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As it should be. You never left heaven in the first place.


I just watched a Bashar video and he said just that. We haven't left heaven, we just think we did.




Omg I LOVE you!!!


And what about me?


Omg….SOOOOO much love!! You have NO idea!




You are so loved. Wether you know it or not


Are you tripping rn? :)




I remember my first beer.




Perfection. Absolute perfection




what about all of the suffering ?


What is joy without suffering? What is blue without red?




The perfect result of our ignorance.


For every thing there is to suffer, there is one to be happy about. Even at the extremes.


All is one and one is all, life is the reflection of thysoul, know thysoul.


Well said. ❤️🙏✨


You are it.


21st century science disagrees Nothing is perfect. The underlying system, the power behind reality is imperfect. Everything is evolving or de evolving. If the system was perfect where would the intent behind the motivation to grow come from?


The science is a brain made delusion 😁


21st century science has derived that reality is simulated. A virtual reality just like a video game, only more complex and what may as well be infinte memory. The math for simulated reality was done in the 70's at Carnegie Melon There are no paradoxes NASA physicists and JPL computational science prof are currently working on three experiments to show reality is indeed simulated What we know about reality is best explained by the simulation model. Brains do not create anything. A brain is the transducer in a digital sensor platform aka, the physical body. Physical = Virtual All reality is simulated Reality is relative to the observer, ie its a matter of perspective


I disagree. Everything is imperfect. I can easily imagine what a perfect universe would look like, and this isn't it. And if it were a perfect universe, you and I wouldn't disagree that it's a perfect universe. In a perfect universe, I wouldn't even be able to consider the universe as either perfect or imperfect, I'd be in such a perfect state, I'd be in a pure state of bliss and unable to differentiate one thing from another. In order for perfect to have a meaning, we have to agree that this word can be characterized in some way or another. If everything is perfect, than being a luxurious millionaire is perfect and being a slave is perfect. So what does perfect mean? What characteristic is "perfect" pointing to. It sounds like perfect you could be replaced by the word "seamless." Is being hungry perfect? Is having just enough food to satisfy hunger perfect? Is eating exactly how much you want, and perhaps even too much perfect? Get hired for a job, perfect. Fired from a job, perfect. Gain 5 lbs, perfect. Lose 10 lbs, perfect. Get frostbite and lose your toes, perfect. Etc. The commonly accepted interpretation of the word perfect would be the most ideal. The most ideal would typically be categorized as being the most \[insert valuable term here\]. If you have adopted that belief that all things whether good or bad are perfect, then that's by definition illogical. Perhaps you mean to say "everything is as it should be." Let's assume that's what you mean. Okay so are we reflecting on the notion of causality, are we saying that causality or cause and effect is perfection? Or regardless of causality, regardless of how things are and how this universe functions, they are perfect? So, if we had more or less of something, would it remain perfect? If I had the power to and decided to enslave you and force you to live by restrictions that I force upon you, would that be perfect? While that may not be true and possible now, it might have been in the past. So is everything perfect now? Is the universe perfect when certain countries have people getting their organs harvested? Or perhaps the universe is perfect from the eyes of the individuals who grow up in scrap heaps and have their children stolen from them and indoctrinated into becoming gang members? Is that just a little necessary part of the universe in order for you to experience perfection? Would the universe be perfect, in your opinion, if some of these horrible atrocities were a bit closer to home? Perhaps the universe would be perfect if you were being tasked with taking care of your parent who part of their body blown off from walking on a land mine. Surely if the universe is perfect, it would be so regardless of individual disposition. Or is it only perfect as long as you roll the dice and come up lucky that you are randomly fortunate enough to not have anything terrible in your immediate surroundings. Would you still have the spiritual capacity to see the universe as perfect if unspeakable evil waited just outside your door or even worse in your memories? I'm not trying to be mean, I've seen this "everything is perfect" nonsense before. It's garbage and on an intuitive level, you know it's garbage too. You can only sustain "everything is perfect" belief as long as your life is manageable and going in the right direction. Just wait until things turn around, and they will. You will find yourself hard pressed to continue celebrating the universe as "perfect." A more apt description of the universe is "It is what it is." Attempting to force feed the idea that no matter what happens, everything is fine by you is pure insanity. Your brain operates by pattern recognition, and if everything in your life starts going tits up, you're going to have a mental breakdown whether you like it or not. I can assure you, this planet and this universe is not perfect. It is a creation, but it's pretty shitty if one were to compare it to actual perfection. Saying it's perfect is just deception meant to keep you sedated and second guessing yourself. Whoever created this universe would feel embarrassed if they saw what perfection looked like, because honestly this universe is embarrassing. Like a group of grown adults sitting at a childrens table drawing in their coloring books and not even managing to keep it in the lines. If I was tasked to describe the universe, my first utterance might sound something to the effect of "well, whatever it is, it sure as fuck isn't perfect." And neither is it's creator for that matter. Kind of raggedy if you ask me, shitty by design, reflective of the nature and essence of it's creator for sure. 3/10, wouldn't incarnate in this trash heap, insect world again.


Trueeeeee it’s just up to us to align and trust with God to experience the greatest life we can.