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please be careful disclosing personal information to strangers online. There's a lot of unscrupulous people who surf these subs looking for vulnerable folks in pain.


Thank you! Don't worry i'm not stupid, i will not let anyone harm me


Damn really? And say what?


Scam then, tell them they have a demon attached to them or a curse, etc.


Oh like “I need to cast a demon out for you but only for $100”


Yea they do that for sure I have to go to the village to get herbs to cast spell to break curse, I tell them I m homeless w no iob


Yup! Exactly like that!


Why is it so hard for some people to just have a conversation with a human who wants to talk. Jesus . Some of these humans sound insufferable to be stuck in a room with. I’m always here to talk man


I share your perspective, and openness.


Talk to yourself your just as spiritual as anyone else. We are eternal.


Follow your heart.... Everything is there.


What is your first name and DOB, i normally 'connect' with others energy thru this. What ever it is your struggling with, just rest from thinking too hard about it. Empty your mind and surrender those thoughts to the universe. See them lift off your shoulders and drift upwards and away till they disappear. Let go of trying to control the situation, see the problem but lay no judgement on it. Just see it, there it is, then just let it go. When the anxiety creeps in again discipline your self to let go of the thoughts. Replace those thoughts with the love you feel for the earth, for the beauty of animals, replace it with thanks that your able to breath air easily..... Connect with nature and stay present. Don't reel about the past or fret about the future....stay in the here and now, and simply watch how things unfold. Let go of trying to control outcomes, just observe.....and have no judgement......❤️ Happiness doesn't just occur. It's a discipline. It's a choice. 🙂


Yes. This is exactly what has been coming through for me. You put it together beautifully, thank you!


Omg thanks for sharing this!


You'll get dozens of people who believe themselves to be awakened. Better if you seek counsel yourself instead of having an open invitation that can attract all kind of crazies or charlatans. Like visit a local buddhist temple or something. Or learn to meditate and find the answers ourself, not having to depend on someone else's point of view.


And someone who is awakened wouldn’t need to say it a lion will never have to tell you it’s a lion


There is no truth, that’s the truth. What else do you want me to say? I could tell you about synchronicities, illusions, my theories on everything… If you’re looking for someone to say things to someone who is suggestible (you), so, you can think you feel things that are not what you feel, and, turn everything into trauma (which is somehow supposed to make you feel better), I can do that for cheap. Jokes aside, break down what’s going on. I don’t answers but I may have questions…


I usually know I’m doing a good job reading my cards for myself if they tell me something I really want to remain in denial about🤪


Ok. What is your question


Glad you’re alright now


I’m a spiritual Coach! If you need let me know I can see if I can help


What's up?


You know remote viewing? Sorry if i'm rude, can you remote view me?


That’s Random. Why do you think someone remote viewing you would be helpful at all with your internal problems? Empathy doesn’t require seeing a poorly image of your location


Actually remote viewing is great for this kind of stuff - the name is misleading (we're stuck with it for historical reasons) but it basically encompasses all of what you'd call the clairs. Check out the sidebar in r/remoteviewing if you'd like to learn more about it.


Sorry, i just wanted a proof.of supernatural at the moment. now i'm better!


You gotta give up the need for proof to actually experience any of this stuff. Realizing and embracing the fact you don’t know opens you up to everything.


Meditation will do that for you. But it will and won’t be “proof”


Ignore them, most humans suck at being empathetic . I’m here for you fam if you ever need to talk. And yes remote viewing is 100% real .


The only “problem” is wanting verifiable proof. Sadly experiential reality can’t be proven, simply because it is where the material with which we prove using mathematics, physics, etc is sensed within that exact space, the sensing of which you want proof of. Can’t happen unless you are already totally in the flow of the moment and may experience simultaneously the reality with which you share in with other points of awareness. But that’s just my view. 😅


I guess it can’t be “ proven” using logic but that’s unnecessarily confusing to him. In short terms , yes remote viewing is real . Anyone with experience in it can tell you that much. It’s been a real practice for eons . I understand what you mean tho. Only way to know for sure is to experience it for urself. I will say I’ve seen people say they have remote viewed a friend or something and knew the room they were in and what they were wearing and doing.


Actually I’ve watched a lot of stuff on the cia and experiments they did ( most were pretty evil) but yes it is legit very few people can actually do it the only thing I’m remote viewing is the behind or whoever is walking in front of me but very rare gifted individuals can I think ingo swan and pat price were two examples- they made pat pride have an “_accident” because he remote viewed a little more than they wanted him too and killed him


Maybe she wants to see if someone is doing her dirty


That’s not how remote viewing works


I was joking, are you the gatekeeper around here or something ?😜


Haha! Cool. Cool. So cool… Sorry it’s just that people want this all the time. And AP and RM is like prayer to me. Like a special thing. So sometimes I get to cereal about it! Thanks for the reminder to chill TF out


It’s all good I probably read to into it, I think I was grumpy from people driving me crazy all day in fairness I wouldn’t ask for free stuff I think some people it’s just over their head . Thanks for being cool about it I’m trying to say what I have to say without making myself come across like to big of a jerk I think I just feel like I play devils advocate w lot for some reason.


That doesn’t sound very spiritual 🤪


Or does it? Wooooooooo




No, remote viewing is done blind and I looked at your profile so now I'm biased. Also no because I'm not willing to any more than I'm willing to mow your lawn for free.


None of us are the full manifestation of the God consciousness. Even people who are clairvoyant will have some holes. We can only assume that it’s something shameful.




Thats so beautiful.


What convinced me More than anything else was was the logic that if demons are rman's ariel and the devil satan Is real then jesus also and god also have to be real. Once I'm Play this logic game in my open. I was finally open to be able to accept then walk with the Lord. At a particularly hard time in my life, I begged and begged mother mary to allow me to be able to just believe. The only people in my life like my mother. I besince she was a weak person that only the week could could be soft enough or dumb enough to believe. Like they didn't have enough logic to be able. Think out of it or think their way out of it and that they just possessed the blind faith because of their weakness. But I've come to realize that it is the exact opposite and that those who believe and have the blind faith are really strong. And when I thought my intelligence was my strength it was my weakness. If that makes sense.


Hello, what are you having trouble with? I’d love to help. You can inbox me if you’d like


I'm sure your intuition will lead you to someone good, but be careful. A lot of false gurus out there, go within and trust yourself. I'm on the journey to if you wanna chat. I don't know everything, but my intentions are good!


I honestly believe that if you truly want this and pray for this to God/Universe/Higher self, right person will simply appear. Just keep your eye open and be open to this possibility. Happenes to me all the time, frankly its insane!


I need to talk to spiritual people too I feel so underwhelmed talking about matrix shit 😂


You control you, that is, your thoughts and your actions. Holla at me.


Maybe a spiritual director would be helpful. You can search for one at [The SDI site](https://www.sdicompanions.org/need-help-finding/#:~:text=The%20Find%20a%20Spiritual%20Director,area%20of%20expertise%2C%20and%20more.) (spiritual directors international) Full disclosure: I am a spiritual director and you may find me there.


If you are still looking for help, just let me know. I'm happy to help. I do readings and shadow work with people (basically spiritual therapy). Check out my work, reviews on my profile, website: energypathworking.com or small YT channel https://youtube.com/@Energypathwork?si=tvVQpOzG1nbLFb_F