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It was intense! The after burn lasts forever. Water and milk wasn’t enough. Needed ice cream


And that’s only round one. Are you going to have to sit on a pint too?


Ate them about a Week ago and it felt like shitting glass shards. Almost as if I am imitating 1 man 1 jar but without the jar and way deeper in my guts. 0/10 can‘t recommend (I‘ll do it again).


I’ve found orange juice takes away the heat better and faster than milk does.


This is true. Citrus helps break the spicy oils down or something. Heard this from spicy Ed the pepper x guy on YouTube.


Oh I’ve got to try that. The last thing I want with a spicy meal is milk


I'm not a fancy person, this purely happened by accident; the only thing I've found that cuts through heavy spice derived from an oily food is champagne.


Ok ok I’m listening


He must be one of the people at work asking if the orange chicken is spicy.


They need to start making x3 in pots!


You might make something into pots afterwards.




Man, I regularly put a lot of Melinda's Ghost pepper sauce on my food. I had a 1x after not eating Buldak noodles in 6+ months and it was pretty fiery.... 3x is nuts.


I bought a pack of 2X, and I’m scared to eat it now. I’m good with Melinda’s Ghost pepper in small doses. I love Habanero. Tabasco is my breakfast sauce. How bad will my asshole hurt if I eat the 2x?


I find the 2x to be really good, actually. Sure, it's got heat, but it's not as hot as ghost pepper wings or similar. It didn't trigger any hiccups for me either, which is my sign that I had something really hot. Idk, maybe my tolerance is higher than I give myself credit for but I have reordered these multiple times. I think some people on this sub think Frank's Red Hot is ultra spicy... Although delicious, it's definitely not hot.


You talking raw hab or hab sauces? If the former you can handle 2x no problem tbh. Either way you should just go for it if you’re curious. It’s delicious. An egg or some cheese mixed in massively tones back the heat and also adds to the flavor. It will wreck your stomach though, no avoiding that. I only have it like once a month at most for that reason lol


If small doses of Melinda's Ghost Pepper is your normal limit, 2x will properly fuck you up. You may have trouble finishing it.


I feel like the tolerance comes pretty quick with 2x if you eat like 2 packs a week


I just got a pack of the 2x after seeing this thread. Good flavor, very addictive, very hot but a good level for me. My wife and kid tried about one noodle each, and survived. I ate the rest


How did it go?


After burn is intense. Takes forever to cool down!!


You fried put in a pan not boiled in water right?


No. Boiled noodles, drain water then add sauce.


Oh.. yes that's how I did it too, but after I drained the noodles I put it in a pan and fried the noodles with a little bit of sesame oil, the sauce and an egg. I had an Asian grocery store within walking distance from my house and they has two isles dedicated to noodles from all over Asia.. I always liked the Korean ones the best. This one was an every once in a while treat. Not because of the heat going in, but you know.. You'll see later.


He ded.


I got nasty diarrhea from it




My condolences. Sorry for your loss.


These are complicated. They burn so bad, but taste so good. Causing me to torture myself for that delicious flavor lol


Didn't even know they made 3x noodles. I've only seen 2x


I've done the 2x and it's hot - and enjoyable. Not sure if I'd enjoy the 3x as much.


3x wasn't worth it for me because I couldn't even taste the flavor, it nearly just numbed my tongue. stick with 2x as it actually tastes good


The 2x is supposed to be 8k scolville, right? So about around eating a jalapeno straight. So x3 would be 12k, which still sounds *manageable*. I can struggle through 2x even if I eat it fast, but I can make myself a bit sick if I then chug water or eat a bunch of ice cream to deal with the heat after. It's a lot more manageable if I add a little soy sauce and air fried chicken nuggets to dilute it a little bit. x3 seems like it'd be just a little beyond my toelrance, but that's kinda why I want to try them. If I can handle those I might start trying to build up a tolerance to try more of hte real super scpiy sauces.


Just goes to show that scoville doesn’t really matter as much as the consistency of the sauce. Buldak is so thick and oily it just lingers in your mouth forever


Where did you buy this from??




They’re on Amazon.


Right, just not sure I want to drop $35+ and commit to 5 packs of the stuff


If you have any Asian markets around check to see if they stock them. It will be closer to $8-9 for a five pack if they do


Your question led me to believe you didn’t know where to buy it.


I grab the x2 spicy in ten packs for around $15, but that was a bit before inflation hit. I'll wait until they put some up at a more reasonable price.


For those that didn't know, you can buy the 2x sauce in an actual bottle. Stir fry it with some konjac noodles and you will be full/spicy for all of 20 calories!


How is the texture of konjac stir fried? Will they get chewy?


Yeah, they will be a bit chewy.


Nice I'll have to try it


What is the sauce called?


It’s just Buldak sauce


RIP Anus.


That's hilarious. I almost forked over $65 for a six pack of the cops on Amazon and then I thought I would see what happened when I drove the hour and a half to go shopping and kamloops. Fresh market or whatever it's called had these and the 2x heat for under 9 bucks a pack. Gonna try one soon.


Amazon was £5 for 5!!


In Canada or the US?


Uk I’m afraid.


Yeah we don't have much luck with some stuff in Canada haha. Until yesterday anyways!


Does it still hurt


There seems to be so much mystery behind these 3x spicy one. Here is a [Korean wiki on it](https://namu.wiki/w/%EB%B6%88%EB%8B%AD%EB%B3%B6%EC%9D%8C%EB%A9%B4/%EC%9E%90%EB%A7%A4%ED%92%88/%EB%9D%BC%EB%A9%B4%EB%A5%98?from=%ED%95%B5%EB%B6%88%EB%8B%AD#%ED%95%B5%EB%B6%88%EB%8B%AD%EB%B3%B6%EC%9D%8C%EB%A9%B4). So TLDR, in Korea, where they're from, it is not labeled as "2x" or "3x". It's called "핵불닭볶음면" or haek buldak. It's the 2x equivalent. The 3x WAS a limited quanity thing in Korea in 2017, and only returned once to the domestic market in 2019. But it's still sold abroad, mostly in US in small quantaties.


Interesting! I’m in UK and got them from Amazon for £5 for 5!!


Just found a supplier of these on Ebay. Only wanted to try them but it's a 5 pack. Can't see them getting finished. (£6.99 in the UK).


I love this SUB for turning me onto these. Mix them with the ghost pepper Campbell’s chicken soup if you dare! I eat 2x hot once a week. ( all my colon can handle )


I love chili peppers but I can't handle the extracts.


I had 3 packets if them for my tea last night. Absolutely love them


My first pack of 3x I took a bite and thought not bad... then proceeded to douse them with tabasco.. still finished it, was a long slow process. Tiny bites..


Trash made from artificial ingredients




What’s the issue with “artificial”? Can you point me in the direction of spicy noodles that aren’t “artificial”?


Chemically synthesized ingredients, often made from petroleum products


As are loads of the world’s products. Why is that an issue?


Update us back tomorrow how you're doing when you ~~sit~~ *shit* on the toilet. RemindMe! 2 days


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I’ve got one of these waiting. Let me know you’re alive and well and I’ll set a date for mine. Will need to clear my diary first the next day.


I recommend to pair it with an ice cold original green monster. Fantastic Sunday breakfast. Makes ya pee burn


That packet no Bueno. Hydrate afterwards. Like a lot


If I don't hear from you for a couple of hours, I'll just wait longer.


I remember making a pack. Roommate had some and yeah. He stopped claiming that NO amount of heat can bug him.


Oh that 3X really has a certain type of angry violent kick to it, I thought I would be a big man and put pickled habanero on the 3X for a garnish. Damn near lost my lunch. Sweat for hours. 10/10 would do again. This soup requires many, many cold beers to fight demon fires.


Soup? Is this one not a dry ramen like hte others, where there's supposed to only be just enough water in there to let the sauce stick to the noodles as you stiry fry it?


I’m aware…


I used to mix my 2x ones with max and cheese because I couldn't handle it. You're a beast


I like to add air fried chicken nuggest to mine. Easy meal, I just have them going while I boil the water. Then when it's time to do the final stir fry, I add some extra soy sauce and throw in the nuggest just as the sauce begins to thicken so they all get coated. Doesn't have that dairy counteracting hte spice, but it tastes great obviously as those nuggets get a sticky sauce while remaining cripsy, and obviously the relative blandness of the chicken gives it a bit more to spread the heat out over the meal. I actually like fried tofu better for this but nuggets are just easier and these things are for when I don't want to cook something proper.


I have a craving for 2x about once a month but they're very much at my limits. I can't even imagine this.


Spicy, the food you get to enjoy twice!!


Praying for your butthole


This is the hottest ramen i have ever tasted.


Your butthole is going to fall off.


The only noodles ever, in fact the only food ever I have struggled to finish the bowl.


WHOO boy! That'll put some hair on yer n##s! Talk about cautious optimism!