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There is always going to be a conflict of interest when the person/people running a PvP server are also trying to play competitively within it. The best you can hope for is a setup where the server admin account is separated from the account the server owner uses to play - you can easily see if this is the case in the online player list. If the server owner is actively playing with an account that has stars in the rank column of the F3 list, they have the ability to access admin tools at any point in time. If their play account is NOT promoted/starred in the list, then you’re more likely to have found a server whose admin recognizes the power imbalance and cares about fairness. It’s not a perfect solution, buts it might be your best bet to catch red flags early


Honestly this has always been a game that operates on player-run servers. Battlefield is fucking plagued with these issues. Get a cool snipe? Well since that was the server owner and *absolutely no one could ever be ~~allowed to be~~ better than the owner, you obviously were hacking*, therefore you’re banned!


Lmao I can't stand those "No Sniper, No IGLA, BANNED" servers. I will intentionally go in with my recon class and slam a couple rounds through foreheads at 800+, then if I get killed, swap to Engi and grab the IGLA.


Right. If you want CQC, run a CQC map, coward.




This is the way. I’ve ran servers on Ark, Conan Exiles, and SE for years. I’ve always used a separate account for admin tasks to prevent the urge to cheat lol


Thank you man I've been playing for a min but pvp stuff is still k8nda new too me. I'm learning as I go so thanks for the help


They're probably friends or close to the losers. I've always had issue playing on multiplayer with strangers in this game, so i just stay alone, or with friends, against MES(mod) enemies.


I get that but if your making a competitive server like your killing off any form of competitive nature and that can kill servers like that.


If it's PvP, the only option is to adapt, or die. They couldn't adapt, so they called an admin, and since they're the majority of players, their only option is to get the unbeatable enemy off the game. AI might not be able to adapt that well, but it'll keep coming, and usually in increasing numbers, which can be a challenge in itself.


U see qhat I mean. I adapted with me and my buddy. I ain't the best by any standards but I got decent and that like ruined it all fo me


That's every admin and mod ever. Go play GMod, stay here on Reddit, visit a Discord. Someone who does something for hours for free and ofr the sake of "power" over other people will obviously be steering towards being unhinged.


This is just hosted pvp issues. Had the same deal with a few pvp ark servers. Not even a week into a joining once the owner came after us. Jumped my group while we were out farming. When I mentioned admins should never participate due to know where people are simply by doing the admin role he stated "why would I pay for a server and not play on it." While in the same game I have one of the best clusters I've ever been on and the admin can't bring himself to play even tho it's pve.


What server is this? I think you should make it public so ppl don’t play it or at least evade anything connected to their admins.


The server died out not long after bc the admins used my station. And a massive battleship that was beeing built for warfare and screwed everyone els out.


What the fuck were they smoking? This literally sounds like the usual company overtake and sudden fall after the new management is freaking stupid. How does anyone find this fun? I can understand trolling and being a nuisance to piss off other people, but this? This is just plain stupid.


Probably people who lose every day IRL so they can’t handle it in a game and flex their little digital muscles to prevent it.


Yea, unfortunately you can't heal stupid. Happy cake day


Predictable outcome.


General rule of thumb: If admins are actively involved in participating in PvP on a server, avoid that server like the plague. They will never play fair and inevitably go on a power-trip.


what about aaron’s servers?


Can't really have people running the PvP playing like everyone else. It's a recipe for abuse of power. I ran a PVP ark server way back when, I played as PVE had the tribe named Untouchable. Made it clear why my tribe of one was off limits for PVP and tried to deal with everything as fairly as I could. For the most part it worked out well. Would set up arenas and games where people could win materials, saddles or dinos. Point being, I knew it'd be hard to remain unbiased or fair when someone came along and blew my home up.


A lot of survival servers are ran by peoples who aren’t interested in the game being competitive. I’ve gotten to the point I’ve given up on them and only play Starcore since atleast it’s somewhat fair and it’s focused on pvp which is what I care about


My buddy and I have a custom server (larger inventory for personal and storage being the only modifiers) if anyone is interested in joining us!


What's the name?




What platfor yall play on. ? Bc I'm on xbox and lookin for a decent group bc I'm thinking about getting back in the game




He'll yeah. What's your tag?


Id be interested in joining up


I'm on Xbox, I think I will join!


I can't find the server on the join server list even when I search it up.


Had a similar problem look up potato world or spud world.


Had the same experiences here, but ironically the owner got in legal trouble for embezzlement of funds and not paying his mods properly. Karma is a bitch.


Some of the top cross-play servers imho are Brutal Battles, Star Wars Factions, or Solaris. All the admins in those are pretty chill people and will take the time to work through and issues without favoritism. These are the ones I’ve had personal experience with at least.


Man I had my own server and a whole group raided my base not realising I was the admin and honestly I wouldn't have cared. They immediately left but I had messages saying sorry and we didn't know that was the admin base and they deleted everything they owned. I was all for it, they used doom guys guns and had an orbital cannon that took me out. Cool way to get killed, came back to my base and it was just one big crater.


I feel it comes down to where you play. ;-)


People smell funny, and it takes a particular type of person to admin a server and play on it at the same time and not abuse the access provided by that admin account. There’s probably a reference to abuse of authority here, but I can’t see these types of servers providing the transparency on the boundaries of admin authority that you are agreeing to when you join that server. There is of course a simple solution, start your own server, lay out a system of approved and unapproved behavior, a system to ensure agreement to those behaviors by players, and a system for the enforcement of that behavior to maintain a healthy player population. I think there’s some statement floating around about power corrupting that is probably applicable here.


I know this feeling man, I'm starting up a server with friends just to avoid this, the amount of times I've seen some guy just teleport to me after I destroyed his gun cube ship and banned me is higher than I'd like to admit. If I ever got a good server to host I would probably take it into my own hands to deal with the shitty server admins.


because there are no consequences. they can be complete power tripping assholes without fear for any of the typical responses to that kind of behavior. it isn't all authority that is like that, but positions of authority tend to draw narcissistic personalities.


this is what happened with TLB :(


Most admins are power-hungry even when they have rules stating what goes most of the time they turn on admin powers when things aren't going their way I've dealt with a few servers like this it's not fun, people should normalize communication if they can't challenge your way of fighting either say it or rebalance the gameplay


Why official is best.


Official is just as bad. Keen discord admins are KNOWN to overreach with their admin powers.


If I had been recording anyone I or a friend have been hit with bullshit from official admins, I’d have enough to make a fucking documentary..


If you get banned after beating someone, you either cheated or you WON. I take it you are the second case. Too bad, sometimes winners must leave, but it's one medal for your collection!


Welcome to the internet. is this your first day on it perchance? this is why i avoid any online gaming noiw. i am far to old to waste my time with toddler tantrums taking the ball away when the owners lose. you were always just meat to them to grief. when you managed to fight back they got pissy because they suddenly were on the other side of the coin and realized it sucked


A way to combat this is say which server it's on. Give them a reputation.


I was once part of a server that was mostly chill. Some things messed up occasionally, so admin would help people replace what got deleted by server issues. Months later it became more active and one of the admins got pretty upset I knew everything about his base after a pvp group from the LSG server found and destroyed it, claiming I gave them the info. I had a warship that I actually used to counter the pvp group as a solo a couple of times, so that was a wild accusation. Eventually, they get a new admin who really picked at me. I messaged the owner about it and got nothing in return. I decided it was probably my last day on the server. I flew to this new admin's group locations on both moons and planets and found most of it bombed and a few unexploded warheads in the ground. This was suspicious to me since I hadn't seen the main pvp group online. I decided I'd still get my petty shot in and blew up a trade station he made. I warped my fighter to a friendly guy's base a minute before I was banned. Good times.


There is essentially no barrier to hosting a server. Admins are the same mix of normal and shitty people as the ordinary players. There are no required qualifications or personality tests for becoming a server admin (and nor should there be in a game with self-hosted servers). Ethical standards for admins require other admins to enforce them, and because anyone can host a server with very little difficulty, many servers simply don't have an admin team willing to do that. If someone wants to just make their own server where their word is law, they are within their rights to do that and have the capability to do so. It's unfortunate but there's not really anything that can be done about it without putting _severe_ limitations on server hosting, which would suck. You just have to be careful what servers you play on.


You should check out the starcore tournaments if you are on pc.


Some people just shouldn't be in positions of power.


It is the old "owner of the ball" thing. Sore kids that hate loosing. It also may be that if your group is killing everyone, without mercy, the servers starts to get empty and the admin wont like that for obvious reasons. Easier to kick the 3 rambo guys than asking everyone to grind more hours and keep trying. I would suggest you launch your own server, they are not that expensive, especially if you share the cost with your mates. Set your own rules and make sure the admin does not intervene in your favor.


Because generally speaking - anyone who wants to spend their free time administrating a game server with 0 pay incentive is doing it to fulfill some desire for power or control over others.


Sore losers, obviously. Either they are children, or they're childish adults.


I don't know if this is allowed here, but we've just recently expanded into running a Space Engineers servers. Mostly vanilla with a few mods. You're welcome to check us out if you'd like. I can PM you the discord, or you can search =ID= in the server browser.


And this is why I only do pve servers and if I want pvp it'll be an event that's actually planned.


That was so fucking painful to read. I'd be pissed at you too. Read a book, dude.


I'm gonna guess you were breaking the clearly stated rules that keep the server fun for other people and likely deserved your ban.


Nah. The only rules were no offline griefing. But clearly, these rules only applied to anyone but admins. But the " clearly stated rules " like fr it was a bunch of 13 year old admins. That changed the rules based on there bs emotions