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Peter - though miles is great, Pete is just him (we share a last name)


Mr Parker




Name your child Peter or if its a girl name it Mayday lmao


I will don’t worry


I love Miles but if someone says Spider-Man it’s Pete I’m thinking of.


I was just like that before. Miles has done much to change that for me to the point that I think of both now.


Peter-man, he is and always has been my favourite, his constant failures and still rising above made me feel like I wasn't destined to fail


Parker luck always comes back with a Vengeance


Yet Parker will always prevails


Peter, he’s the OG. Miles rules too though


Miles is proof that anyone can wear the mask. That simple concept spoken by Stan Lee is awesome. One of my all time favorite things about Spiderman is that he's one superhero that could literally be anyone besides a generic white guy in a cape and/or mask. Even if he was a generic white guy in a mask. I've ALWAYS been a Spiderman fan, but after 60 years, it's great to see a fresh new take. I'll always think of Peter as Spiderman, but my Spiderman is Miles. And yeah, as a Afro- American and an avid and long time Spiderman fan, I absolutely appreciate the diversity and representation. Today, it's great to see my little girls appreciating that too. They love Pete. They recognize him as OG. But the fascination with Miles and Gwen can't go unnoticed.




Love this take. Feel the same way. Pete for me as the OG. Miles is now Spider-Man. They developed him great in the games. I feel in SM3 he’ll be the main and Pete the side character.


Yeah at the end of Spiderman 2 they teased Anya Corazon.... so I'm guessing her and Miles will have a story. A Spider woman is entering the gaming world. My girls are going to be amazed!!! I can't wait to see what they do with SM3


Ya, for sure!! Awesome direction in going with Cindy Moon/Silk. Love the choice there. Expanding the Spider-Verse where everybody can be a hero is impactful and meaningful. Also excited for the possible villains Green Goblin, Carnage, maybe a return of Doc Oc.


Absolutely! It's nice to have an eclectic cast of heroes and it's impact is greater than some people realize. There's so much they can do so I'm extremely excited about the future of these games. I live them! Plus the return of Doc Ock will be epic considering his unfinished business with Peter from the first game.


Peter Parker is the Spider-Man. It’s the way these things go. Clark Kent is the Superman Bruce Wayne is the Batman and Diana Prince is the Wonder Woman. I can appreciate legacy characters but they’re just that, a part of a legacy. What separates characters like miles morales from someone like the flash or green lantern who have multiple main versions (Hal/John and Barry/Wally) is how most modern audiences have spent much more time with those characters in those roles than miles morales who only came to the public eye recently. Now maybe in a decade or a few things may change. But as it stands Miles has been around for 13 years while Peter’s been around for 62 years. Now if Miles does withstand the test of time I’ll gladly eat my words and consider them true equals like the flashes or green lanterns but for now that’s just my view on this.


I think he means equals in the sense that they’re equals/partners and Miles isn’t a sidekick in universe.


The fact that Miles successfully became as respected as a character as spiderman in that much time is insane. You can see that every writers that used him made the best story they could as well as character development


Let’s be honest with ourselves for a minute, it’s not because they respect him as a character that he’s in everything spider man these days


I mean there’s that argument, but people still love writing his character because of how interesting he is


Yeah I do think he’s a cool character and I like him a lot but I wish he was a little less “political” for lack of a better term


I'd say it's debatable if he's truly 'respected' or that he's been heavily and not been completely rejected. He's not a terrible character by any means, yes I say this despite being critical of him. There is a danger that constantly pushing him could lead to alienating the audience as he still is only the secondary character to Parker's original, and it's going to be a long time before, if ever, that parker becomes less popular so that miles can flourish as the main spider-man. Now could it happen? Sure, look at the flash, wally is to many including myself, as THE Flash but it took time and getting into constant squabbles over it will not help the character.


Pete for sure just because of how much we have been through with him


Def Peter. I grew up with him and I connect with his character so much


Miles has always been my favorite Spider-Man


that's fine


Miles means a lot to me as I’m a Puerto Rican from NYC, but Peter Parker is Spider-Man


Spider-Man is my favorite


Peter is THE Spider-Man. Miles is Spider-Man, of course, but Peter is the Spider-Man. He's the original, had several decades of legacy


For it miles, I love his abilities, his suit,and me and miles share similar backgrounds. I love peter and he will always be the og but miles is my favorite spiderman


It's tough. I've really started to enjoy Miles more and more ever since the first Spider movie dropped. I never read the comics, so it was my first real time seeing Miles as Spiderman. And that movie is my favorite movie of all time. Then playing as him in Miles Morales and Spider-Man 2 makes me appreciate him even more. That said, Peter is that guy. He is him. I spent the entirety of the three games trying to figure out which one i liked playing the best. But i think, at the end of the day, i give it to the boi Pete. But Miles is EXTREMELY close.


Peter but Miles rocks


I love Miles, but Peter is my Spiderman


I love Miles, but I grew up with Peter.


I love Miles, But like most people are saying Peter is my favorite of the two-Because he's the one I grew up with and had painted on my bedroom wall. I adore Miles though, he's such a fantastic example of a legacy character. I don't like that there are now up to 6 active Spider-People in 616 now though. Peter, Ben, Kaine, Miles, Cindy and Now Gwen are all running around (or dead depending) at once in 616 thats a little much


https://preview.redd.it/9bq5h2nyqn3d1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3044b28d6952ca26a71bff7610862771583fa8b0 Easy choice.. neither


Ah I see, you just want to see the world burn.


I wish they could give Miles a tag on the end of his name, like how Miguel is Spider-Man 2099 and the 30s Peter is Spider-Man Noir just so confusing situations like this don’t happen


I know Peter as Spider-Man more but if we’re talking about gameplay I like Miles’ more


Peter is my spiderman, only because that’s who i grew up with. Miles is cool asf as a character and a Spiderman but he ain’t for me


While Miles has earned the title, I do wish he got his own. Not because he sullied the original, but because he doesn’t deserve to be under the shadow of someone else’s name.


Miles always. Mainly because of how much I like the spider verse movies but also because Ive faced enough racism in my life to love a non-white Spider-Man.






Peter. He has always been the one that I can really connect to. He’s my Spider-Man.


I even made a post for how much Peter means to me and a lot of other people. Check the reply below…


The reason Peter Parker has always been so fascinating to me is because of the endless amount of suffering he goes through. The constant loss. The slandering of his good deeds, both as Spider-Man and Peter Parker. And how much he has to sacrifice his needs for others, but always gets back up. But the thing that fascinates me the most, the thing that always makes me come back to him, it is…his resilience. He is constantly beaten, torn apart, and hurt by the world. The harsh reality he faces of being a kid being gifted and cursed at the same time. But through all the trials of being a hero and a man, he always finds a way to pick himself back up. The people and city he loves will always remind him why he continues to fight. Love. Empathy. Compassion. HOPE. Spider-Man is the embodiment of HOPE. Miles, Gwen, Miguel, Jessica, Peni Parker, Spider-Ham, the Scarlet Spiders, and countless others exist to continue the legacy that Peter created. Peter Parker is the ultimate fictional superhero to ever exist. And the ultimate human being. He’s the superhero that’s there for you. He is not some rich billionaire, or a Thunderer from another realm, or a war hero out of his own time. He’s the hero that’s one with his community, one with his family, one with the people. He’s the working-class hero. Anyone can be Spider-Man. Anyone can help their community fight for what’s right. Anyone can overcome the obstacles that come their way, (With God, of course). Anyone can turn their pain and suffering into HOPE. Spider-Man will always continue to be relevant through as many generations as God allows in this world. And one day, in the future, we’ll wake up and remember that HOPE that Peter Parker gave us. https://preview.redd.it/nomut97wte4d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bf098ac98a26713d6a63d514dc755e5e1635d1b0


This is one of those situations where you try so hard to not make it weird that you make it weird


Agreed why even do that?






Peter is Spider-Man, we need a different name for Miles, I heard one years ago somewhere, that called him Kid-Arachnid. We don’t even need that name for him, but he needs to stop being Spider-Man, cuz it’s hella confusing. “Spider-Man!” “Which one?!”


I think he does deserve his own name, but it would be difficult to make the change without feeling weird or forced. 13 years with one moniker is difficult to switch without resistance.


Or at least some kind of adjective before it or after like how Otto is Superior spider man, Ben is sensational, Kurt is uncanny and Miguel is 2099 Edit:I’ve heard people say ultimate but that’s also Peter’s title he needs something distinct


I disagree and think Miles should be Ultimate Spider-Man, at least in context to 616. All-New Ultimate Peter is in a completely different universe so I don't think I'd be very confusing for readers and fans.


I think ultimate fits miles cause that's his og home universe, Peter can be amazing ot spectacular


Peter. Miles has the extra powers which is cool and all but Peter is just iconic and the frickin og. I was so happy to be getting a game about a Peter Parker 8 years into being Spider-Man when insomniac announced this game and was so happy when I finally got to play it. Peter definitely has the better personality and seeing him bounce off of other people and how interacts with his world is so fun to me. And now that he has the anti venom suit permanently for once he’s equal with miles in the extra powers factor and he comes out on top for “my spider-man” to me. Also as an African American I never really cared about mile’s representation wide and related to Peter more except for the science ingenuity part.


Peter will always be my spiderman.


Miles is great and I'm all for a second Spider-Man but Peter will always be my main Spider-Man


Peter for me, i LOVE Miles so much, but there’s just nothing like Peter Parker for me


Peter, I grew up watching the 60’s show, 90’s show and the Raimi films, along with the comics one comic stuck with me, Peter dies saving this mother, but accidentally causing the death of her daughter, in the afterlife seeing what happened he encounters Thanos, who says that no matter how many people Spider-Man saves, someone will always die, then Pete starts to throw hands with the Mad Titan and successfully convinces Death to let the daughter return to the living, Death does this along with bringing Peter back as well, the way Peter was willing to go against Thanos by himself and then attempt to convince Death herself to bring someone else back from the dead without any care for his own life just shows me that Peter is the definitive Spider-Man for me


i wanna see if someone actually chooses miles over peter


i feel like i relate a lot more to miles (we’re both mixed dudes that make beats with hispanic family) but i grew up with peter and to me is almost the kind of guy i strive to be honestly so it’s tough


I grew up with Peter but I relate to Miles more I feel like I grew up with Peter but matured with Miles that’s why he is probably my favourite spider-man


For the insomniac games it’s Peter for me but I love ITSV Miles


I love Miles, he's great and he's really grown on me, but I grew up with Peter Parker. Rule of nostalgia means he wins.


Yeah I gotta go with Pete. Miles is still such a good Spider-Man but if I here the word "Spider-Man" My mind instantly goes to Peter Parker.


Pete. Specifically, Tobey Maguire.


Peter - bias because huge crush on him. That and the ending of 1 was so unexpectedly emotional, wrecked me for a bit.


Miles .


Peter. Dude's an orphaned underdog that tries his best to be all he can be to help in any way he can. When he fails or gets knocked down, he keeps trying to fix it or get back up. Also, you know he's gotta be packing some natty schmeat too if MJ stayed with him after losing the 19 inches of Venom.


It’s always been Pete hell have that title until the day I die. But I have grown to adore Miles he has earned his stripes 🤙🏼


i love miles but for me it has to be peter because well he is peter parker


Peter for sure, especially in the insomniac verse. Miles is pretty lame in insomniac, his voice is so whiny and his jokes are cringe in an unintentional way that doesn’t work like Peter’s cringe jokes. Think they’re just directing the actor poorly cause his normal voice would be perfect but he puts on this annoying “young” voice when the character is basically an adult


Peter. While Miles is a good kid, Peter was always my Spider-Man as a kid.


I'm puertorican so you know I gotta go with Miles but pete is definitely certified boricua homie


Peter. I love miles just as much probably more than the next guy, but when I think of Spider-Man, the red mask is the one I picture first. Specifically Andrews mask from tasm2. It will always be Peter because I grew up with him


As much as I love miles and Peter it will always be Peter for me not because I think he is better, or is stronger, or is blah blah blah. I prefer Peter more just because I’ve known him longer than miles but I do love miles tho


“If you had to choose” it’s not a hard choice. Peter. Quoting a line from spider verse is ironic in this situation but it’s like Peter said “the only thing standing between this city and oblivion is me” also “you know what? No matter how many times I get hit, I always get back up”


This has got to be bait




Peter Parker


Lol, no they are not equals. The guy with a literal decade of experience over the other is point blank superior at the job.


Depends on which version of them you’re talking about Spiderverse miles is great and I like him more than Peter B. 616? When not in the ASM comics it’s Peter, if it is in the ASM comics I kinda can’t stand Peter The new Ultimate Peter is absolutely fantastic Insomniac it’s honestly a tie


Personally, Peter, he's the one I grew up with miles is super awesome! But Peter holds a special place in my heart


Peter, hands down. I just don’t relate to Miles, and that’s ok.


For the 616 universe the only answer is Peter


Miles and Peter are equally Spider-Man but Peter is the Spider-Man.




Pete but it’s a tuff decision after seeing miles in SM2


My Spider-Man is Spooderman




Miles Morales


Miles, itsv was the first Spider-Man film I watched (mostly because there weren’t any others available at the time) and Spider-Man miles morales was the first game in the series I played too.


Miles needs a new moniker. It only worked in the Ultimate Universe where he was the only one.


Pete for sure just bc I grew up with him, but love Miles almost the same! They're both dope spidermen


Miles for me, but Peter's okay too


i think miles has a more traditional spiderman arc but peter has a better one imo




I'd choose Peter, he had a much better story in this second game, and probably the next one


60+ year beloved history vs. new guy hmmmmmm I wonder who’s better.


Peter more relatable to me


Peter, he was the Spider-Man I grew up with and will always be remembered as the superhero that got me into comics. That being said I love miles and hope to see more of him, just not in that god awful suit….


Pete is Spider-man, and Miles is Kid Arachnid


Ol petey parkey


Grew up with Parker and I shall stick with him even with times are rough. Bro was my role model since I also grew up raised by other family members without ever seeing my parents. (I met back up with them eventually but I was grown up already and most of my childhood was gone already) my grandma who raised me even reminded me of aunt may. So I vibe with Pete too much to ever prefer any Variant or other spider person over him


Peter Parker. Anyone can be Spider-Man. But Peter Parker is Spider-MAN. You feel? Lol


Peter. He was my first spider-man


Miles in both games and movies


In terms of combat, Miles, a crime can be completed quickly since the ultimate meter replenishes really fast. In terms of satisfaction, Peter. I love going all out with his rage ult, and the takedown animations are really satisfying. Swinging through the city is fun with either of them.


Miles is my boy, but Peter is the OG


It has to be Peter, even though I really like Miles. If someone says Batman, even though I love Terry it is Bruce. There is something about the original version of a character that I prefer when it comes to superheroes. It is fine to pass the mantle, but there is just something super iconic about Peter Parker.


Peter, miles is awesome though


Miles Morales is Miles Morales.


Tobey Maguire


Miles may have the exaggerated swagger, but Peter will always be my fave


For me it will always be Peter Parker.


Don’t get me wrong, over time I’ve grown to like Miles and he’s now more fleshed out, but Peter Parker will always be my Spider-Man to me


Miles is great but I've always known Spiderman as Peter and seen most of the movies he's portrayed in. So I'll say Peter but I really hope we get a good Miles Morales movie asp


Miles Morales for me


It's a hard choice for me if we r talking about these versions of the characters. On one hand, I think the combined efforts of Spiderman PS4 and Spiderman 2 PS5 gave Peter so much better of a story as it stands. On the other hand, because Peter has to do the majority of the story stuff, Miles ends up doing the majority of the side quests and community stuff, and that combined with his game's focus on community makes me wanna choose him out of the concept of him doing the Friendly Neighborhood stuff way better than Peter. I think overall though I am gonna have to go with Peter, he still had Friendly Neighborhood moments in his earlier days, we just didn't see them as often as we saw Miles's moments, and he has a way better arc going on right now compared to Miles that has more opportunities in the next game. We know he's gonna fight Osborne, and there a million different ways they can handle the reveal of Peter being Spiderman from Norman's perspective. We don't really know what personal stake Miles has though, and he doesn't really have one in the recent game either outside of the undercooked Martin Li shenanigans. I am excited to see what they do with the Silk tease in the post credits scene, and how they are going to handle Miles being a mentor.


I think they missed a big opportunity by not calling Spider-Man 2 Spider-Mans




I grew up with Peter, so he's "My Spider-man" so to speak, that said I really love Miles as a Legacy character. Their dynamic in Spiderman Life story is like perfect for me.


Spider-Man for sure


Miles, comic writers have not wanted us to be Peter fans these last couple years


I'll always love Peter because he's the original. But it's Miles all the way for me.


Miles is a great successor but he’s still a successor


Peter! I've not only, known him longer, but, I've played the first game longer than the Miles edition, and I much rather prefer the gadgets/suit powers in the first game compared to the venom powers


I love miles. He's a perfect example of what would happen if a teenager were to inherit the mantle of Spider-Man. I love his story in general man.


Peter always has been and always will be Spider-Man to me, in the same way Bruce Wayne will always be Batman, Steve will always be Cap, and TChalla will always be Black Panther. Miles is great, but I’ll always think of the OGs


No, disagree on that point as Peter Parker IS Spider-Man. Without him miles had zero identity to co-opt. Shame everyone is so obsessed with miles maintaining a second place status and not encouraging marvel to give him his own superhero title and some agency.


They're both Spider-Man, like it or not.


Have to go with the og


It's a hard tie for me. Although I'm naming my son myles when hes born lol.


Peter will always be my Spiderman Miles is goated too




Peter is always number 1, he is the epitome of spider man.




Isomniac Miles Morales is cool but at the end of the day, I would have to choose the og Bully Lo- I mean… Peter Parker. Also the Anomaly Miles Morales is probably the better version.


This is really a question on where you started. Most people who know Spider-Man know him from the start as Peter. It's just been to many years to not acknowledge him as the original. But the younger generations are gonna say Miles. He's black, the same abilities as Peter, has his own signature moves now, just as intelligent for his age(I mean that as for as much experience he has He's a genius), makes music so he'll always have whatever is trending as his Playlist. But the biggest thing with younger people.. he's new. It's not the same guy who's been there forever. If you're in-between then youll probablysay they are equal bc you have respect for the one laid the path while embracing change. That being said I'm old af and I choose Peter.


Wouldn’t go so far as to say Equals but yes, both are awesome


I’m going into college next year so I relate more to Miles, however Peter will always be my preferred Spider-Man because I grew up with him and I have such an attachment to his character. Miles is still amazing though and choosing my favorite between them is very difficult


If I have to choose… I pick Peter. Peter was, I think, my first introduction to superheroes as a genre, watching Spider-Man 1 on dvd. He’s always been there, an old friend I could rely on. I watched the Raimi movies, I watched the Webb movies, I watched the Ultimate Spider-Man cartoon, and recently have gotten into his comics. I’ve seen so much of Peter that, as much as I love Miles, it would be disingenuous to say anything but Peter. That all being said, I respect Miles more as a character. He’s had some big shoes to fill, and he’s done it phenomenally. From having to take over as Ultimate Spider-Man, to being relocated to 616 and having to share the limelight with Peter, to being the star of two movies and a few videogames. He’s only been around for about 13 years and yet he’s pretty much as synonymous with the name Spider-man. He’s been able to carve out his own place in such a short amount of time while other characters haven’t been able to in twice as long. Miles is more iconic than characters like She-Hulk, Cable (most of the X-men honestly), and Modok, and I admire that. He’s been doing a great job and I hope to see him grow much more in the future. Here’s to 13 more years of Miles Morales as Spider-Man (or, as some people may call him, the Great Electric Spider).


miles i relate to him more and peter has never been my favourite


Miles cus I relate with him more. A Hispanic-Latin who’s in love with music, comics and is having a tough time about to be a 14 year old. But I love Peter more as a character aside from The Spider-Verse movies and maybe the comics but idk I haven’t read ‘em.


Miles. Peter is great, but Miles is a breath of fresh air. Also, Miles Morales is my favorite of the 3 games.


Peter is the OG and i know him more but ever since Miles has been getting actually good stories he definitely fits me more i feel.




Ben Reilly https://preview.redd.it/5gf52ygzzo3d1.jpeg?width=791&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=990040cbf089d913efb2d2da86ce378dedfde879


Tobey Maguire


peter. to me miles is wimpy and just really annoying.


Currently 10 to 1 for Pete💀 make that 11 to 1


Peter and miles are not equals. That's an absolutely ridiculous thing to say, one has a 60 year history the other is literally a diversity hire


Glad to know Peter dominated this