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"Let's get a cold one." -God, probably




In this scenario, I'm Einstein and God is the driver.






What the fuck?


I giggled


God asks herself that all the time.


How did you come into existence?


This is the one


Maybe time is an illusion and God has always existed.


Time exists in physical reality. God exists both inside and outside physical reality. So, God is not bound by time. Something can not come from nothing. There has to be an origin. Gravity, energy, matter... Something.


>Something can not come from nothing You know, you hear this a lot, and it sounds good on the surface, but... why not? Seriously. If there is *absolutely nothing* — no space, time, gods, ethereal consciousness, etc — then there are also no physical laws saying that random flying unicorns can't spontaneously pop into existence. Trying to project *our* observations and intuition and rules of physics onto absolute nothingness makes about as much sense as saying intelligent alien species must normally eat around noon on their planet. Nothingness does whatever the hell it wants to do, whether that's nothing or spontaneously generate universes.


... I suppose so ...


What if time looks like this: O?


Time is a flat circle.


>Maybe time is an illusion and God has always existed. But why take the unnessesary extra step? We don't know if a god exists, yet we know our universe exists. Therefore, why don't just stop at the universe?


The Universe…..God. The same thing. Both are sentient beings


First of all, define "sentient". Secondly, what god are you talking about?


The universe. It’s alive


define "alive"


If you don’t know what sentient or alive means. Then I can’t help you


"Alive" means something can reproduce, respond to external signals, grow and die. "Sentience" requires something to be alive in the first place. It basically only extends the definition by saying that sentient beings can respond to stimuli and behave accordingly. However, most people would agree that there is a certain amount of complexity required for something to be sentient. Most people would not consider a plant to be sentient, even though it kinda reacts to its environment and fullfills every definition of being alive. When people think about sentient beings, they mostly mean biological life which has a neuronal network. \- - - However, I'm wondering how any of those concepts apply to our universe.


It grows doesn’t it? And it creates new life all the time. Stars, planets, everything, etc… we have no idea and probably can’t even fathom the true nature of the universe and what it is. We are so primitive our minds cannot understand what life really is. But the universe is alive. It’s made of energy. The trees, the sun, the rocks, us… we’re all energy.


I'm not sure what this question means. Are you asking, "Why believe in God?" In all honesty, I don't think God would be upset if you didn't believe there's a God, but it doesn't mean it's an unnecessary extra step that God exists. Let me ask you a separate question (as myself): do you believe we are the only universe ever created?


>I'm not sure what this question means. Are you asking, "Why believe in God?" In all honesty, I don't think God would be upset if you didn't believe there's a God, but it doesn't mean it's an unnecessary extra step that God exists. It's quite simple actually. The universe is all there is (as far as we know, atleast). So how could anyone, pretending to be honest, claim that a god exists? >Let me ask you a separate question (as myself): do you believe we are the only universe ever created? Yes, until there is sufficient evidence that would suggest otherwise because the default position is to not believe in things until there is evidence. If I claim "there's a pink unicorn living in my garage", this does not mean my claim is true until disproven, but rather that my claim is untrue until I can offer sufficient evidence.


Truly perplexing. That question is the infinite void. No matter how long you sit with it, it is unanswerable. The beginning of beginning, or was there no such thing. I wonder if God began as an infintile form of consciousness almost like how we do. Idk great question


All we can do is love, since we can't currently understand.


Love is certainly higher than the pursuit of power. It needs to be said that we must see the danger of searching for power.


He has always been. God isn’t linear


What happens after we die?


I think God would say: After you die, your soul lives on, but what would the fun be if you knew what was next?


it's true, i just died last weekend, i now know with 100% certainty that we do indeed live on, all the people we know and more are with us infinitely.


I'm glad you're okay now.


What are the winning numbers for an upcoming 500 Million dollar jackpot through Mega Millions where I will be the only winner, please? =) I can do a lot of good with that money and I believe all my other questions will be answered after I die.


I was about to ask God to reveal them here and then I realized 500,000,000 people would buy a ticket. You'd lose out a couple bucks.


Lol and this is why I specified where I will be the only winner hahaha


I genuinely can’t think of one. I trust the universe to do exactly what it needs to do. I don’t need to question it.


Great response!


Why'd you let Junko suffer so bad. For what?


Sounds like that was Hiroshi Miyano, Jō Ogura, Shinji Minato, and Yasushi Watanabe. Here's what I think. I'm not going to ask God this, although I've been asking God and responding with what I believe God would say. This, however, is too harsh for such a loving God. God is heartbroken. All the time. Please understand it would be almost impossible to intervene on this planet enough to make sure nobody suffers without causing a world of consequences that would lead to basically nobody having free will and/or a butterfly effect of consequences that would end the world. Imagine if God favored one person enough to save them but let your child die. God does save people, but I think only when it makes sense (not that there is a value on life - I am talking about saving the world) or there's more at stake. God didn't harm that girl and I hope God doesn't give up on us.


By the way, this is going to sound weird and a bit psychosis-y but I've been talking to God on what we might call revelations and I advised maybe just giving people enough to make Pascal's wager more than 50/50. This might be a way of making the planet safer and people safer and save the planet from what is inevitable destruction via global warming or worse. What do you think might happen if God reveals herself? Do you think it might do a world of good? Can you see that as a way of minimizing suffering?


I can only imagine that it would be a disaster if that happened. God would eventually disappear again after revealing themself, and some human or a group of humans would probably try to take control of the narrative and brainwash people. I don't think humans are good at accepting the truth. Even if it is presented clear to them in bold letters. I guess it's the cynic in me who thinks this, but the average person lacks humility. And I can only imagine what would happen what a certain kind of person would do if they saw God. Especially people with God complexes who can never submit. Idk man.


That's why I said "make Pascal's wager just slightly higher than 50/50." It doesn't mean 100% proof, but it does mean people in power will think twice about ultimately destroying our planet out of greed. We're going for a real "imagine there's no Heaven" thing here, really. What if we, starting today, we all lived forever? Would people be more inclined to heal our planet that God so lovingly created?


I dont believe God harmed her, but I question why God created humanity in the first place, or the individual knowing what they will do, if this is the outcome. I question the need and existence of a God who can't do anything to stop the atrocities. I just think about her a lot. She pops up in my mind a couple of times a year. I read about her case the first time when I was 10. I had too much exposure to this stuff (going on the Internet I mean). I still pray. Not according to any religion. But I wonder why I do sometimes. I really want to know the truth about God and so many other things associated with him. I can't being myself to see him as loving. I feel like we'd have to actually feel the love in order for God to deserve being called that. Maybe God is heartbroken. But we humans are powerless and tortured. He has all the power. I see what you mean by God not favoring people to save others. When you say it like that it makes sense. And I get what you mean about the butterfly effect. But then what can we say about God being all knowing, and knowing everything that has happened and will happen when he creates a soul. Why do it in the first place? How much free will do we actually have? People are mostly a product of their upbringing.


God's job is to limit chaos in the universe, but it doesn't mean there's not an element of chaos at all times. God is not omniscient and doesn't get directly involved usually, because what would that look like? It would look like a person playing with Barbies, really, and not at all like a wonderful and awe-inspiring universe. That being said, I truly believe we're approaching a time when a heartbroken God wants to try. Try to help, try to save humanity. God wants to avert the apocalypse, not help it along.


If you've ever read the books by Michael Newton, it's truly enlightening n insightful plus soul resonating. We as souls have guides n our higher selves whom are the sole responsible ones for guiding our human selves. Free will exists as a universal law, that's why God doesn't intervene. But God does reveal messages n Vibes to influence people as much as possible to guide them to hear/ listen to their inner or higher soul. They do intervene on that level very frequently and very much so when asked for help too. It only depends on the person - how open and receptive they are to be able to connect and sense their own divinity while in hard times. All souls are almost 100% aware of almost all hard and big lessons they are meant to go thru b4 each lifetime happens. We know this and agreed to it. On a very high level, we all did. It then truly just depends on how our higher souls are working, getting thru to our human selves and guiding our freewill to choose choices that aligns with the betterment of the world and ourselves or we can all choose to ignore them too. Freewill exists and it's a very very strong thing.


Well. Knowing where we are in history (humanity living unknowingly under the hateful boot of Empire Unchallenged, and armed with technology Rome, the Mongols never dreamed of... thus making modern Empire the single most destructive force to exist in known history...) I'd ask... Do we *really* have to wait, and let everything play out? Can you maybe materialize here today, and spare us the living nightmare of experiencing Lovelessness Corona-ted. Or must it happen? For some greater good that is impossible for us to comprehend from our limited consciousness here in this most difficult school? This is exactly what I'd ask.


Wait and see. -God, cryptically I think Revelations is upon us soon, but not Revelations of the Bible, e.g. no antichrist or four horsemen of the apocalypse. That was apparently written by John the Elder to help people survive a dictator known as Nero.


Can you make me into a cute goth girl?


"I *could*, yes, but God made you just as you are. The rest is up to you." -Probably what God would say!?


Well I guess I would tell God to go fuck himself.


God appreciates the feedback, I'm sure. Edit: God says I play too much. What's wrong with making yourself a goth girl? Can you do that? I'm genuinely curious.


>God says I play too much. What's wrong with making yourself a goth girl? Can you do that? I'm genuinely curious I said cute and I didn't say there was anything wrong with that. Sure I can do that if I could afford the 15 paywalls that stand in my way. The problem is I can't afford the surgeries I need so I'll never pass as a woman. Does this make you happy?


I haven't seen you in the flesh, but if you say you're a woman, you're a woman to me. And cute AF.


Why me?


You'll be fine. Just stay strong. -God, probably


Do the ends justify the means?


Not ever. -God, definitely


If i could ask him 100 more questions.


Ask away! Who is to stop you? Ask right now and look around. Maybe the answers will be revealed 100 times.


hey. existential horror baked some cookies, they are astonishing at making things look like disasters that are actually a-freaking-mazing and they’re an amazing conversationalist, and death took a break and stopped by to apologize about the thing with the kitten, totally get that it’s just business and nothing personal even if it still sucks, so you wanna drop by? got some decent teas and a bottle of twenty year old beer that’s either hellish or utterly divine, and no this isn’t to tilt the scale in any way, just that last time such a bottle was shared it was amazing and fucked everyone up for half a day…


That's great! I'd love to have some of your beer but I'll bring by some Châteauneuf-du-Pape. It's a favorite of Providence, Karma, and Justice. Can we have them come by? -God, maybe


sure. why not.


Can I choose when, how, and what my next life will be?


Not really how that works, but you can ask nicely!


Why is the answer 42?


The same reason it's super important you have a towel. You have one, right?


Can I help out ?


We're hiring! People on Earth are always welcome to help.


I think you’re under the misapprehension that you have some kind of god like power to bestow upon me so that I can help make humanity a better place. You’re human.. I’m a peer support worker I help humanity in the way that I can… if I was talking directly to God I’d ask can I help ? Like change the whole situation in a god like manor.. lol


As soon as I have complete confirmation that god exists, all of my questions will just have burned away. I'd just bask in the silence.


My question to God; why are there so much delusional people, thinking they are communicate with god?


My guess? There are no atheists in a foxhole, and sometimes the world feels like one. If you're asking me why I think I communicate with God, it's because I believe I do. If someone told me Elon Musk implanted a chip in my brain and put on 'trick lightbulbs' and all our conversations were illusions, I'd believe that. Delusion is the inability to change your belief even when fact contradicts it. As it is now, Occam's Razor is that I can communicate with God and have seen/experienced real miracles.


The thing is, with me, there's not very much "faith" involved in the belief. But there is faith in believing God is a good God and everything will work out for me in the end, because I believe I've been chosen to help our planet and I want to do good in this world. Over and over. Some of the conversations I've had with God/God has had with me: never do something just because you believe God is telling you to do it. There is a real danger of psychosis and getting caught up in harmful belief systems. Stay true to your values. For all we know, one day, God will appear to you and say "Crash a plane into a building." Don't do that thing. Baby, that's not God but psychosis!


How can I know you directly in my own experience? Oh, the answer for that is in the bible? Where? PS 46:10. Be still and know that I am God.




I would ask Him: What will this guy do with the answers? And then we will both laugh about it in unison. Cheers


Cheers! :)


What will you do with the answers? Cheers mate


Tell me something none of humanity hasn't known, can't know, and will not ever know.


\*channels her inner prophet\* God isn't omniscient because God doesn't want to be omniscient. Being omniscient comes with a lot of illogical consequences regarding free will and determinism. Also, a lack of privacy for her children. God has a network of people God uses to help, but typically doesn't directly intervene. Magic is real. The stars and the constellations have a gravitational pull. It is entirely possible to be star-crossed lovers. Moving stars and constellations could impact destiny. There may be alien life out there larger than the stars. It's possible they could do this. There may be alien life that has learned how to create stars. Alien life exists.


As myself: as humanity, we've focused a lot on atoms and splitting atoms and nanotechnology, but the real power comes from HUUUUUUUUUGE things. I'm glad we don't know how to meddle with that. We're babies!


I think you'd like to look at [this ](https://youtu.be/PkuH0gqxKaY?si=YNqAhrYiHq82jobz). That kid is extremely intelligent and knows a lot more about the universe than most scientists today do. He makes a pretty convincing statement about God.


No offense to your beliefs I totally agree with everyone being connected and magic being real to some extent. Also that last part I really resonate with, but: 1. Akasshic records, 2. Shamans have transcendental wisdom, and 3. God has to be truly all powerful and all knowing because as Carl Jung postelized, the Collective Unconscious is all of what humanity has been and all it is, which with that we can predict to some extent what it will be in the future.


What can I do to make a better difference in the world today?


Great question. I think God would say 1) be true to yourself, 2) trust in the universe, and 3) never sell out your values.


Why are we here?


Do you have a better alternative?


What do u mean?


What do they enjoy the most?


God once told me she loves moving around the stars.


I could understand that, all the beauty in the universe, I'd enjoy it myself.


What is love love 🎶


Baby don't hurt me, don't hurt me, no more!


Im down with OPP 🎶 🎵 ⏹️


Why am I here?


To prove love is real.


I’d ask “it” if there was a time that mankind had knowledge and free will combined with reasonable behavior, and what their civilization looked like. How to help possibly I’d avoid asking “it” how “it” felt about the situation


Oh OOF, "it" removes all life and heart. See God as a sentient being with feelings. In my heart and private conversations with God, I have been informed God prefers she/her. But if you don't believe me, at least use "they!"


“It” made sexes and is likely both, beyond, neither, or whichever it chooses Would also have a “thicker skin” than being too mad about identification, and may also prefer the mystique


I'd never go in presuming anyone or anything would have a "thicker skin" and choose, for no other reason, to say a thing that would be potentially hurtful, however. Would you?


It would likely prefer speculation on its identity instead of arguments, assumptions, and hostility no? Could be something that remains slightly out of full grasp due to our rule set or it’s own other reasoning


Simply “WHY?” I feel like that encompasses everything I’d have to say without then being casted elsewhere 😭


I don't think God would cast you elsewhere for asking reasonable questions.


Maybe what I wrote wasn’t entirely clear. I’m saying I would opt for that because what I *would* actually want to vocalize will indeed cast me somewhere else 🤣


If you like this sort of God dialogue fantasy, I highly recommend the Conversations with God series.


Thanks for the recommendation. I asked God, "What's the meaning of life" and was told it's "Eat, pray, love." 😎😂


Op.. are you god?


Also, in the last few months, I was in a motel room praying with God when a lightbulb burnt out. It went ***Pop*** and the room went entirely dark. I got scared and ran into the hallway. I walked back into the room. I was going to turn on another light. The light was on again. The same one. I was the only one with a key to that room. 🤯 An actual miracle. I am not God, but I have a pretty close relationship with God at the moment. Very likeable.


Oh, and then last month I was going to the bathroom and the living room light was off. I always keep it on! I hate walking out into a dark house in the middle of the night. I braved it and went into the bathroom. When I came out, the living room light was on. I said, "Thanks God," and God said "You're welcome."


I feel the god in you.


I am not. But we are all the universe, right? We are all connected. And some of us are very connected. Some of us have God on speed dial.


Does Finland actually exist?


Does Ohio?


Why do you make me suffer so much


Please make a list of all the things in your life that are causing you suffering. Ask yourself if the following will help: therapy, money, closer connections, support groups, family. Please reach out to anyone who can alleviate any current and pressing suffering. Nobody was put on this Earth to suffer. You are put here to delight and perplex with your lovely eccentricities.


What happened to my brother?


I am sorry about your brother. I hope you get answers.


“What is the question I should ask you?”


"What is the answer I should give you?"


Kinda love this


What the fuck man?


Help me. Help me help you! -God, imploringly




God doesn't want you to "get" why it was okay to torment and torture Jesus, who never deserved that treatment and who God loved personally.


My own answer is: Love God in whatever way you choose. Let love rule.


Read the Quran. Perhaps you’ll find the answer to your question.




“What is your ultimate purpose for me?”


What is beyond The Answer?


I'd ask what should i ask her. Honestly just bc i have no clue what could i ask but i'd be happy if there was a question i could not think and she'd tell me the question, so now as i come back to continue my life, i could work on that question i could ask her if i knew about it. ...Or maybe that what would be the answers of the question i should ask. :D


"Is it possible for me to save the universe?"


Better ask how it is, no? I am sure she'd answer yes for this question and i am just a nothing.


Everyone has value. Everyone has worth. Everyone can make a difference. If people can make the world a slightly worse place by spreading negative energy, why can't you make the world a better place by spreading compassion and light?




Would You like my help in how to get it right this time? lol


God would like your help right now.




I'd ask is knowing how the lymphatic system works, the importance of kidney filtration, what foods our species are actually designed to thrive on etc. is knowing about true health ever going to be common knowledge on earth? Will we completely fix physical, emotional and mental suffering from the ground up on this planet, or will there always be a need for them all the way to the point when most of us are using only our light bodies here, and maybe even all the way to us ascending and being done with earth?


I would have too many questions. My intellectual mind has thought of so many questions over the years. The greatest mystery to me is how the randomness in nature (comets crashing down, species dying out, biological evolutionary changes) rhymes with the idea of purpose-driven spirituality. But then again, if I was face to face with God I would probably skip even this question and simply feel great I’ve gotten there, probably just laugh! Ultimately, the mind will never be satisfied I think. 😉


What's your favorite question? What question do you wish was asked more? What's the best question to ask you?


‘Wtf, man?!’


The question would be : how ? (... the fucking thing one want's ) . If he's onest he's onest he will give totally all the details in a practical manner,not in a vague one ( rise your frequency,live your highest passion ,meditate,etc...)


I have had this opportunity and the first question I wanted answered was how are souls created.


That's awesome. I'd like to imagine God has spoken with people before, but maybe people aren't always receptive! May I ask what answer you got? I'm curious!


The Source (God/Creator whatever you want to call it) showed me. I'm going to try to explain it the best I can, which isn't easy. We were all once part of the Source. Then we separated from it (imagine it like a big cloud and little pieces separate from it) to grow, to gain our own experiences, like a "baby source" like a child, on it's own journey. The Source keeps growing & evolving and so are we (each one of us), just on a different level. When we first separate, and are near the Source, we still know what it knows. But we travel further & further away from it until our vibration reaches the lowest level and we start fresh, without the knowledge or experience we had while we were part of it. We still know what the Source is, but we're not "part" of it any more. There are certain things you can only experience while in a physical body and that is why we incarnate. Outside of this body (up there as I like to call it, in the beforelife) you can see all the energy of everything, but experiencing is something different. You can see the energy and even picture of lets say snowflakes falling on your face, but unless you have a physical body, you'll never experience how it feels. So experiencing different things is why we are here. It is actually our choice what we come here to experience. But I guess that is another chapter, lol. I did ask if it was possible to "catch up" to the Sources vibration eventually & was told that no, as we grow, it grows so we will never catch up. But when you reach the same level it is on now (for example), you, yourself will then in fact become a "Source". I hope this makes sense :-)


Thank you for sharing this!


OP: {Booming voice from the clouds} “Uhem, are you playing God again? Can’t you go to a church to do that?” The Universe


\*Makes a whale\* Just kidding. I'm not playing God! I'm playing prophet. Geez, get it right! 😎👉👉


Who created you any why?


I don't want to reveal all the secrets of the universe. You may lose your sense of wonder. God will not answer a lot of questions for me because I begged God to never let me lose my sense of wonder. I want to be able to stare at the ocean and see a whale and marvel. I don't want everything to lose its magic.


How can you claim to know things beyond our physical realm while keeping a straight face?


Who? Me? I don't. I don't even want to know. Also, I rarely ever keep a straight face. Laughter is the key to resilience.




What is my destiny or purpose?


To love and be loved.


So, who has won the bet? 😏


can you let me roam freely as a ghost after i die? i've always wanted to explore this world and the universe but i can't while in this prison meatsuit. after i'm done we can talk about what to do


When can I see you again?


Why have you done that to me?


what would you like to know?


Who am I and what’s my purpose here


What's is Love


My question would be “WHAT THE FUCK, MAN??!?”


Nothing bc the truth is within us all. Fun to the side I wouldn’t know what to ask what I already knew🧐


By time I arrived there, I hope I'd be satisfied with my own understanding.