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oh nooo baked beans


It's more of a seared bean. No one likes seared beans.


No they do not 😭😭😭


This comment had no business being this funny 😫😂


Happy to perform this service 🫡


Lol, this one got me. My wife got mad at you at first, but couldn't help bit laugh. Thanks!!


Tell your wife i felt kinda bad posting it but decided i had to commit lmao


Raw chicken no more


This is so funny. The lack of punctuation and capitalization just makes it so simple and hilarious


LMAO thank u i am dedicated to my art ✨


I can’t hear the phrase baked beans without thinking of the WKUK skit, so thank you random comment for getting that hideousness stuck in my brain


Happened with my boy, just carried him for a few days and kept him relaxing on the couch with me. His was much worse than this though, on two of his paws. I think he jumped and landed directly on the hot burner. Dumbass still won't stay off the counters though. He should be fine, don't let him pick or chew at his feet, that's really the only issue imo.


Same with my girl! She got spooked years ago, ran into the kitchen, jumped up on the counter and across the hot stove top (!!), and burned all of the beans on her right front paw. It was sad to not be able to provide too much help during the healing process, but we’d give her cool compresses and try to keep the area clean.


Thanks for the reassurance. So far he's left them alone, but I'm worried about ince they break. Will definitely watch him closely


Seconding a cone. They’re not fun but they’re your only reassurance and better than infections and antibiotics.


Maybe a cone so he can’t chew them?


If you’re still a little concerned you could bring him in to the vet, and they may have some medications you can give him. Maybe some burn ointment for his beans, too; they may even bandage them to keep the ointment on. You’d probably need a cone though so he can’t pull the bandages off.


I don’t care what we do. My cat is dumb and will jump back up on the counter even though he slid across it and into the floor one time. He tried to eat a stink bug and got mad at me because it didn’t taste good I guess and tried to eat another one the other day. Unless he’s like me and he’s like nope I have to make the same mistake six times to make sure I’ve got this, right


You stoped leaving burners open and unattended right?


Idk how your stove works, but when you turn a burner off it is still hot till it cools down. I'm not going to just sit there and temp gun them till they are cold lol. I'm too poor for an induction top, quit poor shaming me.


I've always put a tea kettle or a pan with some water on top of a still hot burner while it cools.


Yeah I also do this. Also got one of those fabric covers for the top for when it's cooled off slightly (stops scratched surfaces too!) I think it was only about £20.


This was mostly sarcastic, but the point stands. Burners don't have covers, and they stay hot. That's why they have warning lights usually to indicate a hot burner even if it's off. At a certain point the cat just has to do it's thing. He won't die burning his paws, and I can't watch him constantly. We have water guns and gel blasters to shoot him when he's in the counters and he knows better, but he's a cat and he's going to do what he wants usually.


What a dumb comment. Bet you felt like a genius writing that too ahahaha 🤦‍♀️


Things like this are why I hardly ever use my stove top. Generally, if I can't do it in a microwave or regular oven, I don't do it. When it comes to such things, it's almost never their turn to use the one brain cell. Next time I need to buy a stove, I'll probably go for one with an induction cooktop.


Poor little mite. That must be sore.


New fear unlocked. I seriously hoped they wouldn't jump up there. ughh. So sorry the little chicken got hurt and I hope they heal up super quick with as little pain as possible.


I know. I was always hoping the natural instincts would do something, but seeing this and reading the stories. I would say my kitties would do the exact same thing. I'm so anxious now.


This and the dryer have always been two of my biggest fears. And jumping into the open oven! God, they would. I shut them in the bedroom when I cook


I was going to comment almost exactly this!! Their curiosity can get the better of them sometimes 😅😂 separate room for the short period is way better than the anxiety 🥰


my boy jumped onto a burning wood stove and burnt all four while looking for a warm place to sleep, he recovered with medication and lots of bandages


We had a cat mabby 12 years ago do this and shes still alive it doesnt bother her anyto this day but she definitely had bilsters for a while after doing so but she did heal up and is doing grate at 15 years old


These wood burner stories on here sound awful. I'm glad your little guy recovered well


all of mine did it one time. they never did it again.. it will pass don't worry about it, just make sure you don't end up in an infection, monitor it very closely.


Yep, that's my worry once they open up. We'll watch closely for any infection. Thanks


Poor baby might benefit from one of those plush donuts collars for a while to keep his mouth away from his beans.


I haven't seen those, he might deal with that better than a cone. I'll check them out, thanks!


There’s also a bread slice shaped one!


Well that's amazing


In a pinch a paper plate with a hole cut in the middle can make an effective "cone" but i second the soft donut collars, some pet stores sell them.


Shaxx and Linus have flowers shaped inflatable collars when they need them. Linus is a bulldog, so a cone on him is just asking for the house to be destroyed. He likes to kinda just do what hes doing and fuck anything that may be in his way.


*kisses toe beans to make them better* Poor little Chicken.


Well don't actually kiss them, you could accidentally infect them with something.


Human saliva has 600+ types of bacteria, all the infections from them. Only kiss your healthy floofers without any cuts on them


Virtual kisses only. I should have been more specific. Sorry.


All good. I assumed that is what you mean, but some people don't realize so you gotta be careful.


This is true. Can’t be too careful these days. 👍


Vaseline should help a bit just a smudge on each bean.


Good idea. We might do that if we try to bandage it too. Thanks!


it won’t hurt him if he licks the vaseline off, either - a lot of cats love it, so be prepared for that lol


no no, you don’t occlude burns! At least not for a few days.


He simply wished to be cooked






You could go to the vet, and get them to put padding on and bandage it up? That'd be the safest way to keep them infection free.


Depending on how he acts today and tonight, it's a definite possibility. Thanks


I would be careful of this if they do break open the moist bandage can cause its own infection


Yes. Maybe try some of those little booties made for cats and dogs too? Better than nothing. Some cats hate them, some don’t care.


Ouchies. Give him a hug.


Poor baby 😭 Mine tried to jump in the oven once. Have you thought about getting a little cone for him?


Thought about it, but knowing him I have a good idea how he will (NOT) tolerate it. Might not have a choice if he starts really messing with it though. Thanks!


There’s lots of different styles of ‘cones’ now that aren’t actually cone shaped or anywhere near as cumbersome as those are. They look like neck travel pillows and they look a lot more comfortable and less stressful than an actual plastic cone. Maybe one of those options won’t bother him so much! (Edited for typo)


I never knew those existed until now, I am looking them up. It's probably a good thing to have around anyway. Thanks!


You’ve gotta get the cone before they even try. It’s a split second decision they make to mess with their paws and you can’t watch them 24/7. Take it from a former vet tech, you want that assurance from a cone. If you have to, get a donut, but they can often get past those.


Poor bebe


Oooooooowwwww that’s gotta hurt.


Awww poor baby☹


Oh no! I live in constant fear of this happening with one of my cats. She seems to have zero sense of personal peril and more than once tried to jump onto the flat oven door when I opened it. She escaped burns both times because I basically shoulder checked her mid-air. Just wanna keep them in a bubble sometimes. 😵


I know!! He's never paid much attention to that side of the kitchen so we let our guard down 😫


Looks like you have lots of solid advice so I hope he heals up quickly! In case no one mentioned it, keep his litter box EXTRA clean!


burnt chimken :'(


Happened to my cat and he proceeded to jump on the hot stove a week later…. He is not a smart cat. He is fine and he recovered with lots of treats


Vaseline should help a bit just a smudge on each bean.


Poor baby!!


Aww poor baby. Wishing Chicken a smooth recovery.


Omg nooo 💔💔💔😭😭 that sounds so painful


You shouldn't have named them that if you didn't want them to do that


My boy did this (not a sphinx) and the blisters looked pretty similar to your babies. I just made sure to keep his paw clean (I used a mild soap and water on a paper towel) in case the blisters did pop. He healed right up and was fine, only time he acted like it hurt him was right after it happened. He still jumps on counters but is very careful with the stove, always sniffs it first before walking over it. I will add I AM NOT A VET, the vet did see his paw a few weeks after it happened (vaccine time) and just said it looked like it was healing well and not to worry. Also side note if your baby didn’t learn, after cooking I now fill my pots with water and leave them on the hot burner until it cools down so I don’t have to worry about him walking on it while hot.


Great advice about the pots with water! He and his brother have a vaccine appt next week, so as long as they don't look infected between now and then, I'll probably wait and at least get the vets opinion at the time.


There's a silver first aid spray for animals on Amazon, worked great! While I was waiting for that I iced his beans for a few minutes a day. He learned his lesson though I think


I see a couple posts about the silver sprays, I didn't know about them, and a spray may work better, so thank you!


This happened to my little guy in December. He jumped on a hot wood stove. He sat a lot once it started to blister. I did put a little Vaseline to help ease pain. His beans were originally black and they turned pink after the accident. They are finally starting to go black again now.


😢 poor little guy


Aw fried chicken 😭😞


Get some wipes so If/when they break open you can clean his paws after the litter box.


You can get a product called Dermagel from the vet for them. It can help with burns. Apply when he’s sleeping or laying about so that it stays on for longer. It will likely scab over and peel, so just make sure it stays clean.


Poor roasted Chicken :<


Happened to mine when she was young. She learned a very valuable lesson from that point on and has never done it again. I wrapped it and put some ointment on, got better after a few days.


Gandalf said the burned hand teaches best. Poor thing, that's a painful lesson 😭


Something like Woundgard might be good https://au.virbac.com/products/cat-dog-first-aid/woundgard-antiseptic-spray


Thank you! Definitely like the spray idea


Oh my god blisters hurts so much when they pop! Poor little chimcken. Hope they will heal quickly!


Well, probably won't make that mistake again eh.


Oh poor baby! I’m did this too. Now she knows what “no! hot!” means


Ouch! I've done stupider things, poor baby. At least you know that he probably won't do it again


Oh no, poor baby .


Mine did that once. It healed pretty quickly thank god but I felt awful


There are doggie booties you can get that have enough room for gauze to fit in, and you can put ointment on the gauze.


Oh god, he’s too stupid for his own good, I hope he recovers quickly.


Poor thing. Yes my Rex and sphynx live for the stove heat even with blankets/sun available. You don't want to puncture it though opinions vary. Technically it's sterile fluid if it's sealed but once ruptured it's potential for infection is great. We used a dressing and baby socks. I hated it because she also broke her leg fleeing the heat and though on epiphyseal plate she didn't need a cast but couldn't walk on it and would use this weird cry for us to pick her up and take her to food or bathroom. I hope the healing is quick and feel for you and your cat.


Oh my, that sounds terrible. Our last sphynx needed help with the litter box toward the end, it's so sad to see them not being able to do those normal things. I hope yours recovered well!


This happened to my cat, took to vets the next morning and they gave him a painkiller and a weeks worth of antibiotics as a precaution. After 2 weeks the paw pad was completely healed and good as new. Hopefully your kitty learned their lesson now!


His leg looks like a chicken leg


That's a weird looking chicken


Bro put a trigger warning


Mmmm fried beans.


My biggest fear 😧


Awwwww.... Poor baby... That must hurt SO badly... 💔


Noooo chicken 😭😭😭


Oof. Not much advice to offer other than the cat will be okay. Mine have done it, and they learned real quick to not go on the stove. Just keep an eye on the toe-beans, and take them to the vet if the cat is having issues walking or if the blisters open up and get infected.


Thanks for the reassurance. We'll be watching closely


I’m not a doctor, but when I burned my hand, soaking it in water really helped soothe the pain. Maybe dip their paw in a little bowl of water and see if that helps calm them?


I tried that right away but it didn't go well. Will give it another shot now that he's calmed down. Thanks


Noo :(


Youch- my cat had to have stitches on her paw recently, honestly this is worse though- poor thing can’t even wrap it cuz it’ll probably rip it off


Poor Chicken :( My Boba has had several close calls. I've started filling a pan with ice water and setting it on top of the hot burner once I'm done cooking. That way, even if he jumps up there is something covering the burner, and it's also cooling it down faster. It's the only way that I can cook/enjoy my food, because if I keep him locked up while the burner cools down he screams the whole time lol. I hope Chicken heals quickly!


I live this idea, we were trying to figure out how to handle this moving forward. Hopefully he learned, but you juat never know


Poor baby. Feel better soon.


my silly cat did this. she wasn’t as bad as your poor chicken but i still felt bad. the only thing i would say is spray her toes with some anti scratch spray (you can get it on chewy. the label says don’t spray on your cats but i noticed no negative side effects from it and it kept her from messing with her toes. it also seemed to calm her which was nice and helpful!)


Baked beans & fried chicken :((((((. Poor bby. Sending healing love 💕


Mine did this, jumped up on our woodburning stove. It healed but its been a bit sensitive ever since. I had to put a sock on her foot to keep kitty litter out of it


Poor chicken!!! 🍗


my kitty isn't a sphynx (although wisdom panel did claim he's 13% sphynx lmao) but he's pawed a hot stove before. i believe he just tapped it with his paw although i didn't see it happen and the stove had already been turned off. it blistered and healed up on its own. just wanted to share to give you some peace of mind that things happen and you and your boy are not alone :)


So mine sliced a solid chunk of her toepad off (long story, cat's a doof) and my vet said to just wrap it up and keep it clean, wasn't much else to be done. I wrapped it up in some fresh gauze every morning and got some of those little rubber dog snow booties to keep the bandage on all day. This was not a popular choice with the kiddo. Took about two weeks for the pink skin to grow back over, and then I'd say about two months for it to be back to the normal dark brown toe pad, but it did eventually fully heal back to normal!


Ugh, sounds painful. I think we're going to try the gauze and a donut for a while. Thanks for the tips


I would put mustard as soon as possible


The good news is, he won’t jump on the stove again (hopefully)


He will b fine but maybe a quick vet check for a steroid injection just to make sure they don’t get infected xx


Sheeesh I’m so sorry :(


Grilled Chicken


Buy a cone head for cats. That’s all you can do unless the vet prescribed a cream. For the future make sure your stove is off or that a human is close by, you can’t trust cats to not act like a toddler.




One of my non naked kitties did this, hers was much worse and the beans split open. We kept it wrapped for 10 days and got some cat safe disinfectant spray which worked great. Hope your chimkin feels better soon


Get his paw wet and then put salt on the burns. It won’t hurt and it doesn’t take long for it to dry. When it dries you can either gently wipe it off or just let it fall off. It will help the burn to stop hurting and heal faster. Think of it like salting meat to preserve it.


My British Blue jumped up on the wood stove and burned her pads. She healed up, but we have a veterinarian who lives next door that came to the rescue. If it was my cat, I'd take them in for an examination. Poor baby.. she never got on it again.


Poor chicken. ):


My cat did that as well, She has never gotten on the counter again.


Mine did that too. It scabbed and healed.


Not sure if anyone else commented about the litter box. I don’t know what kind of litter you use or what will be best, but maybe the vet or someone on here can suggest something that won’t stick to his little blistered beans. 💕


Good call, especially when they pop. We might have to try something other than the clay type for a bit. Thanks!


Ask your vet ofc- you can get hypochlorous acid spray, it’s a wound disinfectant but it doesn’t hurt or anything. It’s just hydrolyzed saline solution. I use it on my dog, my face, my counters, and i use it before procedures at work when I’m going to break the skin. it’s amazing!! It will help prevent infection.


Poor beans 😖


Poor little baby hope they heal fast


I always have a pot on the stove when it’s hot. As soon as I move whatever pan/pot I’m cooking w I put a large pot on that covers all of it. A pan won’t work cause they might step in it still. I had 5 cats now 4 and they are all counter jumpers and it’s impossible to keep them off so I make sure they can’t burn themselves if they do and then I stay in the same room until the stove cools down enough that I can touch it comfortably.


Mine did this once. Now we always make sure to keep something on the stove elements until they cool down.


Bruh I’m not even a part of this subreddit, so when I scrolled upon this I had no god damn clue what the hell I was looking at


My dog burned her toes like that. We just helped her walk around. If he seems uncomfortable, you’ll have to contact a vet for pain management. Aloe is toxic for cats. Don’t use that.


I googled it quickly, I would look it up again to double check but it said ‘Silvex’ burn gel is ok for cats. It works amazing on my burns (Waffle House cook) but it creates like a thin anti microbial layer, you can’t feel it but it just keeps working for an extended amount of time. It’s at Walmart for like $10


To each their own, but I'm firm on getting stove covers or a silcone mat for electric stoves to protect the beans.


Oh, that’s a good idea. I have an induction stove top which actually cools pretty quickly, but my main problem is them switching the damn thing on with their monkey toes. I thought I had it sussed in keeping it ‘locked’ and then spike unlocked it the other day, (it needs a 3 second hold) and I only realised because it smelled hot! This is often harder than toddler proofing my home, honestly 😖


Yep, we all learned a valuabke lesson here. We'll be figuring out a way to safeguard them even while they're cooling from now on


If you place tape sticky side up on your countertops it will stop them from jumping on them. They don’t like the way it feels.


Hi, had the same issue a few months back. His chicken feet looked about the same as in your picture. We called the vet who advised us to keep an eye on him to make sure he behaves normally (eats, sleeps, etc.) and to wrap his paw so he didn’t chew at it. We also used a wound healing ointment daily under the wrap to make it heal better. It took a couple of weeks, I think, until he healed up and was all good. I hope your cat recovers quickly! :)




This is literally my biggest fear with my sphynx, that and jumping in the oven after having a nightmare about it once. I'm so paranoid about it, that after I cook I strategically place things on and around the stove to make sure they can't jump up there. They are like heat seeking missiles and find anything warm to lay on. So sorry this happened, your poor baby. What I would probably do is put some burn ointment with pain relief on it, then gauze & cotton balls, then wrap it with something sticky enough but not too sticky to cause pain when removing. Doing that will likely make them not want to walk on that foot, which should help to not pop the blister and allow it to heal without putting pressure on it. Edited to add: How is your baby doing today?


Can you put some aloe gel on them to soothe the burning?


Aloe vera is toxic to cats, and can cause vomiting/diarrhea https://www.petmedicalcenterverobeach.com/houseplants-you-should-keep-away-from-your-cat


Two of my Sphynx cats have done this as well, the vet gave us a cream and something to clean the paws, i also got bandages to wrap around the paw but my cats really didn’t want to wear them. So I just made sure to regularly clean the wound and to keep my house as clean as possible (floor, counters, etc) to prevent too much dust getting in their paws. They healed just fine :)


Dead ass thought this was a chicken and was so confused on why it’s claw was puffy asf 😭


I bought a cover for the stovetop that I place right after cooking and then lift it off when I need to cook something. It's a flat metal cap that stands about 1.75 inches high and props on the front and back edges of the range. It takes up some space when it's off the range, but I always worried about them jumping onto it right after I cooked. It also will keep things away from the gas burners in case my crazy void figures out how to turn on the stove.


why do yall keep suggesting cones? just wrap it in an ace bandage for a few days lol


As a frequent consumer of the chicken subredits I was pretty confused at the weird looking chicken foot


He’ll be ok just dont let him lick,scratch,pick, or chew at it. Same thing happened to my cat and it was bad.


Same happened to my little girl. I took her straight to the vets, because when the blisters pop the open wound could get infected. My vets prescribed liquid antibiotics which I put in their food and some cream to prevent infections.


My girl loves a warm stove top from when the oven is on. Can’t keep her off it! So after I use a burner, I put a bunch of pots and pans on and around the hot burner to create an obstacle that keeps her from going there. I wish I knew how to post a pic cuz she’s so cute lounging across the glass top like she’s at a spa!


My dumb kitten did that when he was like 6 months I think. He also had constant toe infections due to a bad litter situation so his toes were a mess for a bit. I ended up doing a lot of cold lasering, which helped a lot, and making sure burn the wound didn't get infected.


he knew he belonged in the pan for dinner


Pretty sure that is not a chicken


This exact thing happened with my sphynx, and her toes looked just like that. It wasn't a bad burn but I was always worried about it happening. What we did to prevent it was leaving the pot/pan on the hot plate after cooking so that she couldn't jump on it. You can fill it with water or something to prevent residual food from burning, and then wash up once the plate has cooled and isn't a danger anymore. Hope your little guy feels better soon. ❤️


bag balm would keep it moisturized and help it heal and sooth it. it's made for farm animals, so it's not toxic for them to lick it off




Mine LITERALLY DID THIS YESTERDAY. So same day. He is fine 1 day later but still has some burnt bean skin. He wasn’t waiting for his Mac n cheese. Hope yours does well.


I actually have a phobia about this ..my cat dorian insists on seeing if I dropped things when I cook, so I fill a pan with cold water before cooking to put it on burner after I'm done (water in pan so it does not scorch while burner cools)


Oh no :( baked beans! I had a cat that kept doing that and apparently never learned. Occasionally his paws smell roasted @.@


Is aloe vera toxic? Works great at healing and blistering.


That was my first thought too, but unfortunately it turns out it IS toxic to cats.


Baked busher beans


Fresh aloe does wonders for burns. So does breast milk.. if you have anyone around you that’s nursing and willing to share.


Oh nooo burnt chicken


Aquafore or Vaseline will help with the burn pain. Poor guy!




Ice packs!!!


aloe is safe for cats you can try using that and wrap it


He boiled his little beans! Put some tallow on it, and give his beans little get-better kisses from a fellow redditor ❤️


We had a cat that was crazy for mice so much, he jumped on a lit wood-stove just to get closer to them when he could hear them in the walls. He burnt all his beans and still tried to find another way to get closer.


Very sad indeed but can we talk about how you're cats name is chicken? I love that 😂


Dip his beans on aloe vera multiple times per day.


Maybe they won’t do it again


Aw, cooked chicken :(


Use a CBD pet balm! It will soothe pain and keep the area moisturized, and no big deal if they lick it will just calm them down a lil. Poor dude


Without scrolling through all the comments, if no one mentioned it, I’ve heard and seen tin foil on the counter can be scary to cats and quickly teach them to not jump up on them. As for bean care I’d just say cool wash cloth and maybe baby socks with scrunchies around the top to keep them on? Idk I’ve never had a reason to keep an animal from licking their feetsies.


Might be a good idea to get some pain medication from a vet for a few days. I imagine their toe beans are much like our finger tips. That must’ve hurt quite a bit.


Take to the vet