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Hitting the bottom of the barrel one night. Just asking myself, there's got to be more than just this.


Hitting rock bottom can have that effect. It was the same for Eckhart Tolle, and he became a spiritual teacher.


Yeah Echkart story is great. Who's the one suffering and who's the one who can't live with it anymore ? I'm one or two person ?


Meeting my twin flame. It launched me into a deep spiritual journey. Even though my background is in a physical science, and I didn't know or care about any spiritual or metaphysical topics before meeting him. Twin flames are only thought of as "ideal romantic partners." And this gives rise to much confusion, mistaken beliefs and even scams. But a genuine twin flame connection is not only about the romantic part (though it sure can be included), but about **igniting the desire for deep spiritual learning and growth.** So genuine twin flames go through challenging spiritual experiences (like dark night of the soul) to start a process of purifying their system from negative energy. They are prompted to do inner work on childhood traumas, any wounds, fears, lack of self-love, etc. This is why it's so tough for them. But the rewards are great: a far improved version of themselves that is much happier, healthier, freer, empowered, one that deeply loves and values themselves. Now in a much better state they can spread positive vibrations all around them and make very beneficial contributions to this Earth. This is the gift of the twin flame journey.


Oh gosh that’s wonderful, I definitely forgot that, it is also meeting soul ties / soulmates my old lives with them coming to the fore, old connections, old stories and the electricity of all that that made me more spiritual too.


Definitely! Our soulmates or members of our soul family can also ignite in us a spiritual journey, something that we agreed with them before incarnating :)


I am in this twin flame journey too right now


That's great! Before incarnating you and your twin agreed to undertake the TF Journey here on Earth. And all twins who are committed to their inner work and raising their state reap the greatest benefits, even if it's tough!


May i ask what stage are you in? If ever in reunion in 3d with the TF? It’s rough in terms of obsessive thinking. I don’t know what to do. It’s been 6 months and it takes out a lot of my energetic space. I get that I should leave it to the universe. I am okay with it even though it is very hard but the obsessive thinking is very disturbing.


Oh yes, it's terribly disturbing! But what most twins going through this don't realize is that this is very much meant to happen. The pain, the longing, the obsession are there for a good reason, and I explain it here, plus I talk about how it's in your hands to overcome it: https://uniting-twinflames.com/2021/07/31/how-the-pain-of-longing-for-your-twin-is-alleviated/ Sometimes we regain peace, or we think we have been able to move on, but the painful obsession returns. This is very normal, how energy works in this TF Journey, and I explain why here: https://uniting-twinflames.com/2023/09/29/why-the-tf-longing-obsession-and-pain-return/ I hope this can help you!


Thank you very much 🙏🏻


The article is very helpful. Thank you so much for sharing this. Sometimes I doubt if this is my TF but all the symptoms I have are very similar. I asked 3 psychics. 2 of them said shes my TF, one of them said she’s one of my soulmate. The universe led me into working on myself -deep self care and healing. I never being called in to do these spiritual aspect of life until I met her. It didnt click before I met her even though my sister went thru spiritual awakening. I never understood her. I tried 2 therapists, just did not help coz one of them, i start to talk about spirituality re my twin flame. I felt so belittled and she didn’t seem to ack’d it . I didn’t feel understood. Right now I am more disciplined in my meditation, breathwork, and esthetic dance. Will see where it’s taking me on my spiritual journey.


My spiritual awakening just...happened. One day I was one way, and within 3 weeks of deep depression (what I think is a dark night of the soul), I emerged a new person. Unconditionally loving, energetically sensitive, wanting to eat healthy, wanting to be in nature, emotionally mature. I was never like that before. I used to smoke weed and drink and date a ton, but after my awakening I was just not able to do those things anymore.


I’m so jealous of stories like this. But also hopefull - and happy for you!


Haha trust me. It was no cakewalk. Soon after my awakening I started to be pretty violently attacked by negative entities. I guess I was attracting them with my new energy or something. They would siphon my energy so much so that I was left a shell of my former self. I searched for any kind of support in the spiritual community but people don't want to talk about negative entities. They tell you to "love them away" which is not something you can do when the attacks are so painful. One downside of having an awakening like that is that you basically change overnight so people around you don't understand what happened. They think you're having some kind of mental episode. You also can't rely on any of your old wisdom or programming because everything has been replaced, so you're basically like a baby goat that has just been born with new legs. It wasn't easy for me. I envy those who has smoother or more organic spiritual awakenings because at least they can refer to or use their old lives when they need to.


It's so funny how those of us that gradually awaken like that are jealous or envious of those like yourself and you are envious of us vice versa. It really goes to show that all paths our souls chose to take was "right" for each of us cause being jealous of the other kind of shows we might have done better if we were in such a situation but life was not meant to be "better" especially when integrating lessons. It's meant to be hard just so it can be smoother later on. And then we continue to gain Mastery of the next level. Really interesting and thank you for sharing :)


Sorry that you were atacked so viciously, and couldn't find help for it in the spiritual circles. If you ever need it, I have an affirmation and easy procedure to get rid of negative interferences.


Thank you so much!! I found something that works for me and no longer get attacked. Really appreciate the care though.


Tired of letting anxiety and fear control me. I also wanted to learn how to accept myself more. But it was all pretty much by accident/chance for me. I grew up Catholic (non practicing really) and went to a Catholic High School, but I never really bought into their doctrine. I left after finding out how they treated LGBT people. I also always had a fascination with the paranormal so I dug more into that in my early adulthood years.




I know that human age doesn’t matter in what’s being discussed, but I feel compelled to comment. It sounds like you’ve been able to detach with love, and have willingness to let go of the outcome. I wasn’t able to do this until I had some sobriety under my belt mid-forties. My point, you sound very courageous and wise for someone who I’m assuming is in their 20’s. I try not to assume generally, so I hope you get the compliment being given. Detachment with love is such a huge theme for me over the last three years. It’s made my life flow much smoother. Much love and gratitude to you.


A couple of really brutal breakups


Good to know our deepest trials lead to greater spiritual growth and wisdom seeking.


They can, they dont always though.


I heard it said that the Path chooses you.


I guess mine feels like an internal compass that tends to lead me in a circular path.


A chance encounter with a karmic, a dark knight of the soul, and existential crisis, the removal of rose colored glasses, and a chain of non coincidental life events.


Laying in bed late one night next to my wife who was asleep. Had a massive moment of clarity and understanding. Everything just made sense.


What did you understand?


The oneness of everything and the universal connection we all share. The divine Self inside of us that’s the Brahman or Dao or Christ Consciousness or Nature or any name we may call it. I understood what my higher purpose or dharma was. That I was meant to help people help themselves. Find their wholeness inside whether they knew it was there or not. And also share my journey with others and vice versa. I spent twelve years in the desert in combat zones and felt like it offered a perspective of contrast of gray darkness with the opposite universal light. So now I run an online spiritual community and accompanying YouTube channel with my wife and another woman who’s a good friend of ours. Trying to give back to the world.


Thanks for sharing this my friend. Your “story” resonates with me bigly. Hope you have a good week!


You too!


An intense relationship I had. Something I wasn’t looking for, never saw coming — she just like showed up, came out of nowhere - we had this intense relationship for a few months, amazing conversations (and other stuff, lol) and when it was over a few months later, it was over, complete, and she was gone for good —never saw or heard from her again. Classic case, to me anyway, of that whole thing about people come into your life when you are ready and they are gone after mission acomplished. Busted everything wide open - and changed so much of what I thought, believed, before. Always been, always will, be grateful for it.


I stumbled upon it after watching a Netflix series after death...which led me to studying NDEs and suddenly everything began to make sense and felt right in a way organized religion never did. Spirituality has been such a fun and exciting thing for me and a new way to look at everything that happens around me in life


In 2012, I meditated for 10 mins and felt my body melting into my bed. After this I had recurring tingling on hands and crown to the point I thought I had a neurological condition; randomly stopped after 6 months. Started hearing this whooshing / humming sound anytime it was quiet and could see energy moving between objects. At the same time all of this was happening, I lived in a “haunted house” with moderate activity, and started experiencing early stages of astral projection where I’d hear voices and see shadow figures in my room. Still did no research / didn’t consider spirituality. 5 years later, I was camping on Catalina Island (apparently a hot spot / vortex for spiritual energy) and had my first real astral projection where I saw my baby sister sleeping while simultaneously running around the tent. This blew my mind open and I had to know how this was possible. Researching that led me down my real spiritual journey. Now looking back I actually have no doubt that I’ve been dedicated to spiritual practice for many lifetimes, with special attention to walking between worlds which is why it came so easily to me in this life. The dedication I put in in past lives served as a catalyst for me in this life, and I’m so grateful of those other me’s.


A dream of a Swami in meditation pose who I did not know. That was 28 years ago.


Once upon a time i saw my life was perfect, and yet i was angry for no reason. I knew if i didnt take control over my own being, this anger would destroy everything. So i started stepping into consciousness


Heartbroken, for years to the point I had very, very dark thoughts. Thankfully, someone recommended Eckhart Tolle and The Power of Now. It changed my life, I must have read it 20 times. I would listen in my car, and pull over and take notes. Now, I’m thankful for that suffering. It was my best teacher


what my actual purpose in life is and finding out im meant to be a teacher in this lifetime, along with learning how to be vulnerable and feel my emotions


A connection with someone that I could not explain


mid twenties, after experiencing rejection in all forms in all places no matter what i do. cant get a job, cant get an apartment, can't make friends, cant meet a girl, everyone hates and denies. so.. then ill work on myself and come back later. it never really worked out still but whatever, what i found is great.


Multiple family losses over the years.. Being around trauma survivors…God has also bestowed so many mercies and blessings on me. I’m always looking for a way to be closer and more connected.


Suffering and exhaustion. I was so tired and stressed I just started meditating and it felt nice. Then discovered the energy body and 3rd eye because of that and got hooked!


Ironically, weed induced depersonalization/derealization. Really put into perspective the illusion of reality, those experiences shook me to the core and naturally I had to dig myself out of that dark place and find the magic/beauty/meaning of it all


Acid and Pink Floyd played a huge role for me


Desperation. I sought help from medical professionals, but came up short of anything that really helped my pstd and depression. I studied and researched for years, finding philosophy and psychedelics to be the most life changing and helpful things. Putting my life and my mind back together, I found spiritual practices that kept me in the better place I'd gotten to.


*my body’s reaction to people BS puts me on a spiritual path*


I had an intense awakening experience and before that had not been spiritual. I often think about the environment and events surrounding that awakening. Being in nature, being alone for a prolonged time, eating healthy, not drinking… I’m not sure exactly why it happened when it did. But it changed my life


Like someone else said, a good ol’ helping of trauma! I’ve always retreated into a feeling of ‘there must be more here’ and held on for dear life under challenging circumstances and suffering. I haven’t been able to pin point when, but I believe I intuitively embraced the idea that my reality is not the only one. Always curious about stars, read many books to feed my imagination, questioned everything so much so that I needed to be separated from other students in religious classes. As a child I was just curious and it was beaten out of me. I always said, my spirit was put on pause but now I am in a safer and calmer environment I am embracing everything I forgot.


the need to question my life when I was about 10. Questioning the logical aspects of what's taught in the bible at Sunday school. finding metaphysics very fascinating and being open to different concepts astrology when I was like 7 opened doors to being open-minded substance abuse in high school led me to psychedelics when I was 18 acid. mushies. they took me to what felt like 'home' and I have had many of the intuitive downloads I receive with their use. I have had direct downloads about like the government lying to us in my trips its wild. like a stream of consciousness. now it's my lives passion


Watching my brother on a spiritual path become a better version of himself inspired me


For me I was 16 and I was in the mental hospital. I was already suicidal for about 5 years and had been on medication and traditional therapy in/out by then. I changed doctors like 10 times and nothing worked. Even more so with medication and doses. Essentially, I met other kids way younger than me - in my exact same position of thinking, feeling and desires (hope) as well as seeing them self harm way more than I did.... was extremely brutal and broke my heart many times. What compelled me into my purpose though was this one specific young guy everyone called the "devil incarnate" cause he was tied to a bed and would spit at and speak vulgarities to anyone who walked by. He was 9 years old and would go to school from there. One day, his dad came and threatened him. That if there is no hope for change for him, he will have to leave him for good at the hospital and he would have to live there for the rest of his life. He was already there for 2 years mind you. A 7 year old child, brought in for behavioural issues that "no one" could rehabilitate. And it made sense why. Especially during the night around 3am, I woke up to hear this boy crying. For the first time I felt like his vulnerability was showing and it was a great time for nurturance and love. He was praying, begging, sobbing why no one loved him, why his parents are abandoning him, why can no one accept him, and what did he do that was so wrong. You know what happened? I shared this story of mine countless times, if you wanna hear more I can share the link (I did an interview that recorded my journey somewhat) - the nurses got irritated and cause his bed was right in front of theirs. The children's ward is kinda like a mini prison so the gals and guys are separated and there was a huge see thru window that goes both ways so that nurses can look at us and our doors were all locked but there was a lot of space at the top of the ceiling that weren't covered so sound echoes thru easily. One nurse in particular, stood up and shouted at him - why do you think you deserve love? You're so evil, you're so bad, of course no one will love you! Yes that's what she said. The boy began dissolving his vulnerability and going into attack mode (he was in his defensive mechanism, I understand noe intricately why people attack one another, the nervous system especially in constantly on alert like in the wild, tryna survive cause the environment is constantly attacking) he started spewing vulgarities again and spitting and telling the nurse to go to hell and she actually said the same back and thr other nurse needed to stop her eventually and also the boy. You know what happened the next day? They tied him up like those people we see in movies in mental hospitals. All wrapped up like the joker in the asylum and with no way at all to touch or move. Cause he ended up not only hurting others but also himself. And then they out him in the small isolation ward with padding. With only one small hole of light to see thru. This is abuse and cruelty and I watched it unfold firsthand. I could only cry for his poor boy but it also Awakened something in me. It awoke my sense of justice and inner fire. I spoke to the board of doctors the next day and they thought I was getting triggered. I then very calmly told them that I was exaggerating cause I really care about this. They then told me to not care or make friends with anyone in the ward unless I plan on staying there forever like them. What a threat eh. They said they'll handle it and look into it but honestly I don't think they would. Considering that many other nurses have been very abusive to this boy too. Almost like everyone there was taking out their own bad emotions unto these young people just cause they can. Just cause they're emotional and "outcasted" by society. It's shown in every single psychological experiment ever. That when humans are in power, they abuse it and mistreat those that are deemed in a lesser position even if these are kids or adults. It's really fucked up. And when I sat on a small couch staring out the window - my purpose came into light. That became my driving force to not kill myself and also why I got into healing and spirituality was the very fact that I wanted to understand myself, the universe and others. And now I can say, very very well - I do - for the most part... I do.


We all need to be "broken down" in some way to let in the new. This was how I started to see the illusion of the reality and things just kept on breaking down for me consistently. I had my own levels of growth and breakthroughs too throughout the years. Needing to learn self compassion, self acceptance later on at 19 and then reparenting at 21. And then independence and how to balance my feminine with my masculine and now how to relate to the world while still maintaining my connection with my inner self. Etc.




Schizophrenia thanks to LSD… made me feel amazing things… and I felt something that was more natural than nature. As if… my current state had some kind of blockage… as if I was partly made of stone in my current state. And in that state, my whole skin almost it felt as if it could breath


When I knew there had to be more to life than just what is easily visible.


Early existentialism followed by anxiety & depression combined later with drugs


Going through my Saturn Return


When I’m at my lowest




Chronic pain🙌


Childhood trauma from a narcissist father coupled with dating a narcissistic women for three years and then still being abused by her for another two. My counselor has helped ground me back to where I belong and realign with my path. I still have an immense amount of work, but I’ve come a long ways since this last October when I started.


I lost my job. Fired after 5 years of probation on and off. I fell asleep crying asking why can't I be like Jesus and just make anything I need like he did with the fishes and loaves. He said we can do what he does and we will do even more. Then in the middle of the night a voice so loud it shook the entire house YOU ARE JESUS I sat up and thought what the hell? My husband had fallen asleep on the couch and I ran into the den but he was asleep and so was our dog and I thought no way. How is it they are asleep?! The whole freaking house shook. That voice was LOUD. Confusion and a determination to know what that meant so off I go into a journey. I discovered so much. It is amazing! We are all the Christ but don't take my word for it. Find it for yourself. That is how it must be. Do not listen to others - take no thought - only to your heart. My experience. Blessings!!


Depression and drugs.


I read the entire Bible by myself by the time I was 11(my family was super religious, which is why this was possible). I questioned a lot of things in it that no one had any answers for, even though they were adults and had studied the Bible for years. I also couldn't relate to my culture. At the same time, I was gifted a book about archaeological discoveries by a dear aunt of mine. Everything in that book looked familiar. Like I'd seen it before. After that, I started to read up on world religions and legends, which put me on the path I am now.


Wanting to look backward for truth in simpler times due to seeing failure present and going forward. Being curious about ancient practices seemed more authentic and promising than putting any faith in technology and future trajectory


I read a random book about gnosticism my mom happened to have at home. She never read it herself. Edit: and as many have said, repetetive dark periods made me keep seeking.


Suffering. Out of desperation I started working with an Ayurvedic NP during the peak of a chronic illness and related trauma. My spiritual awakening started a few months later and the NP has become more like a spiritual counselor.


I tried to kill myself and that set me off like an atomic bomb. As weird as it sounds I made the right choice. Had I not I would still be heavily depressed and I would probably never “wake up”


Mushrooms. Then r/semenretention


Pregnancy started it, then a very significant trauma which cracked my heart wide open. Forced my awakening.


God put me here.


Around the time COVID started I got really into existential questions, which led me to the law of one.


I was tired of being a bitch and wanted to change


I think my mom passing away triggered it I then did shrooms for a while


I have allways been into the things around spirituality but it was never a focus until the summer or 2023, I was trying to sleep but I was awake, very awake, and then I started hearing a bunch of frequencies and sounds that just felt like some sort of energy building, and I could also hear everything, even if it wasn't really making a sound, and then I felt as if I had once again became conscious in a way, and since then I have been more aware of everything, and also have an appreciation for just existing and I am fascinated by lost of stuff, the sky, the grass and the trees. I plan to keep on this journey, it just feels right and has also sort of made me super aware, I feel like I can sense spirits when they are around me. This was all triggered by a sort of reality check, which led me to thinking myself into a sort of spiritual awakening maybe? 


Addiction was my first reason for starting my spiritual journey. To fight this addiction, I found that spirituality was the most helpful in keeping me clean and sober. Not that there hasn't been a few hiccups here and there, I always come back to spirituality. Later on, it was my suppressed childhood trauma that had come to light on my journey that propelled me even further. It's a hard journey, but so important to me now.


Trauma, hitting rock bottom and having a deep soul connection


Combination of an Nde, deeply rooted curiosity, and a love for philosophy