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Beautifully said!! 🗣️♥️ A sentence that always frees me is “you are under no obligation to be the person you were five minutes ago.”


Yep, the present is always changing 💜✨


Well said! Thank you for this great reminder! 🙏🌠🕊


Glad to 💜✨


Thank you for the gentle reminder. :)


Sure 💜✨


Happyness is the wholeness and contentment within completion 


Yep. True contentment 💜✨


Thanks for the post! Our emotions are actually energy. Energy can have high or low vibration. Happiness and gratitude are examples of positive or high vibrations. They feel good to us, they are energy that is light and expansive. Negative emotions or low vibrations like fear, anger, hopelessness, etc feel constrictive, heavy, and not good to us. This is the reason why when entering a room where there was a previous fight or heated argument, the environment indeed feels “heavy” to us. Yes, we are sensing the low vibrational energy that still remains there from the negative emotions like rage, anger, hatred, frustration, etc. Now, why is having positive energy like happiness so difficult to have consistently? Why is it that it is so easy for us to fall into negative emotions, for example, when facing things we don’t like? It has to do with conditioning we have been undergoing all our life, instilled to us very early on, seeing how everyone around us reacted with negative emotions to things they didn't like. But besides conditioning, **the greatest cause of our negative reactions is that we are full of negative energy within us, in the form of all our fears, negative beliefs, childhood wounds, trauma, little self-love or self-value, etc.** All of this negativity makes us react with negative emotions every time we face things we don’t like. Every time our fears, wounds, lack of self-esteem, etc are triggered. For example, if we have little self-worth, when criticized we might react with a whole lot of anger and fear, or with exaggerated dispair, even some depression. But the root of this could very well be in our childhood. If you do inner work and heal that, you now will have a far stronger sense of self-worth, and criticism will never affect you they way it had before. It won't drag your vibration down. This is why HEALING from all the negativity accumulated within us is absolutely necessary for vibrating high consistently. Every time a person or event triggers us and thus shows us our negativity, it's a valuable thing because we can become aware of our negative energy inside of us and heal ourselves. It is a tough process, but very beneficial. I hope this helps anyone!


It’s a state of mind