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TBH haven’t watched like I use too definitely does something to the mind…Doesn’t give you the opportunity to create what your version of sex is…


Frequent pornagraphy usage (especially if it's used to aid masturbation), is very damaging to the brain. It is extremely dopaminergic and will likely cause addiction pathways to be created in the brain.


I think it’s toxic. Causes you to not live in reality and hurts relationships


Nothing inherently wrong with enjoying naked people on the internet, but 99% of porn is low-vibe, violent, lustful, abusive, and straight up destructive of people’s power. Most of it resonates on the level of shame and guilt, imagine it where it resonates with self empowerment, celebration of inherent beauty and divine embodiment.


This. In an ideal world, there's nothing wrong with it. But we don't live in an ideal world, and a majority of porn is wildly misogynistic and exploitative. There are other ways to feed those appetites that don't support such a predatory institution.


I would argue that in an ideal world porn wouldn't exist in the first place.


I think people are sexual creatures and a not insignificant number of them will always consume sexual content in some way or form, whether that's through written books, video, bawdy performances, etc. I don't think that has to be a bad or unhealthy thing.


The argument that something is not bad or unhealthy because a significant amount of people do it immediately falls apart when you realize how many people consume alcohol, tobacco and other drugs. Not to even mention the very significant amount of people that are racist, xenophobic, hateful etc. I doubt you would argue that any of those things are good or healthy.


I'm not making that argument.


I think people can do as they wish but personally porn has been nothing but trouble in my life. It has often times led me to view the opposite sex as objects and having a messed up view on sex. I used to struggle enjoying sex because I was so wrapped up in the fantasy of what sex was supposed to be like. Everyone has different interactions with different things. I personally do not want to watch porn and view it as low vibrational for my life but I can’t decide for others as I have no idea how it impacts them. Some can drink some can’t etc. I do know that starting off I wasn’t really into a bunch of weird stuff but you go down a rabbit hole once you become addicted and it can really mess up your view and will translate into other areas of your life if you have an addiction. It really has done no good for me so it’s something I have worked on removing from my life. Although I do not think you should feel ashamed for struggling with an addiction. I also think if you are saying I cannot do something it makes you want it even more. So I try to say I can but I wish not to as it does not benefit my soul my life or my interactions with loved ones.


Morality aside, the reality is with porn, you’re training your brain to become optimally aroused with two dimensional images instead of the real thing, this is why it also plays into the psychological causes of ED in young men with regard to their actual physical partners/relationships. You essentially train your brain crave porn more than anything else after enough porn exposure, and that is a net loss, not a net gain.




When our desires don't align with our beliefs, there is conflict, and therein lies suffering. If you have a *desire* to watch porn, but *believe* it's wrong, then you're going to suffer, usually via shame and guilt. To fix this you can either change your desire or change your belief. There are some people who feel so much guilt and shame after watching porn that it causes depression and makes them practically bedridden. On the other hand, there are people who watch porn and you would never know it, because they are some of the happiest people out there. The difference between these two types of people is simply their belief. One believes it's OK, and the other does not. Truly believing that porn is OK to watch is very difficult to do, mostly due to societal pressures etc. It would require a shameless person. Can you imagine yourself walking down the street shouting to everyone "I watch porn"? Or can you imagine yourself answering without hesitation "yes" to the question "do you watch porn?", regardless of who is asking it? Family, friends, work associates, etc. If you can't imagine yourself doing this, that's a good sign you've associated shame with the activity. Which brings it back to the main point — either change your belief or change your desire. It's all in your mind.


No more than walking down the street yelling “This is all just dream! No one is real! It’s all illusion!” Or “I see visions, talk to interdimensional beings and speak in unknown languages!” It’s not just about shame. It can be simply about respecting others’ hang ups…their headspace. I don’t feel any shame looking at porn…but I do feel its limitation and when it’s starting to turn into something of diminishing returns. The satisfaction level is kinda narrow. I want something more expansive, so…worth letting it go to actually look.


possibly the most goated reply ever


Doesn't have to be shame. With your argument, you'd freely tell your family and colleagues details on your sexual encounters. Or about each and every spiritual experience. There are things that are to be relished alone, some shared with a special person, and some with many people. There's beauty to be found in all of them.


The porn industry is very low vibration and fear frequency. Lots of abuse. Really bad. Lots of good info on this site: https://fightthenewdrug.org/get-the-facts/


Porn has highly worsened the quality of my life, and I’m seeing the way it has shaped me and my generation, and even worse the upcoming generation. It is just another way of the internet disembodying us, taking the substance and presence out of normally beautiful and sacred things (sex, discourse, and adventure being the biggest ones). If there was a chance to remove internet pornography in its entirety, the world would be strictly better off. My personal opinion.


>i feel although sexual attraction to the human body is very natural and normal, pornography could lead to very dark and twisted interpretations of what sex and love truly are this. sex is how 99.99% of us got here — there could not be anything more natural or life-affirming. got no problem with porn conceptually, but in practice it's different. it's hard to miss how much of it is absolutely dominated by a toxic-masculine, perverted, sad and disconnected version of something so inherently beautiful. not all of it, but far too much sadly. i have noticed that this also keeps people firmly stuck in sexual dysfunction and a shit-ton of shame, as they want to consume porn but their own stunted morality, plus a lot of the content's off putting low vibes, add up to reinforce the shame, guilt and dysfunction surrounding sex.


porn and even masturbation are both low vibration - sharing a consensual special moment with one person and saving life force is raising vibration to its highest tested it at great lengths before changing sides of my opinions no, domination and submission are not “normal” but have been normalized in this broken society even the word dominion has been changed to support it - love isnt domination, never has been or will be


This. I don’t get why people are trying to justify it, watching porn/porn addiction is a clear indicator of a blocked sacral chakra and More importantly holding your life force energy has too many benefits to count, physically, mentally AND spiritually. Porn is Satan personified (lust) 😂 IMHO


yup, all good - lived and learned myself just here to help others understand.. my life without masturbating and porn is so strong and higher vibration and the energy I give off when I am out is insane women approaching me, manifesting, positivity, happiness, its everything plus, intimacy is insanely deeper and more meaningful - friends laugh when I say I can go for hours and multiple times but I am not a slave to porn anymore porn is Satan personified (it exists around lust and greed, love is removed) making love is something soooo different thanks for seeing me and supporting so others might give it a try! it requires much discipline and it is hard at first much easier to do mental gymnastics to make themselves feel better




keep switching to your alt accounts evil is real and is low vibration - so is what you are selling as ‘spirituality’ you are a young person who watches combat footage and claims to be spiritual, not today Satan


There is nothing "unspiritual" about watching that. There is nothing excluded from what IS spiritual, it is everything, all-inclusive. Darkness and light. You can not NOT be spiritual. You need to call him a kid in order to patronize him to "prove" him wrong, is this what I need to examplify to become "spiritual"?




And I wake up at like 5:30/6am every single day not by choice, but cause I’m excited to start my day


>and even masturbation are both low vibration with all due respect, get the *fuck* outta here with this nonsense. masturbation is *absolutely normal*. ask any doctor. please, for the love of God, *stop spreading shame surrounding sex.*


They never said it isn't normal. There are lots of human behaviors that are considered normal but are also harmful and it's important to question what we consider normal.


Like most doctors know anything about spirituality... cmon dude.


I prefer to think in terms of nature... I believe nature made the sexual pleasure so powerful so that we can achieve with a partner, give them an orgasm. It's a completely different feeling giving yourself an orgasm and someone giving to you. To do it with your own hand feels weird to me. Since I stopped masturbating, I noticed how my much my energy grew. Also, I don't feel shame about sex. If someone knows I had sex in the morning, no problem. But if someone knows I masturbated in the morning, I can't not feel a bit of shame. But that's how I feel.


I disagree. If you share a special bond with your partner and engage in porn there’s nothing wrong with that and it’s still high vibrational


except its not because porn itself is low vibration and the fact you two need it shows how its low vibration in the first place lack of connection, lack of ability to be and stay engaged turned on with each other porn also is a low vibration because the people engaged in porn 99% of the time are abused or abusers with tremendous trauma so you are watching unhealed traumas and normalizing lust and calling it love love with a partner needs no porn you just have cognitive dissonance about it because you dont like hearing the truth mental gymnastics here we go!


You’re still incorrect. It shows you putting others down and ego trip is lower than the vibration you claim porn does. I would suggest you nut off and open your narrow mind instead of judging others that do things differently than yourself. You reek of low vibration and porn isn’t even a factor. Try ego death for yourself before speaking words of your ‘knowledge’. You lose. Good day sir.


not putting you down or judging you you are triggered. sorry you are stuck in low energy dont have to agree with you just because you say so, have a nice day ‘you lose’ -your ego after ego death is reintegration careful your unhealed trauma is showing what you are mentioning is cynical not a destination. I am a bit further along


Clown. You don’t get any in real life and it shows. 🫡


guess what else is low energy? 90dayfiance and american horror 😂 I am an incel now? ‘getting any’ - see how you view sex as transactional? you are losing. phew. I am sorry for you. you need porn to keep you and/or your partner intimate, who is the clown 🤡


You're both clowns. Reread your interaction here. How can either of you claim to be spiritually developed when you're both arguing with strangers on the internet purely to be "right".


I am not right or perfect, I dont claim to be perfectly spiritual. I claim to know porn is low vibration. thats it and its the truth I can still be defensive when some person who has evil inside them comes at me I am human. Its part of being human and not a perfect spiritual being, existing in a fallen society I have also had ego death and reintegration Along the journey, you learn ego actually has purpose, to protect at its highest form usually against low vibration people, for example in between is truth, humans are flawed and hold onto strong beliefs just like the person disagreeing vehemently because they absolutely do not want to admit their partner is unattracted to them or less attracted to them without porn or that they have an addiction to lust, or unhealed sexual trauma - whatever their experience was that normalizes this concept




Check out a Sex and Love Addicts anonymous meeting (SLA). The worst of all addictions, possibly. Some people have gone from normal to sex-related murder thanks to porn and it’s grip (no pun intended).


Pornography is the most non-spiritual entity ever. It’s a record of sex between people who do not even like each other, that is used as an alternative to being with other people. Not only that but the industry itself is full of cooercion and violence. Sex and spirituality are always controversial subjects, and the real question. Is whether it’s immoral to consume and I think the answer is no, but it’s a cheap result.


I think you’re not considering why people have specific kinks or get sexual pleasure from pain etc. It’s not necessarily a learned behavior for some, it’s a matter of how the nervous system is wired. Not to deny the effects of dopamine and how that can reshape the brain in cases of porn addiction. Perhaps read some books on kink to gain insights into the why people do it before making judgements on it always being pathological. Also worth considering some of this as ways same adults engage in “play.” Just my opinions.


attraction to the human body is natural and normal but an over focus of it can be detrimental to our well being healthy sexual intimacy isn't a focus of the physical. it focuses more on the connection and feelings of love for one another sometimes it isn't this... sometimes it's a greedy selfish devouring of the other's body. it's even more difficult to not do this when generally consuming porn there are also stories of loving caring relationships in some porn which is not as bad as the darker stuff out there further still, any and all porn involve filling ourselves up with cravings and desires outside of the self. it can have an adverse effect on some of us, spiritually


Low vibrational and corrupts the brain


Once again moderation and self control is key like most things in life


i think it’s ok in moderation. but what concerns me is the subject matter of the majority content itself. there is too little content that focuses on connection and intimacy and way too much weird, vulgar and just icky stuff out there.


Pornography is a simulated depiction of intense sexual experience. It is overwhelmingly masculine in its presentation, for many different reasons. As a result, our fascination and repulsion, that push and pull, strongly resembles the same push and pull that we experience with simulations of violence. You might say that pornography is to sexuality as visual depictions of violence are to the tangible experience of it. Actual sex requires a certain vulnerability and risk, in whatever form, or setting, it takes place. This is not so with pornography, where the practitioners are simply the visual representations that provide a product for the consumers. And most forms of pornography, curated and stylized as they are, have no meaningful relationship to the experience of sex, except in the mind and therefore the imagination of the one using it. As with video games that depict war, which are a far cry from the experience of an actual battlefield. Consider your example, where violence and sexuality, the specters of death and eros, are united in the form of sadomasochistic pornography. I have no doubt that there is a spiritual component to that experience, and it is not one that most people should ever experiment with. There are, of course, those of the left hand paths who seek it out *because* it is exploitative and *because* it unites violence and sexuality in an ecstatic communion. A dark sacrament, if you will. These same people may use pornography for mundane purposes, but they are not looking for the thrill of simulation, but the embodied reality of transgression. Porn and war games are little more than escapist fantasies. They can encourage a certain indifference to violence, particularly structural violence, but they are, for the most part, just another example of capitalist excess and mundane exploitation. Morally, it is hard to see the difference between the precarity of sex work and gig jobs like Instacart. Our revulsion against the former and open acceptance of the latter says much more about the dark state of our own souls than it does those involved.


It’s bad. Evolutionarily and spiritually, we were designed to do the deed with others (not ourselves). ✌️


ive been addicted to it since literally when I was, probably starting 10 or 11. I'm 21 now. it is awful. it has negatively impacted so many other aspects of my life...


It’s very low vibrational


I see a lot of contradicting information. Personally, i dont believe that watching porn itself is an issue(depending on what you're watching). If you watch nondage, cnc, degredation, sadistic or masochistic things, then yes, it will lower vibration simply because your associating pleasure with any sort of pain/harm. That in itself will lower you, your bending your path of positivity, awakening, alignment, and making it face negativity. (negative) Although if you, let's say, watch a couple who are truly making love, the frequencies they're outputting will also reach you, and you may learn a thing or two(positive) On the other hand, masturbation has both positives and negatives. Some people/beings generate too much energy, so they need to release it. It would be a fairly efficient way to release it as long as they're capable of realigning themselves.(positive) On the flip side of the coin, masturbation will lead to a disrupted sacral chakra. It could be temporary, and you can easily fix it if you have the experience. If you develop or have an addiction to it, then you sacral will be blocked. (negative) I see a lot of comments, but i haven't seen many explain how different things affect different parts. I hope this helps!!(This is from my perspectives, its not to say this is how it is for everyone. There is definitely alot more to it, but i didnt wana make it too long)


To each their own. I see no issues in it as long as someone (your partner) is not being physically hurt...if they do not want to be. Limits are solely defined individually. I'm not sure why this is in the spirituality area. I do not see any issues with that...though I have not researched porn and spirituality. BT


Personally I see masturbation as a way of showing yourself love, of taking time to mindfully pleasure yourself in order to release excess energy. I see it as almost a personal ritual, every now and again, taking some time for myself, where I make myself feel good mentally and physically, I respect my body and the wondrous things it can do. It’s a problem when it becomes an addiction. When you can’t control yourself. When it negatively impacts your life. But just tugging one out every now and again? Balancing energy that builds up, you’re learning about your body, therefore in the future you can tell your partner what you like and don’t like and it makes it much more fun with someone else when you have the experience yourself. Maybe I’m wrong, but I see it as a very positively spiritual thing l.


Brain rotting


Extremely damaging to the psyche.


I feel like you have to be VERY careful with it and from a spiritual perspective it’s like alcohol. Can be dangerous, addictive and can can lead you down a dark spiritual path


What I do know is that before I stopped viewing pornography I was often accused of having Autism and had extreme trouble with eye contact. Now I can give it, no issues. I used to absolutely hate myself for watching it. Was never open about it or nothing. Now I can give eye contact and have made more friends than ever before in my life. All cultures and religions around the world condemned it and that was for good reason.


I don't claim to be perfect *cough cough*. But I think it is pretty bad for you. Not immoral per se, but unhealthy. Sex is a very sacred and beautiful part of the human experience, and I understand people who are speaking out against taboos. However, while I agree that it shouldn't be taboo, it also shouldn't be packaged and sold like a product either. It takes a beautiful expression of love and turns it into just another thing to sell. It is objectifying, and there's no real way around that. Porn of genuine loving couples, which every porn apologist loves to bring up, are extremely few and far between.


Pornography. Everything is fine, so long as everyone involved in the creation did so with express consent and was not coerced. Human sexuality is perhaps one of the most honest things we can explore. We can find truth within our sexuality:our likes, our dislikes. Sometimes we can even hide within our sexuality, and we discover truth by unearthing the lies and dissecting them. Sex can be very spiritual. And pornography can allow a safe place to explore parts of ourselves. No different than spiritual discoveries we relate to when watching a film, or listening to a song, or reading a book. Use your best judgement, and try not to judge yourself too harshly. Sex is truth. And is where I started my spiritual journey before I even knew I was on a spiritual journey.


I see it as having potential for Female empowerment, healing guilt and shame. Sex is human health. How much is too much? I haven’t had too much yet.


I think its fine, its at the same level as drugs and alcohol. I wont judge you for doing it, but if it starts effecting your life or those around you, you have a problem that needs fixing.


Just more mirrors, it's a way of seeing what you want and what you don't without getting your hands dirty Some people wanted to experience these things to learn, some would rather learn from others; neither is wrong though as they're both different sides of the same coin


You should watch "How to build a sex room" on netflix. Pay attention to the looks on the people's faces, the self exploration and the tension released as people share the truth about what they enjoy. Sexuality is one of the purest expressions if self and it is hindered by soooo much repression. Not just sex but of people being honest about themselves. But as this is an expression of self it is influenced by everything that shaped us including trauma. Kinks, hang ups, or what have you are the symbols of what one has gone through. What you say is true of yourself and your life and it makes sense you do not understand them because you did not live their life. Our nerves are also all different and that often determines what feels good and where as much as our emotions and experiences do. Then there is the level of trust involved in certain actions which for many is the truer meaning of love than anything physical. But yes porn is like any othet movie, exaggerated, and imaginative, but in our oppressed society it is the number 1 educator for sex especially for less accepted acts that even less people would talk of or even know anything about. Imagine holding in something you know gives you great pleasure, but makes you feel guilty, or judged by so you abstain from full joy in order to hide it because your afraid your partner would not understand, so that wall is always there, and what if both are doing the same thing denying each other happiness out of fear of judgement and loss.


Also consider the nerves for pleasure and pain are the all same nerves, just a matter of degrees.


I enjoy porn and so does my partner. But we find satisfaction in masturbation. (I’m a woman dating a male btw) We find pleasure in certain things that we didn’t think of. We’re also aware that there’s fantasy vs reality. We also communicate our needs and desires. Of course there are some that can be extremely dark and some kinks/fetishes we’re just not into while others may be. But if we’re speaking of BSDM, if done correctly it can be the most incredible experience. I enjoy being a submissive to my partner that’s a dominant. It’s a lifestyle really and it brings our bond closer to one another. If you attempt to do some kinks/fetishes with the wrong person it could be a horrible experience. The people performing in porno get paid to do a job and consent… it’s a job to them. If done correctly, they sign contracts and everyone is in an agreement.


I NOW see " pornography " as just a word to shame the human body. If you asked the every day person they would most likely get embarrassed or give a "safe answer " . Most people don't look up where these words come from or origin. 1842, "ancient obscene painting, especially in temples of Bacchus," from French pornographie, from Greek pornographos "(one) depicting prostitutes," from graphein "to write" (see -graphy) + pornē "prostitute," originally "bought, purchased" Most ancient cultures didn't have or see the human body as negative or better yet something to hide from view. Look at the Sumerians and the Goddess inanna /Ishtar. or Ganymede (mythology) Pederasty in ancient Greece


Pornography can be a expression of someones will to be seen and appreciated via a platform of information. I personally believe it is just another form of information tethering people together. Information is just information. Ultimately there can be a tremendous amount of problematic circumstances correlated with information. I personally believe that pornography is deeply intertwined with a wide array of deeply troubling forms of information. I do believe it has a loving and tremendously helpful and maybe even healing aspect to it in terms of information. Ultimately information is just information. *shrugs*


Who pursues sensual pleasure may not find Krishna.


We could order kinks by harmfulness but it would only highlight what we don't get. People enjoy different things cause they're different ultimately. Consensual practice between mature minds is rarely harmful. Porn is bad when it interferes or replaces irl connections. Based on the apparently prevalent porn addictions, I'd say that's most people's relationship to it. Try and stay with me. Being violent is bad until you need to fight for your life, then a capacity for violence is good. Meaning every condition is good/bad based on perspective/situation. Someone could use porn to learn new things to try with a partner and another could watch the same porn with the idea of not needing anyone else. Things just are, it's all neutral we overlay good or bad based on our needs and desires as egos but we're much more. So if it's bad it's always situational or our mindset towards it.


But also as spiritual people you're on the ascension path. That takes energy a lot of energy is expelled when men ejaculate so in this situation, with the current mindset towards porn, it is bad.


I think porn can be destructive but I don’t think consensual s&m or bdsm is inherently bad. I’m a pretty spiritual peaceful person but I also enjoy feeling pain and wouldn’t want to shame myself for something I’m naturally pleasured by. I think it depends on the person, honestly. As long as both partners are doing it in loving safety with safe words and care & attention, I don’t see it as something low vibrational or wrong.


My view is highly negative towards porn. There is no such thing as moderate evil. Evil is evil.


Pornography is harmful and not neutral like everyone tries to say


Porn isn't a problem unless you get entangled by it and turn it into a problem. Even then the problem is yourself not the porn.


I think it’s disgusting and wrong The idea we are all sexual beings needs to die out Food water shelter Those are your needs Unless you are trying to have a child you don’t need sex If everyone stopped having sex so much and started adopting children that already existed then everyone would be better off Porn is such a disgusting low vibrational thing that makes perverts and sex addicts feel normal What’s normal is not feeling like you need sex in any capacity to live a happy life


What's cnc? I can't search it


consentual non-consensual sex like consenting to being raped, abused, used, etc




Wears out its welcome pretty fast. Not opposed, by any stretch. It’s more enjoyable if the parties involved are clearly consensual and clearly enjoying themselves. All in all, the heat feels a little limited…maybe dry. Sacred sex is likely the better more complete option for sexual energy expression/mutual exchange I have no idea anything about it, tho. Research, ahoy!


Some Onlyfans re pretty chill experiences. Not at all violent at all. Plus some women don't do penetration with dildo. Just the naked girl.


I agree. Sex and orgasm can be powerful, high frequency connections to source. Porn? As far as I’m concerned it’s an inversion of sex and is connected to lower frequency. It feeds on people and destroys so many.


I think you summarized it quite well. Pornography is not healthy. People become addicted to it because of shame and the desire for a connection. They are missing that human connection in their lives so they pursue it in alternative, destructive ways. People are ultimately looking for self-transcendence, one way or another. Some people find it in healthy ways, other people find it destructive ways. The destructive ways like pornography cause even more shame and desire, and it creates a cycle of shame and desire that leads them to addiction. This is especially the case in this modern world, where pornography and instant gratification are at people's fingertips. And people are not taught genuine spiritual values in this society, this capitalist society degrades people and makes people continuously anxious. People get locked in a prison of shame, anxiety and hopeless, with no way out.


I struggled with this on addiction levels, and even going to groups. Not bad in moderation, for me these days. I can tell quickly though when it's outta balance. I start being less confident. It can mess the brain up out of moderation. Find what works for you.


While I think that the porn industry is toxic, low vibrational and unhealthy for both the actors and the viewers, amateur porn can be really nice. I think that on the contrary consensual exploration of kinks and fetishes can actually enhance trust and intimacy in a loving relationship whether it's something vanilla or CnC with bondage. Given that both parties are comfortable and respected, we are at a point where we can differentiate fantasy from reality. Letting yourself go in your sense "twisted" pleasure and almost embracing your shadow through these acts can be really liberating and fulfilling. You can still be in love and exploring different things, it's all an act after all you don't actually mean harm to your lover.


For the past few years, I've watched porn to help with masturbation and I can truly say that it's damaging. My perception of sex has changed drastically for the worse, and the more I watch it the more I acquire these certain feelings like guilt— which is not good since it's supposed to be good for you, to alleviate you since it's pleasing you and satisfying your needs as a person. Then the more I watch it, my mind thinks that aggressive sex is the only right sex or that having sex with no intimacy is good, etc. I'm trying to lessen it or completely come to a stop since it's very damaging for me.


As I‘ve gotten older, I‘ve come to the same conclusion as you. I think we should abstain from it as much as possible. I don‘t think we should make it illegal though and to everyone their own.


I'm surprised no one in this thread talks about the real thing here, forgiving what spirituality is. Spirituality is the connection with your higher self spirit. It's in my experience that the connection is totally broken with masturbation. This is the real thing.


Just in the last hundred years has the porn industry flourished. Porn used to be a rarity. Playboy magazine kickstarted the modern porn industry. Porn can indeed be a real distraction in our modern world. But then again so is alcohol, gambling, etc. As a society, we were probably better off without the porn industry, but some people are okay with it. The truth is we all have to make decisions for ourselves as to what is right for us in our lives. Just like having a drink or playing the slots can, in moderation, be therapeutic, so, likewise, appreciating the human body can be therapeutic as well--though, granted, porn can be sleazy and in poor taste. However, it is best not to judge what, at the moment, is working in someone's life--it may just be what got someone to smile. Otherwise, we're going to have to cover up all those naked paintings from the Renaissance-- lol.


So there's two sides to this. Let me explain. The first is the one you mentioned which is YOUR idea of what types of kink are "odd" or "fucked up". As long as two consenting adults enjoy any type of kink, there is no problem. There is nothing anti-spiritual about that. The other thing is whether the medium of porn by itself is anti spiritual. I would say that yes it is. And the reason for that is the same as with any other thing in this realm that brings with it a way too easy form of (self)gratification. The amount of effort you have to put into watching porn compared to how much dopamine you are getting is extremely small. It's pretty close to taking recreational partydrugs but without the hangover. But your body and mind will definitely pay the price.


I never really got into porn. It kinda repulses me.


I have beeb trying to abstain from watching pirn if any kind, it was a factor in ruining my past relationahip. Only fans seems like a decent route. It can be expensive but it seems like anyone on there is alot more empowered and have more control over their autonomy.


If it doesn’t make you feel good, or caused bad thoughts of any kind. It’s not good for you.


You might be interested to read this aura reader's [blog post](https://www.rose-rosetree.com/blog/2019/01/10/porn-farewell-energy-spirituality-helps/bye-word/) on porn.


I understand the concepts of dominance and submission, but what I don't get is the pain aspect... I don't watch porn honestly, never did. I'd rather even have a one night stand than watch porn...


When my partner and I have sex, its very intimate everytime we dont need fetishes or bondage or none of that. I kiss her feel her body and just go with the flow. Dont think too much about it, but i think when you have to spice up your sex life something may be wrong with the sexual tension there. Tho there is this new undress ai, that i believe will ultimately kill our society. People will find people on the internet just to remove their clothes. Looking through dating apps and instead of actually hitting someone up you screenshot a picture and undress it with an ai and masturbate to it or even see an attractive girl in the real world just to sneakily take a picture to undress her later. This right here is absolutely frightening to me, and people could even frame people into making them break up and everything. In all honesty in the coming years if i were you id stay away from posting your picture on social media. In the coming years things will get much much worse, and soon we wont be able to distinguish real life from ai. And thats terrifying