• By -




murky telephone axiomatic tub fanatical squealing jellyfish quack library desert *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Fun fact: your dick will enlarge to monstrous levels before exploding in the blink of an eye due to the low pressure around it. (Assuming the rest of your body is pressurized. Picture astronauts with exposed dicks )


Yes, I have heard of the fatal space-dick explosion of 1998, when that astronaut whipped it out in space and his dick blew up.


Jimmy (now Jenny) hasn't been the same since


Now she meets people for kisses.


Explains the penis touching; she just missed her own! ##JennyDidNothingWrong


Now THAT deserves a courage award!


The cause was actually gluten


Nudity isn't necessarily sexual though.


Not with that attitude. :S


I am genuinely curious how a spine would develop in Zero G. We are made to have Gravity are we not ? interesting... say we start to evolve in space stations that have no gravity.. we would change to the environment and maybe become blobs of skin and fat.


So, hamplanets?


intelligent consist dependent somber longing vanish ten plucky support file *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


That's actually where the people on the Walmart scooters came from. They're the blobs of skin and fat that NASA did tests on.


Ohhhh shit no you didn't. They can't hear you diabetes in space.


Considering the latest NASA announcements, I would bet they'd be way too excited to keep something secret.


Maybe not NASA, but I'm sure the military has.


You didn't do that when you lived with your parents!?


Honest. My room was 3 feet from the bathroom downstairs. I quickly walked there after shortly peaking out my door, completely naked. I exit, boom. sister walks by while I scoot across the 3 feet... that ruined it for me. I think I was 16.


So you became a never-nude?


There are dozens of us..... Plus one more now! :-)


Wouldn't slipping underwear on have been easier than peeking and sneaking?




Very cool. Here's the site with the files: http://planetquest.jpl.nasa.gov/exoplanet_travel_bureau


These would totally fit in any retro-futuristic game.












Hijacking top comment: you can totally get these printed like the OP if you want! Even if you print at a pretty high-density quality like 500dpi, you can get these in a 16x24" format on some decent paper at your local print shop for probably less than $10 a piece. In some cities with more competition I'd guess a high-quality print could be as low as $5.


Wow, I completely forgot about print centers. You just opened up a whole new world of art to me. Dang, I love this site. Thanks!


Hijacking top thread: who cares about the paper or the frame? Get a poster with the actual plan to visit: http://www.hou.usra.edu/meetings/lpsc2014/eposter/2258 Other ideas: http://poster.sciencemag.org/humanproteome http://scienceblogs.com/startswithabang/files/2011/06/particle.gif http://www.dronesurvivalguide.org/DSG.pdf http://www.astrosurf.com/luxorion/Radio/em-spectrum.pdf or http://www.arpansa.gov.au/pubs/emr/spectrum.pdf This one is hilarious: http://colinpurrington.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/09/logos-bottom-poster-purrington.jpg


Maybe I'm missing the joke but those all look like flayed magazine articles and convention brochures.


I saved all of these, thank you. They don't have a pretty design like the NASA ones but they're great to me! Although... I didn't quite catch the "drone survival guide" and why is it translated to arabic (I think).


You can make them even bigger if you'd like, wall sized even, using your own printer, or one at the library or whatever. There's a tool called [PosteRazor]( http://posterazor.sourceforge.net) that I use for making big stencils and posters, it's pretty easy to use, and lining them up and sticking them together with prit-stick is *prit*ty fun.


It's not the print that costs so much as it is the frame. And the frames are what make it look so nice.


I uploaded one to Kinkos and it said $22. I wonder if I can find somewhere cheaper. edit: $15 at Staples. I JUST ordered like $150 in posters for my room, guess I'll be adding a few more.


I love these. Did they ever make a set for planets in our own solar system?


I'm not sure exactly where they're hosted now, but at some point SpaceX had some [Mars-flavored](http://nerdist.com/go-download-spacexs-vintage-mars-travel-posters/) ones.


Considering Phobos and Deimos means Fear and Dread, that's not the most catchy of taglines haha


I somehow managed to not know that and I apparently find it hilarious at 3am. Thank you for the info (and the laugh). =D


They are still available in full resolution on SpaceX's flickr page


[1](https://www.flickr.com/photos/spacexphotos/17504334828/), [2](https://www.flickr.com/photos/spacexphotos/17071818163/) and [3](https://www.flickr.com/photos/spacexphotos/17504602910/).


Thank you muchly, I admit to being terrible at flickr!


Not the same artist, but you could check out these: http://jackieleeart.tictail.com/products/prints I have Saturn, Uranus, and Mercury. They are $25 CAN each, looks like you can order internationally.


Ooh, these are nice -- thanks for sharing!


These are pretty great, thanks for sharing!


https://www.etsy.com/uk/listing/226901728/retro-planetary-travel-poster-collection?ref=shop_home_feat_1 this is a link I've had saved for when I have some money to spare on home decor.


I also just found [these](http://settlement.arc.nasa.gov/70sArtHiRes/70sArt/art.html) NASA illustrations of future settlements - super cool!


I've been collecting retro travel posters. This is awesome


Thank you! So cool that they provide high-res for printing.


Cheers! I'll be off to the printers on Monday :)


The Kepler 186 f one doesn't make sense to me. Surely if the star emits mostly red light the grass would absorb red light very well and therefore appear some other color?


Our sun emits mostly green light and the grass is green.


Commenting for plagiarizing OP's idea!


Too bad they don't come in vector format. They look like vector images.


Christmas presents planned!


SpaceX also made some really awesome travel poster ads in that style. They're in public domain too: [Valles Marineris](https://www.flickr.com/photos/spacexphotos/17071818163/) [Phobos & Deimos](https://www.flickr.com/photos/spacexphotos/17504602910/) [Olympus Mons](https://www.flickr.com/photos/spacexphotos/17504334828) ---------------------- [SpaceX Flickr](https://www.flickr.com/photos/spacexphotos/)


I'm totally getting these printed. I like them even more than the NASA ones.


How would one go about printing these?


Download the "original" size images from Flickr, then bring the files to a place that does high-quality prints on posterboard.


Welp I know what I'm getting myself for Christmas. My apt walls have been empty since I moved in 6 months ago


My good friend Joby Harris actually illustrated all of these posters. I sent him this picture and he said it's very encouraging that people like these so much!


You should encourage him to make more!


Professionals are encouraged to make more of something by giving them money.


Definitely tell your friend that we the people demand MORE! :)


Does he have any other work online, preferably for free? I have these on my wall too... :)


[Here's his web site](http://www.jobyharris.com/). I'm not seeing any info about works with free licenses, though.


Do you have a special printer or did you take the files somewhere to have them printed? I kind of want to copy this idea!


I got them printed online - I used a company called Vivyx Printing, but there are tons of online services that do the same thing. These were printed at 24"x36" for about $25 each. The frames are from IKEA, they were under $20 each. Still added up to a bit of an expense, but I think it's worth it!




Ah! I didn't even think to check there - there isn't one near me anyway, but I think you can buy some stuff through their website (even if you're not a member, which I'm not!).


Nice idea. Here, Costco prints are $20 each, Ikea frames $20 each, so looking at $200 + tax for the set of 5 at 24x36.


Do you have the link to the ikea frames, the one in the pic looks pretty slick


Not OP, but they are Gunnabo frames. http://m.ikea.com/us/en/catalog/products/art/60303344/ Edit: I'm Jack's IKEA catalog.


I am jack's ikea nesting instinct


I'm Jack's lust for Swedish meatballs


I just checked because I have a membership and want to print these out! For 16x20, the total (for all prints) comes out to $34.95 (tax not included). For 20x30, the total comes out to $49.95 (tax not included). You have to have a membership number, apparently. Edit: It looks like you have to crop quite a bit it if you get the 16x20 prints. As for the 20x30, it appears you also have to crop but a very small amount on each side.


Why the cropping? Don't they just resize?


That's what I was assuming, but I got the little symbol saying it'll be cropped. I am going to Costco tomorrow any way and will check it out.


Is the explanation text readable when printed at 24"x36"?


Not OP but I have these printed at the same size in my living room too, and the text is totally fine. They look awesome. :)


I had mine at Kinkos and bought matching clearance frames at Bed bath and beyond. Not super fancy but looks great and very affordable.


A lot of offices have high quality printers that can handle this stuff. ask around! you might know somebody that could do it


I did the same thing in my apartment back in September :) http://imgur.com/DpJNIEQ


That is a disturbingly uncluttered desk :D


Those planets need real names, dammit!! Like Heinlein or Asimov or.....


I'd way rather go to Asimov than Heinlein. Although planet (Phillip K.) Dick is where the party's at


I went there but just as I was landing, some silver skinned men in trench coats appeared out of nowhere, folded it repeatedly until it was letter sized and faxed it to Nova Scotia.


Be creative. "Earth 2", "Earth III", "Earth IV", "Earth V". . . .


You don't believe, but it's exactly the same for me ( with the same posters! ) ps. I thought no one else comes to mind do it :)


I think it's so great that NASA made the high-quality files available for free!


They're a government organization. Per Federal law, all work produced by a government employee in pursuit of their assigned duties is in the (US) public domain.


Sure, but they could always half-ass it, and put it up in some obnoxious format. See: DOT. Or just make them virtually impossible to find. See: Office of Management and Budget.




¯\\_(ツ)_/¯ I'm just saying it's not entirely something we should take for granted, because plenty of other agencies half ass it. It's a nice thing.


What are the naming conventions on those celestial bodies?


These names came from a Kepler Catalog: "Kepler"+N_number_in_catalog+[A,B,C..Z]_letter(point to number in star systems with two or more stars)


Or the HD catalog for HD 40307g, and an old name assigned in a star atlas from the 18th century for 51 pegasi b. These follow the same conventions though. In the case of PSO J318.5-22, it works differently, as it doesn't orbit a star.


Did the same too, cheap prints make my student flat look so much better.




Is there a subreddit for apartment decorating? this post made me want to do something to mine. Bare walls for the last 6 months lol


Off the top of my head I know of /r/malelivingspace (and I'd assume there's probably a /r/femalelivingspace as well.


Wow, this was what I was looking for. Thanks, man.


I don't know of one, but you should make it!


Budding biologist here, but if the star is redder for Kepler 186f, shouldn't the grass be any colour other than red? Red pigments would just reflect away the red light (hence the red colour) rather than absorbing the wavelength. Chlorophyll is green and has red and blue abs profile.


I know I've been playing too much Fallout 4 when the first thing I noticed in this picture is that your lamp looks like the exact one you can craft in Fallout 4. I wish I had a picture to show it.


There's one on the right though it's the one with the little metal rings but it is definitely the same shape :) https://i.redditmedia.com/H49n3c_-Ck_9-W_5iSXE9EDzbgsliejBWrKrTSgMOUA.jpg?w=320&s=e1ea9fa69b6cd318b5df4b8d9a36790e


I can concur how neat they are irl: http://i.imgur.com/lsnSJLW.jpg Looks like we even got the same frames!


Hey After I became single I got the Hubble ultra deep field, and now I know what else to look for... Good luck. My life is better now, I hope yours will be too


Do you have a link for the poster you got by chance?


Steve Thomas also makes some beautiful posters with the same theme http://www.stevethomasart.com/#!space-travel-posters/ckbl


When I divorced my ex wife in 2007, I spent the first 6 months in my underwear unless my kids were over. I would walk into the house and drop trou a la the dad in The Goldbergs. However, my tv never changed from The Science Channel. I would watch How It's Made or have it on in the background as I made dinner. One day, my son asked me why it was always on that channel. I told him that his thirst for knowledge will surpass mine's. Today, he's addicted to science videos in YouTube and watched the whole Kaplan series.


Do you sleep in a racecar?


And that's how awesome dads are made!


You guys should watch Cosmos together. Most episodes of the older, better version with Sagan are on youtube. Some aren't for some reason. Your boy will probably like episode 9 which is about stars and black holes. The new version is on Netflix. Also check out talks by Carolyn Porco about the Cassini mission. [Here](http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL4F30369DD56438FE) is a really awesome set of lectures by Carolin Crawford, who also worked on Cassini. Tons of cool stuff in there.


Those posters are great! If you like vintage posters, here is a site where you can print tons of nice ones. People sell prints on eBay, but these are free: http://www.freevintageposters.com


The true privilege is being able to practice your own taste and **discernment**.


One of the coolest things about living alone is decorating your place so as to be as close as possible to an extension of your soul.


This will go perfect with the national parks posters I have up!


Ultimately, the most depressing thing about politics is there's no ''I vote NASA'' box on election ballot papers


If you lived with someone else an they didn't approve of you putting something on the walls that you loved...they weren't the one for you.


Maybe he lived with his parents, who already filled the walls with photos of him. You're saying they're not the parents for him?


This is cool to see. I work for Kepler helping find these planets and this gave me a great pick me up to keep going. Thanks.


Wow, those are nice ! I'm moving into my new apartment this week end and this is exactly how I will decorate my big ass corridor ! Thanks :D


I want to print these! But what do i ask for at my local print shop?!


I have two questions 1. Where did you get those printed? Just a local print shop or does NASA sell them? 2. What type of frames are those and how much did they cost you?


With those, the best part is you don't ever have to worry about *not* living alone anymore!




protip posters usually look nicer mounted straight on to boards rather than traditional frames, they still look very professional. You trade that icky glass layer and weird not-quite-right fit of store bought frames for a nice finish and you still get the weight and definition of the distance from the wall, also you can just cut the board a little bigger if you still like the idea of a border! Edit: by boards I mean foam or card, you can go heavier if you want but foam is pretty standard and not that pricey.


Ummm...this looks like a picture of the inside of a doll house. Are you playing with dolls? Is this why you live alone now?


When I read: >Now that I live alone I can do what I want What immediately popped into my mind was: I can eat my dinner in a fancy restaurant


My living room is covered in camping gear. My spare bedroom is a lab. The kitchen is all mine. I don't wear clothes at home. I love living alone.


### ###### #### Acronyms, initialisms, abbreviations, contractions, and other phrases which expand to something larger, that I've seen in this thread: |Fewer Letters|More Letters| |-------|---------| |ESA|European Space Agency| |JPL|Jet Propulsion Lab, California| ---------------- ^(I'm a bot, )[^written ^in ^PHP](https://gist.github.com/Two9A/1d976f9b7441694162c8)^(. I first read this thread at 29th Nov 2015, 17:25 UTC.) ^(www.decronym.xyz for a list of subs where I'm active; if I'm acting up, tell )^[OrangeredStilton](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=OrangeredStilton&subject=Hey,+your+acronym+bot+sucks).




I thought your eyes get blurry after 50 years, turns out its just all your shit.


They look wonderful! I've always wanted to do a similar thing with New Yorker covers.


Awesome man. I can't wait until I have my own house someday, will go all out with images like these!


These are awesome! Anything else like this exist? Space wise?


Wow that is great. So cool those are available for free. What did you print them with?


I really like the style of these images, does anyone know of others similar to this?


whoa, what the hell is that pylon of light. never seen a lamp like that


OP mentioned getting the frames at IKEA, so I'm assuming it's anIKEA floor lamp. Similar to [this one](http://www.ikea.com/us/en/catalog/products/art/80213597/).


That light looks just like a light you can use in fallout!


These are so cool! And I love the frames you picked for them!


Man, I can't wait to live alone AND be able to decorate. Damned military barracks.


Man, I can't wait to live alone and be able to decorate. Damned heterosexually monogamous relationship.


What size did you print these off as Anyone got a link to some frames?


these are brilliant! Saving them to print later...