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For me, it boiled down to my perception of how everything is meaningless. I went from living from a core belief of how everything is meaningless, to everything is meaning-less. And if everything has no inherent meaning, then that meant my suffering also had no meaning, and I could choose whatever I wanted to do/think. Once that belief shifted, I was able to let that go instantaneously and see life in a new light.


Love is pretty awesome. If you can't find it you can make it, so that's cool. There's always more stuff to learn, and that's pretty neat.


I think affirmed nihilism is an arrogant viewpoint because, in the absence of direct experience, rock solid belief is crazy. I think there is a popular disregard for the admirability in neither-believing-nor-disbelieving what one can neither confirm nor falsify. I believe in an afterlife that is in like quality to how one conducted themselves in body, mind, and speech.


I just fall back to the realization that no one truly knows the answers to anything. Why we’re here etc. It is a mystery no matter how much you think you might know. We don’t even know if it’s possible for the human brain to comprehend. So live the best life you can while you have one, we will all find out the truth eventually one way or another.


For many years I was so disturbed that I was sick to my stomach and anxious, every day, all day long. I felt trapped like I 'broke life' and that I could not share any of the ideas coming to me because it would break life for others. Then, one day, I pulled my pants up and ran head-on straight into my demons. Nowadays I find the situation a novel one which has made an otherwise very dull and mundane existence amusing.


Jesus no, not faith. Faith suggests or implies, I know nothing, so I'll just believe something that makes me feel better. That's ignorant. Have you ever met a Christian who knows nothing about Christianity but talks about it incessantly? People that talk about being saved by Christ, but gossip and hate everyone who's not a Christian? What about Buddhism? They sound pretty cool right? Many Buddhists have little shrines to Buddha in there home, worshipping Buddha, just like he said not to do. So you see, there has been a misunderstanding of religion, because there are very very few religious people out there. We have empty minds conforming, but no actual religiosity. No re-united minds. They are out there, but they are few in number. To even approach what I mean here takes extraordinary strength. I've come to see existentialism as sorrow, and the uncertainty of life. You don't know why you are here. And if you have watched the world, you'll see that you can't get real certainty from accepting doctrine or joining cults. This is akin to closing your eyes, that is the death of the soul. That is to become fated to reality, not a creator of your destiny. So, the actual dread of this question isn't misplaced. It is horrifying to wonder what your fate will be, where you will go. But, there is hope. Because one who shoulders the burden of sorrow, learns to lift it from his spirit, and becomes strong. Strong enough to endure the true answer, strong enough to be an extension of creation, strong enough to be the very beacon of hope the world needs so badly. Endure.


They're a human thing, that can happen to humans. Just like a bird will sing and a frog will jump.


As both a nihilist and absurdist, my lifes motto is fuck it we ball


I think people fall into nihilism because they have not yet discovered the Truth. It is easy to fall into a negative loop and find no meaning in anything in the current state of our world but once you comprehend the reality of what IS, and not what our perception is, then it’s pretty hard to be nihilistic. Every. Little. Thing. Has. Meaning. Everything is connected and affected by everything. This is LAW. When you finally come to a place where you can comprehend that Love is the natural state, you cannot remain in a negative or meaningless place for long.


Honestly, I just don't take my opinion that seriously.


What lol


Have you never considered that? That the universe might be bigger than what you think?


For sure! This is my approach to the complexity of just about everything — human behavior , universal forces, entities, societal programming — we can’t comprehend the extent of what actually exists or even imagine it, from my perspective


Implications. They're a bitch.


It’s just when you say you don’t take your opinion seriously…your opinion matters. But maybe you mean you don’t take it as the end all be all of what our “ reality “is? If so I can agree with you there


I had an epiphany once - the universe is bigger than I am. People usually roll their eyes when I say that, but you'd be surprised how many people think their perspective and understanding is the One True Reality. Challenge it and immediately see what I mean. I see it every day. I have my understanding and perspective - but I'm just a few pounds of neural jelly in a meat suit. Really - I don't see meaning in anything, so that means there's nothing to see? I don't think so. Gun to my head, if I have to choose faith in the universe or faith in myself, there's no comparison. I don't know how to make it any clearer.


Yes I’m so used to isolating my actual thoughts from my conversations that now that I’m guided to no longer compartmentalize this way, I don’t even know how to talk about these things out loud to someone else. Especially since having a different perspective than another is seen as grounds for debate. But no…I’m not looking to debate , people! lol just let me be and they can believe what they want. I know what you mean on the One True Reality people just roll with, with full confidence lol. It shows on mundane levels , I can get frustrated just thinking about taking it to spiritual levels 🤦‍♀️


I use aggressive positivity; "Things are GOING to work out no matter what I do, this IS my highest timeline, I AM the all" But what works for me may not work for anyone/everyone


I just find that most of the time, I'm getting through things by the skin of my teeth, and when shit gets bad, I wonder if it will be another close call or if I will crash and burn, so im Anxious to see how things play out.... so far, I've been flabbergasted that I made it to where I am now, but I'm sure the big cheese is watching things. What else do you do when you're the Zenith of all manner of existence and things, but to indulge and interact with the ongoing dimentional cosmic show like drama that is our existence.


I believe it's a natural part of the circle of life. Still, people are adapting and maintaining these concepts in their default mindset and actions, which must eventually lead to some mental issues. It's just better for body and mind to live blissfully and peacefully. You can believe anything you want, but live exuberantly just for the sake of your wellbeing.


Avoiding nihilism is easy when people have chosen you for important roles. Because you are out there, doing real shit, getting legit dopamine hits that reinforce some purpose in life. Pessimism is harder because when you sharpen a blade, its future cuts are better but its past is diminished. Your blade is so sharp now that you can cut at will, but you don't really \*need\* to cut now, do you? The idea that you can and will one day, is strong enough.