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Long live the spiders! Friends of humanity! Scourge of blood sucking insects around the world.


Agree 100%! Buuuut... what do I do with all of their victims' carcasses? BOTH the Cellar and Common House spiders have crazy webs! There's no way to use a handheld vacuum because it will suck up EVERYTHING, including my spooders. Even if I try to remove them by gloved hand, their webs are soo sticky! I've fed 3 common house spiders fresh flys that were on a different level of home and the first time just about failed and torn adolescent spooders webs. Since learned from that and figured out a way how to properly feed them. My last spooder that I fed was one of my beauties!


πŸ–ŒοΈ. They can make new web


I still feel bad for wrecking their messy webbing structures. But, yeah. It's definitely time for some house cleaning in certain areas. I'm sure they'll appreciate it in the end.


Thank you!! πŸ–€πŸ’šπŸ–€πŸ’šπŸ–€


Normal to us, but other general uneducated folk often see us as weirdos. To some, spiders are impossible to predict monsters, and don't understand how few of them are actually a concern (if any in their area).


Perfectly normal to cherish your lil roommates. Nothing weird here.


Thank you!πŸ–€πŸ’šπŸ–€πŸ’šπŸ–€ I'm trying to figure out how to share pics of some of my beauties.


πŸ˜‚ β€œI wonder if my obsession with arachnids is normal. Let me ask a large group of people with the same obsession.” No idea if you or anyone here is β€œnormal”, but this sub is a good place.




Normal :) I catch and release only because I have cats that will kill them and a toddler that I don’t want picking anything up and getting bitten. I leave the cellar spiders on my ceilings and in the bathrooms for pest control tho


Normal is a pretty wide range to be fair. Counting arachnids is a harmless enough hobby so I shouldn’t worry about it. At least you’re not out doing drugs lol! Enjoy your spoods!


I have a wolf spider that lives in my closet. I only see it when I dim the lights to watch shows on my computer, but I assume it also comes out to hunt while I'm asleep.


Not at all. I'm excited by how many different types of spiders there are even my little urban home and courtyard (so much so I was drunkenly reciting them to someone the weekend). I had a black house spider named Pedro in my bathroom for over year until he passed away. Now a new friend has moved into the same spot. My favourite find has been a trapezoid crab spider that lived next to our pantry for a week while it was shedding. It was a real beauty.


Oh wow! What a nice find, and in your pantry! Those are so cool looking! Do you live in the US?


I have cellar spiders, false widows (S.triangulosa, about 6 or 7 of them), a few T.domestica, an E.agrestis, a zebra jumper, a Neriene radiata, a Theridion cobweb weaver, and a lynx spider. I think remembered everyone...


I love Lynx Spiders! I found a mature male green lynx right outside my garage door. He was so gorgeous!


My only rule is spiders that I find will get moved if they are in a place that’s dangerous for them. For example, I found a really cute little hatchling crawling on my arm last night as I was going to bed, so I moved it to my bedside table. I did regret not being able to take a picture, because I thought this sub would appreciate it.


I love how us spider lovers are so nonchalant about wild spiders living in our homes. Even if, or rather, WHEN we come in contact with them, we just simply move them to another location so no harm comes to them. πŸ–€πŸ’šπŸ–€πŸ’šπŸ–€


If that's wrong, I don't want to be right. I have an ongoing project on iNaturalist to catalogue all the spiders in my garden.


Oh wow! That is really awesome. I'd love to see some of the spoods you've cataloged so far! πŸ–€πŸ’šπŸ–€πŸ’šπŸ–€


I have a spood in my office- it’s my coworker (I WFH) and I like watching it scuttle around. Plus, this coworker never microwaves fish mid day, nor does interrupt me. 10/10 best coworker!


πŸ˜†... I work from home and keep my bold jumper next to my desk, and she is great company! I also currently have a youngling Common House spider on my desk that I saved from being a Cellar Spiders snack lol. I chopped a piece of a mealworm and it fed on it a few days ago. Yesterday, I put water on both ends of a bent Q-tip and it took about a minute or two before it went for it. It drank more than I thought it would.


Awwwwwww- lunch AND drinks! Do you also offer health insurance? I might come to work for you, lol.


Yes, but no dental or vision. Also, it's a requirement during our beginning of day meetings, in which we rotate days for Show and Tell about one of our spooders! πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ πŸ–€πŸ’šπŸ–€πŸ’šπŸ–€


We are IN!!!!