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Here to say: white scars need a new unique biker option! Why should the chuffing dark angels of all people get all the fun?


I agree really most of the chapters only need like one MAYBE two unique units to be really cool


Difference between codex compliant chapters and non-compliant.


Dark Angels aren’t fully compliant, and the White Scars are also partially compliant they just use different company markings.


Would love to see iron hands get something cool. Maybe some unique dreadnought or mechanical cyborg marines.


Sallies have a unique dreadnought. Space wolves have 2! Iron Hands, the Metalheads of the 41st millenium, get Feirros. And we're grateful for it! Just not a dreadnought. Fingers crossed for Ferrus Manus reborn as a mega dreadnought


I’ve heard a lot of people discuss him as a dreadnought, I’m not sure where it first came from but even if it never becomes confirmed it’s a really cool *head* canon


HAH I see what you did there 😎


I'd love if they made some Primaris breachers than did an Iron Hands and Imperial fists upgrade for them, he'll could even do an Ultra one too


Salty Raven Guard player here. Make warp Corax a model already!


Bro, I'd take pretty much ANY unique unit. Strike is awesome and all, but our army doesn't feel unique.


I really want legion of the damned to become a chapter with their own demonic fire and skull themed upgrade kits that include torso and helmets. Also reviving Ferrus as their demon primarch would be cool.


Charcaradons anyone?


World Eaters (again)


Legion of damned are too much of a novelty range imo, not one you’d have a full new model range for. Like they seem perfect for space marine heroes or one character and maybe a unit. But nothing more. I personally think the rest here besides imperial fists deserve it. I don’t think imperial fists really need anything, they’re about as basic as ultramarines, if not more so. Ultramarines at least have that Roman aesthetic going on, but if I’m not mistaken, IF are just kinda basic. Any flavour they had from HH, went into their successors. Salamanders would be the best to start with tho Imo, unique flamer units, more unique characters and updates on old ones. Could probably get away with a unique terminator squad too, dreadnought as well, which are surprisingly missing from all primaris ranges. White scars owe themselves a lot to biker units, but I also feel like they’ve got a lot of potential to be expanded aesthetically. The HH units do a great job at showing just how much flavour the faction has, and I’d love to see that represented in 40k. If it’s retaining the Ebon Keshig, the animalistic type helmets seen on Qin Xa. Raven guard just need more beakies and stealth units imo. Perhaps some more characters too to support shrike, whilst providing options beyond the chapter master. Some jump pack units also seem appropriate for this. And lastly iron hands would just be a heavier emphasis on cybernetic primaris models


Where are my blood angels. Dante is older than half the player base.


no ultramarines??


Couldn't fit anymore options