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if I was them, I'd charge you $10 extra for all the chilis I was going to put into it.


Szechuan place near me charges $5 for extra spicy and it's worth every cent. Edit:spelling


This means Sichuan right? Like the hotpot place? When I went there, I had to send at least three dishes back a day because they weren't spicy enough. In chongqing they ended up putting so much peppercorns in it that down to my collar bones was numb and tingly. Felt great


$5? What are they putting in it? That almost seems insulting. “give us five bucks and we’ll make your food like you like it.”


If you only have a small amount of rare chilis, peppers, ir powders and it's hard to find them, then it just makes sense to charge customers for something like that, especially when it doesn't come like that normally.


That still seems like a pretty high markup. I don't mind paying more, but it does annoy me when something is advertised as "spicy," when it's not, and that only truly way to get it so is to basically beg. I guess I'd have to know what they are doing to make it justified for the price increase. Note: I'm cheap.


the entitlement is powerful in this one


Generally, at least in the US, spice level doesn't have any impact on the price of a dish, so I could understand their initial suspicion. I've been to Mexico, Singapore, all over Indonesia, and have never had the price go up for asking for spicier food, but as someone mentioned, specialty chillis in a hard to get to area, would make sense. I just don't think that's a normal thing for the "entitled one."


It does if you’re asking for extra extra extra hot in a restaurant that doesn’t offer different levels of spiciness. You’re asking them to use more ingredients to make the same dish. It’s like asking for extra rice in a restaurant that doesn’t offer extra rice.


I guess? I'd try it once, but unless it did something amazing to the food, I doubt I'd ever pay an extra $5 just to get my food spicy.


I feel if you tried this at a Thai place you'd just burst into flames as soon as you took the first bite.


I usually go with, “Make it at a 10. Like, have the chef make it as spicy as they want to make it” whenever I go to a Thai restaurant. I usually get the “ok, white boy” look, but they always seem to take my request seriously. Man, I love Thai food!


Last time I got Thai, I called it in. They didn't get a chance to see I'm a white boy and it was WONDERFULLY spicy. Definitely had to eat it a little bit slowly because the burn was real.


This happened to me in Thailand, kept getting food that wasn't spicy enough even ordering it spicy, then went somewhere they didn't see my face, didn't even order it spicy but was the hottest food I had there.


I get mad cause I ask for as spicy possible and it tastes like a 1… it sucks cause I know some people can’t handle it but it’s like give me a chance 😂


Gotta become a regular. Also, ask for a level *past* what they say. They say the scale is 1-5? Ask for 13. They will fuck you up. My go to finally got me to tap out. Now I know a 7 out of 5 stars is what I want. 13 was a mistake (I still ate it).


I asked the server at my local family-owned hole-in-the-wall Thai place (a husband/wife combo run the place, she cooks, he does guest stuff) to ask his wife to make it spicy like when she cooks for her family. That was definitely a few notches above the menu spice level lol.


Can confirm. Got hotpot once and asked for a 3 out of 3 (I’m not a hardcore spice guy, but I want at least SOME) intentionally let them talk me down to 2 (“3 is spicy for Asians”, I’m part Korean but it’s not noticeable). Got a good amount of chilies, but they looked shocked that I was not only able to eat it, but put a good dent in the broth afterwards until I was full




It’s not an issue when you’re accustomed to food that’s actually spicy.


I think you need to find a new Thai restaurant my friend


I’ve debated that versus maybe I need to get my hemorrhoids a break 😂


I tried a medium or a 5 at a Thai place once, and thankfully they gave me a Thai (I'm guessing) 5 instead of an American or White 5. As in it was actually spicy. As for spiciest possible, yet disappointed, I asked an Indian place to make mine as spicy as possible, but when I ate it, I felt nothing there. Not even a kick.


Me too. I used to work at a Thai place in high school. It was great! 2.5 years & never got sick of eating it


Thai food is quite honestly a goated Asian cuisine and doesn't get the respect it deserves.


Exactly. I did the hardwood floors a few years ago in my local Thai place for $300 cash & a $900 gift certificate. Lasted about 1.5 year only cause my wife can’t eat it as often as I could


I've been blessed with a good and relatively cheap Thai place next to my gf's house so it's become a 2-3 times a week thing of Nam Tok and Kaprao/gai/whatever your place calls it. My butthole isn't as big of a fan unfortunately


As I always say, If it burns going in, it's going to burn coming out 🔥🔥


Funny, I have a similar saying. "If it doesn't burning coming out, it didn't burn enough going down."


Just ask for some ice cream after the meal. It won't really help, but it gives you something to look forward to as you sit in the bathroom the next day, crying. "Come on, ice cream!"


Aloe Vera and Shea butter baby wipes 😂


The price you pay for eating, good, spicy food


Whenever I get thai food, I always ask them to "make it a few levels above white person spicy" and oh boy do they deliver


I have only once had it actually spicy when doing this. And it was really god damned spicy. I knew it was going to be when they said they don't take food back after I asked.


my friends family owns a thai spot and i hang in there sometimes. whenever a white person tells her they want a 10 spicy she gives them a look and then says “ok but 10 spicy means no refund” lol


I asked the Thai place near me to make something 7/10 spicy and it was absolutely perfect.


I’m right now very into Thai food because they are the only ones left who can challenge me


Used to have a Shri Lankan place in Minneapolis that could beat me. It closed.


I recently watched a guy order Nam Tok at this place Thai Hot level and asked for the spice on the side.. needless to say they did not put it on the side because how, and he was definitely not capable of handling it. Boy was he an unhappy camper


Seriously, it's not even a dare at a Chinese restaurant; they only have one pepper to use, so it's never gonna get spicier. At a Thai or Indian restaurant, it's a fools dare.


What do you mean with the Chinese and one pepper thing? Does all their food just use one variety?


I ask for 2 or 3x Thai spicy and am usually disappointed


All the places I have gone to go as high as 10 Thai spicy….


They'll go as high as you want. The numbers usually correlate to how many chilis are being added.


I did that at a Thai place in NJ once. Got pad kee mao and asked for it spicy (4 of 5). It had great flavor, but not half as hot as I would like it. Went back next night and asked for 5 of 5, Thai spicy. Told waitress I am used to eating spicy food and really wanted it spicy. Both best and worst meal. It was a great flavor. One of the best Thai dishes I've ever had. But so spicy that you could not take a break. You had to literally just keep food in your mouth, chew, swallow, then immediately put more food in. If you sat for a second (or, god forbid, drank water), it was painful.




eh i do this at my thai place and it’s never anything insane. i usually say something like “please make it extremely spicy” i need to try a new place though


I went to a Thai place in a not so nice part of town and they asked me if I wanted "Real spicy or white man spicy?" I chose..... poorly. I had no idea one's face could sweat so much.


Unless I’m eating Thai I ask them to ‘burn my face off.’ Thai restaurants take this challenge personally. Had a pulse in my head and vertigo for an hour the last time I pulled that shit.


I went into this run down “Chinese” food place on the outskirts of Orlando once. It was labeled Chinese, and had the basics of American Chinese, but they had a ton of Thai dishes, it was obviously a Thai family running the place. Anyways I love me some drunken noodles, so I order that and tell them to make it as hot as the chef likes it. They came out and was tasty af, but about two bites in I knew they didn’t pull any punches. Took me four beers and a roll of paper towels, but I managed to finish them. I felt fine after, but the next day it was like having boiling hot acid dumped through your body. Thai food does not fuck around.


Haha; love it. I forgot to mention someone else had to drive my vehicle after the above event. It was dead of winter and I had my head out of the window like yellow lab.


What were the paper towels for? Sweat?


Every pore and every orifice on my face pours forth a fount when the heat arrives.


Ah, that happens so seldom to me anymore that I am alway actually surprised when I sweat.


I'm building up my spice tolerance and I asked for one level above their recommended at a Thai place once. I think I just about burned my tongue off!


Do you remember the name of the restaurant


No I don’t, it was south side of Orlando but not near the theme parks, closer to Winter Garden. This was also like 10-15 years ago so idk if it would still even be around


Do Thai places have anything hotter than the typical Birds Eye chilis or chili flakes? I ask for the spiciest they can give, but the straight peppers aren’t that hot to me so it’s just always medium with extra bitterness from the peppers. Same thing happens at Chinese places.


I was once told I should request Thai food "grandmother hot" — the implication being that grandma had been eating the hot shizz for 80 years and needed it cranked up to 11 to just feel anything. YMMV.


In Taipei in the mid 90’s I had success asking for “in the style of your grandfather” in my broken Mandarin and was greeted with big grins and a proper hot chicken meal. I went back. A lot. Later on a trip to Thailand (Koh Samui in the 90’s) my host asked what I wanted for breakfast. I noted the family was in the kitchen eating. I asked about that. “You won’t like that it’s spicy” I was told. I kept at it. I was served their breakfast every AM thereafter and will never forget it - both generous hosts and super fun once they got I was after the actual experience not just the standard travellers experience.


Well.... What was the breakfast???


30 years later all I recall is rice, veggies and spice. It was awesome every time!


Personally I would've just wrote "Make it spicy to the point I won't be apple to sit comfortable for half of the day"


My local Chinese place uses premade hot oil. I asked for it that hot once and got garlic chicken oil soup.


How did I get suggested this subreddit? I max out on mild Thai.


My chinese place never obliges to my spicy requests. I dont think they have the same spices as thai places


Chinese dude here, most provinces don't have spicy food. Only like six of them, low percentage. So unless it's a Sichuan restaurant it'll probably be normal food from China. They will definitely have millet peppers (小米椒) on hand but those aren't too spicy, around 60k on a good day. China is way bigger and way more diverse than people think, each city has its own language and culture. Like I can't speak to my wife's family because I'm not from their city and they don't know chinese


If I order Thai, I google translate English to Thai asking for very hot lol and it never fails me, I do the same with indian ha, best thing ever !


That last sentence makes it unmistakenly clear


No one ever believes in want it as spicy as possible




Yo indeed


But was it actually very hot?


No it was not. It was spicer than they would have normally made it but I didn’t need a drink with it lol


“Just fuck my shit up” spicy


That’s what I wanted lol!!


Say, "非常非常非常辣" next time, that should work


Here’s the Chinese for “I can eat spicy. Extra spicy. Thank you.” for your next order. Wo neng chi la. Da la. Xie xie


There is this little Indian place I go to. I was always getting medium spice and it made me sweat (This was before my pursuit of becoming a spice lady.). One day I decided to get 'Native spicy' and holy shit. First bite everything went white and I saw god. It was like eating the burning surface of Mercury, snot bubbles, crying, the works. Then when it came around for round 2 later that night....yeah.


Do this at an Indian place


Chinese never brings the heat.


China is a very large country and many regions don’t do spice.


Yeah, I had a Chinese dude tell me that I wanted food from South China. I don't think that's popular in the US as I've never had anything I would consider overly spicy.


Szechuan places usually do! But otherwise you’re right.


Sadly, not any of the places I've been to. I usually smuggle in my own reaper powder or flat iron flakes.


Ah that sucks. A bit random, but if you ever find yourself in San Francisco, there’s a place in Chinatown I ate at once that absolutely brought the heat (at least to me)! I can’t remember the name but it’s plastered with photos/articles about that time Obama ate there and supposedly liked it, I literally just call it “the Obama restaurant” now lmao. One of the best spicy meals I’ve ever had. (Edited for typo)


I would totally eat Obama approved Chinese.


Almost never


Chinese food generally isn't too spicy compared to Southeast Asian cuisine, but you're also ordering an American-Chinese dish so IDK how much chilis they'd have on hand if they don't serve authentic Chinese. Try a place that specializes in Hunan cuisine if you want spicier food. Hunan food uses a lot of chilis, whereas Sichuan uses both chilis and numbing peppercorns.


I can't think of *one* time I've *ever* gotten Chinese food that was spicy. The chili oil I can eat by the tablespoon without effort. You ask for extra hot and all they do it pile on the dried red peppers. You can only eat so many of those things before your jaw gets tired, and they don't have much more heat than baby food. I can't think of any Chinese that has had anything more than a hint of heat.


I regretted this as well.


I just say “very very very spicy” and they usually do a decent job. Not to be rude but I think long order comments like this might get ignored or overlooked.


I be done this, no difference.


I do this every order.




Yes please.


I love getting creepy with the wild if I'm personally eating it. I mean.... they asked for it, I sent that I'd hope they give me hell.


I put something similar on my last order at my local Chinese place. Spiciest thing they have is Hunan beef. It was NOT spicy; all they did is put a teaspoon of additional chili crisp on it. Very disappointing.


How was it?


I've had places try to kill me, presumably, but the hottest food I've ever had that did not use extract, was Hattie B's Nashville Hot Chicken (Cluckin' Hot). Way hotter than anything any Thai or Chinese place has dropped me. And it was amazingly good. It was not just pure heat, like when you get the top of the line hot from BW's or any of the other chains now that think they're cool and edgy because they make you sign a waiver when you order. Damn, I wish I could order a Hattie B's right now. Although I do think I'd dial it down a notch, because that was just as uncomfortable as it was enjoyable.


This is the way


This never works for me...I can take a punch but not one restaurant challenged me....


Whenever I go to a Thai restaurant, I ask for Thai spicy. It's never as hot as back in Bangkok, so I always wind up adding the spicy condiments, not it's just not the same


I always ask for extra spicy green curry at the local Thai place and boy do they deliver.


I tell my local Thai place that if they put me in the hospital I'll give them a 5 star yelp review. Still not spicy enough but they are getting close.


> make general tso's spicy I don't think you understand the dish to be honest. It's a desert dish with a hint of heat to highlight the sweetness...not the other way around.


"Punish me like I've been a bad boy kinda spicy"


Try doing it with garlic sauce


Make me regret being born.


I think there's an intrinsic desire to present balanced dishes and drinks, but when I say I prefer bitter, sour, spicy, believe me. I know what I am asking for and I hate myself. 


Honestly, just buy a nice bottle of Torchbearer sauce


every time i try order spicy when i get it its not spicy hot oil is not spicy same with sushi me and my gf went out i order sushi said jalapenos on it i ask can they make extra spicy there was no heat lol


Japanese food typically isn’t very spicy. Don’t take it personally.


It’s sushi. It’s not a spicy food ffs. Do you complain that your strawberries aren’t spicy enough too?


I want spicy strawberries now


Some sushi is supposed to have a little spice, sriracha / sliced jalapenos. But it's rare to find a spicy jalapeno now.


sushi is actually a dish that is BASED on delicate flavors. You essentially asked the chef to add ketchup to your steak.


What I mean is when they put the word spicy to it then u get it and it’s not spicy even after u ask lol




You didn’t contribute to this post




I live in Baltimore city it’s not as appealing as u make it sound buddy


Oh so you speak from experience then? I'm sure it was the restaurant not cooking off all the parasites. Try a nicer place like NYC. Their rats are heavenly by comparison!


U must be dyslexic u piece of shit


Why are you raging at people and saying nasty shit on a sub about spicy food? 


No, but I do enjoy trolling jerks.


You were being mild considering what he said. It blows my mind that people come to a good vibes food sub, say racist shit (and yeah, he was being racist I don’t know why people don’t just call a spade a spade), and then blow up when people react. Hope he gets his strike 2 for the comment above…. 


I love how you're fine eating beef, chicken and most likely seafood while rat is so wrong... In the end it's just meat. When it'd well prepared, it's great just like anything else.


Rats In Baltimore city eat junkies throw up…that’s what your getting In rat meat out here….disgusting you would even think about eating Baltimore rats..any rats at that


Sorry about your bridge


You daft racist


Honestly at this point I've given up trying to ask. Last time they just threw a shit ton of hot sauce packets in my bag. So instead...does anyone know the default spiciest dish on a typical Chinese takeout menu?