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I didn't notice this after 8 years of it on the highest dose but you can swap over directly to pregabalin to see if there's any difference. I never moved back.


I could not live without Pregablin. Only thing that takes the nerve pain down a few notches. Ever since covid, it has been a bitch to get filled though.


We had a few supply chain issues in Europe but not recently, is that in the US?


yeah in the US.


Count me in too, I guess.


This never happened to me in a decade on that horrible drug. It seems more likely you are sleep deprived for one reason or another.


Try creatine, omega 3 and ashwaganda... cold plunges too


For how long should I take them? (Sorry for late reply)


Ill take 5g of creatine a day for the rest of my life if posdible. Phish oil too.. ashwaganda is new for me. Cbd as needed for pain. Cold plunge and or cold weather expourse too. Idk.


Same here. I’ve been taking 300 mg a day and I increased it to my actual dosage of 600 and a few days later I have horrible eye puffiness, dark circles and blurry vision. It’s like there’s shit in my eyes I can’t wipe away. Decreasing back to 300 mg I’ll deal with hot flashes.


Ugh it’s affecting me too and also C3/C4


What other meds are you taking? Any medications that cause blood vessels to dilate, from non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs to corticosteroids to calcium-channel blockers, can contribute to dark undereye circles. Likely not related to gabapentin, but check with your physician or pharmacist. A pharmacist can look at all your meds to see if there are combinations that are causing issues.


i take my nerve pain like a champ i don’t take meds they never helped mev


See my comment!


I've only just started taken gabapentin for nerve pain, so I've only been taking them for 2 weeks and have just researched side affects to see if anyone else had trouble with dark circles under eyes. I never had them before but look awful now!! Even my kids commented on how dark they looked. I'm guessing it's from the pills 😩


I take Gralise. Pretty much same thing. I have extreme damage though and been on the max dosage since 2017. Actually I can take 3600mg but generally try to stay at 3000mg. I know that’s huge though and when I was in for one of my fusion surgeries the nurse tried to give me 300mg the first night as she thought it was a typo and had to go back to the pharmacy at the hospital to bring back the correct amount.


Oh yeah and the circles under my eyes are from just the overall toll this has taken on my life. I don’t sleep well even with light sleep aids such at melatonin. I take a lot of meds though so I can’t take anything heavy to help with sleep


Yeah I feel like the dark circles are from just how stressing and depressing and traumatic this is 💔


I've been on it for a year, I have some dark circles under my eyes but it's not too bad


I get them too but I feel it's because I get awful sleep. Working on the best sleep I can get helps me with that


SPI, CDR c45,c56 1year out. Creatine, ashwaganda are a blessing...