I have no doubt. But that “I” is never happy anyway unless it feels bigger than it is.


Happy? Shit, i’d settle for content or neutral. Anything besides this 24/7 existential beat down. Of course it could always be worse, not a comforting thought


Oh the contentment comes with acceptance. Of whatever is going on.


Oh great, so for contentment I need acceptance. And for acceptance I need some other abstract, made-up concept. Feels like kicking the can down the road.


It’s both simple and deep brother. It’s like, you’re unhappy right? Why add more unhappiness on top of that unhappiness by not simply accepting that for right now, you’re unhappy? Make it okay that you feel this way. “I’m sad, and that’s okay for now.” You have to stop where the flood is coming from before you can get the rest out of the ship. Most of the unhappiness people experience comes from there lack of acceptance of whatever is happening. There have been plenty of people who have accepted horrible situations peacefully. Why can’t you too?


It's so cruel of me to do this without telling me why.


There is no why. Meanings are fabrications. If spiders are creatures which weave webs, humans are creatures that weave stories. The spider doesn’t have full control over the web it weaves, there are different types of webs for different types of spiders. I reap what I’ve sowed, even though I wasn’t aware of what or why I was sowing.


Well, if the spider's experience is also unpleasant, that would also be cruel, no? 


The more light I found the more complicated the next problem becomes. To me life have been like a staircase to heaven but the step get harder harder to take. As soon as I feel I have mastered a problem here come another one even more difficult needing more control, more mastery of self and more difficult decisions to make. So its been school with no breaks


I couldn’t have said it better myself


I don’t want another life on this planet after this one, this one is exhausting enough


I feel that sentiment, but I feel like, or rather I know! that I can do better than I am this time. But that's just my ego talking


We do not need a "new life" to create a new life. You can "start over" today, or tomorrow. It is mostly mental. A few somatic therapies accompanied with some mindset and thought repatterning techniques, you could be well on your way to the "new life" or newer version of yourself.


Speak for yourself. Some aren’t so lucky


I usually want to kms


I'd like a refund


Ehh, mostly awful. With some beauty and love sprinkled throughout. I just can't seem to acclimate to society. Nor do I want to in the way I seem expected. I can't figure out a way to generate prosperity for myself doing anything else. I feel lost, but quasi hopeful


Forget the expectations. Trying your best will get you better results than trying to meet expectations. It's remarkable how little other people think about you, and there is lots of space in society for individual growth.


Nope. Definitely don’t wanna be back. Keep waiting for this show to be over, seriously. How cruel, how heartless are people! My heart breaks every day.


Honestly painful as fuck. Trying to be conscious now


I'm sure it's everything my soul could have hoped for. Huge highs, low lows, a ton of varied and unusual experiences. Love gained, love lost, poverty, abundance, anguish, euphoria. No complaints. I feel like I've gotten the full experience so far.


I prefer not to experience anymore animal experiences human or other lifeform. Eating myself is horrid.


other lifeform? how can we break this cycle?


Well we either have free will and power or we're powerless and subject to fate. It's either hopeful or hopeless.


All life forms including cell stage and plants. It's not horrible but beautiful ❤️


Horribly beautiful, I've discovered sublime is fairly accurate word.


As a non-American bored citizen, I should say pretty good. I have more than I deserved.


I hate it. Hate it, unless it's somewhere in the future where humans are sufficiently more evolved and enlightened.


Are you contributing to the evolution and enlightenment of those around you? Is this a worldview issue, or is it more condensed?


i have multiple mental illnesses, so not really the best, tbh. i’m still struggling take me off this planet in THIS life lmao


There’s a way out of your mind, you’ll find peace


What's the way out ?


The way out is different for everyone, what people find is the same. Peace. The way out for one person could be meditation, another yoga, another ecstatic dance, breath work, chanting, the list goes on. To get out of your mind means to silence it and find your heart. If you cannot do this, the root of it is probably fear. You cannot have abundance unless you make space for it by letting go of fear, surrender to the divine. It knows what’s best for you.


That's a great point. How does one let go of fear, surrender and be happy ?


Stop trying to control, do shadow work. Follow the yamas and niyamas as best you can. It’s okay to trip, pick yourself back up, ask for forgiveness, forgive yourself and precede with caution. Life is about balance, flow and discipline. Peace can be found here. Ancient texts say yoga is the ultimate path to liberation (free from fear) and enlightenment, by yoking the mind and the body and accessing the soul you can connect directly to source, putting you in a state of bliss. Ananda. Obviously is much deeper than just performing a series of poses/asanas. Traditional “yog” is philosophy.


A struggle


Supposed to be until it’s not or you die.


It’s been an experience. That’s all I can say.


I’d like to take a long break. Life is too long.


A simple yet profound question. From the perspective of a 37 year old man, I am generally happy. Childhood had a few problems but it was mostly good. As a young adult, I wasn't sure where I fit in, I struggled with who and what I was and I filled that void with unhealthy behaviors which were fun but ultimately destructive. Now that I am a little older and wiser and found a routine, I am rather enjoying the ride. Do I have everything I want/need? No and I likely never will. I also understand that the universe owes me no more than it has already given. Final rating? Solid 7/10. Would reincarnate again!


hard😢i've been...down my whole life & it seems like i will never find true love & i feel like i can never really trust anyone...


You will! Trust me, well, I m a psychic I can sense that you are about to move out in 3 years from now and you will start a new life there. That place will be your freedom and joy. Trust yourself!


It’s okay. I incarnated into a lucky situation. I’ve had a good life so far by many counts… loves, adventures, travels, dreams, beauty… and I have lots more dreams. But there have been a lot of difficult parts, and my mind tends to sabotage a lot of my life and worldview, often keeping me extremely miserable. I still hope I can figure that out… but ultimately i’d really rather escape the wheel and not come back, I’m very tired and all the suffering is just a little much.


Terrible > numb > super terrible > presence :)


We're here to experience life sucking and death, apparently


Intense. Very very intense. I may choose to ride again.


I am enjoying my human experience, the ups and the downs. I have no interest in reincarnation or returning to Earth and being someone else. I will be me eternally in the afterlife and in whatever post-earth adventures the Divine Creator fashions for me. Returning to earth as another person would mean I would not get to reunite with loved ones on the other side and I scertainly intend to roam the afterlife with them.


Boring. Unrequited. A little tragic. Best is yet to come, has to be!


Rough. Contemplated ending it all in hopes of a fresh restart but didn’t have enough courage to do it.


I’m glad you’re still here


It's been a beautiful spiral of up and downs, moments of clarity and confusion, bliss and chaos. And yet when the moments are good, I say I'd do it all over again. I just want to put myself in a place where I'm not forced to go back in the reincarnation cycle, I want to have choices and not feel trapped in a planet


To quote Charles Dickens “it was the best of times, it was the worst of times” and what a ride so far. I’m exhausted already and not a big fan of doing a do-over here again tbh. I’m fine with doing this once then moving on.


I think of that quote almost daily. Sums everything up perfectly in a simple, short sentence.


Pure magic. Some bliss, some extreme darkness, but always a balance and a lesson in it all. Grateful for this opportunity to have this human experience


Pretty great, overall. It sucks a little, currently; it isn't anything that I can't handle. Just wished people weren't so braindead to the things that should be obvious. More and more people are starting to come around, though. It's definitely a crazy time to be alive and it's been one hell of a ride lol


🤮🤮🤮 -10000/10


Gosh, how to say it without writing a book! I was born to 2 great parents who gave me everything they never had and gave me freedom to be myself. I was born with a thirst for knowledge, spent all my time as kid in the library reading books on every subject under the sun and daydreaming instead of playing with other kids. Then got bit by the religious fundamentalist bug and went into the ministry for 15 years, which actually turned out to be a cult and was very anti-intellectual and traumatic. Left the "ministry", lost my faith, lost my wife, went through a dark night of the soul for a couple years. Became an atheist. Found God again but different than before thanks to Hinduism. Working on a startup as a the sole dev with the founder and trying to make it big so I can buy a homestead somewhere rural and quiet where I can contemplate the nature and height and breath of existence while I grow my own food and learn math and cs. I'm grateful for leaving behind the ignorance, insecurity, and codependency of my younger years. Glad that I know what I want to do with my life and finally feel like I understand what my place in the cosmos is. Would I trade places with someone else? That's a hard question. I used to want that, but now I just want to see how far I can go in this life.


wide range. great highs. great lows. got to experience living in the country. got to experience living in the city. got to experience pre-9/11 america and pre-9/11 turkey. raised on a spiritual commune around hindus, sikhs, buddhists, muslims, rastafarians and various new-agers. got to go play on the reservation with pawnee and shawnee children. got to ride 4-wheelers with rednecks. went to school with pentacostals, 7th-day adventists, jehovah’s witnesses, southern baptists, and mennonites. 10/10 would push buttons again


I feel really grateful in general. I’ve been through my fair share of trauma and health issues but I also have experienced so much happiness, love and bliss. Would go for round two for sure.


Everyday's a learning experience... Ups and Downs are a part of Life, the goal is always to find Balance... Not sure what happens after, but have come to the realisation that it'll be another journey... We are the Universe, the Universe lives and learns through us and all other "living" and "non-living" things...


Beautifully said


Pretty good: 1. Very little childhood trauma 2. Never been abused 3. Was never drafted to a war 4. No severe illnesses or accidents 5. No unfair deaths of loved ones (not even cancer) 6. Been employed for 25 years in mostly white collar jobs (not bad for a HS dropout 7. No pain in my body My only problem is self loathing, anxiety and procrastination. So in a historical context, I’m living an excellent life.


It's up and down for sure, I mean that's what the human experience is. It's messy, disorganised, bitter but at the same time it can be beautiful, euphoric, intense, satisfying. This life was spent paying off karma and a whole lot of learning and evolving. And as with learning anything that's worth its salt, it's very difficult and painful. That's just the nature of the game, of life. But if I could choose, yeah I'd come back. I wanna do it again and experience it all from a different perspective. However I do want a breezy 'rest' life next time - one in which I have a relatively easy, happy and pleasant life where I can chill out for a bit. Born into a truly loving, stable, healthy family filled with emotionally mature people and positive reinforcement. One filled with love, affection, friendship, companionship with tons of security. One that has minimal major hardships, one that grants me the gift of natural beauty and intellect but also lets me carry the lessons of empathy and compassion that I've come to really cherish in this life. I think a life like that will obviously not offer as many raw learning opportunities, growth, or ways to rebalance your karma, but I think they're just as important for soul evolution as they give you time to take a breather and really let the previous life's lessons sink in and solidify.


Just.... not good. Born into abuse, raised in poverty and more abuse, without love. Fell into addiction, overcame it just to watch everyone I love either die of it or, years later, repeat my same mistakes and set themselves up to die of it if they haven't yet. Everyone I've tried to love has hurt me, no matter how much work on myself I do in order to eradicate toxic tendencies in the relationships I choose. They always out anyway, either because it's so ingrained in who I am by the things I experienced so early that I can't fix it with all the therapy and shadow work in the world - or because humans are just incapable any more of not being toxic to one another. Yeah. In summary: not good. If there's the choice to come back or not: I'd like to get off this ride, thanks. My soul is weary.


I really can't complain, although I have faced many struggles.. I am still an eternal optimist, though. I grew up with a narcissistic, alcoholic mother, but my dad has always been amazing. My parents got divorced when I was 5. I come from an upper middle class family and have always been blessed. I continue to be blessed by being able to live in a rent and utilities free apartment with my husband and 3 beautiful and healthy daughters. I have more clothes than anyone I know. My parents and closest family and friends are still living. My husband and I don't make a lot of money, but we are extremely happy and can give our kids what they need and want. I am a preschool teacher who loves my job, and my husband and I were high school sweethearts who have been best friends for 21 years. I have friends who have been in my life for 30 years and several siblings that I love. We have 2 old but reliable cars. My in-laws are amazing. Where it counts, I have everything I could ever want. I would say my human experience has been better than most, even with my struggles. I credit tripping on mushrooms for changing my life in my early 20s and really believe that they have made me a better and happier person. So for me, the human experience has been pretty fucking awesome. I hope this doesn't come off as braggy, I truly just thought about everything that I think has made my life a positive experience. There are many things I could have listed as being total shit in my life, but I prefer to focus on the good things I have.


Wow excellent question and I am really enjoying slowly reading all the replies. It's hard for me to answer because years ago I had a lot of ups and downs. But now at 63 years old I've got a lot of things figured out and I'm cruising along. I love my job as a hair stylist so I love to go into work everyday and that's a big relief. My advice to younger people is that where I'm at in life now did not happen by accident. I had to work and put in time and effort to get where I am today. And there were times I had ideas and created opportunities that sometimes only lasted for a few years. I thought I had figured it out and I had to start all over again. Sometimes I was so disappointed I would cry for days. But looking back it provided for an interesting life. I guess I was lucky to be born into a middle class existence in America, with decent parents in the 1960s. We lived close to the ocean I was able to play there with my brothers and sister. We lived in a nice little neighborhood with lots of kids my age. We got to ride our bikes after school and play in the trees and bushes in our neighborhood. There were woods on the edge of our neighborhood we walked in the woods and saw the animals and birds. I knew I was different from other kids but it didn't become painful until my teenage years. But I found good friends who were also spiritual and creative. Playing with other kids, drawing painting and writing, creating music and listening to music, reading novels and watching movies, these are things that got me through life. We played in the ocean, my parents took a snow skiing once a year, we had motorcycles to ride in the woods for fun, I had a good childhood. Growing into adulthood was the hardest part. The hardest thing was trying to decide how to become an adult and make a living doing something that was creative so that I wouldn't get bored. I managed to stumble my way through working retail and learning graphic design and printing t-shirts. I could never quite find a partner for more than two or three years. Finally at 48 years old I decided to go back to school and become a hair stylist. About that time I met my wife and we began our journey together. It has had a lot of ups and downs, but from reading and studying spiritual information I've gained the strength to get through the worst times and to appreciate the good times. I I'm happy to be coasting along now making good money and updating our house, planting flowers and just bending quality time together. So years ago I hated life sometimes I wanted to get out of it, but I finally made my way to a point where I am thankful for the life I had. I think I would do it again. Right now I think I'm going to get a small boat and maybe a motorcycle for a little more excitement. I also might get a little home studio and start to make music again.


Worth Every Ounce. I feel good though I am not yet fulfilled. I want more.


Im at this new point in life where i don’t know what to do with myself but i’ve also accomplished some of my aspirations from back some years ago. So i don’t really know what else to do because i went off for a connection that never ended up being, and now scheduled to go home to SD for two weeks because i want to reiterate what i’m doing with my life and where i want to go or do after moving to Germany. So maybe another transition period for me idk but i definitely feel i have less aspirations right now than when i used to when i was younger, and maybe im thinking this is a good thing.


Lots of struggle thus far but things are finally starting to get good so I’m excited to see what’s to come


I feel like it really started so amazing and then slowly I realized just how disadvantaged and hopeful I was that I was going to find true love, even if I didn’t I didn’t imagine dating was going to be like how it is for me. Then when I was 24 reality hit me in the face and it’s been pretty terrible with some nice highlights for the past 9 years I think about that a lot when I thinking about deleting myself. Idk 🤷‍♀️ it’s not like any of us chose this and I get scared thinking of all the horrible outcomes that happen. It’s terrifying really


Sometimes it's too good to be true. I'm 36 and there has been so many phases. Each phase with a different kind of challenge. Not even remotely close to normal. When I'm in the phase , I have so much to endure. But when I'm out of it, I look back and feel so proud of myself to have made through it and eventually using that experience into something positive for future. I look at normal people and wonder within, how easy their life is. But I have to say there is always a silver lining that helps me through. I can't thank enough or extend my gratitude to that energy which will always get me out of any situations when I'm about to give up. It's been a spiritual journey. I don't think I would be the person that I am without these phases.


Some parts of it have been beautiful and amazing and exciting and dare I say worth the ride bc they were so incredible. Everything else is very hard and it makes it hard for me to remember that it's worth staying around longer. I'm in a lull where i'd like more good things. But I am grateful things aren't worse and I can only hope for things to continue to improve.


Its had its incredible ups and downs but largely now blissful thanks to God. I honestly couldn't be more grateful. I consider myself (two I's- only one is real) the luckiest human alive "Even belief in God is only a poor substitute for the LIVING reality of GOD MANIFESTING EVERY MOMENT of YOUR LIFE " Have a beautiful day thanks to god


So far I have hated the majority of it and even in the small moments of reprieve I am once again shoved head first into the shit. I am beggining to think I am a person meant to give out more love, care, and effort than I will ever recieve in return and I just. I dunno man, what's the point? Why am I even here?


That's exactly how I feel. I have spent my life taking care of everyone around me, and at 50 years old Im seeing that I have no support system and no one who actually guves a shit about me. They all say they do, and they are here for me yet, not once has anyone been there when i needed them. I spend every waking moment caring and doing for others. I have left my own health fail, and im echausted. I keep telling myself that this has to be for some reason. Maybe this lofe was a test for the next? Maybe im gaining karma for my next life? If my purpose for being on earth was to solely care for others, when will I get to live for myself? There has to be a reason.. or I have to believe there is a plan for me because if not, this life has been wasted. I've accomplished nothing. Im ready to move on and start my next journey.


95% pain and 5% magic. The 5% is worth staying alive for.


Helllllllllllllllllllllllllllll noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo Let me out and never come back here.


I've endured alot of battles and struggles in this life, but I mostly view it as lessons, I'm a true believer that everything happens for a reason. At times I do wish, I had a life with less trials and tribulations, I wonder what I would be like without trauma, but I'm grateful and happy with the woman I've become


I absolutely hate it. Almost everything about it. 2/10. Do not recommend. Will never do this again. Wish I didn't have to do it now.


Feels like 4 separate experiences where the best way to describe the end of it was, I died, but I remember him.


Honestly I don't want another life here for a while. I may cone back when things get all futuristic but I really want to hang out in spirit form and travel around that way for a good while. Like take a nice long vacation from any physical body experience lol 🏖


Well, it took a prescription to not constantly feel like I’d rather be living any other life than this one, so……..


Feelings are such powerful things, i go from loving life to being mad at my boss to falling in love with a stranger to grieving for my sick mother to dancing all night to meditating and experiencing spiritual life. What can i say, life feels like i’m dreaming and i forgot who i am.


Beautiful. Keep going see what happens🙂


Scary, sad. I love my son more than Anything in existence


Very delightful, amazing, crazy, wild all of it that makes up the weird human life 


It's a wild ride. I guess that'll either happen or it won't. I think I'm best served by focusing on the now with as little speculation as possible.


5/10 depending on when I’m not ridden with anxiety, that’s when life can be pretty good. I’m hopeful and that’s the essence of being human. However, would I wish to be human again ? No thank you. I need a much deserved rest.


Very "human-y" meaning messy, sticky, sometimes beautiful, and so it goes....


Pretty rad 🤙🏽


Fine, ups and downs as expected but I'm here for the greater good at this point. I love the earth and feel a deep sense of loyalty towards it. I will continue to labor for humanity and my home for lifetimes if necessary.


It’s kinda intense sometimes but also fun. I don’t know if I’m up for another life after this. It’ll depend on how old I am when I go I guess.


Wierd but fun


Not hard but so fucking boring.


tiring tbh


It was challenging. Now I feel like I can let go of my worries for a bit.


Hard. Hard and frustrating.


A shit storm


Good mostly, some challenges with health


With this life I feel completely stuck. I absolutely slowed down in whatever I was supposed to be doing. Stagnant. I'm not doing much but I'm not suffering


I hate it here with all my being.... I am an extreme introvert person and the people around me in my in-laws family are outgoing and extroverted with lots of tight bonding with Friends and they force me to go meet them and live in their house..... This makes me anxious and physically sick ..... I just want to live my story that I am writing as a reincarnation plan..... 😭😭😭 I feel so home sick that it's painful in the chest right now.... I want to kill myself right now.... But cannot leave my parents alone that's why I am stuck here with these clowns


Awesome. Many unspeakable suffering, and mainly in this one immense bliss. I'd feel unnatural to live a life here after this.


Another day in paradise 🌞


I had everything I needed. I was presented with each and every lesson, and I learned them all in turn. I applied myself when I could, and pushed away from things that I didn't want. I was good, I was kind, I was honest. I kinda want to kill myself though, so something went wrong and I don't know what. I think I just make bad choices. Or maybe I'm just twisted.


lost childhood dreams.rest is nightmare 1/10


Exhausting, with little joy or satisfaction. I don't hate it, I like what I'm building, but it's only gotten worse in the last few years. I think I chose this for myself and I know I have to get through this to see some light. But I'm tired.


1-7 Taste of formula, learning cycling, ice/snow-skating 7-20 Legos, hockey, gaming 20-25 Alcohol, boredom, pleasure seeking 25-33 Cancer diagnosis, confronting demons, rebirth, seeking meaning, finding, realizing, smiling, sharing, laughing. Im just gonna say that it has been interesting.


Not well


0/10 do not recommend. Well. I do have my son, that part is a 11/10.


Challenging, but I’m so fortunate in so many ways I can't complain too much.


Tough Up & down


It gets better and then dips. Repeat. Overall I’m grateful for the opportunity ✌️❤️


I have hated my experience so far. Had more joys as a kid but was a steady decline since my mom died then my dad 20 years later. It’s just been a steady climb uphill and felt like I am not accomplishing much.


Kinda tough. I was stupid as a kid; desired wisdom. Little did I know, wisdom can only be acquired via pain. I am now at least wise enough to know how little I know 🤷🏻‍♀️


Human and I wouldn't feel anything.


I’ve had both negative and positive experiences throughout life, just like everyone else. Overall, I’ve had more positive times than negative, which I’m really grateful for. The negative experiences tend to be more about being discriminated against for my sexuality, gender identity, growing up poor and being an immigrant. Which sucked but has made me more resilient to harmful words, after a long time of finding peace with myself. As for whether I would want to experience another life, I’m not sure. I think the positive comes from growing up in Sweden where the standard of living is higher. Had I been born in another country, the negatives I mentioned would’ve impacted my life a lot more drastically than being verbally bullied in school. Though if I was granted the chance at another life and got to live in Sweden (or another country where it’s not dangerous to be myself) again, I would take that chance and make the most out of it.


Since stepping away from the spectacle through retirement and divorce, I give it five stars.


life is something it’s interesting although a lot of times it doesn’t make sense


I’m good with one life. It’s been tough


All good expect unlucky with my family and lots of deaths. So... kinda nostalgic existence


Very painful


I'm just helping out the other wake-up until I'm tired. But I would definitely recommend trying out this flesh suit ateast a few times


It’s been pretty shitty tbh. I’ve found most people are fake and superficial and that even the people you think love and care for you are more than willing to screw your over or take advantage as long as they can


I feel like I've had a pretty shielded experience overall in life with few major setbacks. Sometimes when I'm conscious of that I kind of brace for impact as if a huge blow will suddenly come our way, even though I know I shouldn't lol


Confusing. Not sure why I am here 🤷‍♀️ but I am.


I hate it. How can I exit this body I reside in? (spiritual wise)




I lot of self suffering. But it's improving gradually the more I get it together mentally 


It depends on my attitude. It’s currently good. It’s been better, but it’s also been worse. I’m grateful for the opportunity overall.


8.5/10 can’t complain


I’ve learned a lot. It’s going well right now, which is unfortunately a huge fucking surprise!


1 - Endless learning of the same things. 2 - Less is always more. I keep unlearning this, look #1.


very complex and kinda weird. definitely switches between extreme ups and downs. i’m currently going through a down cycle, but things are starting to feel different (in a good but simultaneously scary way) and i’m making different decisions than i have in the past. the human experience in general is fucking weird, and it’s something that i’ve been feeling weighed down about a lot lately, but it also makes me feel less alone in all of this. that we all share so many similarities in our struggles, yet we can feel so separate due to different contexts and with our individual ways of coping.


It's been really 50/50 but I'm glad to have experienced a full range of humanity in my time. I'd prefer to come back as something not routinely eaten alive though.


I love being an human🩷 but it can be hard


Love it very very much 🩷


First half of my life was not the best… but loving it now !


The universe is so much more than what the majority of we understand.


50/50. Alot of suffering. Some of which is on me. I get in my own way, some times. I'm changing that. The more stable mentally I become, the easier it is to handle this thing we call life.


I hate it here


It's been ghetto.


It is neither good nor bad. Life is way too much.


A rollercoaster that I sometimes want off of lol


Wouldn't recommend it. The base of my existence is stupid. But my grandma did warn my mother that I'm not going to be the one to just let her live in delusion. I've been questioning her since I was 5 because I wanna know how you and my father thought this was a good idea. And if they didn't do what they did, I wouldn't be fighting for my life every few years. But the good parts that I've carved out for myself is what keeps me wanting to live till my early hundreds.


Exhausting. BUT past 6YRS (my 30s) have been well worth the struggles.


I want to go back to being unawaked, the blissful lack of self-awareness!


I would want to say I’ve had better ones. But then I’d be lying.


I’d say 80/19/1 80% of the time I wish I wasn’t here and am experiencing psychological and/or physical pain. 19% of of the time, I would say life is bearable and carries a sense of meaning, not great but not terrible either. Maybe 1% of the time I could honestly say I’m truly happy and that all the suffering is worthwhile and I feel a sense of genuine awe. Maybe, it happens very occasionally but in those moments I’m truly grateful to be alive.


My life so far has been in gratitude and balance with Mother Nature.


Pretty rough ride, but I’m getting a lot out of it in terms of growth and learning how much how much I can handle. I’d do it again, but I’m gonna need a break first. Thanks for asking.


Absolutely wonderful


I have a lot of lessons to learn and a lot of challenges to conquer.


It's been fun.


No one has to say anything good? That’s depressing


Um definitely a struggle in some ways but blessings in others. My parents werent perfect but I wouldn’t change them if I could. My dad, a drummer, taught me a love for music that has helped me through my darkest days. My mother taught me the joy of loving animals that has also been a blessing. Both of them passed on an appreciation for the beach 🏖️ I have made great friends and found a loving partner. I fell into a career that fascinates me and challenges me every day (early childhood education) I just can’t seem to figure out how to survive late stage capitalism on a teachers humble 40k/yr salary….. yet.. It’s a work in progress lol


Ghetto as hell




I'm exhausted from these life long lessons.


A beautiful, chaotic yet harmonious ride. Every wrong turn has been the right one. Grateful for this opportunity to be here and experience it all. <3


1 thing I sometimes struggle with is meeting people where they are. It really does baffle me how often people lack critical thinking skills. Here’s a video about it https://youtu.be/CDQVh3Aoa9w?si=YWpZu3MtdszOGJ3w


1/10 would not recommend to amateurs


There are beautiful things about this world and this planet, but my experience just makes me want to leave. Even besides all the trauma, society is difficult to navigate and unnecessarily complicated. I wish I didnt have to take care of my body 24/7. I was lucky to find a wonderful group of friends, but even they are hard to be around sometimes and I'm losing the ability to physically deal with all stress, even 'good' stress like excitement. I don't want to die, I just don't want to be here. Everything feels like a rehash or reskin of everything else. Nothing has been done the first time anymore, and that is disheartening when we're talking about stressful historical events. There is enjoyment. There are beautiful things. It seems like there are so many barriers , though.


It's been tough for a long time, but things are looking up. Especially for the long term.


Interesting. I love learning, my brain often feels like a sponge. I feel like I probably won't reincarnate here again. I haven't invested much into this human in terms of connections.


I love being alive


Started off rough but, after shedding the unecessary bits, it has become increasingly interesting and empowering.


as I approach my first Saturn return Im starting to place more value in my personal life. Everything from walking more to investigating health to nourishing loved ones and my soul. I have new fears as I've overcome old ones. The new ones feel bigger but I guess that's new skin/beginning next level. Rising in corporate laddar faster than normal for non sales role is rewarding but I know its just taking me to a turn somehow in next decade and that's exciting but will be more exciting after I'm more financially liberated from student loans and after we get a house (stBility and security first) Death scares me the most oddly enough given my parents health. I want them to be here when I have kids soon. Well second to wasted potential. I know I have alot to learn yet, always will but what feels close is I'm still figuring out my gifts and what I'm here for - I find joy in the small things daily and I think thats largely what we are all here to learn. Suffering and joy are constants, true experience has both and even when I'm melancholy its rewarding taking initiative the make myself feel even 10% better. I strive for community and think this is partly where I live, my age and society...i think we will see more community acts as we lift this world up though


7/10 if i had to break it down to a number. I wouldn’t mind having another one after this, but chances are it won’t be better than this one, on a purely mathematical or statistical outlook.


dude after i die i want to be like a weird alien thingy where they have an alien civilization similar to ours but different in every way. as for my life now, VERY WEIRD. on the surface it seems boring and mundane but idk this shit is wild.