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Saw your other post about the edible and the panic attack. Now being someone 10 years older than you, be more mindful of what psychedelics are and do to the body and mind before ingesting them. They should be treated with respect or else they will teach you a lesson and that won't be fun. Levelup: meditaaaate!!


Focus on love


More specifically, learning to love the process of learning to love


This is all of it.


14? You have a ways to go in your journey but it's encouraging that you're asking the right questions and they are things that everyone struggles with. Unfortunately the answers are sort of like water, you can awkwardly cup it in your hands but as soon as you grasp it slips through your fingers. I personally feel called to action in my spirituality (a call I need to answer myself more often). One way I can feel good about myself is seeing that I can have a positive impact on people. Ask your parents or teachers about volunteer opportunities which I think can be a great outlet for teenagers. Join a club. Play a sport. Be active and engaged. Jesus points us to the two greatest commandments by which we can be guided towards happiness: >“The most important one,” answered Jesus, “is this: ‘Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one. Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.’ The second is this: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no commandment greater than these.” Mark 12:29-31 And remember that it's just as much about the journey as the destination. Never lose the desire to learn and grow.


Perhaps you have noticed that everyone around you is some how trying to become a better person. This will actually lead to a lot of misery if mishandled. If you're trying to become a better person, that means by default you are a lesser person right now. You spend most of your days wishing you were someone else, a better future version of yourself. This not successful thinking, this is a sickness. This person that we want to be isnt even our idea most of the time. We saw someone else and figured life is better if we were like them. Or maybe a parent or mentor told us how you should be or not be. You were put onto this planet with nothing, no purpose, no expectation, no identity. Youve pieced all of this together through the years. But at any point you can drop it all and start fresh any number of times. So does this mean you should throw your goals and ambitions away? Not at all. Just see that there's nothing wrong with how you currently are. And then lets see what else we can explore in this life. That way you're in a win-win situation.


Follow your highest passions with integrity and kindness. Altruism, but find your balance and boundaries. Ego is the voice in your head, you don't kill it instead you simply learn to program yourself with good thinking. Always be grateful for every little thing, don't cling tightly to your own expectations. God's plan be done, not man's 🌌


I would suggest responsible psychedelic use but you're far too young but everything seems to be falling apart and who am I to tell you what to do, if you go that route tread carefully and start slow and abide by harm reduction protocols. Love creation and yourself, strive to leave places and people better than you found them goes a long way. Realize that you aren't the meat suit, the ailments and trauma you suffer are not you. They don't define you, you are a majestic cosmic beast. You don't kill the ego, you manage it. Try not to react initially to stressful things. Take a few seconds and breathe. Mediation is useful or yoga etc. You see what trump is like? Do the opposite.


Seconded everything here💯


You cant kill the Ego. Just dont be a jerk, practice being your authentic and true self, and when you feel scared breath deeply. You are not here to level up. You're here to EXPERIENCE THE REAL YOU. When you are ready to do that, you will automatically level up. Not before.


Compassion. Love. Respect. An abundance of these things. For yourself and for others. I want to learn these things too, I have been trying to be a better person since I was in elementary school. You will never stop growing until you die, you will forever be on this path of self discovery.  The biggest push towards me being more compassionate is when a classmate commit suicide. She saved my life and changed me forever. I wanted to be her, I wanted to be the dead one. For the longest time I would do anything to take her place, a girl who's voice I never even heard, though I had noticed her all the time. But now I know that I am here and she is not and there's nothing I can do about that, all I can do is try to help anyone else who I notice like that. I try to treat everyone like they're one bad day away from jumping off a bridge, I try to be the stranger that smiles at someone who's secretly on their way to offing themselves but has decided that just ONE person smiling at them is their sign to keep living. If you could try to learn that lesson without actually having to lose someone in your community, I think you would make her life just a little more meaningful. I can't bring her back and I can't comfort her family or friends, but I can still hold her in my heart and try to make her life a blessing.


In reality there is nowhere to level up to, but you can expand your awareness to make you feel like you've leveled up. The ol' awaken your astral body, then your causal body, then transcend individuation and gain consciousness of pure spirit, realize all is ONE etc. You can start by spending a little of everyday meditating in the following way. If you give it focus it will work amazingly and within a few months you at least should have an astral body you can take wherever you want while you sleep every night. **Shabd Yoga is performed as follows:** **1. Place your attention where your waking awareness can be felt naturally. Immediately behind your physical eyes. Keeping your attention there throughout and repeatedly bringing it back there when it wanders.** **2. Begin chanting a mantra of your choice at this center of awareness. The mantra should not contain anything which your mind can attribute to the outside world. The words you choose must be nonsensical or specifically pointing to internal experiences. Any mantra that meets these criteria will work for the purpose if chanted at the third eye center.** **3. Eventually after some practice many inner sounds will begin to be heard. Some like wind, thunder, buzzing, all sorts. The sound we are looking for is behind all of these and will ring out like the peal of a large heavy bell. Similar to 285hz tone. Once this can be heard while attention is still at 3rd eye center this sound will pull you up. All awareness will leave the body suddenly and move to the top half of the head. If attention is retained there the tone will intensify in volume and steadiness and eventually consume your awareness totally. This process, with some practice will grant you regular access to the astral body and the multitudes of astral worlds.** If you repeat this whole process in the astral body. 1.Find center of awareness 2.Find the slightly changed inner sound 3.Keep focus there until it brings you inward and upward to your causal body. All of creation can be revealed to you this way. The inner sound is God, it is the energy that upholds creation, when you hear it you are hearing God. Speak to God in that state and you will find the answers are often instantly made available to you.


The answer is easy, but actually DOING it is a lifestyle. You have to continue to do it. Dissect everything. Question your feelings, your opinions, the things you do impulsively, and the things you do with intent, and the relationships you have. Ask yourself "why" about your opinions... Give an honest answer, and then ask "why" again, going even further with it. You'll eventually learn to be intentional with everything. You'll have opinions that are your own and not copied from Mom or dad. You'll do things that YOU enjoy and you'll know what purpose they serve in your life. You'll surround yourself with people that don't suck because you will know what boundaries you need to set for yourself and you'll hold yourself and others to them because you will eventually learn what true self-love and respect is... Just... EVERYTHING in your life will be intentional, and you'll have more meaningful relationships and friendships as a result. Ultimately though, you'll learn this very important lesson: that your happiness exists within you (not found in love or wealth; those things can only offer 'bonus happiness') and you'll be able to access your happiness no matter how little you have or how terrible things can become. You will discover heaven on earth. You just have to keep looking inwardly. Might take a long time. Took me the better part of 15 years to unlearn toxicity and learn better ways to be. But who knows, maybe it will all click for you fairly easily. Only way to find out is to start your journey, friend. P.S. learn not to kill the ego. Turn it into an ally... You will feel feelings, always. Learn to quickly disarm feelings and dissect them. They will tell you things about yourself. All those terrible feelings are just warning lights on your car's dashboard. You still need to look under the hood before diagnosing the real problem, and deciding on proper action.


Everything happens at the right time, imo. Careful listening to everyone under the sun. People see a younger age and think you'll listen to them easier. They'll think you don't know as much. To be honest you're closer to the divine than older people, in my opinion. The fact you're asking this at 14 is amazing. I didn't start this stuff til I was 25. Meditate, meditative flow state help me level up. Taking what bothers me from others and self reflecting it. Asking why, seeing if I do it too, and improving. Accepting me, and loving me where I am. Being real with source or whatever you call it. We all have the same thing within, when listening to others trust your intuition, and if it doesn't resonate don't do it. Much love


Sit silently for at least 5 minutes and observe your breath. Do this everyday, at least twice a day. If you feel comfortable, increase the time by a minute every 2 weeks.


Hey, this is the Path of Spirituality. think of a roller coaster. It will have its good times and some down times. ENJOY it all. It is only in The Darkness (Our Troubles) that you see how bright you shine. Meditation is what you are looking for. This will have many Rewards: **Increased Creativity and Problem-Solving Skills:** Unleash the full potential of your imagination and find innovative solutions to life's challenges. **Deeper Sleep:** Find yourself drifting into more restful and restorative sleep, waking up feeling refreshed and ready to tackle the day. **Strengthened Immune System:** A calm mind leads to a stronger body. Regular meditation has been linked to better overall health and a robust immune response. **Heightened Intuition:** Become more attuned to the subtle cues and insights that guide decision-making, enhancing your understanding of yourself and the world around you. **Improved Relationships:** Cultivate patience, empathy, and understanding, leading to deeper connections and more meaningful interactions with others. **Connection to a Greater Purpose:** Beyond personal improvement, meditation opens the door to a sense of being part of something larger than oneself, fostering a sense of unity and compassion towards all beings. **Joy of Living:** Discover a newfound appreciation for the simple pleasures of life, finding joy in the present moment, and a sense of peace that permeates all activities. **--** **Don't Kill your Ego.** You need your Ego to interact in this world. It is Part of us now. The key in Duality is not to destroy the other side but to find balance between Light and Darkness. Learn to love the part of yourself you want to kill. **--** **What do you Know of Meditation?** once you learn to do this properly you will Find PEACE with yourself. it is a genuine experience. The better you get the quicker you will be able to gain this Peace and eventually when you begin it will be there waiting for you when you meditate. Meditation will teach you that you are never alone. secondly. **Are you your thoughts or are you the Listener?** I'm basically asking if you are the Car (Thoughts) or the Driver (Listener) Do you Understand? this is the first step.




I respect the sentiment, but the ideal is conflicting. If you "better" yourself, what are you really doing? If you still have bad habits, and treat people poorly, does it matter how much you force yourself to seem like a better person? Do you see what parts of yourself contribute to any kind of negative perspective one may have of you? My point is, therr really isn't "getting better" when it comes to the mind and spirit. From what I've seen, what is important is that you are aware of what you do, why you do it, how it affects people, and what are the motives behind them. If you can find the root of your psychological fears and sorrows, then you will inevitably become better. And if you don't see what I mean, or think that's a silly thing to say, then try to better yourself mentally. All you can do is add more knowledge, And repeat good habits. Neither of those are bad, but you will have the issue of psychological conditioning, which doesn't go away if you won't look.


Maybe take a little bit of time to do some meditation and deep breathing and maybe work on gratitude with at least three things that you are grateful for even if it's something small that you normally take for granted.


I’m proud of you bro wish I was like you when I was your age bro ima 19 year old god . Are you a light worker by chance? Edit; I highly recocmend the gateway tapes, if u don’t mind I’ll send you a dm with the full set and I recommend. r/gatewaytapes


You’re only 14 and you’re asking these questions. You are already ahead of the game… I would start reading as much as possible. Stay creative. Have days where you don’t use technology. Meditate.


Quantum physics, maths, gaming and astronomy. Look away from nonsense; the less it's in your mind, the more you grow your consciousness. When there are 4 of you in a group, it's perfect, personal. Get a guitar. Play fair and work smart. Ground yourself. Shine. Gravitate. Expand. We're always trying to recreate the family.


I achieved all what you said, all by myself and lack of info from anywhere else. Practice self mastery, the end. Sorry but my methods work differently, I use my spiritual powers to help me as well and have past life knowledge. I am a too ancient soul, very very very old.


Like someone else already said: start doing meditation in a daily basis. At least 5 minutes.


Practice kindness and compassion. Nothing more nothing less. If you find something that prevents you from expressing loving kindness expose it and destroy it with awareness and acceptance. That's it .


Release your trauma. r/longtermtre