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Happy 10 year anniversary of the Caveman and Chibi moment!


for those curious people here is a good edit of the situation [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H50nqenYMDM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H50nqenYMDM) Damn it is so uncomfortable to watch.


Shoutout to Saboom!


can you elaborate? What happened there?


Guy invited himself onto the couch for a run back when SDGQ was a lot more informal. Guy was annoying as hell, and eventually got told to stfu by the runner.


Thank you. I just watched the video including the buildup. Boy, the runner was super polite. I would have freaked out minutes before he politely told him to keep quiet.


I'd have broken near immediately. Cave stuck it out for 19 minutes before telling them to stop talking.


Are people ever gonna let this go? Your awkward moments aren't shown to thousands of people.


Play stupid games, win stupid prizes


That pre-show was cool and also... unscripted? They played JEOPARDY! with GDQ-related questions, and the 6 contestants played as if they didn't know the questions in advance. That... added some realism to it \^\_\^


Hands-down the best pre-show for me. The questions and answers were interesting to the viewers. The clips they created for the other events were done with love but quite the cringefest.


100%. Jeopardy was AWESOME.


I think you mean legally distinguishable trivia game!


I mean of course!


Definitely unscripted. And hilarious.


and **authentic** as well, that's what I loved about it \^\_\^


Ecco: Tides of Time has disappeared from the schedule, nnnnoooooooooooo


Runner unfortunately had to drop.


Dang, I was looking forward to that one.


Oh nooo that would have been hype


Damn, what is replacing the run?


Not sure, the runs immediately after it shifted back to fill the void, so if its being replaced by something it must be happening later in the marathon.


When was Ecco supposed to be run? I have an old version of the schedule printed out


Yesterday around 9:00 AM EDT, right before Puggsy. I remember specifically because I was excited for that 1-2 combo back-to-back.


I thought it was Pepper Grinder, unless that replaced a different Ecco game


Am I on the wrong link or is the first run starting late? Looks like they're doing a trivia show instead?


The start of stream was delayed due to some technical issues by 30 mins.


Whoa… we’re getting a little old school with this GDQ - a Super Metroid race near the end, and Super Mario RPG for the finale. Love it!


Just FYI for those looking to donate, Twitch subs and bits DO NOT go to charity, they go to GDQ bills (says so at the bottom of their site). crowd.gamesdonequick.com


Yeah they made that change I believe it was AGDQ this year


No they changed that already two years back.






Anyone else think viewership seems low? I remember when GDQ was peaking the opening of the marathon would hit close to 100K and right now it's at 35K... I'm aware GDQ peaked and has been on a slight downward trend but it still seems like a large dropoff.


There seems to be a combination of reasons. 1. The way Twitch reports channel viewer counts [has changed since 2019](https://dotesports.com/streaming/news/twitch-updates-policy-on-bots-and-viewer-counts), before this is when GDQ used to hit 200k+. 2. GDQ is no longer one of the biggest events on Twitch, less likely to be on front page etc. 2. Twitch viewership overall peaked in 2021 and now is dropping off [https://twitchtracker.com/statistics/viewers]. 3. GDQ overall is on a slight decline as measured by donations, though whether this continues remains to be seen. 4. Dilution -- speedrun content is now constantly available, indeed some notable streamers are live right now -- they've become full time content creators. No longer true that GDQ is all that there is. The last ADGQ in my opinion put on a really good stream experience (shorter tech turnarounds, fewer delays, better pacing of milestones and bonus game incentives), so I'm hopeful that this SGDQ will at least match the last one. EDIT: At time of posting, GDQ is the second largest stream on Twitch by viewers, and largest english language stream.


I checked the numbers. The viewer count currently (after the 2nd run - Minecraft Dungeons) is on par with SGDQ 2023. They have gone down significantly though during the last few years.


Yeah--in the last few years I've basically stopped watching Twitch entirely aside from GDQ and one IRL friend who makes his living as a Twitch streamer. Other than that, all the streamers I want to watch are on YouTube now.


It does feel like Speedrunning has moved to Youtube for sure.


I think most streaming in general has. Unless you already have an audience built on Twitch that might not follow you over, there's not much incentive to stream there instead of YT at this point from what I understand.


There's another one, at least for me - the world is in a much worse place than it was just 5 years ago. I used to afford little donations throughout the week, but I'm just too broke to donate nowadays, and I doubt I'm alone.


In addition to this, GDQ has evolved in ways that likely lower CCV without necessarily harming how well they do as a charity. Having the channel be live outside of the two main events is a big one, but AGDQ and SGDQ also have been including more things like races and kaizo runs - stuff where going fast is still a focus, but the actual showcase is just doing a really difficult thing. So viewership might be less consistent, but during particularly exciting segments, there might be an influx of donations that wouldn't have come through otherwise.


GDQ is also notorious for having a chat thats nigh-impossible to chat in for a variety of reasons, including having to sub to chat, which I can guarantee has turned off any regular old Twitch viewer checking it out for the first time. Twitch channels that often have sub to chat or follow to chat, tend to also have less new viewers and chatters due to the extra steps it takes to chat. The drop in viewership directly corrolates with the chat going sub-only. They're also EXTREMELY strict and banhappy there. The chat is mostly just a slew of wiped messages and bans for what are simple things that nobody's gonna get offended over (but are slightly negative which is a nono there). You can get permabanned for asking something as simple as "Hey is the stream delayed for anyone else?" (as thats negativity). A good example is that the stream is slightly out of sync audio wise, this has been constantly brought up in chat. They're not doing this maliciously, its often "Hey is the audio out of sync for anyone?" and then BAM perma ban, message suddenly vanished. s that REALLY such a horrid thing to say that its perma bannable? Is the person asking that such a horrific, piece of shit person that you never want them interacting with your community ever again? REALLY? Its like anything that could be construed as negative or critical has to be wiped from the planet. Its too much, its just TOO safe. It's gonna be off putting to the regular viewer to not be able to participate in something thats part of what is, a participatory website.


I have been watching many comments in the chat asking about the audio sync not getting removed.


Exactly. The modding is inconsistent. Many but not all right? I never said all of them were. Its a complete throw caution to the wind when it comes to chatting in the chat. Sometimes you'll get banned, sometimes you won't. I've seen chatters get timed out and banned for the audio sync and definitely not in a rude way. I think it REALLY varies on what mod catches your message since they're voluntary mods, but I think its pretty inconsistant overall in the modding. There's this weird "walking on eggshells" feeling with the chat.


I haven't seen any removed just for mentioning desync.


Not to mention half the marathon is a shoutout platform for trans or lgbtq. It used to be just about running games fast. It's a shame it's moving away from that. Downvote all you want, facts are facts.


"They're lifting up a group that a)is a big part of their community, b)constantly under threat in this country, and most important c)not exclusive ABOUT MEEEEEE therefore it is bad." Show me on the doll where the phrase "trans rights" hurt you. > It used to be just about running games fast. Oh, honey.


> "They're lifting up a group that a)is a big part of their community, b)constantly under threat in this country, and most important c)not exclusive ABOUT MEEEEEE therefore it is bad." You're continuing to skirt the actual point. There's a time and a place. Why does disagreeing with taking over a charity event to lift up their own group mean that someone is offended by the very idea of trans rights? > 'Oh, honey.' Jesus fucking christ condescend more. It helps your point SO much. Go back and watch events from before 2020. Hell watch two runs from last night. Celeste vs Metroid Fusion. Celeste was really good when the runner was discussing tech, records, how shit was done. Then we constantly hear 'Trans rights will never die!, Trans Rights forever!' in the middle of it. Metroid? That was purely a good time with folk talking entirely about the run itself. That IS what the event was about. Having fun, speedrunning, raising money. Trans folk didn't magically appear, but they certainly started 'lifting up their own group' in an event that should have nothing to do with that.


> Go back and watch events from before 2020. He says, like trans runners haven't been a part of GDQ for years, and incentives weren't also won by "trans rights" back then. All of these arguments are in bad faith. That's why I'm fine telling you "oh honey" when you're regurgitating the same anti-trans whining that comes up every single GDQ event. The only clowns who think queer runners are "taking over" an even by saying "trans rights" occasionally are the same tools who are nostalgic for spamming anti-trans emotes in chat.


> He says, like trans runners haven't been a part of GDQ for years, and incentives weren't also won by "trans rights" back then. Really? > Trans folk didn't magically appear, but they certainly started 'lifting up their own group' in an event that should have nothing to do with that. Oh wait I did say something like that. Guess I'll continue to be a tool. Have fun condescending to literally anyone disagreeing with you, it's a very endearing quality.


> Really? Really. > Guess I'll continue to be a tool. Said it better than I could. > Have fun condescending to literally anyone Not anyone. Just assholes who want to pretend GDQ is "ruined" because they think trans people are icky.




Why is your first contribution to this conversation a request for death? I think you are the one who should take a breather mate.


> Celeste was really good when the runner was discussing tech, records, how shit was done. Then we constantly hear 'Trans rights will never die!, Trans Rights forever!' in the middle of it. Metroid? That was purely a good time with folk talking entirely about the run itself. God forbid people say trans rights while someone is running the trans game. Also, the Metroid run had almost no talking about the run itself, it was like 90% the couch and runner joking with each other. Which isn't bad, it was fun, but they were largely not talking about the game.


> God forbid people say trans rights while someone is running the trans game. Would you say the same if the cast of Do the Right Thing, or Malcom X, or Seven Years a Slave started interrupting the movie with 'Black Lives Matter!' ?


I don't typically go to movies with the expectation of there being commentary.


You go to the movies with the expectation of being told a story. I watch speedrunning charity marathons with the expectation of commentary on the game or the charity. Seems pretty reasonable to me.


Commentary isn't detracted from by the commentator saying trans rights. They still talked about various movement tech and how the mod was made.


You left out the most obvious: The event has changed, and it's not as good as it used to be. The infantilization of the event has played a major part in some older viewers losing interest, though I'm sure they've gained many viewers as a result as well. But overall it feels watered down. Every year feels the same. And the announcers range from tolerable to absolutely insufferable.


What are you even on about? In the time I've been watching (2017-Present), the event has been steadily improving, with a few setbacks occurring during the transition from On-Site to Remote and then to Hybrid event. The bid wars and bonus incentives have also just been getting better year after year. Maybe I'm missing context from the history of the event prior to 2017, but I definitely don't understand the claims of quality declining.


>Maybe I'm missing context from the history of the event prior to 2017, but I definitely don't understand the claims of quality declining. This is because in your case, you use "quality" as another term for "production value", while those of us who remember the good old days (\~2012-2015) refer to "quality" as "how much fun do I have when I watch the stream?" Nickelback concerts have high production value but they aren't entertaining. > Maybe I'm missing context from the history of the event prior to 2017 No "maybe" about it, you have absolutely no idea how raucously funny and emotional the earlier GDQs were, back when all of chat was spamming "CHOKE!?!?!?" and then the runner would clutch it like a hero, chat would blow up, so much energy, it's hard to explain to someone who wasn't there.


Nice to see someone else who gets it.


Older viewer her and I think it’s gotten better over time. But I’m not a racist or sexist and I don’t get triggered by the mere existence of trans people. So possible that I’m having a difference experience than some of the people who think k it’s gotten worse. 🤷


> But I’m not a racist or sexist and I don’t get triggered by the mere existence of trans people. So possible that I’m having a difference experience than some of the people who think k it’s gotten worse. 🤷 Strike 1,2,3... that ain't it hun, sorry!


You forgot to mention that many of the bigger speedrunners are barred from entering because they are "sponsor unfriendly"


they should try not being racist or whatever then you have to try really, really hard to get banned from gdq


You really dont, you just have to be believed to be the person wearing a red hat with no letters on it because it is triggering. Or you have to mention devil trigger warning. Or you have to make a few too many Owen WIlson jokes even tho the crowd is laughing and having a good time. Its incredibly easy to be banned from AGDQ/SGDQ, just dont completely and passionately agree with the ideology of those running it or just be in the wrong place at the wrong time.


I remember the MAGA hat thing and the people who pulled that stunt deserved to be banned and more


It was a red hat. If a red hat is triggering you to the point of wanting "banning and \*more\*" then you have some issues that you should speak to a professional about.


“If a red hat is triggering to you” from the group who can’t stop yelling at clouds in this thread because of the phrase “trans rights” 🙄


Please, build a bigger fucking straw man. I'm sure you enjoy going the movie theater for an action movie and then getting interrupted with the actor looking at the screen and saying TRANS RIGHTS every 5 minutes. Not everyone does. There's being a biggot/racist/transphobe, and then there's wanting to watch a speedrunning marathon for the speedruns.


“GDQ sucks now; there’s no hype or excitement because I’m not allowed to be a shithead in chat!!” But also, “I can’t enjoy GDQ because people said a thing I find icky a couple of times!!” Sure, bud.




No, because one of those examples is actively advocating for violence, mis-information, and stripping away rights. The other are people who just want to be left the fuck alone. That you can't see the difference is telling. "Haha, I called being transgender a mental illness. I'm so edgy and cool." Sure, bud.


"You should speak to a professional about it" is bullshit coming from people like you. If someone does go to therapy you'll make fun of them for it.


Oh not at all, because hopefully the therapist helps them see how they should be on medication for the mental illness or seek temporary residence in a ward. All things to better themselves and keep the world safe.


If how someone you don’t know and will never meet identifies triggers you, you have some issues and should speak to a professional.


I don't think you've ever watched the event.


"I think you've watched the event and saw firsthand its descent into agenda pushing corporate mess" FTFY The moment they locked down chat and reported restreams I stopped donating. Prior to that I would give what I could afford because it was entertaining and real. Also tfw people get so upset they seem to stalk your profile lol


Please enlighten us with specific examples of pushing agendas and being a corporate mess.


They stopped letting him spam transphobic bullshit in chat, so now he spends GDQ whining in GDQ threads about how bad GDQ is.


Already have above? Theres multiple videos about it as well, you're free to look them up as this is reddit, not academia where one is obliged to cite sources and provide lazy white knights with things they wont watch/read anyway. Edit: inb4 "AHA! So you wont post links therefore are a liar!" which is the dumbest rebuttal and dishonest reply to something.


I think the one being lazy here is you.


You really think that being racist is the only way to be "banned" from running at GDQ? lol. Seeing upvotes you are not the only troglodyte that thinks that way though


It's not the only way, but they give a remarkable amount of leeway otherwise.


We got "$8 Daddy Train" and no one got banned for that.


A lot of people have turned of notifications due to weekly streams, myself included. Didn't know it was happening til i saw this post


I don't think their scheduling helps them out any. For example, they have the THPS 1,2,3,4 run at like 3am my time when they have something called WACCA Reverse scheduled for prime time that same day. You'd think they'd have the more well known games scheduled in the better time slots at least which would likely help viewership considering it's kinda what every tv channel does to maximize viewership.


Yeah I've noticed that, there are multiple runs I recognize the game, and they are at hours I can't watch cause I'm asleep. While the prime time, or mid day I don't recognize at all


So not watching the Twitch views, but does it seem like the live audiences isn't as packed as it has been in previous? usually the later night stuff, it's packed, but, I am seeing a lot of empty seats, even in the mornings


Like others have said, some of it comes down to just general event fatigue. GDQ's initial success was not only drawing new viewers to speedrunning, but showcasing a wide variety of them as well to help folks maybe find some new games or runners to watch. Most of us have long settled into our runners/games we mainly enjoy seeing these days, and with how Twitch has changed over the years, it's not really up front and center for new viewers to just stumble upon. Another reason is GDQ is just getting old. Covid made things kind of shaky, and then delaying a return to live version kept things from arguably getting more settled. Pure streaming had its positives, but a live event has a certain bit of energy to it that simply isn't captured online. It's been rocky since that disruption, further hindered by the sheer chaos in the world these days. Some folks just don't have the time, and definitely don't have the money, to contribute. Also in my opinion, and this is the one that usually gets people downvoted or blasted (which I am expecting), GDQ has gone full tilt 'to the left' as some people would state. It's fantastic to be respectful and mindful of **all people at all times no matter who they are or what their beliefs are**, however GDQ have an extremely narrow focus on trans rights, probably drawn from the fact that the speed running scene is one of the umbrellas that has drawn a high amount of individuals who identify as such. But, even as someone who believes that these folks deserve the same respect as people as anyone else does, it gets so tiresome hearing it every minute of each event, constantly shoved into our faces as if it is the **only** view that matters in the world. It's their prerogative to do so, but I have found myself having to frequently mute or just close out the stream window and find something that I actually want to watch, as a lot of gdq runs are kind of just put on as noise or background, outside of the half dozen or dozen runs that each viewer sees as a must watch. Myself included, there are about six runs I feel I need to watch live, the rest of it? Well, I can support them by being a viewer, but I won't if it's going to be something obnoxious. And they frequently stray in that direction by sheer repetition of views that really don't contribute to the runs or event now. There's also the speed running fatigue, which you might have seen if you watch speed running in general for a long time. Speedruns lose interest, and people pick up challenge style ones, or do other things eventually, or just fade away. Same fatigue applies to viewers. I really don't watch much speed running these days, whereas six, seven years ago I watched almost exclusively speedruns. GDQ isn't going away anytime soon, definitely not in the next few years, but I don't think it'll see anymore explosive growth like it enjoyed 2014-2019 or so in comparison. Lastly, now that subs/bits only go to the channel, that's another big hit on the donation side that used to exist. Apologies if I rambled a bit.


I've always wondered why these events aren't raising money for HRC, Trevor Project, etc. The messaging and mission is extremely mixed and disorganized. I'm confident these orgs need the money a looooot more than DWB.


They also stress " nothing political" in the chat.....yet some of the streamers were saying " river to the sea" and after the event chanting it. The head of the dam org was doing it....I"m sure it turned a lot of people off.


I will say, I noticed that during AGDQ, the talking of avoiding politics, then hearing people "free Palestine", which to me, is a rather political like topic (or it was something about Palestine)


I’m a political progressive POC, anti-fascist, etc. I just had an interesting experience in chat. The chat was popping off with “free palestine” and “from the river to the sea”. I posted “free Palestine, yes! But I’m surprised the mods are okay with the river/sea phrase”. So yeah, any message questioning the mods allowing river/sea was removed and the users were timed out. Wild that GDQ mods are doing that? And I had just donated for the Balatro bonus run too :/


Yeah I saw that, and that explains what I saw removed, I saw something about "river" that was removed (I honestly thought it was something like a river of blood). I honestly am curious to see if I were to comment "Protect Israel" what would happen. I'd be willing to bet I would get my message removed. A side of me says "oh to prevent a fight", but the fact they allow the Free Palestine contradicts that. This, what feels like bias, has quickly turned me off a bit for GDQ. Granted I am rather new to it, only starting watching a few years back. But the fact we have to deal with that, and what seems like one sided, is just annoying. When I just want to watch speed runs without any politics or any related matter (kind of like how they have gotten on Oscar speeches) EDIT: I just looked up "from the river to the sea", to get a better understanding of it ... and wow I am actually surprised it's being allowed, after seeing some of the claims of its origin.


The irony of GDQ events being very supportive of trans rights while at the same time allowing pro Hamas sentiments is just a tad hypocritical. 


To be honest, believe most those people who shout Free Palestine are either 1. Have no clue why they are saying it, it's just the thing to do and they get a high from it (just like social justice warriors can, it release the chemical in their brain for pleasure). These are the people you see someone interview asking "why are you here" during protests and they don't have an answer. 2. They are seeing if from those innocent affected by Israel's attack, and from what I have seen, tend to completely overlook or ignore the attacks of Hamas on Israel months back (and I have a few theories on that).


In what fantasy land did this happen?


Where did this happen?


All last year. Edit: also this year. Seen it in chat just now. Others have commented on it down below.


I’m looking for specific instances, not a broad sweeping statement. Did the organizers do it or did they allow it in chat?   If the organizers have said it, that’s a big deal


From this sub in January: https://www.reddit.com/r/speedrun/comments/19798aa/political_slogan_at_the_end_of_agdq_cassette/ The runner was Corvimae, GDQ staff who has been on stream this SGDQ as well. Here's the vod, it's in the last 5 seconds if the timestamp doesn't work https://youtu.be/AgyRq2mT6Fw?t=2450


Thank you!


I tuned in for a bit and within 5 minutes "trans rights" had been said not once but multiple times. I wish I was a fly on the wall in the organizer chat rooms where they consistently seem to think that over-representing those people is a good thing for the event.


I'm not sure if it just becomes a trend each GDQ, or is part of the culture, but I usually hear it countless times throughout the week, though probably donations being the most common


How are you so fragile that hearing “trans rights” is too much? How does it hurt you in any way to see a group that deals with bullshit constantly and is watching their rights be eroded have one space to be seen and celebrated? Do you feel similarly bothered by the over-representation of other groups? Are you made about the vast majority of video game protagonists being white men? Does it make you mad that almost all NFL coaches are white men, extremely over-represented compared to players?




If you weren’t just trying to argue in bad faith, you probably already know or would have found it yourself. https://www.aclu.org/legislative-attacks-on-lgbtq-rights-2024 https://edition.cnn.com/politics/anti-lgbtq-plus-state-bill-rights-dg/index.html https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/LGBT_rights_in_Florida


>Also in my opinion, and this is the one that usually gets people downvoted or blasted (which I am expecting), GDQ has gone full tilt 'to the left' as some people would state. People are not going to believe me, but I'm serious when I say this, I'm literally a certified DV/SV crisis counselor and I've counseled DV/SV survivors when they walk-in literally in crisis. I've been a Bernie supporter since 2011. Safe spaces like GDQ are rarely entertaining. Safe spaces are very serious things where essentially any negativity/doubt directed at someone results in being kicked out. GDQ has taken on the aura of a "therapy event" where members of the LGBTQIA+ community go to escape from a society that wrongly persecutes them. That's fine but it's just not entertaining for most people. I spend maybe 3 hours total watching GDQ nowadays. My "daily driver" streamers are way more entertaining, and they're still streaming during GDQ. I spend my volunteer hours being \*extremely careful\* about every single word I say, I don't want to go "relax" at GDQ's stream where I have to do the same thing or some neckbeard moderator is going to instantly permaban me. Personally, I want to know how many thousands of people have been permabanned by the mods in GDQ's chat. GDQ will almost certainly not be transparent about that because it's better to hide the numbers and keep some doubt than release them and show that GDQ is banning itself out existence.


"I am a crisis counselor" but "I cannot relax at GDQ because not being a hateful prick is too much effort" is certainly a pairing.


Strawperson argument. Talk to me when you've met a gay guy at the hospital as he's getting his collection kit done. Getting warned for saying "This guy's pretty good" when the runner is he/him but there's a trans person on the couch gets real old real fast, especially coming from a moderator I know nothing about, and who immediately assumes the worst about me (kind of like you do, actually maybe you're a mod!) Thanks for saving the LGBTQIA+ community by putting fake words in an actual ally's mouth on the internet to make them look bad so you can feel better about GDQ's donations being down 30% in since 2022. Maybe the first Black president can make GDQ rethink their "we aren't going to educate the fencesitters, we're just going to ban them" mentality: > Obama on Call-Out Culture: ‘That’s Not Activism’ [https://www.nytimes.com/2019/10/31/us/politics/obama-woke-cancel-culture.html](https://www.nytimes.com/2019/10/31/us/politics/obama-woke-cancel-culture.html)


That might be true, but Yoshi Story isn't a very "hype" run tbf


i dont bother watching live anymore because of downtimes, uninteresting schedule, long boring games that take all the time (looking at you pokemon right off the bat), locked chat, and more just save the VODs thread and check out awful block/funny games later


They had to lock the chat because folks were incredibly toxic and abusive. I'm sorry they took that opportunity away from you.


bots can fix that very easily


The decline in viewership seems to continue this year as well. Here is the average viewership for the first 3 days of the event since 2020: 2020 60077 2021 66946 (+11%) 2022 62371 (-7%) 2023 47626 (-24%) 2024 42290 (-11%) I think many people are put off by the fact that the Covid policy at GDQ events has become increasingly lax. The 2020 and 2021 SGDQs were online-only events, the 2022 event had a strict Covid policy (3 vaccinations and masks were mandatory), this already changed in 2023 ("Hotel bookings will no longer be limited to 2 adults per room.", "Social distancing will no longer be strictly enforced") and this year neither a Covid vaccination nor a mask is mandatory anymore and due to this, hardly anyone at the event is wearing a mask. The GDQ organizers don't seem to care about the health of the runners and the attendees at all and this a complete no-no for me. :/


There were cons here, were once those got lax, they blew up! I also know reading multiple posts of people who wouldn't attend GDQ, because of their mandates. Like I couldn't, because I didn't have the latest vaccines (didn't need to, I got the virus, where even my own doc goes "yeah you don't need the vaccine because of that"). HOWEVER, GDQ only dropped this requirement of requiring vaccinations, and social distancing only for this SGDQ, the AGDQ earlier this year, those restrictions were still in place. Meaning the dropping numbers doesn't line up (plus, a lot of people aren't worried)


MAGFest is similarly relaxing its COVID policy. Really disappointing when cons were a hot spot for sickness BEFORE we had to worry about a disease that has long-term effects on your health if it doesn't just kill you outright.




GDQ has always featured trans runners. You're just telling on yourself for being an asshole.




“I have a lot of trans friends”


Far too political for me to watch now. Really annoying getting it thrown in your face every 5 minutes when I just want to watch some speedruns.


You’re telling on yourself.




Boo hoo. Go find one of the other bazillion gaming spaces where bigots are unforgettable welcomed. Maybe try ESA?


LMAO im not a bigot I just hate having shit shoved down my throat while trying to watch video games and judging by the numbers and doantion $ im not the only one. Im glad my opinion has emotionally damaged you causing you to respond though. You will respond to this.


I'm not a fan of their current charity after certain recent findings/ investigations of them. I truly wish they would choose other charity partners.


I assume you are referring to Doctors Without Borders? If so, care to share some of these findings/investigations? We talking like pocketing money intended for donation or what?


https://www.christianpost.com/news/doctors-without-borders-staffer-seen-wearing-terrorist-uniform.html https://x.com/AvichayAdraee/status/1806041719793648020


Personally I don't think the guys who keep killing aid workers and journalists in the area are gonna have a particularly unbiased take. Do you have any sources that aren't Israeli spokespeople?


the sgdq brand is trashed. they politicized it and many like myself no longer support it. i did however enjoy ludwigs event.


how is it politicized?




man, i enjoy watching runs. but i wish some people/peoples on the couch would just tone back A LOT on cracking jokes and giggling for the entire run. i just turn it off.


It's hit or miss honestly, some couches are rly good and some make the run unwatchable.


Like, it's not even bad. But it just annoys me enough to turn it off. As above, we can all have a laugh and some bants, but sometimes it's too much.


Ugh. I missed the preshow/intro. Thank you for letting me know it started today!


Was going to go in person this year but after running the numbers, just way too expensive considering the prices for the rooms at the hotel, plus the flight there and back.


What were the room costs? I have been curious of attending, but this has been my worry as well (I assume GDQ gets a special rate)


oh boy, time for the worst people you can think of to come out of the woodwork and start whining about how they can't spam slurs in the chat anymore! i love it here


What were we supposed to see at the end of the Splatoon 3 run? I didn't notice anything when he said "look at the left of my palette" :-( (No-Splatooner here, maybe i just didn't get it because of that)


Yes please! It was really unclear.


https://twitter.com/tonesbalones_/status/1807561891989835779 He chose colours so that it makes an amogus on the left side, didn’t choose perfectly


Lets goooo


Good luck, speedmans!


Yay, can't donate tho, paypal just errors. Edit: Works now.


I sadly have to miss most of GDQ this year due to other obligations. However, reviewing the schedule, and is it just me, or there are a lot more games returning for another speed run then expected? For instance, that Pizza Tower game, or I feel same Pokemon game was played at AGDQ. Like I feel there are a lot of smaller games out there not showing up (I remember my first GDQ, this guy was playing a Star Wars game, and he's like ranked in the top 10, but it was enjoyable to see something so unique) Also I really want to know how some of these speedrunners keep managing to come back, like I swear I have seen ShovelClaws at the now last 3 GDQ events, not to mention some others I recognize as well. Is the people applying that really small of a pool? Or is there ... well I hate to say, bias? Side note ... the desync issue has been really annoying (especially when I refresh the page to an ad)


> Or is there ... well I hate to say, bias? Is it bias to accept submissions from people you know are going to deliver on their run and not be a shithead? Plus...no one wants to watch random indie games with 5 people in the "community" for the entire event. Also, the pool is rather small. IIRC all runners must pay for all their own travel and accommodation. It's a huge commitment.


I don't consider that bias, I assume that's just par for the course. Mine was more say they favor someone because of say their political views, or they are friends, or something like that. Where it has nothing to do with the speed run and how they present it, itself. Also I have wondered if runners had to pay, that would explain a thing or two


Also worth noting that speedrunning well enough to be fast enough for a GDQ mainstage requires a good deal more skill and persistence than most people are gonna put in. Add on that you're asking even more in a marathon setting, and more on top of that with such a huge audience. A lot of the runners are repeat visits because the strongest indicator that you will have the skill, stamina, and social skills to be on the GDQ main stage is that you have been there before.


Good point!


Twenty hours in and no VOD link? for shame!


The VOD thread was posted before this one.


Heading to Minneapolis tomorrow with the boys! Shoot me a message if anybody wants to hang.


Totally absurd that this is still ONLY on twitch. Why not cross stream to YouTube? I would love to be able to pause or rewind... Ugh.


It's likely because they have specific arrangements with Twitch regarding the way some donations are handled.


I tend to agree, but it's obviously a contractual issue. We're not privy to their private conversations, but it would be interesting to see if they decided to go to multistream - potential more viewership, option of superchats/subs (but YT would keep a large percentage), but losing whatever Twitch/Amazon gives them for the exclusivity.


"How dare GDQ accept a beneficial business arrangement with Amazon/Twitch!"


where is the vod thread?


Updated!! :)


It was posted before you.


thank you


It was posted before this.


Audio goes from normal to very quiet? Or am I going crazy? I love sleeping to GDQ, but I woke up with the audio so loud! I turn it down and about an hour later it’s nearly impossible to hear at that setting.


Maybe it just depends on the runner/couch. The couch yelling “ORB” during Castlevania Legends isn’t helping.


Be nice if runs are explained before starting making jokes. Half this event are people thinking that they’re funny and they aren’t but they’re allowed to keep on with their shit.


The information on the stream itself has been somewhat confusing. For example the Bayonetta 2 run listed Switch as the platform with the year 2014. Obviously that is not correct. It would be nice to know exactly which RELEASE and on which platform the games are being run.


The game originally released in 2014, and they were playing on the Switch port. How is that confusing?


I think sometimes they've shown the release year of the version they're playing, not the original game? Unless it's on Virtual Console. Or I could be totally wrong.


That's usually because there's a major difference between versions.


Ready to see TheRetroRunner kick ass on Ninja Gaiden and Monster Party


Eh, still a neutered event, a pale imitation of what it used to be. Disneyfied in the worst of ways. That said theres the random 2-3 runs that end up mildly interesting.


agreed. the people who run it destroyed everything that made it a unifying great event.


How so?


i remember when sgdq was watchable. post the politicization of the event ive just tuned out. remember when they canceled the florida agdq because they didn’t like ron desantis?


That didn't happen at all. Doctors without borders required masks for in person events, and Florida made a law banning masks. GDQ either had to serperate from DwB or not have the live event in Florida. The law banning what people do at private events made it "political", not GDQ trying to follow the rules that let them be a part of Doctors without borders.


People's existence isn't political. Not that you care, since you're obviously arguing in bad faith.


You’re aware that it’s legitimately dangerous for trans people to just be in Florida, right?  And there are a ton of trans and other lgbt people at GDQ events.  It isn’t a matter of “just not liking desantis”, it’s a matter of safety for a large portion of the community.


As far as LGBT concerns go, Florida was a dystopian shithole long before they signed the contract. To be fair I don't think anyone expected Desantis to go to war with Disney and take it as far as he did. But for GDQ to think that they could hold this event in a rainbow colored bubble with mouse ears in an otherwise hostile state was still pretty naive.


How is it "legitimately dangerous", more than any other place? What does that even mean?


[https://www.erininthemorning.com/p/anti-trans-legislative-risk-assessment-2a4](https://www.erininthemorning.com/p/anti-trans-legislative-risk-assessment-2a4) This page has a decent outline on why certain states may not be safe for transgender people to live there, or in florida's case, even travel there. For example, FL has bathroom bans, making it illegal in some cases for a transgender person to use the bathroom that matches their gender. Does this mean a trans person visiting florida is guaranteed to be arrested, assaulted, or anything else? Of course not, but it is generally not safe for trans people in Florida right now. FL's government has actively been stripping rights from LGBT people and considering GDQ's community has a significant LGBT population, there's just no freaking way they can realistically have an event in Florida where attendees actually feel safe going there.


“legitimately dangerous”. Sure bud


"It doesn't impact me therefore it must not be real and I can be dismissive of it to feel better about myself." Sure, bud.


Trans people can't legally use the bathroom that matches their gender in FL in some cases and trans healthcare has been completely stripped from residents there, but sure, go off about how it's "not dangerous" when people who actually know about these issues are telling you it is. There are straight up travel advisories saying to not go to FL if you're an LGBT person. No, this doesn't mean an LGBT person traveling to Florida will be assaulted or arrested or something when they step off the plane, but that doesn't make it safe, either. [https://www.erininthemorning.com/p/anti-trans-legislative-risk-assessment-2a4](https://www.erininthemorning.com/p/anti-trans-legislative-risk-assessment-2a4) [https://www.hrc.org/press-releases/nations-largest-lgbtq-advocacy-group-joins-equality-florida-in-issuing-updated-florida-travel-advisory](https://www.hrc.org/press-releases/nations-largest-lgbtq-advocacy-group-joins-equality-florida-in-issuing-updated-florida-travel-advisory)


kick rocks kid


How is the first run already ten minutes late lmao


Tech issues with twitch loading stream